86-1296 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINAN�E COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��` /� � BIUE - MAVOR ~ � - ouncil Resolution ,v� Presented By � � � Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee B Date WH REAS , by Resolution No. 86-876 the work of the Poli e- Communi y Rel tions Task Force ceased on August 30, 1986 ; a d WH REAS , the Task Force has not yet completed writing ts report nd re ommendations to the Mayor and the City Counci ; and WH REAS, the Task Force has met weekly for three hours since its cre tion n June 3 , 1986 ; and WH REAS , oral and written testimony received from City staff, communi y lea ers , the general public, an�i representatives rom state a d fed ral agencies has generated an abundance of do uments and inf 'rmati n to be considered; and WH EAS , because appointments to the Task Force were s licited and ori inall made for a six week period, members ' recent bsences due to ior ommitments have slowed the work of the Task F rce; and in1H EAS, although working diligently in subcommittees o draft the rep t, t e Task Force was unable to complete its charg by August , 19 6; and WHE EAS, the Task Force would endeavor to prepare its eport by Septe ber 5, 1986 , but recognizes that additional time ay be needed; ' ow, herefore, be it RES LVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul h reby reactiva es r troactively to August 30, 1986 , the Police-Co unity Relation. Tas Force and its membership created by Resoluti No. 86-7 2 ; a , be it COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW N ys Nicosia Rettma� [n Favor Scheibel Sonnen __ AgalltSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yassed by Cd ncil Sec etary By �'Z'?g By� Approved by ;Navor: ate _ Appro e y May for S 'ssion to ouncil 1 Bv - - — WMITE - CITV CIERK I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council (7�_ �� /' CANARV - DEPARTMENTI �. �Q BLUE - MAVOR F11C NO. �` s Council Resolution Presented By Referred Td Committee: Date Out of Com I ittee B Date FU THER ESOLVED, that the Task Force shall complete i s charge nd is ue its report to the Mayor and the City Counc 1 by Octo er l , 1986. . COUIVC[LMEN I Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nal s Itis�i�- �- Rettman I� Fevo[ Scheibel � Sonnen __ Agelllst BY Tedesco Wilson Cp SLr' � � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Va.s y � cil Se r BY � �-,Z —pJ sy� Approv b Mavor: D te ° SEP 15 1986 APP�o�e y May f r Subm ion to C uncil � gY � �.-�,••-���� gY ! PUBIt S tP � 01985 I