86-1311 WHITE �- - C�7V CLERK 1 ~ � PINK - FINANCE COIlI1Cll �CANARV�- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT YAUL File NO. � , �-3l/ BIUE - MAYOR L , • � n�nce Ordinance �� � Presented By -� ; Referred To Co 'ttee: Date Out of Committl e By Date A 1 gislative ordinance providing for per its for maintaining a vehicle and/ or railer to be used by participants of ublic demonstrations. THE COUNCI' OF HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That 'the S int Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended s as to add th � foll wing thereto: 5ubj � ct to the conditions set �orth below, the Director of t e Dep rtment of Public Works may permit the tempo- rary use o a portion of a public street for the purpos of m intai ing a vehicle and/or trailer to be used by part cipa s of public demonstrations for the purpose of p ovidi g a shelter from the inclement weather, subj; ct t these conditions : (1' Pe mits may be issued only during the months of Octq er t rough March. (2,) Pe mission may not exceed 45 consecutive days. (�) Th proposed use will not unreasonably obstruct or interf re with the use of the street and sidewalks for ;trave . ( ; ) Th proposed use shall not unreasonably interfer wit the ights of abutting owners. O Th proposed use will not unreasonably obstruct COUNCILMEN Yeas N �ys Requested by Department of: Drew Nicosia � In Favor — Rettman 5cheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson i Form App ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Cd ncil Sec etary BY By Approved by Mayor: I ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By By � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE 1 CANARVrDEPARTMENT i GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUI1C11 �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ` ��/ . � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. � Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date ingr ss to and egress from adjacent properties or any plac of b siness or employment. (6 All applications shall be accompanied by evidenc sati facto y to the Director that the City is protected by p blic iability insurance naming the applicant and the ity o Saint Paul as joint insureds with limits of liab lity s follows : Bodily injury insurance, includi g deat , in n amount of not less than $300, 000 for damag s aris ng o of bodily injury to or death of one person and ubjec to that same limit for each person in a tot 1 amou t of ot less than $500, 000 on account of any one acci ent, nd property damage insurance in an amount no less than 100, 000 for all damages to or destruction of prop� rty i any one accident subject to that limit per acci ent, further subject to a total amount of not less thanl $300,000 for all damages to or destruction of pro- pert, duri g the policy period. Section 2. Any ermi issued under this chapter may be revoked at ny time by ti e di ector with concurrence of the City Council up n a determina� ion hat any of the conditions set forth above hav been violated r no complied with. Section 3. This ordi ance is deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legis ative Code and hall be incorporated therein and given an appropri te chapter a d/or section number at the time of the next revisi n of said Legi lati e Code. Section 4. This ordi ance shall take effect and be in force 30 day from COUNC[LMEN Yeas Na s Requested by Department of: �� Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Q s�ne�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson O�� � � npc � ��U Form App ved by City A orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P sed by Co ncil Sec tary BY By Approv Mayor: at � Approve by Mayor for Submission to C uncil B BY P LISHED `''i=��� 1 1�86 _ � � . � � -/3r/ � � � � i7��/ ��,,��=•o. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL e �� OFFICE OF THE C TY ATTORNEY + '_'�_���' o� EDWARD P. STARR CITY ATTORNEY ����.�s�� 647 City Hall, Sain Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR September 2, 19 6 �� ��: SEP �3 �y�n Councilme' ber illiam Wilson ' 7th Floon� City Hall tilLl. WILSON. Re : Perm' t Pa king for Shelter Trailers. Dear Cou ilme ber Wilson: I have ad t e ordinance retyped as you requested so s to extend t e max mum period of time for the permit to 45 conse utive days ins ead of 15 , and to require City Council concu rence in the e ent t e Public Works Director should revoke any per it. Yours vely tru y, JE E ' SE � As is an City Attorney JJS :cg Encl . `-' 'J ' `� Li .`l' �',`�v1 h !. �� �J , ��j� l.:��... ;��r��L �� ,���, �,�. \� ��g `"'' o���� WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COUIICll CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �^ /�// BLUE -MAVOR Ordindnce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date A 1 gislative ordinance providing for pe its for maintaining a vehicle and/ or railer to be used by participants of ublic demonstrations. THE COUNC L OF HE CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That the S i Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended o as to add th foll win thereto : Subj ct to the co ditions set forth below, the Director of the epart ent of ublic Works may permit the temporary use of a porti n of a p lic street for the purpose of main ain- ing vehi le and/or railer to be used by participants of publ c dem nstrations or the purpose of providing a sh lter from the i clement wea er, subject to these conditions : ( ) Per its may be iss ed only during the months of Octo er th ough March. �� O Per ission may not ex eed �Q consecutive days . ( ) The proposed use will n t unreasonably obstruct o inte fere ith the use of the s eet and sidewalks for t avel . ( ) The proposed u�e shall not unreasonably interfere with the r ghts of abutting owners ( ) The proposed use will not un asonably obstruct ingr ss to and egress from adjacent roperties or any plac of b siness or employment. O All applications shall be accomp ied by evidence sati facto y to the Director that the City is protected y u COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia lR FBVOr — Rettman s�ne�bei Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve y City Attorne Certified Passed by Counc 1 Secret y BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv b Mayor for Submission to Cou cil By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � � ��1� CANARV - DEAARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date of Saint Paul joint insureds with limits of liabili y as follows : Bodi y 'njury insurance, including death, in an mount. of not ess han $300,000 for damages arising out of odily injury t or eath f one person and subject to that same limit for each pers n in total amount of not less than $5 0,000 on accou t of any on accident, and property damage ins rance in an am unt ot less than $100,000 for all damages to r de- struction of p operty in any one accident subject to that limit per acci ent, further s ject to a total amount of not less than $30 ,000 for all da ages to or destruction of pr perty during th pol ' cy period. Se tion 2. /�� � u r!� ��.c�cw��.�. �( Any , permit issued un�r his chapter may �fbe revok d at any time ' by t e director lupOn determination that any f the condition set forth above have een violated or not co plied with. Section 3 . This ordi ance is deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legis ative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appro riate chapter nd/or section number at the ti e of the next re ision of said L gisl tive Code. Section 4. This ordi ance shall take effect and b in force 3 days after its pass ge, approval and publication. 2. COUNCILMBN Yeas Na s Requested by Department of: Fletcher �,ew In Favor Masanz Nicosia A gai ns t BY SCheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Cou cil Secr tary BY i ' �Y �� / i Approved by Mayor: D te Approve�H b�+ Mayor for�bmission to C uncil U By BY � � ;� . 1 � :�- ,� ` �� 'lst ,� _, �,`� �r��� � 2nd ' ... ��,c- _� � � 3rd 9 - � �-�,� Adopted /� - - � � �� �, Yea �Nay�/-�ta i DRE�J � rl ' NICOSIA �--� ��= /� x��rr�t � 7�// . * SCHEIBEL SONN�N � WILSON . . PRESIDENT TEDESCO � � , _ _ __ , ---_. - �..--. — _. . . _ ._ _ ._ . � � i _ _ . _ ....,__.. . __.- •-. . ... .,� .....�:__..,.� __. _._._._ __.-. __._. ._ _ ______ _ _ ......,'.,��..