86-1282 WNITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � _ � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Return copy to: . Council Resolution Valuations - Room 2 8 --.� �194469) (PW) ^� resented y d Referred To �- w � Committee: Date ^ Out of Commit e By Date WHEREA , th Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolu ion C. F. 194469 a prove October 28, 1959 condemned an easement for slopes, cuts anc7 f , ll in grading and surfacing Pacific Street from arclay Street to H zelwo d Street; and WHERE S , sa d easements extend over a part of Lot 1, B1 ck 3 of Berland Add tion #1; and WHERE S, sa d easement is an encumbrance to the title o Lot 1, Block 3 B rlan Addition �1 due to a building which h s been constructed over a part of this easement; and WHERE S, t e slope easement was necessary for the pe iod of constructi n of the street and is no longer required at the point where the b� ildi g encroaches; THERE ORE, E IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby releases a 1 of its interest in the easement described ab ve for slopes , cut and fills over the following described land: Lot 1 Block 3 , Berland Addition No. 1 , except o er the follow' ng : 0.� ' So th of the North Property Line from the ea t pr pert line to 100' west of the east property line nd n more than 7.5' south of the north property line f om 1 0' we t of the east property line to the west prope ty 1 'i e al in Lot 1, Block 3, Berland Add #1 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nay Nicosia F nance & Mana ement rvices Rettman In Favor � Scheibel � � sor,�e� __ Against BY Director Tedes�o Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 1 198fi Form Approv Attor ey C Certified P•s e b Coun .il S ret BY gl, Approv� ,�a�o�: oat - EP 15 198fi Appr by Mayoc for Submi cj� ���� .� ' gy _r_^-� �� PU USNED S E P 2 Q 1986 ``t n Servi es DEPARTMENT � : � �G �11T°�06102 Peter Whit - • CONTACT 298-5317 PHONE Jul 18 1986 DATE Q,�'�� Q,r � � ASSIGN NUh�ER EdR ING DER Cli l411 Locations f�r Si nature : � Depar�ment Uire or 2 Director of Managemen /Mayor ` 1 Finance and Mana ement ervices Director � r�, City Clerk � Budg�t �Di rector � o • o � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACH �VE BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : It�,.�ae the Cit�y's nteres in, slope easements no longer needed over part of Lot _ , Block 3, • Berland Addition No. 1. easements are an encumbrance on the titl� of the pro rty due to existing: garage cons ructed over the easement. The property at the corner of Ha.z wood and Pacific Streets � RF�EI . D COST BENEFIT BUDGET Y AND ERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATE4: ` oFF�� ��[ 2 3 J � DEp F OF T 6 : . ��MA T Mf NT F�� C=OR �INFNr S q�f . cs�� . ,�� �l� ���-��---- FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVITY NI�BER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota1 Amount of "1'r nsacti n: quired if under � $10,000) Fundi.ng Source: A:v: Activity Number: . - ATTACHMENTS List and Number Al1 Attachments : 1. Resolution 2. Copies of origina ease nts . 3. Maps. DEPARTMENT REVIEW . �T� .A�T'QRNEY REVIEW , �Yes No Council esolu on Required? ' �olution Required? Y s No Yes x No Insuran Requ d? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No Yes g,,.,No Insuran atta a. � (SE •REVERSE SI.DE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) �. Revised 12/84 , , ° � - i��� . : ' `� e ��� r° - c..i���% - ;� ___---- • : . .� _� � , � - � / � . �/ , � i ;"' '� `v=� � S, �/6 , . l�, � q � _ � G, � � , ; , ,` ll�' 'r l; � -�� �- � � �. I . .� ,� /I � �' ' t � , � / Q � /��,`�'' �'� �' � � / �•� � �� C.v/ZI'-� T "r ,�"/J1I 7` � • !� , � .��' ft � � � .SCAL.E� /" = 90' � ��' + /'r. . � . w 1 � � '/ '/ � y 1 1 �.__� �U���/C! ' II r �; Y� //fj � r"• . �`�, � , � � ` _N�` • � I �/" \ � � o; � ER,CAND ,4,p p, a NO. .,t � \ li � ,. r.• � n..� . ^ �o. ~� �j�� �/I 37).'fA, j, 0� GR� I �/G E PyE.c/EGE2 I I �' a� �M!to�3c � n. Q 2i ..II �n �,S �I (�\ �; , . \', \` \ I J �:-,- �� so-� - � . b K tl' � r' b � °' h � � , ot �, b +, ti • o • I h �� � . � . xl � I� o . o. �.__.____.___ ___ V - � ti � . .. 4•- �, � . • q���; � � . .�l,��. �•� o h o'�o'o �wt' ' I � Sd� I �@' -`( GS - � � � � I � /,ee' Q�t'10%Il � do c � II � � �E�.vE'y � �� N �o � r .�s�„� .� �� . . �,-s' � tl ,�� � �� ,� � � 3 I � I, ,B �P,C.4iY0 .�D.O. �YO. 1 .. � -_:. . �;`f ,, - 1 �.t.1 u d'�S�.Y. a.. 's::l. . . . . . ,`��y, ----�.._ . .�_,�:^ ���,���s::� . � � � I _ --._ _ _._.....,_ _ _ __ __ �- /�,�� � � •_ .�L I 1[e bets: � Chl s Nicosln, Chalr LITY UF �AIi�T'!,` �AUL Jea e Rettman ' in=�i ii ii : ' Blk 3onnen OFFICE OF THE CITY GOIINCIL Jo Drew (Alk) ....... . Date: Septe ber 3, 1986 , . , � - '� � mmi�tte e Re o r p . � : . To Saint Paul City Council - Fr' m: Committee on Public Works � Chris Nicosia, Chair The Publi Works Comnittee at its meeting of September 3, 1986 took t e following ction: Hearing ate 1. 9%9/86 VA ATION: Petition of Donaid Lunzer, et al , for th va ation of the alley in Block 11 , Harrison and Handy' Ad ition from Nevada to Wheelock Parkway in the bloc bo nded by Nevada, Wheelock, Edgerton and Parkway Drive. Pu pose is for accruai purposes to increase existing lot si e. Re ortunended approval . 2. 9/9/86I RA 1FICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Snelling-University Ar Street Paving and Lighting Pro,ject. Re mmended approval . 3. 9/9/86 I RA 1FICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Snelling-University Are 5torm Sewer Pro,ject. Rec mmended approval . 4. 9/9/86 I RAT FICATION OF ASSES5MENTS: For the Payne-Arcade West Pav ng and Lighting Project. Rec ended approval . 5. 9 9 86 I� FIN L ORDER: Condemnin and takin a 20-foot wide / / 9 9 tem rary construction easement (for the Payne-Arcade Ij Wes Project) over that part of Block 46 of C. Weide's Sub ivision of Arlington Hills Addition. Rec ended approval . 6. 9/9/86 I FIN L ORDER: Constructing and installing 21 single globe style decorative lights on both sides of SM1TH AVENUE fro Stevens 5t. to 100 feet south of Baker St. (west sid ) and 75 feet south of Baker St. (east side) . Also 50 fee north of Annapolis St. to Annapolis St. All to be kno as the Smith Ave. Neighborhood Partnership Proqram (NPP) Lighting Project. Reco ended approval.. 7. 9/16/86 I FINA ORDER: For the operation costs of the above stan ard street lighting for Smith Avenue Neighborhood Part ership Program Lighting Project from June 1 thru Dece ber 31 , 1987. (See #6 above) . Reco ended approval . � . . . . I . ._ �-- �� � � ' .. . � �� . 8. 9/16/ 6 F NAL ORDER: To decide on the construction of a sanitar s er in STINSON STREET from Mackubin Street to 280 fee e st of Mackubin. R ortmended approval . 9. 9/16/8C F NAL ORDER: To decide on constructing a sanitary sewer n v cated GURNEY STREET from the water utility right-of-w y t 150 feet south of W. Wheelock Parkway and in n e sement in Block 12, Gurney Highland Park. Ais , c nstruction of sanitary sewer service connections. Als , c ndemning and taking a 20-foot permanent sanitary sew r e sement in the water utility right-of-way; vacated Gurn y 5 reet; Gurney Street and in Block 12, Gurney Highla d P rk. R ortmended approvai . 10. 9/11/S R IFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Payne-Arcade Pavin an Lighting Pro,ject on Sims Avenue from Arcade Street t Gr enbrier Street. Re ommended approvai . . � 11. i RE OLUTION: authorizing an egreement with the Stat Co issioner of Transportation and Chicago, Milwaukee St Paui and Pacific Raitroad Company for resurfacing an in tallation of ftashing light signais at the �railroa c pany's crossing at Madison Street. (8-14-86) Re omnended approvat . 12. RE tJ'�t'q�,,k',,� rig t� C#��.°��I�,�t tt� s _ � na.�t on�er rfr�d�td°�ev�er:: ,. � � L�t �. 81 ock 3 Be Tar� �-r���;,; 1�. 1. ic�c���d at t'�te corner �+oo�- j f�-�9-86) � R . 13. RE 0 T ON: n iV' LU I e dors ng the recommendations of the Brid 9 De ign Review Committee and the St. Paul Plannin Co ission relative to the Marshall Avenue/Lake Stre re lacement bridge (over the Mississippi River) . (8-26-86} Re ommended approval . I Z