86-1293 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council .�_ r� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Coun i Resolution � , Presente By " � Referred To V� L � r Committee: Date ��� Out of Commitl ee By Date IY �. tliat tLe C�ty a[Saint Paul entec into an Agcee t �vit6 , 11lt�raMi�ee, S�. Pau! md Pacific jtailroad Goitp�ny aad Go�t rra�pactation fa t6e je�tallNion snd ��iieknanoe at railro�d , s�fsa and t�s iaprav�eaent af ccoa� � at ai adi�on Streat �vith the trscta af Chica�oy 1[jlvaulcee, St� u! aad ic d Gorpmy in St. Pwl, Utinne�ota, md s� Goe� ' Ttarportation s�t [ac t�6e t�ty to wpervbs �! and id k Fedeca!fun� ia a000cdsnos vit61�[Iene�ota , Section 61.36 19a2). r6t C3ty': =6ace at tl�e ooK �6aN bt t�ta p�raent ti x) a[tht I? l�S01.1/1�, i,6at t�e Utay�ar snd City CJecic bt t6ey hereb aut6or�Oed to esaane a�id �ree�ent [a aad on at the City. COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s � Fletcher Drew T In Favor Masanz Nicosia l �,��'���� scnetbe� � __ Against BY � Tedesco Wilson �f P � I �9� Form Appr v d by City Attom Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_ e y o I ncil , t BY sy � ` t � � � Appr e � y a r r ission to C uncil t#pprov b Mavor. I te By ,",�.Q�� � BY PU� SHED S�P � 01986 i �����±-��������rr�: n� u�n� �vttts lu�4 Itlib? tc� `���:) 9ti1 l�td; ,Q�Y.107.�� TI �8 grrt i.r3� ;n�qmU.; �b�.'tft8� ae�`� bttt� i�t��f .t2 ���u1�F��tiM .:��,�,�:.'• •��� r1�lw �k' `�ftJ��t9IRt�lII bftG ft0llil�EAI 9,�J '1()i t�ull6t�l>qt� ;? }<> ly��irr_ttfli�rt,.1 ; ;a �l�crrgi2 �tit2or� lu 1n:�tn�voZqmi :irt1 �.�nb s�sl'tu4 xni�zi��� �,suiltr�� 1�:�3Q )� •�'i:it��sw:�M ,t�s�t��1 �tt z�S�I yttt 11Ji°x► t���l2 t�tiD�M �c� noil�9tiglui �r'. �niin�vc;q� btt�: .b1c�e irtneM .lusti .lr m rn�ymc�:) vn���li�:� :n�tr��� b^�a Y�s�a�f; t�i� ye��r�yyuz a vti:� �d� �"! rnsg� rw��c,-wqan$��T �►., ��n<=:•:���r mu:; .�1ujs�2 ik���tii� rt�;� :�r�c6x,:r� n= �t,�:ul I��3���� �i�ib"iEYL :�=iz�n�mi�,� b�re <r()t ► �r.sor�q ct�J 9�f lltt�t IZcy� �!J k� �1�t'!t � �1i:� gtt�l� .+S8P!� d�.► �! �f�it�� �?tl� ��(;! �l �t� Dni y�i �i��_�t:� �;t;' ���� �:_�•,��4 -�r1i i,ul; ,A�Y.�?.7! �H'tl�l� TI 88 k► �BA'it� Ctr� ±:ns 10' Jn�+n��s�A� !����: 9)U�?�9 uT ���ei��rt�ut. ;�d�»��! s��� v��13 '�i� ',�: , Pu�lic Works DE PARTMENT ���l°Z �0 2 9 9 8 � . oseph F. Koe 'g CONTACT � 292-6112 PHONE July 23, I986 DATE 1 Q,i�r� Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RO TING 0 DER (Cli All Locations for i na re : _ , r or of Management Mayor Finance and Mana ement ervices Director C'ty Clerk � Budget Director Joseph F. Koenig � City Attorney 2 F.obert G. Peterso , WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The Mayor and City C erk w 1 be authorized to execute an agreement with the C ssioner of Transportation, Stat of M nesota, and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Paci ic P.ailroad Company for resurfa ng an installation of flashing light signals of the ra�r� co�an 's crossing at P4adison treet. ���� J L 3 01986 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGE RY AN PERSONNEL TMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �'!T �iT�ORNEY The resurfacing and flashi g light signals will be financed by 90� Federal fundin and l0y City funding. rhe City' share ill be approxima.tely $10,000.00 ��,� - r��� ��r ���� � r�k�y��',�? s: � , ,����� FINANCiNG SOURCE AN BUDGE ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransac ion: 510,000.00 quired if unde $10,00Q) Funding Source: 1984 c.z.s. Activity Number: 92084-0537-72120 ATTACHMENTS List d Num r All Attachments : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Coun il Res lution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insu ance quired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insu ance tached: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . � - l��� �t ` 1[emb ta: Chlrs Nlcosfa, Chair „ i �iITY UF �AI�TT �AUL �en1c Rettman . . ��i��iii1Q I Joha ewnAlt OFFIO� OF THE CITY COIINCIL � � ......... . . Date: Septem er 3, 1986 , • • . 'C mml � te e Re o r p . . � - ; To, Saint Paul Clty Council � F�r' m: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair . The Publil Works Committee at its meeting of September 3, 1986 took t e following ction: Hear i ng � ate 1. 9/9/8G V CATION: Petition of Donald Lunzer, et al , for th v cation of the alley in Block 11 , Harrison and Handy' A dition from Nevada to Wheelock Parkway in the bloc unded by Nevada, Wheelock, Edgerton and Parkway Drive P rpose is for accrual purposes to increase existing lo s ze. R cort�nended approval . 2. 9/9/8� R TIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Snelling-Universi I A ea Street Pavinq and Lighting Project. R commended approval . 3. 9/9/SI R TIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Snelling-Universi y A ea Storm Sewer Project. R comrnended approval . 4. 9/9/8 TIFICATION OF ASSE5SMENTS: For the Payne-Arcade We t ving and Liqhting Pro,ject. ecommended approval . 5. 9/9/8 INAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a 20-foot wi e emporary construction easement (for the Payne-Arca e est Project) over that part of Block 46 of C. Weide s ubdivision of Arlinqton Hills Addition. ecommended approval . t llin 21 sin le i e 6. 9/9/ 16 INAL ORDER: Constructing and ins a g g g tyle decorative lights on both sides of SMITH AVE E rom Stevens St. to 100 feet south of Baker St. (w st ide) and 75 feet south of Baker St. (east side) . Aiso 50 eet north of Annapolis St. to Annapolis St. All to be nown as the Smith Ave. Neighborhood Partnership Prog am NPP) L i qht i ng Pro,j ect. ecortmended approval . 7. 9/16186 INAL ORDER: For the operation costs of the ab ve tandard street lighting for Smith Avenue Neighborh od artnership Program Lighting Project from June 1 t ru December 31 , 1987. (See #6 above). Recommended approval . _ .__,. _ _ , . . . . . � .;.. . . � - � � -- � i�r� . � , 8. 9/16/8 FI AL ORDER: To decide on the construction of a sanitary se er in STINSON STREET from Mackubin Street to 280 feet ea t of Mackubin. Re ommended approval . 9. 9/16/861 FI AL ORDER: To decide on constructing a sanitary sewer i va ated GURNEY STREET from the water utility right-of-wa to 150 feet south of W. Wheelock Parkway and in ea ement in Block 12. Gurney Highland Park. Als . c struction of sanitary sewer service connections. Als , c demning and taking a 20-foot permanent sanitary sew r e ement in the water utility right-of-way; vacated Gurn y S eet; Gurney Street and in Block 12. Gurney Highla d P rk. R commended approvai . 10. 9/11/8 R TIFICATION OF ASSE55MENT5: For the Payne-Arcade Pavin a Lighting Pro,ject on Sims Avenue from Arcade Street t G eenbrier Street. . R cortmended approval . 11. � : ;.��l�'���ii .,a�.,: _.. x i t h fFi't ..S�st i ss i orr� of l`r.an�ort��e�n�����i�;. M��kee y Paul �rnEf"�ac i f i c �a i T road.�,,,��or resurfacfng _ i sta 1 i,��;`���:�f���,� s f grta 1 s at the ra i 1 roa `. �*��i� at FFad i son Street. ($-�I 4-$6) �-�• � 12. R SOLUTION: releasing the City's interest in slo e sements no tonger needed over part of Lot l , Block , riand Addition No. 1 , located at the corner f zelwood and Pacific Streets. (8-19-86) ecommended approval . 13. i ESOLUTION: endorsing the recortmendations of the Brid e esign Review Committee and the St. Paul Planni g ommission relative to the Marshall Avenue/Lake Str et epiacement bridge (over the Mississippi River). (8-26- 6} ecommended approvai . . 2 NiHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COVnCIl CAN,pRV �p.�.PARTMENT I G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. � -�-� fO� Q BLUE - MAVOR � C uncil Resolution Presented By Ki ki I SOnn ' Referred To U� �� � � Committee: Date - Out of Commit ee By Date WHEREAS, the�Missis ippi River Corridor has been identified as a unique ci y and statewid resou ce, whose visual and topographic characteristics are t be preserved an enhan ed; and WHEREAS, thejMinnes ta Department of Transportation proposes to reconstru the bridge o er the Mississippi River connecting Marshall Avenue in Saint Paul to Lake Stre t in M nneapolis; and WHEREAS, thei propos d new bridge will have a significant visual , aestheti , economic and� social impact on the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, Mnql T est blished a Bridge Design Review Committee made up of representati es of he neighborhoods and businesses in Saint Paul and Minneapolis,l and WHEREAS, th Saint Paul City Council endorsed the formation of the Design Review Comm tee a d directed the Planning Commission to review bridge de ign proposals a d rela ed issues and forward their recommendations to the Cit Council ; an � WHEREAS, th' Sai nt Paul Pl anni ng Corr�ni ssi on, havi ng revi ewed the recorraunen dations of he Bri ge Design Review Committee and the Merriam Park Commun'ty Council res onse t the proposed design of the Marshall-Lake Bridge, hea ily endorsed th reco endations of the Bridge Design Review Committee. COUNCILMEN ; Requested by rt ent of: Yeas Drew NI YS N icosia Rettman In FBVO[ Scheibel Sonnen � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appro e by City Attorney Adopted by Council: � Dat Certified Passed by C I ncil Se retary BY B}� Approved by :Navor: ate _ Approved Mayor for Submission to ouncil BY - – — BY