89-1298 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COI�flCII PINK - FINAN�E G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. �� �� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT I BLUE - MAVOR u cil Resolution , - �--� Presented By ���, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date RESOLVED, hat u on execution and delivery of a release in full to the Cit , in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper Cit off' cers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of thejTort iability Fund 09070-511-000 , to : 1 . Michael Shyp lski the sum of $58. 00 in full settlement of h�_s claim f clam ges sustained on or about July 22 , 19$G , as ore partic larly set oi�t in the Notice of Claim filed in the ity Clerk ' offi e on August 21 , 1986. 2 . GeorgelAlic the sum of $135 . 60 in full settlement of his claim f da ages sustained on or about Uly 24 , 1986 , as m re particl larl set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the ity Clerk 'I off ' ce on July 30 , 1986 . 3 . B. E. I earc the sum of $300.00 in full settl�met of his laim of daml ges ustained on or about June 16 , 1986 , as more parti� larl set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the ity Clerk 'Is off ce on July 20 , 1986 . 4 . Esthe L. O son the sum of $715.20 in full settlement of er claim �of da ages sustained on or about J�ane 27, 1986 , as ore parti ularl set out in the Notice of Claim filed �n the City Clerk� s off ce on Jul_y 17, �9�6 . COUNC[LMENj Requested by DepartmeM of: Yeas Drew NI YS � Nicosia Rettman Itl FBVOC Scheibel Ea Sonnen v __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: i Dat .7CC � 1 qV6 Form App ved by Cit tt ne Certified Pa: • f nc�l S ta B ss� A►ppr d y Mavor. I ate � Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil B� - -�s<!�`=_---- gy P �l(SHED S t P � 019�6 � . � 6 i.� � � . . . � CITY OF AINT PAUL `�,�,o, i e~� '�� I OFFICE OF THE CI Y ATTORNEY + _'_'�����" �� I EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �,��'+r�.�� 647 City Hall, Saint aul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR ?_9 August ],I986 � M E M O R A N U M CLAIM5 AGA NST C TY OF SAINT PAUL BY MICHAELISITYPU SKI , GEORGE ALICH, B. E. PEAR E, AN ESTHER L. OLSON On July 22 ! 1986 claimant Michael Shypulski reported his mot r- cycle stol n to he Saint Paul Police Department. About an h ur later , Sai t Pa 1 Police recovered his motorcycle and telep oned Mr. Shypul ki bu did not allow him to pick it up from the s ene. Mr. Shypul�ski ' s motorcycle was then towe� to the Saint Raul Impound Lo and he had to pay $58 . 00 to retrieve it. We are reimbursin Mr, hypulski for that expense. On July 2 , 19 6 , a City of Saint Paul , Department of P blic Works stre t swe per swept the alley behind 924 Bayard. Clai ant , George Alil h , h d his vehicle parked alonside the alley at the time . The alley was not posted for cleaning and the sweeper went through a d sw pt small rocks onto Mr. Alich ' s vehicle hich sustained Idamag in the amount of $135 . 60 . This office has settled Mrl Alic ' s �roeprty damage claim in the amount of $1 5 . 60 . On June ll , 198 , a City of Saint Paul , Department of Comm nity Services , ehic e driven b_y City employee Robert Melbye rear nded a vehicleldrive by claimant , B. E. Pearce . As a result o the impact , M�. Pea ce ' s 1972 Ford station wagon was totalled. This office ap roves the settlement of Mr. Pearce ' s claim in the amount of I 300 . 0. On May 29I 198 , the City of Saint Paul , Department of P blic Works , senl a 1 tter to Esther Olson advising her that her pr ' vate sewer ser ice onnection was defective. In response to the letter , M� . Ols n hired a private sewer contractor_ to chec out and repai her sewer connection. When the contractor unco ered the line, they could not find anything wrong. City inspe tors concurredlthat Ms . Olson ' s sewer connection as not defect ve. Ms . Olson incur ed expenses in the amount of $715 . 20 to hav her sewer ser�ice c nnection checked. I