86-1292 WHIjE - C�TV CLERK / PINK - FINAN�E COUACII 6 � /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAiT L File NO. ! �� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution E-�� F Presented By � �� Referred To � Committee: Date � � � Out of Commit ee By Date _ RESOI� ED, hat the proper City officials are hereby authorizec� and irected to exeeute the 1986 agreement with David M. riffi h and Assoeiates, Ltd. whereby the City agree to pay a maxi; um o $6,000 for assistance in the preparation of he City's Cos;l All cation Plan in aecordance with the terms and condition of t e agreement, a eopy of which is to be kept on file in t e Dep rtment oF Finanee and Management Services. COUNCILMEN I Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Na s � � � �'y°"°' [n Favor / � Rettman Scheibel I L� Sonnen __ AgeitlSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP � � �86 Form Appro e by City Attorne Certified Vas- ncil Sec tar BY � By - Approv Mavor. te � Approve y Mayor for Submission to C uncil gy, �' l.� I�- � -�-=C����� BY � � PUBLiSNEO S E P � p�19�� � Finance & Ma.nagemen Servi es DEPARTMENT ��' �� �°Z" p K� . 3943 Elisabeth Atchison CONTACT 292-6702 PNONE � �� August 14, 1986 DATE Q/ ,�. ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUT G ORD (Cli All Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Directo Director of Management/M yor Finance and Manage nt Se ices Director 3 City Clerk Budget Director 4 cit counc � City Attorney 5 Chief Accountnt, F & M S WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED Y TAKT G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : City Agreement to p y Davi M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. for Project Assistan e Services and Data P ocessi g Services in the preparation of the City's Central Se ices Cost Allocation Pla based on 1985 annual financial data. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETAR AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: REC E4V D . AUG19i86 C�TY AT ��i'.EY FINANCING SOURCE AND B DGET TIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tra sactio : $6,000.0o quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: ndire Cost Recovery Activity Number: 1150 ATTACHMENTS List and umber 11 Attachments : Cost Alloc tion P n Project Assistance Agreement Council Re olutio DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolu ion Required? Resolution Required? x Y s No Yes �No Insuran e Requ red? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No N/A Yes No Insuran e Atta hed: N/A (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �� i� 9.� COST ALLOCATION PLAN PROJECT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA AN A REE T, dated this day of , 1986, by and between e CI Y OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, hereinafter referr d to as "City" and V2D M. GRIFFITH AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. , 1622A Central S reet Evanston, Illinois 60201, hereinafter refer ed to as "Consu tant " IT I ALLY AGREED, by and between the City and Consultan as ollows: �:. hat or tMe consideration hereinafter stated, the Consulta aqr es to assist the City in the preparation and _ processi of he Central Services Cost Allocation Plan bas d on 1985 ann al fi ancial data. Further, the Consultant will p rform such tas s and services as may be requested of it by the Ci y for the revi and formulation of said plan, in accordance with current ity s rvices. The Consu tant agrees to assist in the preparation of he required ',data nput sheets and then process the data on its data processi g sys em for the City's cost allocation plans (bas d on 1985 dat j . T is ahall include the plan for submission to he City's c gniza t federal agency as well as its full cost F1 n for use by tl' e Cit 'B budget office. _�_ .. . . �i�yz . � 2. i hat 11 of the Consultant's work product as may b generate unde this Agreement shall become the sole proper y of the City ' ith o right, title or interest resting in the Consulta � . 3. I hat t all times hereunder the Consultant, its ag nts and empl ees, are indeper�dent contractors and not employee of the City nd a cordingly, are not granted any of the benefi s to which rel lar ity employees may be entitled. Further, the Consultar� agr es to indemnify and hold the City harmless f om any and aj 1 cl ims that may be made by the Consultant's age ts and emplo ees gainst the City of St. PauZ and as such clai s may be based ' n an allegation of employment status with the Cit . .4. he C nsultant agrees to abide by Chapter 363 of e Law of Minnes ta a d the ordinances of the City with regard to discrimini tion in employment. 5. hat is Agreement shall commence as of the date irst above wri ten nd shall terminate upon the City receiving ree (3) copie' of ach plan processed via the Consultant's data processi sys em. However, either party may terminate thi Agreementiat a y time and without cause, and in that event, the City will rei rse the Consultant for all services rendere to the date f th receipt of notice of termination or suspens'on. 6. hat or the Consultant's faithful performance of he aforement oned ask, the City agrees to pay to the Consulta t a -2- . � . • �., —/..� `l� total rem era ion not to exceed Six Thousand and No/100 Da lars ($6,000.� ) . is shall be billable at the rate of $.95 pe data grocessinl all cation unit calculated in the plans, and for the consult3. ' se ices at the rate of $75.00 per hour. Furthe , the City will also reimburse the Consultant for its reasonable ut- of-pocket expe ses, including transportation, meals, and lo ging. � (These e � ense are to be included in the $6,000.00 total) . 7. he C nsultant shall be paid for his services acco ding to the fo lowi g schedule: For data processing services - � payable a use ; for project assistance services - payable s used. �N W TNES WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands t e date firs abo e written. Activity 11150 Indirect ost ecovery CITY OF ST. PAUL Form appr ved: By: By: 1.��. Assistant ty _ t orney D rec or of �'inance �1k- �y and Management Serv es���`�� ' CQNSULTANT DAVID M. GRIFFITH AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. B • � - Y• . � �`�� �_ f s�_ ,�1� . . � . � _ j� �� `' ,,� ��� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��"'''�� = OF�+ICE O�+' THF CITY COIINCIL c-� r n ,tfii 1;1.II� I . _.; .. .... '� � . �-� '� - . T �ommittee Re ort � '��- � � � . c, o ., w �:i ��an�� Man�a�ement & Persannel C�mmittee. ..�_-� -��' _ , . _, �� SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 t-" G� ld Au ust 28 1986. 1. Approval ol minut s from meeting he g , approved 2. Resolution amend' g the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $560,000 � om Me ro Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Lo � Parks and � ecrea ion - Central Service facility (laid over from August 8). /1 . . . 3. Resolutio � amend ng the 1986 budget and adding $417,481 to the Financin Plan aTid to th� Spend ng Plan for Library Aides and Grants. � approved 4. Resolutio� amend ng the 1986 budget and adding $62,819 and $23,785 to t e Financing; Plan a d to the Spending Plan for Friends of the Library. a roved 5. Resolutio amend ng the 1986 budget and adding $2,909 to the Financing lan . and to th Spend'ng Plan for Library Special Revenue Funds. a rove :_ _.. _ - _., 6. Resoluti amen ing the 1986 budget and adding $4,220`to the Financing Flan � and to th Spen ing Plan for Perrie Jones Library Fund, a roved 7. Resolutio amen ing the 1986 budget and adding $21,000 to the Financin Plan and to t e Spen ing Plan for Special Projects - Police Responsive Servi ces. a ro ed 8. Resoluti n amen ing the 1986 budget and transferring $21,000 from Gene al Governme t Acco nts to Police Administrative Units. approved 9. Reso�uti n auCh rizing aa agreement with David M. Griffith and Associ es, Ltd. - Qb� t e city agrees to pay a maximum of $6,000.00 for assis nce ta= �e p�� n of the city's Cost Allocation Plan. a roved 10. Resolut"I n app oving 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between In ependent School � stric 625 and Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen, Local Union No. 1. �' a r v d 11. Resolut on app oving Labor Agreement between the city and Internation 1 Brother ood of Painters and Allied Trades, Local 61. approved 12. Resolut on aut orizing a five-year lease agreement between the city a d Port Crosby ssocia es (Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for th expansi n of t e Impound Lot. laid over to 9/18 13. Adminis rative Orders: D-8072:� Addi 'on of $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at ire CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR 'SAINT PAUL,h NESOTA 55102 s�aa � i