86-1287 WMITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � FIIC NO. BLUE - MAVOR � �ouncil Resolution _ Presented By ,�` � Referred To t � �� Committee: Date �—' � Out of Committ e By Date i�1HEREAS, The Ma,yo� puxsu nC to Sect�:.czn 1Q.7.1 Q� tlie Clia:xter o� the C�ty q� Sai t �aul, does certify that thare are av ilable for a.pprQpriat�ion total xeyenues. in excess o� t ose estimated in the 1986 B.udget and WHEREAS, Council F le No. 27751Q, adopted Qctober l, 1981, did estalilish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Ma.yorlrecomm nds that the following additions t�e made to tfie 1986 B. dget: FINANCING PLAN I, Current Budget Cfi�,nges Amende Bud et 362 �'��ends of th I Libra,y 53407 - Vario s Code $242,631 �- � - $2C►2 631 53407 - Fund B lance - - $62,$19 62 819 $242,631 $62,$19 $305 450 53409 - North I st Ar a �Qundat�ion - - - - 53409 - Fund lance -- -- � $23,785 $23, 85 $ - - - $23,785 $23, 85 SPENDING PLAN 362 - Friends of tY� Libr y 53407 - Vario s Cod $238,148 - � - $238 148 53407 - 299 ql, her Mi c. Seryices 4,483 $62,819 67 302 $242,631 $62,$19 $305 450 5340g - No�th est Ax a �'pundation 53409 - 381 ooks, exiodicals - - - $23,785 $ 23,785 $ - - - $23,785 $ 23,785 NOW, THEREFORE, BE T RESQ VED, That the City Countil Adopts the above additions to the 1986 Budget. APP OVED AS TO FUND NG APPROV D: � �� � COUNCILMEN �/ Requested by Department of: � Yeas Drew Nays ��--� /� /►t/ � 1l/ � � [n Favor � � e� Rettman Scheibel � Soonen __ Ag81[1St BY Tedesco Wilson � Form Approved by Cit Atto ey Adopted by Council: ate Certified Pa s d ouncil e ary BY By, Approv d'hy avor: Date I � � SEP 15 1986 Approved by M oc for Submission to Counc' By _ - _ �-�?_�'�_�.._ sy ' PUB�is ED S�P 2 019�6 � Communit S ices DEPARTMENT �� 1��� 016; ` Gerald W. S enber CONTACT , � 292-6211 PHONE � �� � 7/28/86 DATE � ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROU ING OR R Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Direct Director of Management/ ayor Finance and Manag ent S vices Director City Clerk � Budget Director � Cit Cou ci City Attorney Chief Accountant, F&MS WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED Y TAK G ACTION. ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Will allow the li rary t bring forward the Fund Balance remaining 12/31/86 an give the library pendin authority for this amount. ,� �-z , t� �- �3�0�` z�y � . , � � ��� �P ���,,,�,� ,� ,� �oa� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETA AND RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Ic� �e � ,,� ��,.n n . a��.e �.�;�,,�,�, "`'"�'y� V None anticipated ������� ������_���� A � � e � -�� r,u�� � `' CI Y A��fi��N�Y - �r FINANCING SOURCE AND B DGET TIVITY NUMBER CNARGED OR C �T��D�''��M�yor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tra sactio : $62,819 and $23,785 quired if under $10,00D) Funding Source• Fr ends o the Library and Northwest Area � Fo datio Activity Number: 62 - 5 07 $62,819 62 - 5 409 $23,785 ATTACHMENTS List and umber 11 Attachments : 1 Council esolu on DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �_Yes No Council esolut on Required? Resolution Required? Y No Yes �No Insuranc Requi ' ed? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No Yes x No Insuranc Attac ed: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �^ _ .,�� l �_ � _�f� , � . . �� ����� �; "�� � CITY OF SAINT P�.UL ; l��;i��;. : : c:� .;��t �;�,�i� = OFFICE O�P THF CITY COIINCIL c� r?u ={ � . �,,. : r- . -� -� �- -�, �omznittee Report ��' �� � . �- o _ � F':i�. �e �naaement � Persannel Committee. j�:��, =-'a � _� ,� SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 i�" ' l. Approval of 'nutes from meeting held August 28, 1986. approved 2. Resolution a nding the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $560,000 fro Metro Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log # Parks and Rec eatio - Central Service facility (laid over from August 28) , v /18 . . 3. Resolution a ending the 1986 budget and adding $417,481 to the Financing P an and to the S ending Plan for Library Aides and Grants. � avnroved 4. Re d�#ttg the 1986 budget and adding $62,819 and , �;,.�the Ffae�tci�.� and a the �iending Plan for Fri�nds a� �i���Lf���. :.4� oved. 5. Resolution a ending the 1986 budget and adding $2,909 to the Financing PIa and to the S ending Plan for Library Special Revenue Funds. a roved . .. - - -,____ _ _. 6. Resolution a ending the 1986 budget and adding $4,22�� to the Financing Pla - and to the S ending Plan for Perrie Jones Library Fund. approved 7. Resolution a ending the 1986 budget and adding $21,000 to the Financing P1 n and to the S ending Plan for Special Projects - Police Responsive Services. a roved 8. Resolution a ending the 1986 budget and transferring $21,000 from General Government A counts to Police Administrative Units. approved 9. Resolution a thoriz ng an agreement with David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. , whereb the c ty agrees to pay a maximum of $6,000.00 for assistanc in the prepa ation f the city's Cost Allocation Plan. approved 10. Resolution a provi 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between Indepe dent School Distr'ct 62 and Brick.layers and Allied Craftsmen, Local Union No. 1. '' a rove 11. Resolution a provi g Labor Agreement between the city and International Brotherhood f Pai ters and Allied Trades, Local 61. approved 12. Resolution a thori ing a five-year lease agreement between the city and P rt Crosby Assoc ates Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for the expansion of the I pound Lot. laid over to 9/18 13. Administrat' e Ord rs: D-8072: Ad ition f $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at Fire CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR 'SAINT PAUL,MINN OTA 55102 a�.�e WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl n ^ /^ ^ y�} CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L V 1 V !/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �>° Council Resolution , __ Presented By / � Referred To �� Committee: Date �" �"� Out of Committ e By Date LdHEREAS, The Maytiar pursu nt to Section 10.7.1 0£ th� Ch�rter o� the. City o� Sai t Paul, does certify that there are av ilable for appropriation total revenues in excess of t ose estimated in the 1986 �udget and WfiEREAS, Council � le No. 277510, adopted Qctolier 1, 1981, did establish certain Special �'und Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recomm nds that tfie �ollowing additions be made to the 1986 B. dget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Am�ende Bud et 349 Library Speci 1 Reve ue Funds 33400 - vario s code $355,443 -� -- $355, 43 33400 - Fund alance � � $2,�309 2 Og $355,443 $2,9Q9 $358, 52 SPENDING PLAN 349 Librar S ecill Reve ue �'unds 33400 � 299 _ s Code $25�,725 - ---- $259, 25 33400 _ VariollOther isc. Sexvices 95,718 $2,909 98 27 $355,443 $2,909 $358, 52 NOW,THEREF012E, BE T RESO VED, That the City Coulcil adopts the above additians o the 1986 Budget. APPROVED AS TO FUN ING: APPROV�D: < ', Directo Finance d Man gement Services�L�;�� Budget i ctox �' COUNCILMEN Reque ted by Depart�ment f: Yeas Nays ' Fletcher � y ,!e � �evine In Favor � Masanz 1�liaoei�� (� scheibel _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date S�P 1 1 1986 Form Appr ed Ci y At rney Certified P• s Council , eta BY � By ^ - � SEP 15 19$6 APP � �.1ppr ed Mavor: Date roved b a r for Submission to Coun il B ��".' /'--5---��._�.�L—�� By Y PUB ISHED S E P 2 p 19�6 Go�nnunity Servi s DEPARTMENT Np/���015. _ � Gerald W. Steen r CONTACT 292-6211 PHONE � 7/28/86 DATE �e� e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU ING OR ER Cli All Locations for Si nature : / Department Direct r 'y Director of Management/ ayor .s—Finance and Manag ment S rvices Director � City Clerk oZ Budget Director !L Cit Councii � City Attol^ney � Chief Accountant, F&MS WHAT WILL BE ACHIEUED BY TAK NG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Will allow the L rary bring forward the Fund Balance remaining 12:/31/86 an give the library pendi authority for this amount. �Z�� � ' ��i , . , RE EIVED �y AUG 8 1986 COST/BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND ERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: C{TY TTORNEY [���;�;_ _.� �Aa v��;-,:� None anticipated �t�� � � ' .. FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVIT,Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tr nsacti n: $2,gpg quired if under $10,000) Funding Source• brary pecial Revenue Fund Activity Number: 3 9-334 ATTACHMENTS List and Number Al1 Attachments : Council Res lutio DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolu ion Required? Resolution Required? Y s No Yes X No Insuran e Requ red? Insurance Sufficient? s No Yes X No Insuran e Atta hed: (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �_-f�{�/ �-- ✓/� ! . � � ' �'� /� �'� "�� � CITY OF SAINT PgUL ...� - "� -'��!''-''' � 4FFICE O`I' THF CITY COUNCIL n �-�� i:iit d��:nl ' -v �{ f • �''� ` .... - ; ,� �dmmit�e� Re art .��::; _ .. � F . � rn . _ , 0 �i�. ce ana�ement � Persannel C�mmittee. ���;�; ='_ � � � .:� �, SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 ��" � 1. Approval of inute from meeting held August 28, 1986. avvroved 2. Resolution endin the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $560,000 fro Metr Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log Parks and Re reati - Central Service facility (laid over from August 28 . /18 . . 3. Resolution al endin the 1986 budget and adding $417,481 to the Financing lan and to the 5 endin Plan for Library Aides and Grants. ' approved 4. Resolution a endin the 1986 budget and adding $62,819 and $23,785 to the Financing P1 n and to the Spending Plan for Friends of the Library, a roved 5. <�asv � i the,l.. �d ad.c�i,a,g.,�r$0�° �o. the� Financing Fl n �`.� . a�E� � �ndin Plan for Library Special Revenue Funds. �� a roved _ ,: �.___ 6. Resolution endin the 1986 budget and adding $4,220 to the Financing P1 n - and to the endin Plan for Perrie Jones Library Fund. approved 7. Resolution endin the 1986 budget and adding $21,000 to the Financing P an and to the pendin Plan for Special Projects - Police Responsive Service . a roved 8. Resolution ' endin the 1986 budget and transferring $21,000 from General Government ccount to Police Administrative Units. approved 9. Resolution uthori ing an agreement with David M. Griffith and Associates Ltd. , where y the ity agrees to pay a maximum of $6,000.00 for assistanc in the prep' ration of the city's Cost Allocation Plan. approved 10. Resolution pprovi g 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between Indepe dent School Dist ict 62 and Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen, Local Union No. 1. �� roved 11. Resolution pprovi g Labor Agreement between the city and International Brotherhood' of Pai ters and Allied Trades, Local 61. avuroved 12. Resolution uthori ing a five-year lease agreement between the city and rt Crosby Asso iates Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for the expansion o' the I pound Lot. laid over to 9/18 . 13. Administrat� ve Ord rs: D-8072: Ad ition f $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at Fire CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR 'SAINT PAUL,MINN OTA 55102 s��16