86-1325 WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council n CANARV �DEPARTMENT File NO. ��`�� BLUE - MAVOR c � Co ncil esolution � � � � Present By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date MIHERfAS the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to C.F. 281141, approver Novemb 14, 1 83, has been claiming credit for building permits issue for com ercial and industrial building modifications, renovations and reconstr tions which resulted in the permanent removal of industria waste sanit sewage flow into the Metropotitan Waste Control Commiss on's in erceptor and treatment works; and WHEREA , the tropolit� Waste Control Commission has �pointed Task F e to r iew this practice and to report back to the Metropolit Waste C ntrol C mmission; and WFiEREA , the tropolitan Waste Control Commission has asked the Cit of Saint Paul t stop appiying these industriai waste credits untii suc time as he Tas Force reports its findings; and VYHERE , the City agrees to cooperate with this request with th underst ding hat this action will not affect or jeopardize the City' position which s that the reduction of a substantial amount of industri sewage flow f m an industrial buiiding rerwvation qualifies for SA credits n the e manner as the reduction of sewage flow resulting fro a demoi'tion; a d Page 1 of COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: �� Yeas Drew N ys Nicosia PLlrJ�.1C WOY' Rettman [n Favor Scheibel / ��� �. so��e� __ Against By � T.aeg� Donald E. Nygaard, i ector w�iso� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by C uncil Se retary BY ✓ By� Approved by Vlavor: Date _ App v d Mayor for Submi uncil BY - - — BY �/_ WMITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV ♦DEPARTMENT BL�U� - MAVOR File� NO. Co ncil solution , r Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date RESOLVE , that �the proper City officials, retroactive to May t, 1986, ar hereby d recte not to apply industrial waste credits when transmittin the mon hly "R erve Capacity Ch�ge Report" to the Metropolitan Wast Control �mmi ion, provided the Task Force delays the commencement o its delib atio � �til December 1, 1986, and be it FURTHE RESOL ED, that the order to not claim industrial waste credits i to rema n in fect until such time as the Task Force commences it delibera ions o until April 1, 1987, whichever comes first. Page 2 0 2 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: C(� Yeas �� N ys i,�;,,,;�, Publ ic Works (REB) Rettman � �n Favor Scheibel �- Sonnen __ Agai[lst BY T�aeg�o Donald E. Nygaard, rector w�i�� SEP 2 3 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified a_ e uncil t BY B}� Approved by 'Navor• a _� � J ��06 Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil BY �- - — By PUB lSHED �C T - 41986 \� . ' � ' ' r�� � �; �i� � '. < WHIlP'E - CITV CLERK COIIRC11 �/3�S/ PINK - FINANCE � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR Fi�le NO• 1 � Cou cil Re olution Presented By � M /°� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e B Y Date WI�RE , the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to C.F. 281141, �prove embe 14, 1 83, has been claiming credit for building permits issue f com ercia and industrial buitding modifications, renovations an rec st tion which resulted in the perm�ent removal of ir�dustri waste sani ary sewage flow into the Metropolitan Waste Contro Commis 'on's i terceptor and treatment works; and iMHERE , t tropolit� Waste Control Commission has �pointed Task F e to view this practice and to report back to the Metropolit Waste C trol ission; ar�d � VVF�RE , the t itan Waste Control Commission has asked the Cit of Sain Paui o stop lying these industrial waste credits �til s time as the T Force re ts its findings; therefore, be it RESOLV D, tha the proper Cit ofticials, retroactive to May i, 1986, a e F�ereby irecte not to appiy i strial waste credits when transmitti the mo thly " serve C�acity C ReporY to the Metropolitan Was e Controi Commi sion, provided the T Force delays the commencement f i ts de 1 i erati s unt i l December 1, 19 , and be ft FURTI# RE VED, that the order to not aim industrial waste credits s to rem in in ffect �til such time as t Task Force commences i s deliber tions until April 1, 1987, whicheve comes first. COUNCILMEN Requested b Department of: Q� Yeas N ys ��Sonn n °feN' [n Favor xM�+x�RRet an � � ,j Nicosia i U scnetbe� _ __ Against BY Tedesco Donald�.,E. Nygaard D' tor wilson Form Appr d by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date /^ � �\ Certified Passed by Co ncil Se etary By � � By llpproved by ;Vlavor. ate _ Appro e y Mayor or iss ouncil By BY