86-1307 WHITE - CITV CLERK _
, , , , File N 0.
. , a •
� "� �WZ/L�/`�iG Ordin e N�. �
� r
Presented By � � �-5 f��^
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committ�e By Date
A le! islative ordinance amending Chapter 292
of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code by adding
to ihap er 292 a provision for the
ideni ific tion and removal of youth gang
graf iti .
Section 1
That th� Sain Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 2g2 , is hereb
amended so aS to a d the following thereto:
292 .04 Decla atio of policy on youth gang graffitti.
The council inds that youth gang graffiti adversely affect t e
peace, safeti , co fort and decency of the Saint Paul community
and its you h. T e council finds that the protection of ci y
youth and ne ghbor oods and the enforcement of vandalism statut s
are fosterediby th quick removal of youth gang graffiti.
The council ! inds that there are youth gangs operating within t e
city and th�t the e gangs are undesirable for the City of Sai t
Paul and arq deme ning to its youth. Exposure to the graffiti f
these gangsiadve sely affects the emotional wellbeing of ci y
youth and reate peer pressure on city youth to join the e
undesirableiand d meaning organizations.
COUNCILMEN ! Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na� s
Nicosia [n Favor —
s�ne�bai Against BY
� Form Approved by City Attorney
Ad�pted by Council: I Date
Certified Passed by Co�I cil Secr tary BY
By �
Approved by Mayor: DI te � Approved by Mayor for Submission to C uncil
By By
� __
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rther finds that outh an raffiti are us cl to
The coun � il fu y g g g
identify �claim d areas of gang control or mark gang territory.
The counc�' 1 fi ds that quick rernoval of the graffiti prevent the
entreneh ent f the gangs.
The counc,' 1 he eby declares its intention to minimize youth gang
graffiti � with n the City of Saint Paul. The public poli y of
Saint Pa � l is declared to be the quiek removal of youth gang
graffiti' to imit its adverse impact on city youth and
neighbor �, oods. Youth gang graffiti is hereby declared to be a
public nuisanc . '
Section 2
292.05 D fini ioes. For purposes of this chapter, the t rms
defined i this seetion shall have the meanings ascribed to hem.
"Youth ga� g" sh 11 mean any organization primarily con;prise of
minors wh ban together and claim territory within the cit for
themselve by t e inscription of symbols on city structures and
has been denti ied by the city police as such an organizati n.
"Youth ga g gra fiti" are marks, symbols, designs, inscrip ions
or other rawin s used by or associated with youth gangs in any
manner in ludin an attempted designation of territorial cl ims
of the yo'� th g ngs , displayed without perrr, ission on publi or
private s ructu es.
Section 3
292-06 Unl aWfu conduct; owner's responsibility. It shal be
unlawful � for n owner of any property to allow youth ang
graffiti o' the' r property, or allow youth gang graffiti to e ist
in the ci,ty. he owner of any such property shall re ove
therefrom � outh gang graffiti.
Section 4
292.07. Cij y Po ice to identify. At the request of the pu lic
and based � pon 'nformation received from the public, city po ice
personnel � shall investigate and identify ynuth gang graff ti.
After poli� e ha e verified the existence of graffiti they s all
contact tY�e cit clerk who shall schedule a public hearing. The
city cler sha 1 notify the affected property owner of the
hearing dalte, t e preliminary findings that graffiti exist on
the owner prop rty and that the council may after the hearing
order the jemova of the graffiti by either the property owne or
. , , !� :�j � /-��!'%`
, ` - , , • � � , i 7���i,�
the cit ' s d partment of con�munity services and if said
departme t has to remove the graffiti the cost will be ass ssed
against he ow er's property.
Section ;
292.08.Li' ited entry u�on land.The city police or their duly
authoriz � d pe sonnel may enter upon private premises at any
reasonab e tim for the purpose of carrying out any of the d ties
assigned ', o th m under this chapter.
Section 6
292.09. H' arin . At a hearing before the council , the council
shall re � eive evidence from the police department as to the
existence � of gr ffiti.Tf the council finds that graffiti exi ts,
they shal noti y the department of com munity services and d ' rect
its remov 1 in accordance with Section 292.10.
The prope �, ty ow er shall be entitiled to be heard on all matters
relating o gra fiti and the process of removal.
Seetion 7
2 2 10. N � tice to oWner. Tn the event outh ang graffit is
9 . Y �
found, th� depa tm ent of com munity services shall mail a wri ten
nrder to �, he o ner of the subject real property addresse to
owner's 1� st k own street address. The written order s all
contain th' fol owing:
( 1 ) escr ' ption af the real estate sufficient for
identifica', ion.
(2) � Infor owner that youth gang graffiti exists on ow ers
property a' d th remedial aetion required.
(3) � Allow a reasonable time for perfortriance of any ac it
requires. ,
(4) � Stat that unless corrective action is taken, the
departmen of om munity services may remove the youth gang
graffiti a d ch rge all costs incurred therein against the eal
estate as spec al assessment to be collected in the same ma ner
as taxes a ainst real estate.
. . .
. � , � �. . ��,/� {�tf i.°r i,
. . � . , . , � ����;f'
Section 8
292.11 . C�� sts o be assesse�. Tn the event the city re oves
and/or ab, tes he youth gang graffiti, an aecurate record o the
costs in urre therein shall be kept by the departmen of
comrr�unity servi ces and reported to the department of financ and
managemen ser ices. The tota� costs of this abaterr�ent incl ding
the admi istra ive costs incurred by the department of fi ance
and manag�ern�ent services in processsing the abatement shall then
be asses ed against the affeeted real property in tY�e m nner
provided � for ' n Chapter 1 �4 of the City Charter and shall be
collecte� in ecordance with those applicable provis ' ons
contained in C apter 6�4 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code ,
provided, � howev r, that these assessments shall be payable i not
more than� five nnual installments.
Seetion 9
29�. 12. G�raff" ti abatement civiIl in nature. A violatio of
Sections 92.0�4 through 292.12 of the Saint paul Legislative ode
relating ' o th abatement of youth gang graffiti shall no be
treated as� misd meanors nor shall they be criminal in nature.
Section 10
2 2.1 . I erfe ence. Tt is unlawful for an erson to rev nt
9 3 n� y p p ,
delay or , interfere with the city police department or the
assigned ity d ' vision or department while they are engage in
the perfor,r,ance of duties inipc�sed by this chapter.
Section 11
The titll� of Chapter 292 will be changed to read as
follows:Re i iou racial and youth an vandalisra.
Seetion 12
This ordil� ance is deemed to be a art of the Saint P ul
Legislativ Cod and shall be incorporated therein.
BLUE - MAVOR I File NO. � �
� ' �Ordindnce Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To ' Committee: Date
Out of Commi! tee By Date
Section 13
This ordinancel'�shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its
passage, appro 1 an publication.
COUNCILMEN li Requested by Department oE:
Yeas Nays ��
Drev�' I
Nicosia � In Favor —
°i�'°'�`� � Against BY
Wilson � �
MAR 2 6 h�pl Form A by Ci Attorn
Adopted by Council: te �
Certified Pa s y ouncil I ry BY �
7 —
Approv d y Mayor: Da �- AP� ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci
B By
P�1_�l�� '.'�:-� 1. i �i���
�� i� • • , ' '` �,C �,_ /-���
" CITY O�` SAINT PAUL ��� , 7y��r�
� •'1�����Y�i�s! ' .
•��iE"•'�'b Odte : 19g6
December 1 ,
TO = �Sain PQU i City Councit
F R� � � ��C O fYl it t e e 0 h C i ty Deve 1 opment and Transporta i on
� CNAI Wi t t iam L. Wi tson
1 . Re ocation Policy for UDAG (HRA-3� (Comrnittee
re ammends approvai as amended}
�. Ap eal - Planning Commission for non-conforming use
at 1255 Ashland (Committee recommends approval or
' • no -conforming use) . ' -
- .
Or inance amending the Legislative Code, B�.rii fing
an Housir� Cod� by adding a provision for th� �
- � --� � �- i d t i f i ca�on and.n,r_emova i of yc.zuth gang gra_f_f i__ i -
t i ttee reconxnends approva 1 ) �,� �%�.��n-�.c.cQ _- -
4� �2� ulutian accepting the report submitted by th
Ov rnight Shelter Board dated September 1986 an
pr viding that the Council will act on the reco -
me dations within 90 days (Committee recommend
ap roval as amended)
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---- — — ----
wH�TE - Cirr CLERK
OI.U�E - MAYp11 �
� rdin�nce Ordinance N .
; �� , �
Presented y ��
Referred To v'��� � — �r
t Committee: Date
Out of Comm� tee By';. Date
A le�islative ordinance amending the
b ild�ng and housing code by adding a
r vis�on for the identification and
P �
re oval`�;of youth gang graffiti .
Section l .
Tha the aint Paul '?�egislative Code, Building and Hous 'ng
Code, islhereb amended so�as to add the following thereto:
Dec arati 'n of policy. �'�The council finds that youth
gan graf iti adversely �ffect the peace, safety, com-
for and ecency of the S int Paul community and its
you� . T e council finds hat for the protection of
the ity', youth and neighb rhoods the timely removal
of uth 'ang graffiti is ap ropriate coupled with
the nfor ement of statutes a d ordinances concerning
van lism.
The ouncil finds that there ar several youth gangs
oper ting ithin the city and th t these gangs are
unde irabl for the City of Saint aul and are de-
mean ng to its youth. Exposure to the graffiti of
thes gang' adversely affects the e�otional well-
bein of c ' ty youth and creates peer pressure on city
yout to j in these undesirable and meaning organi-
zati ns.
The lounci ' further finds that youth ga g graffiti
are sed t identify claimed areas of ga g control or
marklgang erritory. The council finds at quick re-
mova of t 'e graffiti prevents the entren hment of
COUNCILMEN Requested by Departm�nt of:
Yeas Nays II
Fletcher I
u�eW � In Favor
Nicosla I g `i
Scheibel I A gal[1 S t Y
Tedesco I
Wilson I
`�-� Form Approved by City Attor�ey
Adopted bY-�ouaclil: I ate �
Certified Passed by Council II ecretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gounci
By By
t ,.
: r.. . T. � .; � ,,. 3...�,
� WMIY£ - CITV CLERK � � � � � � � �
���� C NARV-DEP R MENT �� . . ...4 . .. �'�,.... �COIIIICII .'. �' y ���
B�ve _,�,,,,oR GITY (yF .S�AINT PALtI� File NO. - �' :-��'�` `
, �_ •
_, �
� � 4rdanance : �inance N O:
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. � � .
£ •� ;
_ Present BY_+. �:.,..-'' �' �,: � ��� � ��r�� , ,��, :
k Referred To � � . r�...±.,����-��-�`�'}°"< � r:{ :.�.._: . � � , {
Committee: Date —�
�, �f
Out of Commi tee By Date � �'
1► eQisla►tiv� t>rdAr� �ie� t!� �>:
bu t�ing �d luwsi�+g c�ds b�/ addfn� s .._
si� for �de 1e�n�ificaLi� �nd
a3, ot yoestte ge�q grsffitl.
!H� L C�' CI3"Y E�!` 511I11'!' t1�tJ�. �S t'i�DAIiI s '
. S�etloa �.
� Tl�a �e is�t P�1 Lsgislatirer t�arde. �.ildi,� a�d Ha�s.
�od�e• i+� a�td�d so es to atlt! t�t fdllqtitsq t�t�eraYto t
ot pol.ic�. '!!�e c�il finds tha� �
F � �ra� ti a�da�ra�ly atl�t tl�t Ps�rcae. a�a!'�►. s�- `
` :� !'+prt �qr�c! of #b�r Sui�t Par�2 co�itp ae�# its _ :�
�t+ou . voaa�cil !`inds �h�tt ft,rr t�e p�tict,#op �!' '
, tt�e i�t's �tth a�nd rri�tu�ds t�e t#ve3� �omt1 � �
t� statti.ti is apFroP:'i.att e�piat �tb s:
t� t o! statates md ordine�cas ��is�g_
� ��� � . . . . _ . f
�. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,�
.� Tbs i finds l.A�t � sr�re a�arrsl �cru�h � �
i� t�in �r cit�► �d #�t tl�s� � aro •1
. s�fl ior �r Ci� of Sti�ti� laal a�et are d�- `�
� ts y�. B�t�s�ct fi� !� �ra�"fiti �of �
a�dv�errselT a!'fs�s �e Mative�l �el.l.. �
' t�t� �tt� a�d �t�s paNerr ,p�'�lssu�r +dn e�iEy ,
t� � tt�a�e fs�rsirsb�le a�d 4�i�f v�e�.- .:
. �tt! �
Tb� ll�rtl�r fi�els t�at �uth g� Qr'+�tt��i
ara i+dan�i ty ela#�s�! areas at y� e�wtsal a�r .
�srk cito�ryq ?t�s c�cil �1�3s t�at +c�i�k r�r-�
eo�►al ot Qraf!'iti pr�etts '� �nttv�er��� �m�!` , '<
�'� � .°�� � ,: f _,, -,�. 12equested by Departmeni of: �
�''�►"�B �SFy'� ?'�` --
: ,..,. �
, . . FfiMchK . , y,
�w _,. � [n Favor
�i Against BY _
Form Approved by Cit}� Attorneq
Adopted by Council: te _ _
V Cerfified Passed by Gouncil eretary � BY "
By _
�- ° 4 , _ Ap�r�ve�d hlc Msyor#or Submissiaa ta Cown�i . - -:�
A�proved by Mayor. ' Date '� _ _.
By By
� � i� U �7
. . ,. . .
, .
��'� .
th '�ang .
Th cofi,�n il hereby declares its intention to mini-
mi e yo h gang graffiti within the City of Saint
Pa l . T public policy of Saint Paul is declared
to � e th °�uick removal of youth gang graffiti to
lim' t it a�iverse impact on city youth and neighbor-
hoo� s. out`'�� gang graffiti is hereby declared to
be � public n�isance.
�• Section 2.
Def nitio s. For �'�urposes of this chapter , the terms
def ned i this sec''�lon shall have the meanings as-
cri ed to them. '�
"Yo � th ga g" shall mea� any organization primarily
com �rised of minors who°�band together and claim
territory within the cit for themselves by the in-
scrl tion of their symbol on any structures
witY�'n th city and have b en identified by the city
poli� e as such an organizat on.
"You, h ga g graffiti" are mar�s , symbols , designs ,
insc iptio s or other drawingss�used by or associated
with'� youth gangs in any manner �ncluding an attempted
desi natio of territorial clai of the youth gangs ,
disp� ayed ithout permission on�blic or private
stru tures "�,
` Section 3. N�..
Cityll olic to identify. The city pc�,lice personnel
shall; iden ify the youth gang graffit� as described
in S� tion 2 during their regular cour�e of duties.
The c',' ty p lice or their duly authorizent� personnel may
enter'� upon rivate premises at any reaso�able time for
the p� rpos of carrying out any of the di:�,ties assigned
to th m und r this chapter.
Whene� er th Police Department believes th�t youth
gang � raffi i exist as defined in Section �: on any
priva e or ublic property in the city, it �hall report
its f nding to the city council .
. � . .
�� ����
. . . ,
. .
. �
h I
'� � Section 4.
Co � cil arings. The city council of the city of
Sai t Pau will hold hearings to determine whether
the�� uth gang graffiti identified by the police
dep rt en are in fact youth gang graffiti and
the efo tie a nuisance as defined by this chapter.
Not'� ce of �he city council hearing will be given to
the ���prope t'y, owner ten days before the hearing.
��' Section 5 .
' ��
A fi� ding of yo�h gang graffiti. If the council
dete�� mine that a4�nuisance exists , the owner or
pers� ns i control'°^�of the property involved will be
noti ied b register*:ed or certified mail of the youth
gang�� graff' ti and th�,notice shall direct that the
graf iti b removed iri`�;an appropriate manner by such
owne or p rson in char`�e within ten days after the
rece pt of such notice. '` The notice shall also state
that � if su h nuisance sha�,l not have been abated
with'n the time provided, �he city, by and through
its epart ent of public wo$�s may abate the nuisance
at t e cit ' s expense. ��
Remov', l . e department of publ�,c works will remove
the y uth ng graffiti in a mann�r deemed appropriate
by th Dire tor of Public Works . 0.�
Notic of t e method to be used for�y',r�emoval of the
graff ti us d by the city will be gi�n to the property
owner ', ten d ys prior to the commencem�nt of graffiti
remov 1 . "�:
The o ner o the property may appeal the<. method of
youth '�yang raffiti removal to the counc�l .
The ci'� y pu lic works personnel or their c�,uly authorized
agents', may nter upon private property at �iny reasonable
time f', r th purpose of carrying out any of the duties
assign d to hem under this chapter.
. . < ' .
. . �, .
� • .
--- ------T-
OI.UE � MAVOR File NO. y
Ordindnce Ordinance N0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Commi tee By Date
Section 7 .
In� rfere ce. It is unlawful for any person to
pre nt, elay or interfere with the city police
dep r en or the city public works department
whi e e are engaged in the performance of duties
imp sed this chapter.
4 Section 8 .
Thi ord nan�e is deemed to be a part of the Sain Paul
Legislat ve C de �d shall be incorporated therein and given
an appr priat cha ter and/or section number at the t 'me of
the next revis on of �aid Legislative Code.
�`�, Section 9.
Thil ordi' ance shalle take effect and be in force 3 days
after it pass ge , approval�and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested �liy Department of:
Yeas Nays II
Nicosia ln Favor —
s`he�bei Against BY
For Approved y orney
Adopted by Council: I Date �
Certified Passed by Council Secreta B
Approved by Mayor: Date i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il
By By