86-1309 WMITE - C1TV CLERK PINK• - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT � A IT L Council � �� 3a CANARV - C;EPARTMENT � J BLUE - MAVOR � - File N 0. _ din�nce Ordinance N 0. ��� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe � By Date An I rdi nan e amendi n g Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Leg slativ Code pertaining to zoning for the City of ' aint P ul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Purs; ant t Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of the Legislative Code,, Housin and Redevelopment Authority duly petitioned to rezon 207 North Dale Sti eet 1 ated at the northwest corner of Dale and Dayton from -2 to RM-2 for the pi rpose of establishing a townhouse development;the petition having been certi! ied b the Planning Division on June 27, 1986 as having been consented to by a' leas two-thirds of the owners of the area of the property o be rezoned, and f rther aving been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the property situ� ted wi hin 100 feet of the total contiguous property within ne year preceding th� date f the petition; and WHEREAS, The � oning Committee on July 24, 1986 conducted a public hearing for the purpose d consi ering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Adr�'nistr ive Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plannin Commission that t' e petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The ; lanni g Corranission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on a ly, 2 , 1986 and recommended that the City Council approve t e petition; and , WHEREAS, Noti� e of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petitio was d ly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 19, 1986 nd not ces were duly mailed to each owne� of affected propert and property sit ated w olly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought o be rezoned; and ; WHEREAS, A plblic h aring before the City Council , having been conducted o August 28, 1986 here a 1 interested persons were heard, and the Council havin considered all t e fact and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, COUNC[LMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay� Drew N;�os;e [n Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against By Sonnen Tedesco Wilson i Form Appr ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: i Date Certified Passed by Coun� il Secret ry BY By I Approved by Mayor: Dale Approved b Mayor for Submission to Co ncil By BY WHITE - C17V CLERK PINK. - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - COUIICII OEPARTMENT � BL�E - MAVOR File �0. /�� ` ! Ordindnce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ ' By Date THE COUNCIL 0 THE C TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the oning ap of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 20, as incorp ated by reference n Sect on 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amend d, is hereby furthe amend d as follows: IThat p operty located at 207 North Dale being more partic larly described as Except the W. 3.5 feet of Ithe S. 60 ft. of lot 16, all of lot 17, and the E 2/3 of lot 18, Block 1 , Holcomb's Addition to the ICity o St. Paul be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 o RM- . Section 2. This ordin nce s all take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from nd after its pas� ge, a proval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �''°'"r n t Nicosia ln Favor - Rettman Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: C� te — Certified Passe ncil ec BY By Appro Mayor: Date I L �CT � 0 1986 Approved by ayor for Submission to Counci By By p BLISHED �C T 1 81986 , . v n ta n c'� � � o � • rn--i -� � c+ jv c c� �� � � c'1 �J i' w � , �p � ! Z ct � Q' N � �s � 2 -N-i 7�C j '�S v�i � � r� ; o N • r -v i �. A � i o �� r n �P H � �' � ,,,� � � � � � � -� � � � � � , � � ; � � ►-� i--� v w w �c •;, � � � .:�:. ' ' � . ' ' N N O � - O O � � � . W � N N � � n n N � � rn -< rt o � � R c � � �, rt� rt -< , . � �P N , � , � � N m � ; � � z o , ; � � v d m � � ' w � � m � r• '�n w � � N� � � ' N . � • rt � � . �. T '� ,+ � .. rcDU. � � y \ , 1 {� ; . � � � � � � �; �=3 �� � S AT� OF T:INNES OTA ) - County of Ramsey ) ss. � C TY OF SAINT PAUL ) � ira . N � � � i� . . . , . . . , . Albert, B:.O1son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Gl rk of the C ty of Saint Paul, I�iii�nasota, do hereby certify that Z have c r.ipared the 3ttached copy of Council File r?o. ,86�1309. . , , . . . . . a adopted by the City Council. .�tober,7.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1986. . . . October 10, 86 aid approv�d by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.. . . . . w th the original thezeo£ on file in my office. I further certify� that said copy is a true and corr ct copy o said �rigioal and the whole thereof. T�ItT�ESS ^�; hnnd �n:i t�,e sea1. of t'��e Ciry of Saint P tcl, _ � M' �n�sota this . . . . . ??na. . . . . dav of . . .October. . . . . . . .A D. 1986. . . . . . .G-. .�:�"�'C'. . .:�!. . ��i..�� . . . . . . .. City Clerk. � . :a� .: . _�. ���. �; °y ,�` ,r- � ' � ` _,_ � , r . 9� 'a , � .... . � . - - - CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I Ty OF SA I NT PA U L �'OLflClI ��` � _� /; f �� �� , BLUE - MAVOR i Fll@ NO• ,�j�� �'7 • ' ' ' d'in�znce Ordinance N 0. � ���' Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ B Y Date � '� Anl'Ordina ce amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul '�'i Le islati e Code pertaining to zoning for the City � of � aint aul and the zoning maps thereof. � :'"� WHEREAS, Purs� ant t Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of the � Legislative Code,�, Housi and Redevelopment Authority duly petitioned to reza 207 North Dale St; eet 1 ated at the northwest corner of Dale and Dayton from -2 to RM-2 for the p rpose of establishing a townhouse development;the petition . having been certi ied by the Planning Division on June 27, 1986 as having been � conserrted to by a least two-thirds �f the owners of the area of the property o �e rezoned, and f rther aving been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of � th� prope.rty situ ted wi hin 100 feet of the total contiguous property within ne year preceding th date f the petition; and . � WHEREAS, The � ning �ommittee on July 24, 1986 conducted a public hearing � �fur the purpose of consi ering the rezoning pet�tion, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Admi� istra ive Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plannin Corrunission that th' petit'on be granted; and ' WHEREAS, The Pl� anning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting-hel� orr-Ju� y, 25, 1986 and recommended that the Ci�y Council approve th petitjon; and WHEREAS, Notic� of a ublic hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition as dul published in the official newspaper of the City on August T9, 1986 an notic s were duly mailed to each owner of affected praperty and property situa� d who ly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought t be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A publ� c hea ing before the Citx Council , having been conducted on August 28, 1986 whe; e all interested persons were heard, and the Councfl having considered all the ; acts a d recommendations concerning the petition; now, the^���re, COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Orew Piicosia lfl Favo[ — Rettman Saheibel A ainst BY 5on�e� g Tedesco 'Wilson Form Appr ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dal e Certified Passed by Council S cretary BY By I P.p�roved by Mayor: Date Approved b Mayor foc Submission to Council By $p � ._..,.._.....�-�....r...-.,.4�.� � , . _ _ _ ......-�T�..�=- . ..�...,.,..�,_,,.,� _, . CANARV -OEPARTMENT - vITY OF �AINT YAUL File � N0. '" /�� � BI.UE - MAYOR . � � r OrGLZ1ZG�IZCe Ordinance NO. .• � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committq By Date THE COUNCIL 0 THE C TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: _ � Section 1. �' r{ That the loning ap of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 20, as incorp rated d' by reference i Sect on 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amen ed, is � hereby further� amend d as follows: � � hat p ope�ty located at 207 North Dale bsing more i artic larly described as Except the W. 3.5 feet of he S. 0 ft, of lot 16, all of lot 17, and the E li /3 of lot 18, Block 1 , Nolcomb's Addition to the ity o St. Paul be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 o RM-2. Section 2. This ordin nce sh ll take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from nd after its_pass ge, ap roval and publication. . COUNC[LMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �3rsrr N�cos�e � In Favor - Rettman Schsibel B ���e� Against Y Tedesco Wiison i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Dlte — Certified Passe ncil c By By Appro Mayor: Date ` �cT I 0 ���s Approved by ayoc for Submission fo Couac" BY BY pt� ItSHED C T 181986 � � _ __....�_.�..,.��a - ��.�.,..�.��_ ; �. . .Y,� . _.- . :�� � _ 07 � 3 D o g --t �,`,, ;�; * • �i �D ,v � �; 3 �; ��; - - y' l�y. �� . � pj 'a C'gJ =• Oj' CJi C#: �„}. C. (4 � � ��j, � � ;,�_ Q � ? n a N m � � � �,, � 2v � C � � � � c�`c ; C1 � -- �s.� ' � Z `"a� A A..��Q � �� �' Z 1� VV � p � � � � ( { � v � ' a. � ,.: c� ;n ,�,� , � � p � ° � „�, � y Q f/� �"�' � � m �, � � � � c� � �.. � � m p p Z/ � � C � � � � O� 0 � Q �; a' � � � � m = � c� a � ...... co � � m �, � a' y Z � � � � � � � � c° a' -v 3 � w sum . � � � � `� 1 � f �. - . �� -� 1� � 1 r -' � � • L . rT�c�b • R�`CI�Y ��@ CITY OF S INT PAUL 7, i �����;'���� � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DE ELOPMENT +m ,.a DIVISION OF PLANNING +as. 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pau,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER g�2-292-�5�� MAYOR September 5 1986 Albert B. O� son, C ty Clerk Room 386 Ci y Hall St. Paul , M nnesot 55102 Dear Sir: Attached pe your etter of request dated August 28, 1986, is the proper ordinance f r the mplementation of the City Council action approving the petition of Housin and Redevelopment Authority to rezone property at 207 North Dale from B- to RM-2 for the purpose of establishing a townhouse development. Plea e contact me if our office can be of further assistanc regarding th's mat er. Sincerely, � oh v�.�- I�-' Donna Datska Planner II Zoning Secti n DD:sb �F �t1i 'A '� aFA � `'. ., ,�. :�� o-ik t,:. i s' r'= -.4..��r a ` �-{ r- - ..� ^�.e _ � � t���. �. � � t � -� � � � .;� , ,.' � #��� v� s �" k � � q- � �.' - ' � - k '{ 4 �.: � .? � � y ��� ', ., i.' ,I� f �� �' F��;�� :',r r. aL+.�'�i { ,? i'c�,` � '� � — a� ,1 i`. -c Y r `'�� � e� � :?.,. .� - i " �,. ` }r ; , ,. M � � I { r , +fi,ty > y , k . . '_`, e :,YF` + :.��'i #- �r � ti>.� i 1 . �� .,I '� . � � "�31 s � � �1 i��, k .' 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Y �,` � ! . . f �' „ <��i �_. , i_ „�. ,, ... _ s..�� n, ,, ". _ �,, .. ._ �. ,�" =t,.,`. a. _ � e.�._. ik..�r� . ., ,i/��__ . __ . . � .�:_ .. ...� �_ �, -/oz�� � ��`CtT �";, CITY OF INT PAUL e �����'��u y � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT +� ,.° DIVISION OF PLANNING ..s. 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pa I,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 6�2-292-�5�� MAYOR August 18, 19' 6 Albert Olson, ity Cl rk Room 386, Ci y Hall St. Paul, MN 5102 RE: Zoning ile #99 7 - Housing & Redevelopment Authority City Co ncil He ring: August 28, 1986 PURPOSE: T rezone from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 12 townhouses. PLANNING OMMIS ION DECISION: Approve (12-3) ZONING CO ITTE DECISION: Approve (4-2) STAFF RECO EN ATION: Approve SUPPORT: N ne OPPOSITION: None Dear Sir: On July 24, 19 6 the Z ning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hea ing on this rezonin . The etitioner testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Com ittee voted 4 to 2 to�approv the rezoning based on staff findings. On July 25, 19 6 the P nning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommend tion on a vote of 12 to 3. This rezoning i� sched led to be heard by the City Council on August 28, 1986. Please otify me by August 6, 1986 f any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the s'te presented at th public hearing. Sincerely, v �w•�. .� w-- Donna Datsko _ Ej Planner II �`�'�;:�� ,,, � � . <;��.'�`_ DD:mb , `��'� Attachments `' �r, ,� ��.',� J � ��,.J �,r �„E.. � , , �� ,r, �' �i � ,,� ' � �'�. �� ,. �,. �-i�� 9 R J City Of Sao t �J UI planning ission �e�olutiort � file num r $ -�� � �te July 2 , 1986 . WHEREAS, Ho sing an Redevelopment Authority File #9947 has petitioned, to rezone 07 North Dale situated o west si e betwecn Dayton and Marshall.from B-2 to RM-2 Cor the purp se of al- lowing construc ion of 2 townhouses; and WHEREAS, the oning ommittee of the Planning Commission on July 24, 1986 held a ublic hearing at whic all per ons present were g,iven an opportunity to be heard pursuant to aid ap- plication in acc rdance ith the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legisl tive Code; and i WHEREAS, Sai t Paul lanning Commission, based on the evidence presentcd to its Zon ng Com- mittee at the pu lic hea ing as subsequently reflected in the minutes, made the followin findings of fact: 1. Thc applica t prop es building 12 townhouses on vacant property at Dayton and D le. Thc housing desi n resu ed from a national housing design competition for small, urban multiple family hous ng for ontraditional households. According to the project architect, t 's developmen is targ ted to single parent families, households of two unrelated adult , families with an old r ehild aving at home or who want to share their home with another pe son and households whic one member works at home. 2. The townho es are ntended for median income households and are designed to seli or about • $85,000. Th's figur is about $10,000 less than the price of the average home sold in District 8 in 1983 and 984 (D strict 8 Profilc). 3. The project ill be evoloped on five lots, two and one-half lots to the west are alre dy ap- propriately oned R -2; the balance are now zoned B-2 and arc thc lots involved in his petition. 4. As found in I ection 0.450, the intent of the RM-2 district is to provide for more ex nsive areas of mul iple fa ily residential development ancl to permit comprehensive devel pment of a multipie f mily pr ject. _ S. The Districtl plan r commends development of vacant land with appropriate uses; t e use recommende for th �rea which includes the subject property is mediu,m density res dential (8 to 20 unit per acr ). . (continued) . t�1r n 1 moved byl • Qa ge 5econded by ��r. ,Chri sti ansen ,____ in favor 2 against n 1 ';. ,,� yp{;�� , �.� � . � � ' � � , � . ' * ,i ` i. +g+, i � : . �, . � . ,. , ���4�.1�1'.� C!�.' ��` . .. � - . . . . e��i. � : �. . . 1� �1�N� . . , ' . � . ' � � ��1 .� ,�.'� ,.. 1 �L�11:�� l, . . ' J 1�1. ' � ..r: ' �' I f tt+ '!r .. . . . . . .. . T � � �' . . C r n� . . . , . �N~ s� ��!L ' y�� ' � � ��: r . �r���'� 1� , : ' c�`v5l.i . I'.� • � u ,,Y��, �` � '� t�a � r � •-� ��' ? � . .. ` � ' f'.....' .; . , . . � � . .� w i 4�y'r�. i.. .. tt ; _ 1` � ,: t i �,�.i ' „ r ar� „ y ,;; , , . � r , • �,11�` �'•�' � y9 l::- � � � � ��-!{ �,' �i ''� . , i �..n. ' . . 2• , � � � i ;', > . ' �� n , '���a ;� � ; , � � � � � � �d' � '�,,�� @� . . '; �}!f��. � � ' ' . . . . . . . . ;�II �'1�. ' �'+t f � y .! � �'. . ''' . � . .. �� � . . . . � � . , .. . I� ��Cr�l ( . � . . .. � , �� . . . ��; �i �.n i. . . . � �.I' �I.� . . . . � , � . . . . A t.,.. . . ' �1.� . � ' ����.. .. . . +'�.. (.' . � . 1: . . . . ..�'.� . . �,.y�#:}. . ' ' � . � . . ,..,..�.. .I, .: '� . , . , , �.-��o q city of sai t p u! planning om issior, resolutiora � f ile num r g �'6 � date u,y 2 , 1986 File #9947 Page Two . 6. The City's � mpreh nsive plan addresses development of this type in several of its olicy statements: (1) con ruction of smaller i, 2 and 3 bedroom ownership housing units ill be oncouraged y the 'ty; (2) new development will be planned and designed to enhan e and complement� existin neighborhood character. New development...should improve a strengthen hat exi ts; and (3) medium density housing consisting of townhouses...s ould be developed o sites a jacent to...traffic corridors and on larger vacant or underutiliz d sites within bothl built-u and developing city neighborhoods. 7. Access to th site is rovided by Dale and Marshall, both classified as minor arteria level B streets. Thi type o street carries approximately 10-12,000 vehicles per day and ca accom- modate add}tional t affic associated with a 12 unit development. NOW, THEREF RE, B IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that t e petition of Housing and edevel pment Authority to rezone property at 207 North Dale more pa ticularly described as Ex pt the . 3.5' of the S. 60' of Lot 16, all of Lot 17, and the E. 2/3 of all of Lot 18, Block 1, Holcom 's Add . from a B-2 zoning classification to RM•2 zoning classification is consis- tent with the Col prehe sive Plan for the City; and . BE IT FURTHE RES V£D, that thc Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby re ommend to the Council o the Ci of Saint Paul that property lacated at 207 North Dale be rezo cd from B-2 to RM-2 in a cordan e with the petition for rczoning on file with the Saint Paul Pla ning Division. _ . mOVe,d b� r. Panqel `�«�, �/ t�r. Chri sti ansen �,r y in favor 12 � against 3 �. '. :�� �; .i ����y�r��c I,.�'.r � :. -: ;. : � . � . . . . � y1�.t1�Y . . , . _}i....: 'r ��: r s�.�,y�.iu . �¢ � t '. �i �. . � . � � .. � ,� � . �4 ��'r I1 ' ..'f .,. j , '� .�y'�{�� �,! x . � _ ` ' �.'�r�� �. ': �:, 't� �' . .t��y�.�i4 �i �.; L�• � .. .' . . . . � � h�t��7� � ;..�� .:i ij ' 0 r� 1 ,' I .. , , , , _ , . . F r A =, yr� '���, � ;,: �� 4 � 's��� '' ; ' �� # ' Y. fy°: � ��i'� � i r : �� �. .���,� �;� �1 . . . � - . . � . � c .� +� �.�' L�. t � s��l;t:�,7 � � � � � � ���;, f � .i ,t ' ` ' ��r ' r�T � ' ���r . J'� .. � � ;: . . . �{"�"��J7pp�'� ��'i _ . . . � �h �*�p' , � � .:." . � � T�'��11 � � ' - . ��Ir� ��{A f� �I�� ���'1 aN ! � ' . � �y.�{. ` . ; . . , , . j p �,:! 1 . . . ... � " � [ ,jr 1 � . . . . . 9: � .S' . . . r . . . .. ��. ' . { . . , . . . { . t . Y.� . , � � . 5 . �S� T�! q i�n�.�, 4 � . � . , .. i. �r �i Y��7:ij � l ,,• i -..z �r: � s; �� . . t � �� 0 ; . , .. ' � �yYr: �f �. , ���"r i+ ;• .,r - � . .. .. .. . '^� A� . . . . 1• . . . . . ,t� . . . . , . . . . , ��. . . ��. ��j 3,r� �h a , , ' .. ' ' . , ! . . � .>�1 . , .. �q ;.. � ���� ���,i . . . . . � �'t��;� . .� � �/� � ,: +���i}'y I t ! � } ��� r,. 1 ,� � . . . ' y .. .•.r �: i • . .-. r o a �i�Pr .. 1�� '; . . . � ;'� t .{r �`� I 1 . : � ,� '� y r K � � R.� ' _ . . . rYifc 'I �� . . . . . . . . . � I,Y"-,4.::r .. ���. . �' . . . . . i ry . . � F �. , . .. � . . . . .. r � ' s" . t ' . � � . � � . . . . , � - . .. . � . . � . . . •i:�i � . .. ' i :. . ' .. . . � . . . f � . . 1k' .. � . . . . t. . , . . . . � . . . � �1 ry , � -���9 ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT _,�_��,_______���_______�=___ FILE #994? 1. APPL�CAN : Hous 'ng and Redevelopment Authority DATE OF HEARIN : 7/24/86 2. CLASSIFIC TION: ;Rezoning 3. LOCATION 207 N . Dale (west side between Dayto.n and Marshall) 4. PLANNING DISTR CT: 8 5. LEGAL DE CRIPT N: Except the W. 3.5' of the S. 60' of Lot 16, all of Lot 17, and the E. 2/3 of all of Lot 18, lock 1, Holcomb's Addn. 6. PRESENT 2'' NING B-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.450 7. STAFF INV STIGA ION AND REPORT: DATE: July 15, 1986 BY: Do na Datsko c=c�3ao�maasa s¢s�a= ��amxacm�xcos�a==saamxs=s==axssa=a==aa:ccs=os=sa�ax saaxasa ====x�xaamexx oam�a: :m=m�aa��a=aa=aaoaasat�==s:=�=c=====a=xc=�=som=�s:a: ss�sa�a A. PURPOSE: o rezo �e from B-2 to RM-2 to allow construction of 12 townhouses. B. FFI IEN Y: Th petition was declared sufficient by the Planning Division on J ne 27, 1986; 54 par els oligi le, 37 parcels required, 37 parcels signed. C. PAR E I E: The parcel has about 161 ft. on Dale and 76 ft. on Dayton for a tota lot area of 12,316 sq. t. D. EXI IN AN : The parcel is a vacant corner !ot with an alley in the rear. E. R N AN NIN I T I T: North: Re identia RT-2 East: Re identia RT-2 South: Re identia RM-2 West: Va ant, R -2 F. ZONING HI T Y: The property was rezoned from "C" residential to commercial i 1963. In June, 1986 the Bo rd of Zoning Appeals granted variances for density, parking a d side yard setbacks in conj nction with this current proposal. G. FINnL„INGS: I 1. The appl cant pr poses building 12 townhouses on vacant property at Dayton an Dale. The hous ng desi n resulted from a nationa! housing design competition for smal , urban multiple amily ousing for nontraditional households. According to the project architect this de elopment is targeted to single parent families, households of tw unre- lated adu' ts, fam ies with an older child living at home or who want to share the'r home with ano� er per n and households in which one member works at home. 2. The town omes a e intended for median income households and are designed to s 11 for about $8� 000. T is i'igure is about $10,000 less than the price of the average ho e sold in Distric 8 in 1 83 and 1984 (District 8 Profile). 3. The projcl t will e developed on five lots, two and one-half lots to the west are a read,y appropria ely zon d RM-2; the balance are now zoned B-2 and are the lots involv d in this petition. j 4. As found 'n Secti n 60.450, the intent of the RM-2 district is to provide for more xten- sive areas of mult ple family residential development and to permit comprehensiv developm nt of a ultiple family project. 5. The Distrl ct 8 pla recommends development of vacant land with appropriate use ; the use recom ended for the area which includes the subject property is medium den ity residential (8 to 2 units per acre). . . . � . � - i��� File #9947 Page Two i 6. The Ci� 's com rehensive plan addresses development of this type in several of 'ts policy stateme ts: (1) onstruction of smaZler 1, 2 and 3 bedroom ownership housing u its will be enco raged y the city; (2) new development will be planned and designed t enhance and co plemen existing neighborhood character. New development...should im rove and strengt en wha exists; and (3) medium density housing consisting of townhous ...should be deve oped o sites adjacent to...traffic corridors and on larger vacant or und rutilized sites wi hin bot built-up and developing city n�ighborhoods. . 7. Access � the si e is provided by Dale and Marshall, both classified as minor art rial level B street . This ype of street carries approximately 10-12,000 vehicles per day a d can ac- commoc� te add �ional traffic associated with a 12 unit development. H. �TAFF AN LY I : This proposal presents the City with the opportunity to : (1) d velop a large, vacan site in ompliance with the comprehensive plan; (2) provide affordable home ownership; ( ) devel p a project with an award-winning housing design which is co patible with the exi ting ho sinR patterns and neighborhood character; (4) enhance both the value of the propertyj and th surrounding properties and; (5) increase the tax base. I. TAF R MM DATI N: Based on findings 1 through 7 and the staff analysis staff recommendslapprov � of the petition to rezone from B-2 to RM-2. . . . ' � - �3�� � � PETITION TO AMEN ZONIN CODE CITY OF SAINT AUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY i File # � Application Fee $ � Tentative Hearing Date 2`� I � Number of Lots or Size of Par el: TO THE HONORABLE � YOR 'ND CITY COUNCIL DATE �UYI e ZO 19� c/o Zoning Offic � , 1100 ;City Hall Annex Saint Paul, Minn sota 5102 Pursuant to Sectio � 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 4 2.357(5) Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Minnesota 'Statut s, of the City of Saint Paiily Minnaenta � he owner � of all of the la d prop ,sed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Bod to rezone the follo ' ing de cribed property: � � Street Addr 'ss: Legal Descr ption: ' exce t the west 3.5 feet , all of Lot 17 an the st 2 3 of t ' from a B-2 ' Zonin District , to a n RM-2 Zonin District for the purpose f n � I i Subscribed and s orn�o ' By: before e this D � day � � }� of � I19 �(o Title: (llGt,/ � P age 1 of 12 ary Publ ' � = 4080 I z , , F2CSEMARY FREDETTE ~ 2�85 },`—� NOTARY PUBUC—MINNESOTA �,;;� RAMSEY COUNTY My Comm.Expires Aprii 23, 1987 ? �r 'VW r . � � l� r���� CONSE T OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the �inder igned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total conti uous descriptions of re 1 esta e owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one ear preceding the date of thi petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished wi h the following: - Housing �d Redevelopment Authority 1 . A Copy of thP P i t i on of of the City of S aint P aul, Minnes ot a name of petitioner 2. A copy of Secti ns 60.45o through' 60.454 , inclusive of the St. Paul ; oning Code; and , acknowledge that e are ware of all of the uses permitted under a �-2 District zoning classifi ation and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon ity Co ncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the p operty described in the Housi; g and edevelopment Authority Pet1t10� Of of t � Cit of Saint Paul Minnesota LO d RM-2 District. ame of petitioner LOT BLOCK A' DITIO RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE So. 0.75 ft, of . 101, FIRST TRINITY ft. W. 10 t. f Lot 0 CHURCH OF GOD All 11, Blk , W odland 981 Marshall Ave, � P . Add . St. P aul MN S. 2 .85 ft, f N.• 122, f ofW, lOft, fL' t10 d All 11, Blk 2 Woodlan 645-0965 P . Add ,- --_�_------ --- ._ 1...� -� Ex. N. 122.9 t. W. 10 ft JAMES CROCKARELL of Lo 10__ __ __ CBO All 11, Blk' 2 Woodl d 1614 Hamian P1. � Pk. Ad n ' � Minne apo lis , MN �— --- -- I �� Apt, ershi � CAROL A. ROLLOFF Da to Condo ' o Q_,�._� _ _ � k. Ad n. Northfield , MN — — --- �- ---- Petitions shal ,l not b considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 orkin da s 9 Y after a petiti n is r ceived in the Zoning Office. Any signator of.any pet tion may withdraw his n' me the efrom by written request within that time. P e2of 12 � . . . �,� -�;30� CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS Td REZONING We, the und' rsigne , owners of property within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions of '� eal es ate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within on year preceding the da e of t is petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the following: � Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1 . A COpy f thP_ Etit10t1 Of of the City of Saint Paul, MinnesoCa name of petitioner 2. A copy f Sections 60.450 through 60.454 , inclu ive of the St. Pau' Zonin Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a _ District zoning lassification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City C uncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the roper described in the H o ing d. Redevelopment Authority Petition of of he C� of sa3.nt Paul Minnesota to a �'�-2 District. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITI RECORQ OWNER SIGNATU DATE Apt, wnershi 5 JOHN F. COOK #� -- �. g(^ D t Condo W odland Pk 617 D ton Ave � �� Ac�dn, St. Paul, MN . 222-7477 Apt, wnershi 5 ' SUSAN RUTH THOMPS NJ���� /� / J�(�/4 D t Condo W odland Pk 617�ton Ave. A n. St. Paul, MN 297-9724 Apt, ershi 56 JUDITH E. KROW Da t Condo Wo dland Pk 617 D ton Ave. 4�4 Ad n. 228-1529 St. Paul , MN Apt, wnershi 56 FLOYD M. HARTWIG D t Condo W dland Pk LORRAINE HARTWIG A n. 617 Dayton Ave.4�5 ^ St. Pau1S MN _. _ — — -- W 25 3 W odland k MARJORIE V. TOLI R A n, 590 Da�ton Ave. _� �i 5 19 8 Ex. E 15. ft. W dl'and Pk St. Paul, MN I E?�-5 3 A n. �� � �! ,�__�t� 5/19 86 Petitions shall ' ot be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wo king days after a petition is re ived in the Zoning Office. Any sigrator of any petit'on may withdraw his nam ther frorn by written request within that time. P age 3 of 12-- . � (� �(p-�3 � 9 �NSfNT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the �Indersi ned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total c ntiguous descriptions o real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within ne year preceding the ' ate o this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnishe with the following: • Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1 . A Cop of th Petltlon of of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . name of petitioner 2. A cop of Se tions 60,450 through 60.454 , inclusive of the St. P ul Zon ng Code; and acknowledge th t we a e aware of all of the uses permitted under a -2 District zonin class fication and we are aware that any of these uses can b established up n City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of the prope ty described in the , H us.ing d. Redevelopment Authority Petition of o the c t of saint Pau1. Minnesota to a �-2 District. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ' ADDITI N RECORD OWfVER SIGNATJRE DATE W' and Pk MARJORIE V. TOLIV R 5/19/H6 �i 3 A dn, 590 Dayton Ave. ����_R_� � r.-et_,�� St. Paul, MN Ex. W. 25 f . � M � 7 3 W dland Pk _��g��__� � / f 5/19/86 - - .� ..�-��� Ad n. _ _�_ W, ft. of ODESTER JAMES � Lot Wo dland k BARBARA JAME5 '�'„!��L��' _ ' :�� � 2.c�v" J j`'�� �'�� All 3 Ad n. 598 Dayton Ave. � St. Paul MN _ . Ex, , 15 ft ', + � Lot 0 Wod land k MARY E. CHISHOLM All 3 Add . 606 Dayton Ave. St. Paul, MN � Petitions shall n t be c nsidered as officialty filed until the lapse of 7 work'ng days after a petition is rece ved in the 7_oning Office. Any signator of any petitio may withdraw his name theref om by written request within t��at time. P age 4 of 12 _Y _ __ _ _ � � . � � � �305 C NSENT OF AG�uINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING ` We, the u dersig ed, owners of propert,y within 100 feet of the total c tiguous descriptions o real state owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within o e year precedinq the ate of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the fO110W1t1g: Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1 . A copy Of th Petiti0n Of of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota name of petitioner 2. A copy, of Sec ions 60.45o through 60.454 , inclisive of the �� St. Pa' 1 Zoni g Code; and ,� acknowledge tha we ar aware of all of the uses permitted under a -2 District zoning' classi ication and we are aware that any of these uses can b established upo , City ouncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the proper y described in the Ho sing d Redevelcpment Authority Pet1t1011 Of of � the Ci uf Saint Pau1 ^�innesota t0 d �-2 D1St1"1Ct. name of petitioner � LOT BLOCK DDITIO RECORQ OWNER SIGNATURE DATE W. 1 ft, of DAYTON & DAYTON Lot 0 & E� '' 11 3 Wo dland k 193 Mackubin � V_ �� A .�f� T 0 W-2- 3 Woo land P HOUSING & REDEVE P- �� s� ��� Add , MENT AUTHORZTY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 12 3 ��"_! " " 25 W. Fourth St. ` ____ � _� 13 3 �� �� �� St. Paul, MN 14 � 3 �� ', �� �� �� ��� �, ,� -�----� ---- --- _..__ 15 3 n '��� ii n n n �� 1 , Holc� be's �� n n �� __ __.�_._ _ u s as 4 signatures- 4 indi dual pdreels 13 � 1 �Holco be's same as above Counts dS 1 Siqndture ,�Addn.� � � - - 16 17 18 1 Holco be's same as above Counts as 1 si nature ----- Addn. ____ __ _ Petitions shall not'� be co sidered as officiallv filed until the lapse of 7 worki g days after a petition is�, recei d in the Zoning Crfic2. any sigr.ator of any petition may withdraw his nume tl erefron by �vritten request v�;thin tnat time. P age �; 12 . � . � �-�� � q C NSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the u' dersig ed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total c tiguous descriptions o real state owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within o e year preceding the ate of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the fO110W1t1J: - Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1 . A COp of th P et 1 t 10t1 Of of the City of S aint P aul , Mir�nes ot a name of petitioner 2. A cop ' of Se tions 6a.450 through 60.454 , incl sive of the St. Pa 1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge tha'� we a aware of all of the uses permitted under a — District zoning classi ication and we are aware that any of these uses can established upo City ouncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of the' proper y described in the Ha s.ing d. Redevelopment Authority Petition of of the Ci of Saint Paul Minnesota to a �i-2 District. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK �ADOITI N RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Wo' land k DEAN LYKSETT � ; �� 16 3 Ad n. SALLY LYKSETT � _���� �, ��! � � ...�.� v' 595 Selby Ave. / ' St. Paul, N1N c , Wo land k PAUL BRAMSEN 17 3 Adc� . JUDITH BRAMSEN 5 i 9¢ 1591 Sinnmit Ave. " I' ' " St. Paul, MN � Ex. . 40 ft Lo' 4 PUBLIC AOUSING AGE 1&2 1 Hol' ombe's BREMER BLDG. (380) � l � Add' . ST. PAUL, MN W. 4 ft, of Lot , JOHN PRESTON 3 1 Hol ambe's 6821 225th Lane N . ��r�2� 'S o2G 1�,6 Add . Stacy, MN Hol� __ .._.. .. . _..... _..__._...._�._l____ +_ R anbe�s � THrRESA CUNNIN�TiA1� � � 634 Marshall Ave. please see page 9 for signature ,__�----r----- a------___._.. 5 1 ' Addn; , S t. P au 1, MN ' � Petitions shall no be c nsidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 work ng days after a petition i�� received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petitio may withdraw his name � heref m by written request within that time. � P age 6 of 1 Z_ - :. �--� - �3� � NSENT OF ADJOIhlINu PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZON?NG We, the u dersig ed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total c ntiouous descriptions o real state owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within ne year preceding the ate of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnishe with the � following: • Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1 . A cop ' of th Petition of °f the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota name cf petitioner 2. A copy of Se tions 60.45o through 60.454 , inclusive of the St. Pa 1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge tha' we a aware of all of the uses permitted under a uisirict zoning ciassi icaiion and we are aware that any or tnese uses can b established upo', City ouncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of the�, proper y described in the Ho s.ing d Redevelopment Authority Pet1t1011 Of of tne Ci of Saint Paul Minnesota t0 d ��-? D1St1"1Ct. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITI N RECORD OWNER SIG ATUR DATE 6 1 Ho combe.' BUDD �1. PRE�'�IACK Ad n. 5100 Sher:i.d an Ave S. � iu� �30-Ff�G Mp ls � � — ----- — Cond inium FDIC/GUARANTY 139 , Charles on ondo K Uni t 1-S of z 6 CRAIG RI�E: 7&8 lk. 1 h orq s on's �� �X�3�_ _ ubd''visio Burnsville, MN Holc mbe's ROSE LE�TER �/ � �}-� , 10&11 1 Addn _____ 649 �ton Ave. -�` ,,� S �.f �� ' S t. P au 1, '�iN —� Pt. Holc mbe's � 16&18 1 Addn' NELSON BROS. CONST Al1 � 534 Summit Ave. 14&15 1 "' ' " S t. P au 1, MN �T�,�o►.�. �g, �,,a�,-, Apt. 0 ershi 92 JACK SILVER1�i�T � .. � J a� �b, Dayton Place I + b24 Dayton Ave. 1,2 3 4 _ IHolcol� be's St. Paul, rIN Addn.', , Petitions shall no be co sidered as officially filed until t�e lapse of 7 working days after a petition i� recei ed in tne Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name �herefr rn by written request within that time. Fage 7 f �� � . . ��� ��o q ONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the indersi ned, owners of propert,y within 100 feet of the total c ntiguous descriptions f real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within ne year preceding the date o this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnishe with the following: - Housing and Redevelopment Authority � . A C0� of t _ Petition 0'f of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota name of petitioner 2. A cop of Se tions 60.450 through 60.4�4 , inc usive of the St. P ul Zon ng Code; and acknowledge th t we a e aware of all of the uses permitted under a - District zonin' class fication and we are aware that any of these uses can b established up n City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of th �rope ty described in the H 'us.ing d P.�development Au�thority Petition of o the c t of saint P aul Minnesota to a �-2 District. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ADDITI N RECORD OWNER '"� SIGNATUR� DATE Apt. Ownersh p I 2 BAR,BARA FILLION �_,9� /� � -. �' D a t n P 1 a ce I �� 6 2 4 D t on Ave. _���_��!C.f/ � �" �✓! �� 1,2 Ho�� combe' St. Paul, MN d n rsh 12 STEPHEN QUACKENB H Apt. Owne p ELIZABETH SCHWEIZ R 1,2 Ho cambe' 624 Dayton Ave. & 3 4 Add . St. Paul MN Apt. Ownersh p 9' � MORGAN K. NELSON D t n Place I NANCY F. NELSON � l� Iv p� 1,2 Hol' ombe's 624 Daytan Ave. & 3 4 Add . �t. Paul MN 14 & 5 H ol ambe's MORGAN K. NELSON �t s 1 .� — �� � D ay t P 1 ace I I H�, lc omb 's CYNTHIA SHARP ' 3 4 4 � dn. JOHN A. -���F 630 D ayton Ave. St. Paul, MN , Dayt Place �II H lcanbe s EDWARD J. BAIER ` `�' -� . 3 4 4 A n. DEBRA J. BAIER '� �g � 630 Daytan Ave. ` St. Paul MN � ' Petitions shall no' be co sidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 work ng days after a petition i rec� ed in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petitio may withdraw his name ' herefr m by written request within that time. P age 8 f 12_ . . �(�- �-��a� ONSENT OF ADJOINING PRQPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the indersi ned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total ntiguous descriptions f real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within ne year preceding the �date o this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnishe with the following: Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1 . A cop of t e P et i t i on of of the City o�' S aint P aul , Minnes ot a name of petitioner 2. A cop of S ctions 60.450 through 60.454 , inc usive of the St. P' ul Zo ing Code; and acknowledge th� t we e aware of a11 of the uses permitted under a _2 District zonin'� class'fication and we are aware that any of thesa uses can e established up n City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby conse t to the rezoning of th prope ty described in the H' using and. Redevelopment Authority Petition of o the C t of saint Paul Minnesota to a �-2 District. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ADDIT ON RECORD OWNER SIG�P,TUR� DATE Dayton Place II olcanb 's KENNETH W. BRINIME> S �3 �� 3 � d n - St. Paul, MN ` � + ��:• `2 ;�,c� D ayton lace II olcanb 's STEVEN W. DOHERTY d/ 3 4 5 4 ddn. _BERNARDETTE A. DO ERTY " W- ��0 630 Dayt�n Ave. St. Paul MN - Mali�sh Hv, cambe' TN�R�SA CLINNINGHA • _ 6 3 4 Matus ha,P.P. Ave. S�, Pau2, MN Wo dl and Ragnhi 1 f�Jestby ,.� � pt. 12 2 pa' k 479 Laurel Ave. ���_ ____ uni o s s Se „y-�ale Coop 625-A 20 Ou lot's John Llachr�a,n/Eli ohammed ���- �.�-� " 4, 5 Hol' ombe' Leo Agranoff Pt 6 _ �Q _ . Petitions shall ot be onsidered as officially fi�ed until the lapse of 7 wo king days after a petition', is rec ived in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his nam there rorn by written request within that time. °age or 12 i . . � - �3o y � CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We. the und rsigne , owners of property within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions of eal es ate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within on year precedinq the da ,e of t is petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the following: the Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1. A copy o thP etition of of the Cit o° Saint Paul , Ninnesota name of petitioner 2. A copy a, Secti ns 60.450 through 6!1.454 , inClu ive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that e are ware of all of the uses permitted under a p!'-2 District zoning c� assifi ation and we are aware that any of these uses can e established upon ity Co ncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the p'�operty described in the the H using nd Redevelopment Authority Petition of of th City f Saint Pau1 , Minnesota to an RM-2 District. ame of petitioner LOT BLOCK Aa� ITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Wood' and Laurel-Selby Limit d 6 6 P r k' �-.. �--� 6•�.s6 Wood and Charles A. & 7 6 Park �+ar1orie I. 11 ��10 �� pts. 8 41ood1', nd � ^ � 9 & 10 6 Park _ Gaertner Holdin C . � Woodl nd 9 & 10 6 � Park �� Archie L. Gin old � p s. oo an � ! 10 & 11 6r+Park Leo H. Gadbois `p �6 �'p I P S• Woodla� d Christ's Household � 10 & 11 6 Pa r k o f Fa i t h_ ,�� � � -Z,��� Petitions shall not d� cons dered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 workin days ; after a petition is r', ceive in the Zoninq Office. Any signator of any petition ay � withdraw his name the', efrom y written request within that time. � P age 10 f 12 � � I � i ' ` , � . ' � �-��O l CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the unde signe , owners of propert.y within 100 feet of the total cont guous descripti6ns of r, al es ate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the dat� of t is petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished w'th the following: the Housing and f',edevelopment ,4uthority 1. A Copy o, the P tition of of the City o; Saint Paul , !�!innesota name of petitioner 2. A copy o Secti ns 60.450 through 6�.454 , inClus ve of the St. Pau1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge that e are ware of all of the uses permitted under a ?N-? District ioning classifi ation and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon ity Co ncil approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the p operty described in the the H using nd Redevelopment Authority Petition of of th City f Saint Paul , !�"innesota to an RM-2 istrict. ame of petitioner LOT BLOCK AQ ITION RECORQ OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Daisy Ford 26 5 Hol ombe's 639 Ha ue :�nna Kiris et al ��� 27 5 Holcombe's 633_Hague ti�� 2 , _ Electricians and , and 3 5 Hole mbe's /�ssociates, Inc. ~ Eric G. J��hnson � ��s �__L�InJ � 643 fiac�ue ry : � - --- - - � -- Petitions shall not ,be con idered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 worki g days after a petition is � eceiv d in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name tti refro by written request within that time. P age 11 of 12 . . �-i��q STATE OF MINNES� TA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSE� ) , being first duly sworn, deposes and states thatshe is the pers n who circ lated he within petition and consent, consisting of 12 pag s; that affiant is info med an believes that the parties described are the owners re pectively � of the lots pla� ed imm diately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of th parti s described above is the owner of property which is wi hin 100 feet from a�y prop rty owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petiti ner within one (1 ) ear pr ceding the date of this petition which is contiguous t the property descri �ed in he petition; that except for ncne none of the parties de cribed above has purchased or is purchasin property f om petitioner conti, uous o the above described property within one �1) year of he date of the petition; that his consent was signed by each of said owners in the p esence of this affiant, ar� that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of ach and all of the parti� s so escribed. Dept, of P.F.D. � 25 ulest Fourth Street Address 292-1577 Telephone Number Subscribed nd s orn to before � me this o�O� day ',of , 19�� ��GU� Notary Public t M i ■ `��'a R�SE� ARY FRE ETTE �� ��m •, � NOTARY UBLIC—Ni� NESOTA �� ��u RA' S�YCOUN � ��. My Comm:Expires qpri 23, 1987 x NWr Approved as to fo - Fe . 85 Page 12 of �?_ Planning Departme t � . . . . � . � • �-/�30`� STATE OF M NNESOT ) i ) ss COUNTY OF ) � On t is � — day of f�P��� , 1986 , before me, a Notary Pub ic wit in and for said County, persorially appeared vOfJ pR rr.�c,r , to me known to be the person described i , and who executed the f oregoing instrument and acknowledged that he � exec ted the sa�e as �rf free act and deed. . � ( Seal ) I : NOTARY PUBLIC �►�+Nra� sc�� � t��+, � P. E;;�:� !� � 1.��� :�OTAR4 PllCL?�. A,:`' r,tA ;y � b 5 ,. ; e� tiEq Ne��i;' CG� ':`i ::', � h'�Y Ccr..m`ss{�� xpir�, J�;� G, 1S3EI.a �aoa�tN�'�t`i+`r�. �!✓.:,y ':e.i�+r4�w° { t { i � 1 .+ . _' �. �,� - � • \�: . ������ ��-'�`,=. . � ��,-"�'i `;,,� � ��'/� ���� � J\ ` �,�y�� � { � ,-"`� 'R' ' *. ���''y`�;y'�-�+��-�-s �F='• �" �^'.�,� '� . .!,�i►\ r , ;����..�.� �-.�� - � /►% %rw � �O, �' � 1 �� r y�M � :��j� i�.'� �~ . ���-\!'II ���� ` +tx`���� ,,:�,, �`�� � �' - ..�►- . �: "'�--��1� 1 "o-*' •.r�. .� ��� ``� ���� �����.,�,�: .i` � . ��r.�;,,j���.w� ��(�' �If`—Irt1 / �s � __- w = ��`�i\ ''`" ' '"�" �i�,—r�"'�ryi^ , ..C_'�'Y \ \�L�\ / `�\, _'>"i�w\�. ��H�' � \\\ !, , ��>; � � ♦� \ --- � �`s' ��\ \I��r'1 '�r �' \,\,\� _�\�''��� i�;,� /� �_ �, *� ---''� ���'i��� ���-�"`,,,,� _`.�!�" � � �;� ♦ -�� ,�,,,� �� ; �� � +� !i� . � -�_.._.� / �% Ii" � �� / ��<�„ �'-' ..i� . •,� �� / �`'� � ��\ `� i;(•��� � ` \\" ��-' �� • \��\��.��\�.*� i � \�`��\��\ '�T:�;w�--a'��;��' '��.��:.� �\��� _�:. � %- , ,v \ ��.; �-..� ,�;, ,_ , r � � \ ,_� � _�, , �,_�_����� �`_ Y';;� ,�''� `\ � �.�, ,!!��I /I�� \���' �`-ryj `\;. .\w��I� ��'�r ��i� ` \ ���� \\,�.��\.:'��ir� � `\�_,�i.. \', , ,%�. i�:�"-�. �\\\ \\ - j�- °�i��/ \ �� �� ��\�\�\� f `\\ \ ��� - \�y •/`4�w'� � � I�� �N+ 1 � \�� Y"r'��� i!�/". / l . \l> � `b`7��. � �?l, �,,. ..�.�r�.;���—,. � �'� `� _ ,� � -�-�,����` " \' \ \,�r1��►/_:/� .,,, �-- ��� ���� .,�;�;����.,,,.�F_.. .�, O/ \�`�►+� �-/ �=� \ ���, ��w��/_��' ��-.i � � � �._._,. � - 1 �„■,`•.�� - '���� �,:,''�� ,l�E�= � .. � � ,�_.. 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[� ❑ Ii 1 ---- � L.---- I '-'- ' � '�'_'-- II II li — i �I � � �� 1 I �__� , ----- i- _ =-i ---- � ---- o � � � �, , , . � - --- ----- �-�� - ----- -- � -- -- � I . � � � � � � � � � '�"' . ' ' ��'��' � __ "� ' "�� � _- ' . � � � � I ���� F ----- ; — .I � -� � ===_" � � . � � . , i � � . � � � � � i � --— � ----- ; - � , i, � �i � • 1 �� � I �I Z p � ! S ,i I n � . . . . � .. . . . T � �� �aR� Fa� ��- OARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT � _�3�G ...........�..�..................... / FILE �9934 ..�.� 1. APPLICAN • Harv y $herman DATE OF HEARING: 6/24/86 , 2. CLASSIFIC �TION: jor Varianc� . 3. LOCATION:i 631-63 Dayton Avenue (Dayton and Dale) 4. LEGAL DES RIPTI N: Lots 14-18, Block 1, Thompson's Addition S. PRESENT Z I NING: RM-2, B-2 (Property is going through rezoning so it will all be RM-2) ZONING COi E RE ERENCE: Sections 61.101, 62.103(6.1a), 62.105(2) 6. STAFF INV �STIGA ION AND REPORT: DATE: 6/16/86 BY: Tom Heach sas��sassassa� ��aa= s��a�as�s����s::asa�sssa�s�s�saaa=a�s��aasa�s���s� s��ss�s s�s���sss=swias s�as� t��R�iAOi�iaii=�i=S=sa==ii�a�iiasiaii/ii>iSi��A�ta s�w�s�sa A. PURPCISE: obtai variances for number of permitted zoning rooms, number of o f-street parking space� , and s de yard setbacks to permit construction of 12 townhouses. B• : Lot area is 25,840 square feet (160' on Dayton, 161.5' on ale). C• : Property is a corner lot with an alley in the rear. roperty is vacant and� evel. S rrounding land use is residential, primarily multi-family. Th lot to the west is cu rently acant and owned by the City. D. T : Section 61.101(e) states that "in an RM-2 Multiple Fami y VA,(�1ANG�S District the tq al num cr of (zoning) rooms shall not be more than thc area of the pa cel divided by 60 " This would permit 45.7 rooms. The applicant requests 48. REQ�ESTE Section 62.103 6) requ res 1.5 off-strcet parking spaccs per dwelling unit. Applicant quest a variance for 1 25. Section 61.I01�(Sched e of Rcgulations) requires a !S' side yard setback. The applic nt requests a var� nce fo a 9.5' west side yard setback. Section 62.106Q ) requ' es a 3' setback For dctached garage. The applicant requests a ariance for a 2.S' setba� k for t e garage from the west side property line. E. FINQINGS: ' l. The applie nt pro oses to build 12 townhouses on vacant property at Dayton and ale. The desig of the ouses originated from a national housing design compctition f r small, urban, multi-fami housing for non-traditional households. Due to its non-tradit onal design, thei floor p an for each unit measures 53' by 18'. 2. The varia�l es are 'n kceping with the spirit and intent of th� eode. Regarding th variancc f r numb r of zoning rooms, the Comprchensive Plan, Policy 4.1-4, says at "on scattered v cant si es in cxisting neighborhoods, the ciry will estabGsh criteria wh'ch will allow ncw I ousing development a dcnsity somewhat highcr than thc existing zoni g but compatiblci with th gcncral cxisting pattcrn of dcvelopmcnt." Thc Distri t 8 Pla recommcnds reducing the off-strect purking rcquircments to I space per unit fo this ar a (l.25 are proposed here). 3. The propos' d vari nce will not impair an adcquate supply of light and air to adja ent property, n r will ' altcr thc essential character of the area. The 9.5' we' t side rd setback was requested because of the long configuration of the units and t e need o maintain an adequate setback from Dale Street and an adep ate c�ntral spa e betw n the project's 2 rows of townhouses. The setbac of 2.5' rom the wcst side property line for the garages cannot reasona ly be increased. I he app icant has already eliminated one parking space on the Dale Str et side and increas d the est setback from .S'. 4. The varian I e does ot permit any usc not permitted in a RM-2 district. 5. The varian is bas 'd primarily on a desire to fully utilize the property. F. I : Based on £indings 1 through S, staff recommends appr al of the variances. � 1 � I • � � �ii11/�►�7 � , , � , _ ■a� . . . . .� . � . � � . � � ..� ��t �� � �0 � ^ �� . • � • • • • • • � • •� • ��i� � •� . �! r� iu . � ` ' '. ' � • • � � � • • � • � � t � • • � � � � ' � .• ___.___-^._ - _. . __ . � � �`�. A �� /� � � � ��' � ,/ • ��► •I • � • � • • � � �� � � � � :. ,�!'I��.."""'�r� ' �� '� �i �` � �� . `' ', � n • • • ���� _ f�'i�r 1, �1 i'!I� ' `V �y �■►�a� ,���r � �l' �� ■�� � • • � � � • • � � � :�n' ■, ��I�.►� � � � ._ ` �� ' '� `��� � � I�"'�' .,'�•..•� Q0 • • ��; aa • � + �i��; 1 �►� • r —_ �� I rlt`J� �r� - _--• � • rm . a, . __ . . � . � . . -- � ' ��` . � • w . • � .w � . . .r �� � � �i 0 . : � � �:, . - � ; . . . � ., . . . . �pi. � �, • o . s . . . � � � . �. m . . � � . . � . .� . A � C.� � • . • • � � • • • • .- 1 � � � � � ' ' � ■ 1�1r� � � • � : • � � - - . : .� • .. %/// - • - � � 4 / 1' � �� • � � � � � � . � � / • � � • � � � .'I�'L/t'� I / • � � - • � � - � � • � � � . � � � , ' �� �3 � � �� � S . PAUL CITY COUNCIL �� ��� � ��� ' P BI.iC HEARING NOTICE �}y-- �,- �,3 a �7 ZONING To: Property� owners within 350 feet; Represen atives of Planning District 8 FIL E N 0. 99 7 PAGE PURPOSE ' To Rezone from 6-2 (community business) to RM-2 (multiple family residential) to allow construction f 12 townhouses. LOCATION � 207 North Dale Street (Northwest corner at Dayton) PETITIONE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HEARING i ������,�� io:oo A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3r� Floor City Hall - Court Ho se QUESTION zoning 298-4154 (Donna Datsko) Contact the Zoning Section of the Plannir.g and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, Ci[y Hall Annex� 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal description: Ex. the W 3.5 feet of the S 60 feet of Lot 16, a11 of Lot 17 and the E 2/3 of Lot 18, Blk 1 , Holcomb's Addn. . _ Notice sent g 15-86 �=i�o� . ` . -. '-... -: ,.Uk . .. . , � -_ ' a e� t,: 11���l�8$A$�I1T(} . i'; ;, t y r � :P rz°��i#4 'u .. . a`' - - . �--- �.---+—�.. . . . � � . ' pSli'1'[ON TQ jtBZONIB .a�t =1�av3n6 bem.iiled�qt,testing that the Zoning Urdinance o!E�re Cilp �t. be aaneeided so�bo rezone fro�m H-2{�an:rit�r business)to$142 �u1tiDl�o ' residentia,� to�sllow ca�ioa of 12 townhcy�es..P�ppr�1► bed Ea.the W 8.5 is�et oi the S 60 fget of Lot 18.a�1 oi'Lat 1't ane!the.E Z63 f Iqt 1$, i,Holco�nb's a4ddn.The pmperty is loc�ted at 209 North Dale Street . oiEh�v c�raer at Daytou).The Councit oi the City oi St.Paul has lixed�he c1aY ugust,l9�,at i0:00 A.M.in the Council Chambers ia the Citailiall oi .�. at said time and piace;the Couacit wilt hea�r aiYpersona�aad all reco�endatioffi relative to the ProPosed ameadment. I?�ted ugust 15, 1988.' . � �yE � n ..: � . . . . s,f <� �v_:�x.. ���,GiEp�Cterk ' : , � cAugust 19. 1986) ; , + � • •.. �/� �' ., I �.:. . • lst - / ~ � � ��n �� ���� � � 3rd " �� Adopted /v � - � � Yeas Nays ; DREW � � . � NICOSIA �C, - / 3 / G . - RETTMAN /7 7�� SCHEIBEL . i . SONN�N � . WILSOid , i , pRESIDENT TEDESCO . � WHITE - CITV CLERK I 1 PINK - FINANCE COLLI1Cll / 2 .BLUE�v - MAVORTMENT I GITY OF SAINT YAUL 4J ' /�,J /� � File N 0. � � + , din�nce l Ordinance N 0. d� r. Presented By ��`'� Referred To I Committee: Date Out of Committ� e By Date � An Or inance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul ! Legis ative Code pertaining to zoning for the City i of Sa !nt Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, ' ursua t to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of the Legislative G de, Clark Armstead duly petitioned to rezone 497 and 499 Vir inia Street locat on t west side between University Avenue and Sherburne Av nue from RT-1 to� -1 fo the purpose of establishing a surface parking lot; t e petition havil g been' certified by the Planning Division on July 3, 1986 as having been consente to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the area of the roperty to be rezoned and f rther having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the proper y situ 'ted within 100 feet of the total contiguous property ithin one year prec ding t e date of the petition; and WHEREAS, he Zon ng Committee on August 7, 1986 conducted a public hear'ng for the purpo e of c nsidering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Secti n 107.03 of the Admini trative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plan ing Commission th t the 'etition be granted; and WHEREAS, Ihe Pla ning Commission considered the rezoning petition at it meeting held d Augu t 8, 1986 and recommended that the City Council approv the petition; andi WHEREAS, N tice a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petitl on was' duly published in the official newspaper of the City n August 19, 198 and n tices were duly mailed to each owner of affected prop rty and property s tuated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property soug t to be rezoned; an WHEREAS, A� public hearing before the City Council , having been conducte on August 28, 198 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council hav'ng considered alljthe fa ts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: I ate Form Approv y City Attorney Certified Passed by Council ecretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date � Approved b ayor for Submission to Counci By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT YAUL Council ��� f3lD CANAftV - DEPARTMENT 'BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ' • • - Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. 7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ I e B Y Date THE COUNCIL 0 THE C TY OF AI S NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the � oning ap of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 20, as incorp rated by reference n Sect on 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amen d, is hereby furthe amend d as follows: ! That p operty located at 497 and 499 Uirginia Street ! being ore particularly described as Lots 9 and 10, ' Except the N. 80 ft. thereof, Block 25, Warren and iRice's Addn. to the City of St. Paul be and is !hereby rezoned from RT-1 to P-1 . Section 2. This ordi� nce s all take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from nd after its pass ge, a proval and publication. COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays B*evr� I Nicosia ln Favor _ Rettman � Scheibel II �, Sonnen Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: D I te OCT 7 �9� Form Appro by City Attor ey Certified Pass ncil S� c ry ' BY By App by Mayor: Date �CT i 0 1986 Approve Mayor for Submission to Council By By U�LiSHED ��I 1 � 1986 __.'h� � � � c-� w c� c7 s o 00 �-. �-+ o � � o, -�� � <+ a z -� `° � �� : C�,,�: a- -"�i o � z �-+ �; � � -v '� � � _ -Ni 7�c v- m „ �• � o N ~ � � �, a c C� i o o� '- � n., � �P H ~ � '-' � � N � 1-W� Cl, (� � c-h fD N "'s C � � . (D � � ; � � d� O� I--� F� � I-� O N ; O �O � '.�. '. �'�:t:. I ' J• �' N /r � : � � �.1• ' N N O O O � N f�D � D "� 'U� N O O � � � � , o "C �c ��-* f a � rt � n � A � � N m � o � Z � � o d m � � � � �In I ~• V, V �' :* �,,,, � � rr rn . � � �i C � m. \ N 1 . � � �a'! � � �,, r� C�;� �� . e S ATE OF MI:�TI3ES OTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. C TY OF SAINT PATJL ) cm c�n � S � u-� N Albert B. Olson '� I, . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .City Cl rk of the °,-�'�, C ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have S = c mpared the attached copy of Council File No. .$6,-1,�1Q, , , , , . , , , , a adopted by the City Council. .. . .�tober, 7.. . . . . . . . , . .1986.. . October 10: a d approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198. . . . . w th the original thereof on file in my office. I furtner certify tha*_ said copy is-a-�rue and cor ect co��y o said original and the wholE thereof. �,�IT^Tr.SS :�; nand anc! ;h� v�al ��f tt�.e Ci�y cf tzai:^� uua, M nnesota this . , . . 22nd . . . . . day oi , . . . �tober. . . . i . .D. 1986. . . . . . .�:�.��. ?:z:�'. . . :�:. . L:`::���:``.y . . . . .. City Clerk. _; � .t, . -.. >> ' . , F�--_ .�.., , . � , - , . � i„� . .. � , �. . __ o , / �� � . . ' . ->� . - �� , l lst 9 ' / "' d C. �-2nd 9 � .a� ` c�la 3rd 9 •= • d—"�� Adopted /Q — `� ��'� . ; Ye s Nays ' ' n�Ew e-F � �- �3 � `� NIC;OSIA �7�v1� ' � � �� SCHEIBEL ' SONNEN � WILSON 1�4R. PRES IDE?JT TEDES CO