86-1320 NiHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN T ��/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co nc 'l Resolution =--; l, . Presented By • i ---..-, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date WHERE S, Maly Falkowski filed a claim against the City of Saint Paul for i juries she sustained on January 31 , 1986 in a fall at To n Squ , re; and WHERE S, thl claim was referred to Western World Insuranc Company, i surer for the City and Oxford Properties, and said claim was ettle for $5,000; and WHERE S, th insurance policy provides for a $2,000 deduc ible per occurr nce a d BCED of Minnesota, Inc. , successor to Oxfor Properties, and he City of Saint Paul have agreed to share th deductible expen e on the same pro-rata basis utilized in calc - lating the ' r res ective premiums, and the City' s share of said deductible expen e is $776.00 ; now, therefore, be it RESOL ED, t at the proper City officers are hereby author zed and direct d to ay $776.00 out of the Tort Liability fund, 09070-0511-000, o Western World Insurance Company, Inc. repre senting th City 's pro-rata share of the deductible expense du in connecti n wi h the final settlement of the claim of Mary Falkowski . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date S'Ep � 8 �986 Form Approved by City Att rne Certified Pas e b unci Se a ' BY sy� Appro e by 1�favor: Date SEP i 9 19g6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il , _ _ By PU9±!S ED S t P � '� i986 . d�' -> - /3�2� , � � ,��T•�. CITY OF AINT PAUL e� '�� � OFFICE OF THE CI Y ATfORNEY ` _'�����° '� CITY ATTORNEY ?+. „Q� EDWARD P. STARR, °Q���� 647 City Hall, Saint aul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR September , 19 � M E M O R N D M TO: Mem ers o the City Council FROM: Fra k E, illaume III rn }� Ass stant City Attorney r'G`+J RE: Mar Falk wski v. City of St. Paul , et al Fil No. 86-0096 Mary Falko ski as injured on January 31 , 1986 when she ell into a po d in Town Square, breaking her wrist and suffe ing other inju ies. IThe claim was referred to Western World Insur nce Company, i surer for the City of Saint Paul and Oxford Propert es who settle the claim in the amount of $5, 000. The policy ro- vides for $2 , 0 0 deductible per occurrence. BCED of Minnes ta, Inc. , succ ssor �to Oxford Properties , and the City of Saint aul have agree to hare the deductible expense on the same pro- ata basis util ' zed 'n calculating their respective premiums. The City' s percentagi is 38 . 8% or $776.00. Our office reco �'ends approval of the settlement. FEV: jr