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NUTICE UF CLAIM FURM to the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota �r•�.� �'%�
Ml,uResot�Srms Swme�OS.+raar dnr'...errry pe�on...w�o dauws damger fiaw rary wua�icipolity••�ca�cse h bc�ntrnt tfJlr� �y�" O
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needed,atlach adtitfond eheels. Ykwse ao4 th�t you wW�ot be wnt,�cted by tekp�one to dsri[y anew�etv,:w provfdr�t
much lotnrmrtbn ae oeeexerry to exp6dn yorr cWm�aod ipe ano�at d compee�rtioa being[�qYested. Yor wW�ecetYe s
wrltte�actnowkdgee�ent once yorr io�a b rscelred. The pncess crn talGe up to ten weel�s or b�er depeadloa on t6e
�t■re of yuur�iaim. TI�form mu�t be daaed,and bo16 p�aes oompieted. 1f�hiog doea not aPP�7+wrHe`N/A'.
First Name �A�� Middle Initial G Last Name ��t GIC 1 d��
Compaoy�Busiaess Neme ��°�
Ate You an inaurance Company? Y�s!� if Yes,Ciaim Numl�er?
sa�c aaa��.s t 3 0�t 5+. c�p�r �ap Co
c,cy st• �'�..�.� sc� �t N zp coa� ss�05'
Daytime Phone(�)_'�q¢��Ccll Ptwne(�}�!,..''�� Evening Tekpha�L��a.,
Date of Accickr�t/injury or Dste Di.acovand ��l�l l S �� t��l0 am/�n
Ple�state,in detail,whet occuured(h�ppenod7,and why you ace submitting a ctsim.Please indicate why�how yau
fcel the City of Saint Peul or it4 employees are invalved and/cx nsponsible for yonr dsmsges.x K�lt.�,�l �'t'w aS
a ,t c.�+t,✓ ' C�t � . ,nt
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Please check the box(es) most clo�eety� t the izason for wmpleting Wis fnnrou �'s� S.e,a
❑My ve6icle was damaged in an aocident ❑My vehicle was damaged during w r�'
O My vehicle wac damagtd by a pothole or canditicx�of the atroat O My v�ehicle wa.c damagrd by a plow
�My vebicle was wrongfully towed n�or dcketed �aa$•�O O T was injured on City prapetty
�O�er type ef propetty damage-please specify
❑Other type of injury-pkase specify
In or+der ta process yonr claim you need to lnclude cuplex ot atl aoalic�ble dorum�ents.
For 1he claimg types listed bolow,pkase be suce to i�lude the documents indieated or it will delay the hendliug of
your claim. Documents V„�►�1�e returned And become th�proPert}'of the City. You arE encoutaged to Ire�ep a
copy for yvw�lf 6efore submiuing your claim fam.
O Property damage claims to a vebi�cte:two estimates far the rtpairs to your velude if the damage exceeds
SS00.00;or the nctual bills aod/a re+eeipts Fcx the rep�airs
O Towing claimx:legible copies of any ticicet issu�d and a copy of the impound bt roccipt '
O Othar properiy damage claims:Iwo�epair esumales if the damege exceeds SS00.00:or the actusi bi1L�
andlor teceipts for the repaizs;detailed list of damaged items
�injury claims:medical bills,roceipls
O photographs are always welcume to document and support your claim lwt will not be retumcd.
Page 1 d 2-Please rnmpkte�wd rdarn bdh p�ges ot CWm Form
. . __ _ __ �_ _. --- - _.. ..___------- -
�-- -- ----- _ __ _ _
Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handJing of your claim.
All Clai�ns-nlease comnlete this section
Were there witnesses to the incident? Yes No �nknown (circle)
Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbers: �a#i G a�ls e�n- Da�v Co S l � �-a� - 33�O
Were the po(ice or law enforcement called? Yes No Unknown (circle)
If yes,what department or agency? Case#or report#
Where did the accident or injury take place7 Provide street address,cross street,in[ersecdon,name of pazk or facility,
clo�st landmark,etc. Please be as detailed as possible. If necessazy,attach a diagam. o Sf• CIa�Y �s4•�
.4 i�vvt�• (3,�'l � a�.1- -k'aKec. � � �. as � Pas�
3 i Gls. a� Ct � r: M�I-an,+'sidt �I�e. a PA�+v�t.•� L.�fOI��.{��nt~�
Please indicate the amo�nt�ou e seeking in compensation or what you would like the City to do to resolve this claim
to your satisfaction.
�d ' ;s a �
ehicle Claims-nlease comnlete this section ❑check box if this secdon does not anolv
Your Vehicle: Yeaz�0 OS Make �fe►to�a- Model ��t G
License Plate Number y State Color
Registered Owner�(urv CLc�, 'Few/1.�.,f�l �`c ICi d�t»
Driver of Vehicle ��
Area Damaged n/a
City Vehicle: Year Make Model
License Plate Number State Color
Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name)
Area Damaged
��,jury Claims-nlease comnlete this section c ieck box if chis section does not annlv
How were you injured?
What part(s)of your body were injured?
Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle)
When did you receive treatment? (provide date(s))
Name of Medical Provider(s):
Address Telephone
Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No
When did you miss work? (provide date(s))
Name of your Employer:
Address Telephone
Cdi;heck here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of ad�iitional�a ges
�e,cf d��+c�►1a( {pt�ii l af�-�+�.t�3
By signing this form,you are sta#ing that all information you have provided is true and correct to the best
oJyour knowledge. Unsigned forms wiU not be processed.
Submilting a false claim can result in prosecution. Date form was completed �`3� ��
Print the Name oF the Person who Comple this Form: /"a r �a ft uc.K'd�1 h
Signature of Person Malcing the Claim: /
Revised February 2011
Saint Paul Police impound Lot, 830 Barge Channel Road, Vehicle Release Form
� Make:U5 HONDA License#:443CKW CN: 13258617 Invoice#:21819
DatelTime Released: 12/04/2013 23:59 Tow Charge: � 123.9
Released to:TSBE Storage Charge: $ 0.0
Paid by:CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00
Released by:MELISSA Tax:(7.625°�) $ 15.55
I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehiGe described above. Subtotal: $ 219.SU
I will check the vehicle for damage or any other problems that
may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00
Saint F'aul Police Department. I acknowiedge I will report
damage and/or any other prob�ems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 219.50
on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. '
Damage and/or other problem: _
Police Report made:Yes,lVo�IF Yes,CN , If NO,Why?
Signature �000
rr-- " ---- �
St. Paul Police Department for -
. � ' Ramsey District Court ,
Date/Time: 12/04/2013 23:59 Invoice#: 21819
Vehicle Piate: 443CKW/MN
Payor: TSBE Location Paid: Impound Snow Lot
Citation: Amount:
0900174884 $ 56.00
Totai Amount Paid: $ 5B.Od
SAINT W�li.. IMI. 551B7-Y960
651-266-5642 •
INrci�ait !D: 86B638B1q4
TerA ID: 08173900988006388109d5
VISR Eetrv Ikthod; S�ioed
Tot�l: f 2�.�8
12�84f13 23;�9;11
Inu�: 60BB81 Noor COde; 3184n
Aovrvdc Online
Wittig-Geske, Nicole (CI-StPaul)
From: Stiffler, Elizabeth(CI-StPaul)
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 4:22 PM
To: Wittig-Geske, Nicole(CI-StPaul)
Subjett: RE: Night Plow Sign
Attachments: Cecelia Night Plow Route signs.pdf
Yes, I will have one sign added each side of street toward end of block(so next to apartment building). We typically try
to sign so enough for folks to know and not too much for sign clutter,typically about 350' spacing. From Google Street
View looks like perhaps signs were reinstalled after a construction project. Perhaps the lighting was done later and that
is why signs weren't installed on light poles.
Thank you so much for letting us know. We have thousands of signs in the city and can't correct problem we don't know
about. I am putting the order in now. Sign installation typ cally takes 2-6 weeks, but may be sooner.
Map attached.
From: Wittig-Geske, Nicole (CI-StPaul)
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:32 PM
To: Stiffler, Elizabeth (CI-StPaul)
Subject: FW: Night Plow Sign
Can you take a look into the Night Plow Signs on Cecilia Avenue? Below I highlighted the issue—there's only
one sign on Cecilia at St. Clair only on the west side of the road and on the east side of the road the only sign is
down at Cecilia. Can additional signs be added at least midblock?What is the typical sign placement on
residential streets?
Thank you!
From: Katie Matson-Daley fmailto:katie.e.matson@gmail.coml
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:40 PM
. To: #CI-StPaul Ward3
Subject: Night Plow Sign
My name is Katie Matson-Daley and I live in one of the units at St. Clair Commons at 1304 Saint Clair. I have
lived here for 2.5 years. I am writing to see if you can help to get additional night plow route signs installed on
Cecilia Avenue, or have the East side of Cecilia Avenue declared a day plow route.
Our apartment building is on the corner of St. Clair Ave and Cecilia Ave. As our building has 18 units, 10
single stall garage units and 3 off street parking spaces most residents leave at least one car on the streets on any
given night.
St. Clair Ave is clearly marked as a night plow route in both directions. In front of our building,only the west
side of Cecilia is marked as a night plow route.
Two years ago, my husband and I were both parked on the East side of Cecilia during a snow
emergency. When we woke up the next morning to move our cars they had been towed and impounded. There
is only one "night plow route" sign on all of Cecilia- at the corner of St. Clair and Stanford. It is a full tenth of
a mile from where my husband and I were parked.
We paid the fees and decided to let the issue go, we learned where to park when, and have not had any problems
over the last two years. But then we had our most recent snow emergency.
Another resident of our building had her car towed in the most recent snow emergency. She too had parked on
the East side of Cecilia, looked and saw no sign on the east side of the street. Her husband was out for the
evening and her baby had just gone to sleep. When her husband returned for the evening around IOPM he
noticed that her car was gone.
It seems really unfair that a person would need to survey the entire double block of Cecilia to find out that it is a
night plow route on both sides. In speaking with our building manager, we learned that before the most recent
curbs went in on Cecilia there were multiple "night plow"route signs on the block. It seems especially
exploitative towards those of us in the apartment building because we 1- move more frequently than home
owners and are therefore more likely to be new to the block and more likely to not know that both sides are
snow emergencies and 2- we do not have the luxury of alley access or driveways that our homeowner neighbors
Please let me know if you can help or if there are more appropriate contacts at the city.
Email is the easiest way to reach me-katie.e.matson@�;but I can also be reached on my ce11952-
I appreciate any help that you can give in making our corner of the third ward a more just place to live.
Katie Matson-Daley
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