86-1258 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANAR�' - DEPARTMENT CO11RC1! BLVE ��-MAVOR -- a� r� File N 0. ` ` Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. �� Presented By I ' �,i Referred To I Committee: Date — Out of Commi l ee By Date I n Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul egislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City If Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, P rsuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of the Legislative Co e, Investors Saving Bank, FBS and Harold Lysne duly petition to rezone 2076 Pi ehurst Avenuue located on the south side between Finn and C1 eland from R-4 to P- for the purpose of establishing a surface parking lot the petition havin been certified by the Planning Division on July 1 , 1986 as h ving been consented to by at least two-tf�irds of the owners of the area of the pr perty to be rezoned, jand further having been consented to by at least 67% of the o ners of the propert situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property wi hin one year prece ing the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, T� Zoning Corrr�nnittee on July 24, 1986 conducted a public hearin for the purpos of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Sectio 107.03 of the A� ministrative Code, submitted its recomnendation to the Plann ng Commission thatlthe petition be granted; and WHEREAS, Th Planning Corarnission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held oniJuly 25, 1986 and recommended that the City Council approve he petition; and WHEREAS, No ice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petiti n was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 9, 1986 nd notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected propert and property situat d wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to e rezoned; and WHEREAS, A � blic hearing before the City Council , having been conducted n August 21,1986 v� ere all interested persons were heard, and the Council havin considered all t� e facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Drew I � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman S`ne'bei � Against BY so�nen Tsiacco I Wilson � Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Certified Passed by Councilll Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ayor for Submission to Counc 1 By By I WHITE - UTV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Councii .� � ��,� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE '�- MqVOR File NO. � Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. ��� Presented By I Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By ' Date THE COUNCIL OFI THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the z ning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 33, as incorporated b reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative C e, as amended, is he eby further amended as follows: hat p�operty located at 2076 Pinehurst Avenue being more articularly described as Lots 4 through 7, Block 9, t. Catherine's Park be and is hereby rezoned from -4 to P-1 . Section 2. This ordina� ce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from a d after its passaV e, approval and publication. COUNCILMFN I Yeas Nays I � Requested by Department of: Drew Planning & Economic De lo ment N��os�a In Favor Rettman � s�ne�bei I 0 A ainst By r Sonnen g T.vae.�n Wilson Adopted by Council: ate SEP 2 5 19� Form Approved by City torne Certified e Council e BY gy " 2 E �� Approved by M or: � —�+ S�� o Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc 1 � By By P BUSMED ��C T - 4198� 'V C7 ----r- W C7 C7 O � �P''�� Q�i -� --1 � �+ !N 2 -G -G fD � _ � W � �-�r O C7 �� � -� -n r m -< m v� � W � p-�i� � � � � o � rr- n � � c � r � 0 H . W "¢ � c�N-1. I N Z (�i� � � � � � � N N O � Nv�i 'Z7 � I'� J. (U C'f � �. � 3 rt m o � � J rt � � o ro c r• � � � � � n II o rt m° N � � (D � � � � �\/ � �% � � m � � . , , . � . Q�: td � � � Cr C�` C� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) C�unty of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUT._, ) ,��, Albert B. Olson . � I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City C erk of th� a.� �`� City of Sain� Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that have .--; °-�° 86-1258 compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^�'� , September 25, ..~�.. as ac��ptEd. by the .City Council. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 86 ,.- _ .. . . . . - `"""+' and ap�roved by the May�r, . . . . . . . September 26�. . . . . . . . . 19 86 . . . wiich the origir.al thereof on file in iny office. I further certify that said copy is a true and cor ect copy of said arioinal and the whole thereof. [�TITNESS n.y hand and the seal of the City of Saint aul, ;�finnesata this . . . . 9th . . , . . . day of . . . , October . . . . . . .D. 19 86 . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. City Clerk. 1 . ` ' . - , . �j , ,-, " �^ . � a s , . � � - , �: � , ,, 1 . ; _ ; PINK - FINANC'E �� '�'���-I� CANAR� - OEPAitTMENT 4 CounCit � tiAroR °'��ITY OF SAINT PALTL �' File N 0. oZ�� . , ` ` Or�an�nce Ordinance N 0. ��_ � � . Fr�sented By ,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date Iln Ordinance amendin Cha g pter 60 of the Sa�nt Paul egislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City f Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. _ WHEREAS, P rsuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.2I0 of the Legislative Co , Investors Saving Bank, FBS and Harold Lysne duly petition d to rezone 2076 Pi hurst Avenuue located on the south side between Finn and C1 veland from R-4 �o P-1� for the purpose of establishing a surface parking 1ot the petition havin� been certified by the Planning Division on Juiy 1 , 1986 as aving been consented o by at least two-thirds of the owners of the area oF the p operty to be rezoned, nd further having been consented to by at least 67� of the wners of the propertyjsituated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property wi hin one year preced ng the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, Thl Zoning Committee on July 24, 1986 conducted a public hearin for the purposejof considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Sectio 107.03 of the A ministrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plann ng Commission that ;the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The� Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeti ng held=t�rr-•� uly 25, 1986 and recommended that the Ci�y-Cou�ci 1 approve he petition; and WHERFP,S, Not� ce of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petitio� was duly published in the official newspaper of the City o August 9, 1986 a d notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected proper and property situate wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A plblic hearing before the City Council , having been conducted n August 21,1986 w ere all interested persons were heard, and the Council havin considered all t e facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I! Requested by Department of: Drew i � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman ���e�� � � Against BY ��� � wu5o� , Ado�ted by Council: I�ate Form Approved City Attorney ;:ertified Passed by Council ecretary By - 8y .Approved by hlayor: Date Approved by ayor for Submission to Coun il By _. By _,.. _. � wMITE -+ C�TV CLEftK f� /� PiNK - FINAtiCE . q��1 3Y COLRCII C/NARY -C?EPARTMENT �» ��'d �� GITY OF SAINT� PAUL R•. tLE Y"T 1.-lAAV PR � � '� �� File N 0. . ' 0 rdan�nce Ordirtance N 0. �4� Presented By ! Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By ' Date . THE COUNCIL OF, THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - ' Section 1. • That the z ning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 33, as incorporated b� reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative C de, as amended, is he �eby further amended as follows: A I� at property located at 2076 Pinehurst Avenue being more � q rticularly described as Lots 4 through 7, Block 9, 9 . Catherine's Park be and is hereby �ezoned from R' 4 to P-1 . Section 2. This ordinalce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30} days from nd after its passa e, approval and publication. . ___ _______ . _.�. -__..Y..._.� _ . _. _ _ . � COUNCILMEN R ues ed e e Yeas Nays I, eQ t by D partm nt of: Drew � Planning & Economic De lo ment N��s�a In Favor Rettman 7 s�ne�bei � Against BY " Sonnen T�ed�sca_ II Wilson i � Adopted by Council: i� te SEP 2 5 1985 Form Approved by City torne Certified e Council e By By 2 6 �86 . Approved by M or: � —a+ S'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc 1 � By By p ' usx�o �c T - 4 �98� 3 ♦. R.-�f�-< -, � ._...._.._-.-..._.__--_...._.�-�-( ^�'4� ��, � ' � ti � i � � ,i��-•�,_ .' r' ��; i � � .. �i � �.` , � , �� � � _ � �W-_. i � C,� ' �� � �� � _ ' � ...� w i � o��� ` � � � � =.. � f � � � , . � ..�� --� w f ;. `� � � t � �,.,� c� . w ��-� . __ _ i , � ;� � _ ;;, � -� � � � ��� � . � : � ; � o ... . . .___ _.. _ . ._. .^__.._.�:..,.�...,.,..,.., l � F �s, r'Y r '`� :� �T ry:;,,r .,r." . n '; ,yJ�6 .,r �s i v - � . r T. x F,."F �,4 ' F �4,�� . 1 4 � �' � 'c,.. . r �' y s �k � '�� ��K �^�^ t f �+ i• k . . �`'} X'l` _ d � 2 i 4 "�' � �# � t e i .�� � ". - ��� ..��� s ` �` � �� t�z� i � ��'f : ' " : : y� ��' < .a � .. � ..< i :t! , r - . �� � . 5 - �..�.. . �° .,�,si d� ?;� � �,'7 � }t G..��a.� ? t r �' �,..� � �` f �� i �'.- .: ,r+`. ��ti���' ' € �' t rb � a - � - � � " 3 �> t x �. � �F r � -� �� s�. �„�, x ���� Y y � � �[ t ii. 1 � �F ` 1 .,,� �. 3. � 't� �.l 1� � � �j iY ;�" ,F,� � � y r: f,:. ��`j� ,� f n i. �' � � �'r�,��: s�. � - P � ',y � � r r '� � '� , � '�� � � � .L �'4 _ � ?�� �t 1 . i f•�+ ��. :"1 r`' . � , '' � " a5 � � �'. a - . �. . 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' � .:� Y .�•��'•1 I� ,. . �'. _- . ,`r �'�:_ ' .. .'�.+ts.�.GS" �- a .,.. . � . . ....-. . . a . .: . .. . .. . .. . _ . . . . . �. . . .��... .,.. .. _ ."< .::. .,... .� i1. . ,,,. ._ � . _^` -, �.,�":' d��-��r� -f', , `CiT! p' ` V .,J y R• ;, CITY OF AINT PAUL � -' a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT a i�u i l tu � I o � DIVISIO OF PLANNING +ss• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint P I,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER g�2-292-�5�� MAYOR ..,-_°"�.� ; i � � August 11, ll 86 �' --- Albert Olsonl City Clerk Room 386, C ty Hall St. Paul, MN� 55102 RE: Zoningl� File #9942 - Investors Savings Bank, FBS and Harold Lysne City Co ncil Hearing: August 21, 1982 PURPOSE: o rezone from R-4 to P-1 to provide off-street parking PLANNING OMMI SION DE ISION: Approve (14-0) ZONING CO ITTEE DECISION: Approve (6-0) STAFF REC MMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: ne person testified, District 15 sent letter in support. OPPOSITION� Two people testified, two letters received. Dear Sir: � On July 24, 1 86 the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public he ing on this rezoni g. The petitioner testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Co ittee voted 6 to 0 t approve the rezoning based on staff findings. On July 25, 19 6 the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommend tion on a vote of 1 to 0. This rezoning I s scheduled to be heard by the City Council on August 21, 1986. Please notify me by August ! 0, 1986 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the ite presented at t e public hearing. Sincerely, � OV�KN. ti�I�"���� � A { _ Donna Datsko I Planner II ° _'_' � r � rn DD:mb ' ° Attachments I ; _ ,:; �w, , ! . . .. I . . .._ . - .. . . .. .. .. . - . . . -. ` �..� .. � �•- . . � ` . . . _ ` ��" � ���/�� . . . .. . ' . . . . ^.�- ./ ` . A U . . . . . . � . . . . . _ . . . .. . . . � - - . _ � . . . _ . . . . .. . . . . . � . ' � . . . . . .. . . . . . . � .. � . . - . . . . . - , . . . ,. . . .. . . . .. : �.• . � ... � .� . ' .. . . '. . , . . � . �,' . - . -. . . � .. .:. . . . , _ .. . . . . . .. - � .. .. . • . . . .- . . _ ... _ . . . . . - . . . . . . . � . i . . . , . , . . . � . . � . . . . . . . �. � . � . . . � . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . � � � . - . . � . - . � � . . . . � . ....." . _ . . .. .. . . . .. � �� _ � . � .. . . �.- � � . . . . . . . _. .� . . . . ., ` . . .� `� . � . . . � _ � ' � � .. . ..- ':' � .. . �. �� -. ._ . ... . , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . , . - - _ - �; . . �. - , ,A petiti having-been filed requesting that the Zoning Ordinance_of - the City � f St. Paul, be amended so as to rezone from R-4�to P-1, pro rty descri as Lots 4-7, Block 9, St. 'Catherine's Pa�k. The property . _ is locat at� Pfriehut�:�south side between Finn and Cleveland) The Coun�'1 of the City of 3t. Paul has fixed th _. _ .� • � ���-= � � -�#i� the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said . ' - Cityr anc� at said time and place, the Council will hear all 'persons � and a11 q jections and recommend'ations relative to the proposed amen nt. : . ; _ " : , Dated Au st 6. 1986 ` " . . . _,. � , _ �. . : ' � ` . " _ ; . . : � ; . . .. Albert B. Olson , � . . .; _ � _ City Cler , ., , .. � - � . . , � ' : - .._ ;,. I, _ _ , . ' - i .: ,: � . :� (August 9� 1986) -, ' _ ` _ : -,, - _ ' - _ --� - � . , - . . . _ • . ` . � � . . - .- _ _� _ -�.. � w. _ . . . : . . I , ;. _ i . , . ._ , _ , � - . : _ . � : _ �i_ . _ , . ,__ ' ' �: 3 . - : . _ i ._ - •- - . - , .; , � , , _ , _ . . _ , . _ _ - - � _ _ _ . : .� . . � . : - ' � . ° _ _ , , _ . . ,F . _ , — . _ - , . _ _ . ; . ; . _ _ _ _ - _ . . I� : , : : , � I� , - • 1 _ . _ v : �- .. ..�:. : • � , t , � - - _ ., , 1 - . _ . , . . . . ,. . , - � ' - . _ . ` �I, ` `, � • � _, , � ;- , - ; . _ . , , . i , - - _ . : . { ' , : . � . � _ . .. . . ,�::., : .;, . . , .._ - , _ . . . , i , ; , - . � . , _ . _ ; , Y � . - _ _ . -- -- _ ,_ . , _ � . I I ` ; , i .- , ST. PAUL� CITY GOUNCIL _ _ � _ : _ , _ _ � � PUBI.IC HEARING NOTICE _ . . - � : ' � ZQNIN�G ; � _ ; . :. � - , � . . . � � . .� _. , . . .. . :.4 . . _, _ _ � _ -, . - . , - -_ _ - . _ _ .. _ _ __ _ , , _ . _ . � _ _ , ,. _ . � _ � - 4 . ._: _ � . _ t . - - - - -_ T0: Proper� owners within 350 feet; � � ` � _ ` ` Repres� tatives of District .15 - � F�E,E � Na.. 942 . - . __� � _ __ _ : _ PAGE . � ; _ _ _ , - - = r _ _ - , : - -- . : PURPQS�, To�� from R-4 (single family} tQ P-1 (parking to ` � : provide off-street parking. � _ � _ . ; I : I . i � L�CAT�� 2076 Pinehurst (South side between Finn and Clevel nd) ; _ i PETITION R INVESTORS SAVINGS BANK, FBS & HAROLD LYSNE I - ; HEARING � �ursaa,►, August 21, �98� �o:oo A.M. � Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court H use f . _ QUESTION�� . zoning 29s-4isa (oonna oatsko � Contact the Zoning Section of the Plan.ning and Econo i� �' Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex.. � 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 I LegaT Description: Lots 4 through 7, Block 9s St, C therine's i Pa rk - I ... _. _ ; . _ II � - I - . Notice aent i 8-8-86 . �� � � . � ��-/�� . , , ; . I city of � int paul planning�, commission resolution � file num r 86-65 . date � �u,y z_�6 WHEREAS, I I vestors Savings Bank, FBS and Harold Lysne File #9942 has petitioned o rezonc . 2076 Pinehurs� Avenue situated on southside between Finn and Cleveland from R-4 t P-1 for the _ purpose of pr i viding off-street parking; and WHEREAS, thl Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on July 24, 1986, held a public hearing at wh ch all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant t said ap- plication in aq ordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Leg' lative Code; and � . WHEREAS, Sa nt Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidcnce presented to its Z ning Com- mittee at the pl blic hearing as subsequently reflected in the minutes, made the follow ng findings of fact: I 1. The appli I nt has proposed construction of a surface parking lot for 48 vehicles. he parking would ser e a new, one-story commercial structure, one•half used for bank purpos s and the other for medical office suite, and would be incorporated with an existing surfa e lot now zoned B-2.! The lot may serve other commercial uses in the Cleveland-Ford Parkw y commer- cial area. landscape buffer equal to the residential setback on Pinehurst and an ther buffer, ap roximately 40' wide (one full lot) at the western edge of the_parking lo , have been proposed. 2. Off-street arking for commercial uses may be provided (1) on the same zoning lo (2) in a P- l district ol , (3) within the same district as the principal use and within 300 feet o the build- ing it is in nded to serve. i 3. Parking fo a new building with 6,817 usable floor area and mixed bank-office-co merciat use would i equire 48 off-street spaces, the same number found in the current prop sal. 4. The City's and Use Policy states that "the City...through...zoning will encourage b sinesses to reduce traf ic and parking problems." .__. 5. The Highla d Village Plan, adopted in 1985, identifies these lots as suitable for de elopment � as commerc al surface parking. � 6. The ITE Tr en r ti n (1979) study indicates an average weekday trip rate for s vings and loans (drivd in) as 74 per 1,000 square feet, for general office buildings as 12.30 pe 1,000 square feet i nd for single family detached homes as 10.0 per dwelling unit. (continued) moved b � r. Pangel _ `��� by P1r. Repke . in favor �o;�e �ote - against - i . . � N ,. ,,. , ,,:,,, - .. , e.l.' '. � , � . � � . , � . . , ., i ,� ` .,.' . �' ' ' . �t:� .I �� � . � . : . . . . . . � i � �, • I. '. t .. . � ' . . . �' I � �'I,.. � ! � � . . , . ' . . . . . . . , ' .��' .1 � � • I j ;� �. I , ' r °•� �, �,� � . }' , � p .f� . . . � ' .. � �� It� ,� ..�k� . � � � , I�� r�� } � � i ' u Y� 1 . .. . . �. r . . . . � . . . � . . ,�.,,; i�t �.�,� ; . ! �� i' . . ;' ' . ' . . . . , . - � I .��. t 1.�'. ' , i (.� ' . ' . . � .t i i r :, . . . :.�.. � � t.. ' - . . ' , � , . �f.�c.i , . � . �A' .� . ' . . � � . . �� ��.r, '�. � �,. I.; ' � � . � . , � . .. r �. .. . i � . . . . � � . . . � �_ �.' , . . � . � � ' ' � . � i t a.�i � . . _ �:r� . .-I �, .. � . , � h�i .� y,a .i' �' . . � I i� � . . � .. . � e �. . . �'r� , � � .'� , i- � � � +,�? } ; f. � . � � - � �i��� � .) � . . . , . ` . . . , - `.., `�' � � i- �� . � . . � ' . . . . . . . . i �� � ' � � � . � � n �� . . � � -i � . . . . � • , i��, �. _ . , . . ..3 ,.. . . . ' . � ' � . � . . . ' . . .I�'i . ' " . . , '. . � If . � I ' . .' . . . � ��� - ��.��� , � city of �int paul � pianning �� ommission resolution � file num r 86-65 . �te J ly 25, 1986 File #9942 Page Two 7. Eight requ� ed conditions for P-1 districts as set forth in Section 60.723 are met by the ap- plicant as f llows: (1) the parking lot will be accessory to the bank and office use and (2) will be ina cessible for public use when the building is closed; the applicant may r ach an ac- cord with � her commercial property owners to allow lot usage during evening hou s but the lot must bel inaccessible after the last use; (3) it will not be used as an off-street lo ding area and (4) no 'ommercial repair work or service will be conducted from the lot (S) th lot will contain dir ctional signs only and (6) no buildings will be erected on the premises; 7) the ap- plicant has� ubmitted a preliminary plan and will go through (8) the city review pr cess. NOW, THEREF RE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that t e petition of Investors Sa�'ngs Bank, FBS and Harold Lysne to rezone property at 2076 Pinehurst venue more particular y described as Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7, Block 9, St. Catherine's Park from a -4 zoning classification tq P-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTH� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby r commend to the Council o the City of Saint Paul that property located at 2076 Pinehurst Avenue be � rezoned from R to P-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the S int Paul Planning Divisi n. �-. f moved b I Mr. Pangel 7 ��� by Mr. Repke in fav�or ' us voice vote agair�st ! i i . _ . , �. . • s' i '�,. + . . , � I ' r ,' l 7 � rt'l � r . . , . i :.��r � � . . . - . . ��� �:��i; . ' ; . . � �. .�'�.; ,1. . . . . t 'x 5 �..\., � , „�. . _ .. . . . � _F � .�p r . Y .��. ' . . . � _. r�4 �r?y . :r . °F ` r � i �i ti`4� i 1. � '5 � ��F � �. � , . 't . , + . 1 . . .. 't. � .. . . � , `1 , _ i � .. . . . . , . . .4.. .'Y.. , . . . . } . .... I Ir -�' . . . . . I, , f 1 �+ � a ' r ` . '�}; ' ir " q ' :�� � �.' �' ,' . � . 1. n �. �! � . . , . � . . .i.. .. . , .! �� �. 1ix }�.'r ��. � i . ��u '�. a� � � _ � . � ' ; � i ` �� L � � � , . . . � a,� . ,� : ; ��.�. i � i �� +r: . . f !w ) I . . � . . .' y 's ' ''� ' {. ' ',� ' �}1 3'_ . F `�"„�y�� �:'�t� -" ,t- t , �S, n»si•7� �,.�1„ '.�� � _ -� a� ��t ��. —�: r is--r ..wic-r � x .v, -k ..r:, � oy. , - .� . . . . . . - �t�. �y.:.i . , �;'} ? . . i �..�z` . , . . . ' ...� . , � ' i �' �t �,r• � +� v 1,� ' � i i.r. t . . . . .. . ' � �� .� � �p ti 'ii� � �'�� �i� . A _ �y;; i I !' , � � , t��q�+'� ' 1 ',.. t��' �' � ' y 1�h � �7 �.��� ^ i {. � ��� . ,,� ,.y � , r ; . • , � !� �� I �' . , � ' . . , . , ( �.�;� � �+��i;.,i ; � i � ,� , . ' t.., � I� ' . . , r a �i�� , � . . • 1. ' . . ' . . ' � . .J'Q� . � 1 : . t '� � � � d , .. � r' �I� � - � . . . �. � . . ,-. �;'�'�.�x•. . . . �� . c �i � ' .' J +t � ' • . .I . � � ' . .. L c+ . ' _ , , . t � � �� � � � � 5 ��i:. � '' . � � � . � . . . . . ' . . . - t e .. . . . .t. . .. . . � � . _ �� ' . . � �'�- ��.-�� . � � . , . t ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT _____________________________ FIL #9942 1. APPLICA I T: Investors Savings Bank, FBS and Harold Lysne DATE OF HEARI G: 7/24/86 2. CLASSIFI ATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATIO I : 2076 Pinehurst Avenue (southside between Finn and Cleveland) 4. PLANNIN DISTRICT: I S 5. LEGAL DF} CRIPTION: Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7, Block 9, St. Catherine's Park 6. PRESENT I ONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.723 . � 7. STAFF IN i ESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/16/86 BY: Donn Datsko __-_____-°===I c==�==_=====c=====x-----------==aso=m�====�ms__�__a==mc��x �a:aa��� ����������� - -...��� -------------I -----�----�-x-------c�----�c�������m-----���---=�s---�-a�x ��cs��o ����_ ��������.���� __����� �__� ����������� ��� � A. PURPOSE: I!To rezone from R-4 to P-1 to provide off-street parking. B. PAR EL SII E: The petition was declared sufficient by the Planning I)ivision on J ly 1, 1986, 30 par els eligible; 21 parcels required, 21 parcels signed. C. EXISTING I AND USE: The parcel is composed of four lots with 160 feet on Pineh rst and a depth of ab ut 125 feet for a total area of 20,088 square feet. D. SURR N ING LAND E AND Z NIN DI TRI T; North: Re idential, R-4 and Commercial, B-2 East: Ca� mercial, B-2 South: Co mercial, B-2 West: Re idential, R-4 E. Z NING HI TORY: Since 1969, there have been three attempts to rezone this area rom B residential t commercial to provide off-street parking; each attempt failed due to n ighbor- hood opposit on and uncertainty of use provided by the "C" zoning district. F. FINDINGS: II 1. The appl� cant has proposed construction of a surface parking lot for 48 vehicles. The parking ould serve a new, one-story commercial structure, one-half used for ba k pur- poses an the other for a medical office suite, and would be incorporated with a existing surface 1 t now zoned B-2. The lot may serve other commercial uses in the Cleve and- Ford Par way commercial area. A landscape buffer equal to the residential setb ck on Pinehurs and another buffer, approximately 40' wide (one full lot) at the wester edge of the parkv g lot, have been proposed. 2. Off-stree� parking for commercial uses may be provided (l) on the same zoning 1 t, (2) in a P-1 dis ict or, (3) within the same district as the principal use and within 300 eet of the build ng it is intended to serve. 3. Parking I r a new building with 6,817 usable floor area and mixed bank-office- commerci� 1 use would require 48 off-street spaces, the same number found in the current proposal• I 4. The City' Land Use Policy states that "the City...through...zoning will encourage businesse� to reduce traffic and parking problems." 5. The High and Village Plan, adopted in 1985, identifies these lots as suitable for d velop- ment as c mmercial surface parking. 6. The ITE I ri en ra i n (1979) study indicates an average weekday trip rate for avings and loans i drive-in) as 74 per 1,000 square feet, for general office buildings as 12. 0 per 1,000 squa e feet and for single family detached homes as 10.0 per dwelling unit. I . ' ` ,,Fi�e #9942 II ' Page Two . 7. Requi d conditions for P-1 districts as set forth in Section 60.723 are met by e ap- plicant as follows: (1) the parking lot will be accessory to the bank and office ses and (2) wil be inaccessible for public use when the building is closed; the applican may reach an acc rd with other commercial property owners to allow lot usage during ev ning hours but th� lot must be inaccessible after the last use; (3) it will not be used as an f-street loadin area and (4) no commercial repair work or service will be conducted f m the lot (5) the ot will contain directional signs only and (6) no buildings will be erect d on the premis s; (7) the applicant has submitted a preliminary plan and will go throug (8) the city re iew process. G. STAFF AN LYSIS: The property has a long history of unsuccessful rezoning atte pts. However, r sidential development of these lots is unlikely given the long history of vacancy. The curren proposal provides ten times the residential sideyard setback required b the code for P-1 use while maintaining the residential front yard setback. It also adequatel meets the parking req! ired for the new development as bank-office uses. + ` Traffic wil� increase on Pinehurst with any redevelopment of the bank property on Cleveland. However, t e parking lot will also help draw parked vehicles off of Piriehurst, part' ularly if an agreeme t is reached between the bank and other commercial users along Clevel nd and/or Ford Parkw y. - H. TAFF RE NDATI N: Based on findings 1 through 7 and the staff analysi , staff recommend� approval of the rezoning from R-4 to P-1. I I . � �� , � G �� �e'��^^�� � • . . , i � � i f � � . ' � � �I ii � �' ' �� � o �� �� �� � � �� i � ,� � � � u. �,�.� C� aw, . .,.�, � . . � __ _._ _ _ � i � �► a� � .� � � , � a , �� �. Z , , � . . o � . s' � _ � � � � 5 i � e m y � . ►. � , � li � � � o � � I d • � �� �i', rr � +` s�r ly � �, � n , � - - � �- - � � � _ � . . . ., . , � . � � � � . ; . --� ; , �� � . . ._ . . - . - --. � �_ � u . ' � � , � � � � a � _. ._ _ '� . �._. � Z .. � ` Z � � � ' �. . r � � ---� � � . , ,, � '_ � � � � \ � . . � � � . $ � � . - - ..---� • . . � . , tt � I , � —–� – . . � - --� � - � � - � - I . � � . , � ' � .. I e -- - ------ ----- ____ . . - -- --- I ' ' �s < < �•�� � II� 1 � . ' ' ' . . - � � I ' �q'.�',�II I ,'�`` �. � � ��;� I '�. �� �. , h, . s�! . � . � . . � � � • t c�� ir!'i i.. . ; � '. _..� . I���� , � � � ,i . �� . � � . .. � � ��� r i. �� �� '.r.. u� �� . . t ,I�,i� . � _ .. . . . �. . .� � . - � . f �-� � ' �a r d � : ` i. '�� I � �.i ' r �. � � � c � . . f ,A'` . . � � . , . ' . . ' ���'{ ' I . i � x'd . � ..- �. �� � - . ,_ . . .. . � � ' .s: � y ' �r � i � 1 �� •. i � �1 y � _ 1: : � }�:'!�w . . . � � , . . . i ���"� . � : . � .I. . . . . . . . . � _ �.�j y A� � . . . r . tl '. . , '..A : ' - � :: • . . - . ...� � -R i � Y . �' I. , . ,' ` f " � ' � s ', � �-.i � � p ` �..�a .. . �'�r I � . . . . ' . . � � 'P.1' �� n :..�i ' .. . ) �A; .. . . �� . • � ' � . � � ~ �r 1 �rr�-iLj�t t �•� '.4 y,`. ; � � y i I,` . .. . . _ �r��x 't ^.y � � " l.�;f r �I . . . . . . ,, ' . �� u� �`�1 �; � . I . . . ' . , . . . . � . �.� :AI�f , . . , ;. .. . '1' I . . .. r,. LS.1ti4� . , . � � , - � . �. �i . � .. . � ... . .II . ' �. :� . . ' . � � � . � � � � . . . .. ' �4�..i, � � , , . �_ � , . . SOU�THWEST SOU�I IWeS l l�1CCa IJIS lrlCl. �OUC�CII � AR�Ar, ,� 2305 Ford Parkwa Suite 19 Y � w Saint Paul� Minnesota SS11G G12 G90-0866 S AD � OISTRICT V I Scrving the business and residcntial communitics of Southwest Saint Paui . . July 17, 1 86 Donna � atsko --�--...�.,.....�... P.E.D. Z�����7 ��LE . City H 11 Annex Z 25 W. th St. St. Pa 1, MN 55102 � . Dear M . Datsko, � ► : On Jull 10, 19� the Southwest Area District Council (SWAD) recomme ed to app ove Investors Bank request to rezone 2076 Pinehurst (lots 4 5, 6, 7, lock 9, St. Catherines Park) from R-u to P1 for the purpos of provid ng off-street parking. If you � ave any questions, please call me at 690-0866. Sincer y, . Michel Lichtig Carununii y Organizer cc: Co ncilman Draa Co ner Schmid T Lohmann Ji Whiting . _ . . . I �. i „ � , ; �' ,� f � : ; zs � > �' i �. . ,, ''.t. 'I ,� , ' .�� j�� , -.! r � � ' !I � � , �. Fr Y. I '. f `.. i� �.�a �� ' ��,�� . � � � . . .. � . �•� if�.�.� r r.!il c .i�' .(�'. � �i i 1. . �� � �, � . , � . �� � . ' . � � + �� J 1 ti ti�., �� 1, � S N , , , I . ' ; '''i.M�� � ;'` f; . � I � I' ' Y , 6 � } I }J" � � rO .`��"�c7� ,p�., � . � ' . �`.r 1� ! � t�. ,. 1 �: t � � �+ �'� ,�' P i s»�'�' � ..8� `�.� 1_'. l � ,.. r._�`It_ ,. .� - , � • . ... r n a r �i�.x x .v� Y,tr �r•:i ;i � � � ' .?� ' � , : . . . . ... ��•,:hi .i:�: ?:�. �+- � � . . , : �'. .... � .i � � , � . . ► . _� , , .� , .• : . •: ...� . . - � ..:� 3 �� t� ., . . . . . � �. : , 1 �.:i.,�y �.. . , {`Y 4� I - `�. , .. . '. � .. ' '� i � �'. �ks ,ry�''g i . i r �y i �,. F�� t �n y i . . � .�3 r � �' � , . � ' .� � i . �.� � � il.�°� , � 1 S 1 i. • �',! • . ,p 'k t �:� � , 4r.�i4 t �. .,� 4 .� . . .� ��� ��� '����i.�� '' � � :'i�1 t j ��, j � fai�� 1 ! � . .' ..k�) . � . . . - ' � ' � .A .I .. . � �� .I� � f . � . � I �� � ' : r � v?,f� Y .. i 1 i��' 1 ' . �_. i.'� � � � � . ' �A:t�} � ! �'. �� � �. � . � � - ' � . �' � � . t��� , - . "j � � . , � . . . • ' � . F_�i `. 4.: ' � ' oi� 't�� •II��` �. . . . . . . . t: '� � .a � � ' r .. � . .I � . . . �. . a }�._i i :'. . `. � , f. , , ', . , . Y 4` F�;i .. . . .. . � . . i:'.t. . . II . ..'�' . .'�.., r, . I,, ,;; .� . .. 4 . , . . � r ' ,' 'i''_ . �..' � I . � . . , . . � .� :�,vl�� . . . � � . _ . . � ' . . .. .. . ...��. .. ... .� , � � : , � i+���_� F��� - �� FRAN"L N. MUELLER , 1 � ZIIU WELLESLF:Y AVENUE SAINT PAUL, MINNESU7'A 55105 '. (G12) G98-33G7 Jul 2Q, 19E36 � � . �. �;����I - President, � =���v GL�.h'_�-- � Investors ��ing Be.nk � 386 N. Vlabasha Saint i aul, :�linn. 5ii 102 Dear ros ective nei h��:ors: P P � . Since I do not know who is in charge at th ISB, � I am taking the libert,y of addr4ssing you simply as future igh- bors. It is, however, exactly a qunstion of "nei6h��orhood" t at cau ses nie to write you: : I�Iy wife 'Pherese �i'h.D. in economics and soc'ol- � ogy and former substitute instructor at the Colle�;e of St.Ca herine) � and I, former chairman oi' the Department of Fconomics snd Bu iness- � ! adrr.inistration*�ust re�d with dismay in the iii,hland Uillag .r that �, ! the former TCF buildin� on ClPVeland Avenue wi ll be rszed to make �'��- ! way for a ne:v branch of IS?3. � I This is to ask you to reconsic�er. That buil ing is ' � I the architPcturally cnost ele�u�it and tasteful building in th entire ;,� i :iighland nei,;borhood. An intelli�Pnt and imaginative archits t should � ^ i be able to enlarge the present structure without "ruining" i . :�e �' �i or she might evPn utilize the space undPrne�th tho present p rking �;J � lot. �a I am afr�id that you c+�ill say: This is a su.,f*Pstion " ` � of a typical professor who r,�ight b� able to t�ach a course i monPy �' � and bankino but who is unable to appr:�ciate practi.cal nrol�lP s such . �, � of space and builain�. And t:}:en you •,uill pro'�ably simply go h�,ad �' � and tear dotivn a fairly beautiful bui?ding. ?iowPver, if you a pr�ciete r � �he importance of :'.3., you cannot but: rP+?lize that it do�s ot rrtilcP � ! a good irnpression if a bank is dpstroyin:; rather than buildi g up, � i •r.�astin� rather than saving. And in so doing you wi.11 ignor� hq, �. ! mood and mind of the very people you wish to in�rite to do tni inPSs Iwith you: If your present erchitect cannot pr�sent a more "c nstruct- I ive" . �rather than de�tructiv�) solution, �et; another. on� - f t. • Your�� v�ry trul,r, .... _� ��L C•_ . V (. �:. _ . �tf . r�r., 1,itt. `U.h.c.i�ranz H. trueller ��.�.r.A.) *I! Yrof. Amer. af ?.conomics i�'S In 1:�50, t�usinP�s A��:.inistracion became an independ«�nt dep rtu;�nt in th� Coll��,e,but I stayed on as ch::irman of the 'Jepart:�, ol' �'conorucs till 1962; in 19(iii I retired. �� --l�l I /. ,.. � `_ `,' —E-. 1 )�J,�� `��� � � _ � i /. ���/ 01.� " (�{/�-L�.( l..:t,c -d--.,,� .o•i_c.���,�`p�_L% /7 �. � C/ L' _ �_ J � / \ ` / � �._._ `` �,. � LC_—tC-fJ~�C, � � — � � �.`.I , � � ��!�� � . , , � ,i� �, i ,. ' ,; .. � .�� �n�.6 �', i 1 4 ,' . � � ;. ' 1 ' ��i . . . . . , . . ' . ' '. ; t 1 l 'y1 . I ��..�� ��,� I , � ' . . . . ' �. i ' � . 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I � � �� �°3�+ Application Fee $ `7 �- JU � j ��86 Tentative Hearing Date � "Z`'1—�� + , \,��vG & Number of Lots or Size of Pa cel: r',_ _ (`I- � :.x.� EC,'•71\.>��°! �E�'E 3-�iPM,=NT ;� -_:, i._ _____________________________ __________ k: ,> ��� TO THE HONORABLEI MAYOR IAND CITY COUNCIL DATE � i�-� 19 �f� c/o Zoning Officl , 1100 City Hall Annex Saint Paul , Minn sota 55102 Pursuant tolSection 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 62.357(5) Investors Savings Bank, F�� and of the Mi nnesota Statut�s, xarold L�sne , the owner of all of the la d propmsed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Bod to rezone the follo ing de�cribed property: Street Addr ss: 076 Pinehurst St. Paul Minnesota Legal Descrfiption: Lots 4 5 6 7 Block 9 t. Catherin ' amse Count Mi n from an R- i 1 m' 1 Zoning District to a - Ir ' Zoning District for the purpose q Harold Lysne NV S SAVI S BAN , FSB Subscribed and sw r►�o By: - before me this da of 19� T i t 1 : Gc.! P age of � tarx�P,�i+�. 4080 •«µ����• NYRA . SACCk-IETTI•.; ������ �� �Qf,� /85 ��•���}g NOTARY P 6LIC-MIIUNESOTA � �� �,.` ��� HENN PIN CO�NTY My Commissi n Expires ar.10,1992 . CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the �ind rsigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions of eal estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within on year preceding the da� e of this pPtition, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the following: Investors Savings Bank, FSB 1. A copy f the P et i t i on of and Harold L sne name of petitioner 2. A copy f Sections 60.721 through 60.723 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a _ ) District zoning lassification and we are aware that any of these uses can e established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the roperty described in the I estors Savings Bank, fsb Petition of to a District. , name of petiti�n?r LOT BLOCK DDITION RECOR� OWNER SIGNATURE DATE St. Catherin 6 9 Park Harold L sne .�G%Z�'— � �� � �� �� �� �� i� 8 �� �� �� �� y W 2 0 ---- -�- Lot 2 0 " I " " " �G��— '� Lot 2 0 I -- --—----- --- exce t W 20 ' " " " `� —__ �-— -- 21 �� ! �� �� �� 7 -------�-- 22 �� , I �� �� �� � -----�---- ---- --- 23, 24 ' ^ & 2 5 �� I �� �� �� .c�/�'�1�� `1 ^ � � � j nvestors By: 1 , 2 & 3 " � " Savin s Bank ts_ z,✓ Y �L --�---- � ---- — By: '� 4 �� I � �� �� : v�, s — - By: ' -- 6/`/' a2 5 " " " t s: diP ---_ __._---�- � � - _� — — .__ c �--- _ ____ — Petitions shall n�' t be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petition s received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his nameltherefrom by written request within that time. Qa P age of � ���,� �:� "� � _�r�Z . : . �. � ����� �� r� � � CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING WP, the ��n er�igned, owners of propertv within 100 feet of the total co tiguous descriptions of real �state owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within o e year precedinG the � te of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the follo�ing: '� Twin City Federal Savings & Loan l . A copy of thP Petition of c'a 'on and Harold L sne . name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60.721 through 60.723 , incl sive of the St. P 1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge th we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 Pa ki n District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can b established upa City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of the property described in the � in City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of to a p-1 Parkin District. name of petitinner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE � g S,pC`�h ewtne. ��r+.�� � s h a _ �'���?� _ y�'� < 7 �� � �• ti �, �� � gri � � �I h N ��� �- � �' ---- � < � D �. i� �� h N � �.'*' �° - - .___._ ...._ . _ __ , � �,ycsM'�" / u ' a tr � 7 ��J b IN --- --- 2 ► �� � r � � ---._��—� � � � L � ��. �� t �� � � v� � -----1- ------ -- � - � �3�- `• �( u °� �1 Z � �+�. � ►t ' �� 'r'w����y`F'/�FssM. � �i '��3��� �� ?sVi .sN �S �'--� ---- ctac. •v �.�. . � ,,•�,..�., res.�.r.r �1 �'"=3 ."��.► , �� � �� ' -�l� N ' � �T�i� S� �� » ,� •� W �' �., � �-3 �6 �— , ---- --------- -�-------� - - ---------- — - �---L- ---- - - Petitions shall not be contidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 w rking days after a petitio is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any peti ion may withdraw his na e therefrom by written request within that time. P ag 2 of �`l� ����� �� ���� �� _________ I . � - �"a��2 . � . . , . ` ` CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING WP, the �,nler�igned, ovm ers of pro�ertv within 100 feet of the total co tiguous descriptions of' real Pstate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within o e year precedinq the d te of this petition, acknowledge that we have been f urnished with the follo�►ing: Twin City Federal Savings & Loan 1. A copylof thP Petition of ' n and Harold L sne name of petitioner 2. A copy�'of Sections 60.721 through 60.723 , incl sive of the St. Pa 1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge tha we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 Pa kin District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can established upo City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of the property described in the in City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of to a p-1 Parkin District. name of petiti�ner � y.��� �;� 1 LOT BLOCK DDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE �t�- sp rk k.,,,M R w-�h R�sh��k ' 8�,� 1 �6 �� � ,� .SA 1-,M.� Anr►cz ,�: y///gd •r �}�e� .t7 .� �J.`�l-,r y F���� ,.,:� �+�. 5��/��! �� N �I�1c�sl 1 YtvrYf 7N = 7 IL o s �:s,,�hd ���,r� y . � y/�/�G ♦ .� �.c�r .�±r�cd J3�c�z s' I 3 � '�s t;••�.rh �J�pti,��,� � 9. �..... T.�!,,..�C,� 1/ � �� . r _ o Ss�� �n �. --�--- � — --� --�----- -- I ! --�---- ---- � � �' -- ----- I �._...}.—� --�----— i Petitions shall ot be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wo king days after a petitionlis received in the Zoninq Office. Any signator of any petit on may withdraw his nam' therefrom by written request within that time. P age of � Z���� �' ��' �. � '� a9�lZ a 'wF ';:•>� .__,_ ,; • . � � CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING WP, the �m ersigned, own�rs of propertv within 100 feet of the total co tiguous descriptions �flreal Pstate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within o e year preceding the d te of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the follo+ving: I Twin City Federal Savings � Loan 1. A copy of thQ Petition of ' n and Harold L sne name of petitioner 2. A cop,� of Sections 60.721 through 60.723 , incl sive of the St. Pa 1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge tha we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 pa k in Oistrict zonin�' classification and we are aware that any of these uses can b established upo City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of thq property described in the in City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of to a p-1 Parkin District. . name of petiti�ner - LOT BLOCK � ADDITION RECOR� OWNER SI6NATUR DATE ��� /N�N.sJ4 I101✓in F,K.c f' �� • v � �?r��d' e✓tr l siAn�i� _ i ly�a - --�- —1I — 1 �_l .------- — . � ' --}------�- -- � i ; -----� - - - Petitions shal not be contidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 rking days after a petiti n is received in the Zoninq Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his n me therefrom by written request within that time. N F��� qQ�{ Pa �of � ZON1 G _` , 4 � CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPER7Y OWNERS TO REZONING WP, the ��nd r�igned, own�rs of propPrtv within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions �f eal �state owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within on year preceding the da e of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the follo�ing: Twin City Federal Savings � Loan 1. A copy f thP Petition of ' n and Harold L sne . name of petitioner 2. A copy f Sections 60.721 through 60.723 , inclu ive of the St. Pau Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 Par in District zoning lassification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the roperty described in the in City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of to a p-1 Parkin District. name of petitinner - LOT BLOCK DDITIQN RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE �s.fss K h���,�«� �y���,���w, c�-=-+ /��� *�/ � -- - - --�- ,1— � --� -------- -- I ' --�---- � •-------f--- � --- ----•�- - - — ---- ----•— I � ��— �_.. —._.------ - ---1- --- --- - Petitions shall ot be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wo king days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petit on may withdraw his nam ther�from by written request within that time. P age of � ZON� Gf� LEaq- . , . � _ fa`,r-� ' , . , CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPER7Y OMNERS TO REZONING WP, the �� dersigned, orm�rs of propPrtv within 100 feet of the total co tiguous descriptions � real Pstate �wned, purchased, or sold by Petit.ioner within o e year precedinq the ate of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: . Twin City Federal Savings � Loan 1. A cop of thP Petition of ' n nd Harold L sne . name of petitioner 2. A cop of Sections 60.721 through 60.723 , inclusive of the St. P ul Zoning Code; and acknowledge th t we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 P rk in District zonin classification and we are aware that any of these uses can e established up n City Council approval of the rezoning; and �e hereby conse t to the rezoning of th property described in the in City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of to a p-1 Parkin District. name of petitinner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATU DATE �.fi�� �' 3 °� TG�i!I R��IN� � � I / � �' 7 ? � __1_. . _ SKtsI'iSo1� • G+ l4pPRQ1"Ft1 R�.�.'.��s, �...� A�w �i oa�l .. s�Npsti `r �N"1 r _.... _1_ � __� --- — -- I ° �-- I ---- i — 1 — --- ----- ---�--— - ------— - Petitions sha�l not be contidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 orking days after a petit on is rec'eived in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any pet'tion may withdraw his ame therefrom by written request within that time. ��1� �'�G F 1 L.E q'q'�'+,Z P a e�t�of = . e CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING WP. the �, der�igned, own�rs of propPrtv within 100 feet of the total co tiguous descriptions o real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within o e year precedinq the ate of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the follo�ving: Twin City Federal Savings & Loan 1 . A cop I' of thQ P et i t i on of ' t'on and Harold L sne . name of petitioner 2. A cop ' of Sections 60.721 through 60.723 , incl sive of the St. P 1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge tha we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 Pa kin District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can b established upo City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consen to the rezoning of the property described in the ' in City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of to a p-1 Parkin District. name of petiti�ner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Robav�'f � � Ys• �' t s •k --�sl.alJ W. •�ert�h Ok� , ar�w Swt i h��vt s,�L' - / / Pa r�t � 3 �(S --- - -_—�— � --1- �------ -- � - � � --�--- ---- — � � ---- ------ - -- �� 1 _.��- ------ - -1-------� - - ----------- - ��.--�- - -- — -- - Petitions shal� not be con�idered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 w rking days after a petitio is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any peti ion may withdraw his n e therefrom by written request within that time. P ag F2 of � ������ ���.�F .�.�.. �.............._......�._......_.�,�..._...M......�... . _ . ,w.__ _ _ � - i�.��-� ' � ,. . � 4 � CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING WP, the �m ersigned, ovrners of pro�ertv within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions of ' real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petit.ioner within on year precedinq the d te of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the follos�ing: , ' Twin City Federal Savings & Loan 1 . A copy of thP Petition of ' n and Harold L sne . name of petitioner 2. A copy' of Sections 6p,721 through 60.723 , inclu ive of the St. Pa 1 Zoning Code; and acknowledge tha we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 Pa kin District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can b established upo City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the; property described in the in City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of to a p-1 Parkin Oistrict. name of petitinner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE �' � �l� al a' � � s p 1�tt � - --- � . . --- -- __._ __l_ � __, __ ._____ -_ �__ ' ____ . � � _ ; ___�_ ____._ - �__._� � . _�_______ _ .� _�_ _ � _ Petitions shall not be con�idered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 w rking days after a petiti is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any peti ion may withdraw his na e therefrom by written request within that time. P ag i$ of � Z��1�� ����� � 9u�. �...._ _ �a'�Y�M�F'OS.tr3.R'::�3::':....`+wr.:,......�-�_...,. .. ��� �� . ' '� STATE OF MINNES TA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSE ) __ �orr��j IP �lma�n , being first duly sworn, deposes snd states that he is the person who circ lated the within petition and consent, consisting of � pag s; that affiant is info d and believes that the parties described are the a+ners re pectively � of the lots p1a'ed irtmediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes tnat each of th parties described above is the owner of property which is wi hin 100 feet from a y property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petiti ner within one (1) ear preceding the date of this petition which is tontiguous t the property descri ed in the petition; that except for �one of the par ies described above has purchased or s purchasin properiy f om petitioner cont guous to the above described property within one �1) year of he date of the petition that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the p esence of this affiant, a d that' the signatu�es are the true and correct signatures of ach and a11 of the part es so described. � �bo5 BRoo v�E � AvEUu� , ddress �ai�A M�N � -- 33 a-'1o98 elephone Number Subscribed nd ' worn to befcre me this � da of , 19� N t ublic � � � 'r� ' JESSICA L. B N TA -MINNESOTA KO �y � mmission E�ires Oct , �.:�w:; NYR A. SAGICHETTI . �i� � NOTAR PUBLIC—MINNESOTA �1� HEN EPIN CiOUNTY `�A�...+ My Commi'sion Expire$Mar. 10.1992 Approved as to ' orm - Feb. SS Page � of � Planning Oepar nt ������G ��l�� .�— �. ��..a_��,._�.�. _ �._.,_. , --- _..��_ _ . _ _ � _ _ . . _ __ . � �.�__ . . . . __� t_. ..�_ , �T.� _.�.� � STATE OF MINNE OTA) : SS CQUNTY OF RAMS Y ) nnor . sch id , being first duly sworn, deposes and states tha he is the person who cir ulated 'the within petition and consent, consisting of � pa es; that affi�nt �s inf rmed and believes that the parties deseribed�dre the�owners•'� spectively of the lots pl ced irtmediately before each name, that affiant is informed an believes tr�at each of t'e parties described above is the owner of property which is w thin 100 #'pe� from ny property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petit oner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous o the C� property descr bed in the petition; that none of the pa ties described above has purchased or is purchasin property rom petitioner con iguous to the above described property within one �l) year of the date of the petitio ; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the resence of this affiant, nd that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the par ies so described. '� G�1 �, o� � Address MACKALL, CROUNSE & MOORE . 1600 TCF Tower Minneapolis, MN 55 02 Te ephone umber Subscribed and' sworn o before 19�/ methis � dyof rl , �p . � • Not y ublic , _ ' �s^�`�� lUUE WILCZEK � ��y��NOTARY t'UQLIC—F�IINNESOTA i� N[P�hIEPiN UOUiVTY My Commissiun Expires Nov.13,1991 x x Approved as to form - Feb. 85 of � Planning Depar ment �� Z����� ��L� . ' . . . � ' v ' STATE OF MINN SOTA) : SS COUNTY OF EY ) r ' Connor . schmid , being first duly sworn, deposes and states th t he is the person who ci culated the within petition and consent, consisting of � p ges; that affi�nt is in ormed and believes that the parties described'�are the owners espectively � of th� lots p�aced inmediately before each name, that affiant is informed a d believes tnat each of he parties described above is the owner of property which is ithin 100 f�Qt from any property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by peti ioner within one (1� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property desc ibed in the petition; that `'� none of the p ' ties described above has purchased or �s purchasin property from petitioner co iguous to the above described property within one �1) year o the date of the petiti ; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures o each and all of the pa ies so described. '; '� o h �p; �{ � v Address MACKALL, CROUNSE MOORE 1 6 0 0 TCF Towe r Minneapolis,MN 55 02 612 333-1341 Telephone Number Subscrib d and sworn o bef re o me thi s ,� ,ay of PI , 19 o�p � �,, • c � Not y Public = ` •�"°"�`�, JULIE WILCZEK • ` ����NOTARY PUELIC—�v11NNESOTA 1''+'�?%' HENNEPIN COUNTY My Commission Expires Nov.13, 1991 x x _�--�-----�� Approved as t form - Feb. � ��(y Page � of � Planning Depa tment ����G ��� Z , . . �' _ ���� ,, _ . . ' STATE OF MINNE OTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMS Y ) -- � •hNev . .sa��r�d , being first duly sworn. deposes and states tha he is the person who cir ulated the within petition and tonsent, consisting of � pa es; that affi�nt is infirmed and believes that the parties described�are the or+ners r spectively � of the lots pl' ced inmediately before each name, that affiant is informed an believes t�at each of t e parties described above is the owner of property which is w thin 100 feet from ny property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petit oner within one (1) yenr p�eceding the date of this petition which is contiguous o the property descr bed in the petition; that except for none of the pa ties described above has purchased or is purchasin property rom � petitioner con iguous to the above described property within one �1) year of the date of the petitio ; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the resence of this affiant, nd that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the par ies so described. �` v� �� � . Address � CONNOR F. 8q�IMID 1800 TCF TOWER MPLB.� MN 55402 Telephone Number � 3 � _�3�t/ Subscrib and sworn to before me this �d y of , 19�( � � Not r ublic ,� , : �1;� 1ULIE WILCZEK � � NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA ��. HEiVNEPIN COUNTY My Commission Expires Nov.13, 1991 x x Approved as t form • Feb. 8 Page of � Planning Oepa tment ����N� c��� ay '"' � . � . . ; .. � , �. . " STATE OF MINNE 07A) : SS COUNTY OF RAMS Y ) - Marvin Manl� b i _ , e ng first duly sworn, deposes and states tha he �s the person who ciraulated the within petition and consent, consisting of � pa es; that affiant is infqrmed and believes that the parties described'�'are the owners r spectively of th� lots pla ed imnediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes t�at each of tli parties described above is the owner of property which is wi hin 100 feet from a� y property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petiti ner within one (1) ear preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous t the property descril ed in the petition; that - none of the par, ies described above has purchased or is purchasin property f om petitioner cont'guous to the above described property within one �1) year of he date of the petition! that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the p esence of this affiant, a� d that the signatures are the true and correct signa�ures of acn and all of the part'es so described. �1r' oµ p, g ` . /` Q'N"�� Address 760 Cleveland Avenu South St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 44 Telephone Number Subscribed and � worn t bef re me this � da of , 19g� � Notar ic . ! MA1I�AAET MANN • TARY PU9lIC-MINNESOTA I RAMSEY COUNTY Commission Expires Aug.6,1!!{ ���._c,•:Ysh,pt,w,�0,� •,%�,�.•.,. F,,. __��. Approved as to � rm - Feb. 85 Page of _`'� Planning Depart nt ZO���� ���E ��� , , . � � - ias� - , - . . o � STATE OF ) : SS COUNTY OF ) th�=.8sst.._ R�gional Mar ting r�gr, of Texaco Refining and eting Inc. , and w. v�, sNUTH , being first duly sworn. deposes and states th t he isithe person who ci culated the within petition and consent, consisting of /�/ p ges; that affiant is in ormed dnd believes that the parties described�re the a+r�ers spectively of the lots placed irtmediately before each name, that affiant is informed a d believes tnat each of he parties described above is the owner of property which is ithin 100 feet from� any property owned or purchnsed by petitioner or sold by peti ioner within one (1 year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property desc ibed in the petition; that none of the p rties desc�ibed nbove has purchased or ts purchasin property from petitioner co tiguous to the above described property within one �1) year o the date of the petiti n; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and thmt the sig�atures are the true and correct signatures o each and all of the pa ties so described. �v�, �. /'G . � �. �. W. �id. :SMI'I'fi Texaco Refining and keting Inc. - 1437 South Boulder Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119 918 Telephone Number Subscribed an' sworn to before me this l�� ay of April , 1986 _ C� c���� �ot3n Pub1iL; Comsnission � pires July 22, 1989 � Approved as � form - Feb. 8 Page // of � Planning Dep rtment Z����� ��� �. -Q��2 -�, --_-__..____.. � . , ' ` CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OMINERS TO REZONING WP. the ��ndlrsigned, owners of propertv within 100 feet of the total cont'guous descriptions af a1 estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year precedinq the da of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished w th the follo+ving: Twin City Federal Savings � Loan 1. A copy thP Petition of n name of pet tioner 2. A copy Sections 60.721 through 60.723 . inclus ve of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and _ acknowledge that e are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 Par in Oistrict zoning c�lassification and we are aware that any of these uses can e established upon ' ity Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the reZOning of the p operty described in the Tw n City Federal Savings & Loan Petition of -to a p-1 (Parkina) District. name of petitinner LOT BLOCK I OITION RECORD OWNER NATURE DATE 9 , : � • ,N� p. �r�•, �---�"��. �cv��.---- ��i y F 6 q ork a.cw . / C1-c�c,�t �.c� L���� � (Sa✓rws�I�. k►,.wst s ,[ a��: A�. I/o�br•�kf � --�- ��— � . ---, --- --- _� � I ' �-- --- � li - � ------ - . — � - _.._._ �---- 1 ------- �� � -1-- — --- Petitions shall n t be con�idered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petition �'s received in the Zoninq Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his name! therefrom by v+ritten request within that time. P age of /6 �_._ . - - r .. , ,_ _...._n.�.....T.�-.�-._:-r--�=-�.--,-.-..r..�-�...,�...,.-,-.•----�.-�.-- _. _ -- - _ _ . . _ . �� � � '� STATE OF MINNES TA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSE ) _ THanAs . I�a+�H+��1� , being first duly sworn, de ses and states tha he is the person Nho circ, lated the Nithin petition and consent;�onsistinglof f,fz pa s; that affiant is infq d and believes that the parties described�are the owners respectively � of the lots p1a� ed irtmediately before each name. that affiant is informed an believes tnat each of th parties described above is the owner of property which is wi hin 100 feet from ai y property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petiti ner within one (1) ear preceding the dnte of this petition which is contiguous t the property descri' ed in the petition; that except for none of the par' ies described above has purchased or s purchasin property f om petitioner cont' guous to the above described property within one �1) year of he date of the petitior� that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the esence of this affiant, a� d that the signatures are the true and cor�ect signatures of ach and al l of the part� es so described. ,� oti p. ,s- 1 � � S6�2S QpD i G- �tl� . ddress �p��� M� • �.��, -- 3 3�,-7fl9� Telephone Number Subscribed and li worn to befcre me this .�ot�+da of Tc�.K � . 198'� . Not ary ub i c ; � • ,• M��� '/��• Mr� i� i rM 1 I Approved as to orm - Feb. 85 Page I of �� Plannin9 Depar nt _.-. ..._ .. . . ... s. "_-.r_T.,.._-4-r.r.r-�a�—v-�.�.o...,a.-... _ �_. ..y. "„ "'_'Y. '..-......�°.� . � '. i _"" _. .- ' .� . o — .. -- .- . . �.s^. ' . . � . � . . . � . . . . . . , ' , ' " STATE OF MINN SOTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAM� Y ) , being first duly sworn, deposes and states tha he is the person who ci culate the within petition and consent, consisting of � pa es; that affiant is inf rmed and believes that the parties described"�$re the owners r spectively � of th2 lots pl� ced irtmediately before each name, that affiant is informed an believes tr�at each of t! e parties described above is the owner of property which is w'thin 100 feet from � ny property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petit oner within one (1)� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous o the property descr� bed in the petition; that except for none of the pa ties described above has purchased or is purchasin property rom petitioner con, iguous to the above described property within one �1 ) year of the date of the petitio ; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the resence of this affiant, nd that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the par', ies so described. �- p, i�� 13 Addr s 6621 alstaff ad Woodbury, Minne ota 55125 Tele hone Number P Subscribed and �sworn to before Home 731-4195 me this � d of t�r� , 19 86 Office 293-9 00 . Notary Public . . � ��s��� f.SCFIA�iD A \ �N� �1 �w��� r r . Approved as to orm - Feb. 85 Page of � Planning Depart ent ZC)1�l�lG F��.� 4Z _,.....�.,.�v.�. ....�....�..:...��_..�....___.. . � � - /��� . -: - � . . _ , }'� ,„_ _.��, ,/-�f l,Y - ' .;t , _ K S t . N �°'TS���/ /� f 8 ' w � � � �:.� r.�.....��,��Vf t*�u�-.' , 9{,�'��� r� � 8�SO��that t� ��`�';�#�.�. , #aen��►:,P.4�,�,d� ,��.a�id L�eve�,�e���a����� � . at ���'�`��;�_ �i�1 anfl � ��� ,���,�� � t 6. IM6. °s���o �+�1P���' '. 1tT$. 1+&��4tj,.Clet�r .�.. ,.- -_ � - ',�������1 : _ _ ._.:., . ... . __ ; . ,,.: , . ._, , _ ,,. _ _ ' . . .. . ... . ` a Fh' ' � _ . a(;�� �-���3�, - ___ _ _ __ _ - � ___ _ _ _ ._ _ __ __ . � _ __. __ _ _ _ _ _ --- _-- __ _ __ ___ _- _- --. -- -- �'vr11TE - CITY CLERK i PINk - FINANCE COUflClI / c � CANAKV - OEP�RTMENT i C I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L C ' � �� `rD �LUE - MAVOR , F11C NO. I' ' Council Resolution � � Presented By � Refe e To ' Committee: Date Out f ommit' ee By Date WHEREAS, I' the Satrtt Paui City� Counci t has estabi i shed the -Down�own :==�R ver � = �.:: Front -C i ss i on �to promote p 1 ann i ng and coord i rrat i on of-future eco i c - � --- " and recr�at i ona-i deve�opment of the 5a i nt Pau i dowc�town r i verfront- E.�:��--, -� . .. 84-780, a pted June 14, 1984); and - • -- - WHEREAS, I! he ch�rge to the Commission- includes protection of the rive and-° ~- � the riveracorridor for muitiple uses; and WHEREAS, I�iit is possible that, due to previous uses of the river and the - - - river corr,idor, there may exist contamination or poilution of land or� ater -� • i n the r i� erfro�tt redeve 1 opment.area, �wh i ch must be abated to protec =-the -�--- -:�: area for f! ture use; now,- therefore, be it - -•RESOLVED, I! that the Cormii ss i on sfra l } i dent i fy any such'- contami nat i o ' or - -pollution efore land is acquired by the City for redevelopment and b fore- -- any redev� lopmen!t activrty begins, by means of such tests and analys as - may be app opriat�e; and be it -- FURTHER RE QLVED,' that, if such contamination or poliution should ex'�t, - the Commi sion shall insure that it is cleaned up before any redevelo ent -� - act�i v i ty g i rts; an:i be i t : FURTHER RE LVED,� that previous owners, lessees, or other parties who may = have bee�; involved in activities which generated the contamination or pollution �sha11 be responsible for costs of° its eleanup. and that� in no " < case shall +the City be responsible for such costs; and be it �URTHER RE LVED, that appropriate City officiats are authorized to rk -- -_. with the � ission to carry out activities to fuifill the purposes of his= - -:- Y resolutio�., -- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays II I Drew Nicosia � Rettman II It1 Favo[ Scheibel � � so�ne� � Against BY 7edesco j Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Certified Yassed by Councill Secretary BY S;• _ ' Approved by Havor: Oate i Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Coun il By _ _.. By _ __. _ _ - , - , , . . . .' - __ � - - - -. . - ___. �� .� _ .- . : - - ' _ _-- _ =. _ _ _ - _ , __ _ _ _ : . . � _ . _ . - ; ., ._-----_ . , r • � . . ""'.:cam,:O+�.+.a.,. so..+w�yntm._... . . .. '�... '' +w� �`_ ,. . ' y . . . ,..,.�-.w-.w..a.�.Y� ..:: : _ . "..�wn'—....,�,.+yw��..�...�,a.�wa. ' . . . ...,....... � ti �� � . . . - _. , � .. ., �� /+. � � „ . . � �`.,: t I'CJ.� _l'�, '(�����_y V� �y� / �j ' . _ ' , ' '2nd � 6 �(B O�� ' � 3'� d �..�ij �----- _ _ .: ' ; �l _ - � Adopted j.�S`�.�i �. ' Yeas ;., NayS _ � II� DREW :i �� � �-/�...��� NICOSIA .;,- ��" i 7�oS' xE�r�t xE . SCHEIBEL , _ _ ,_. __.__-' _ _ _ _ _._�_� �._ - _ _ ` SONNEN — --- -- - _ WILSON . - MR. PRESIDE_NT TEDESCQ � , , - -__ _____ , , _._.__.___----•� _ �_..._._-....., . +►._. . .�.._,�.._.,..__....__... � . ,.._:-._..._...... , ....._.._�_.,.......__.. . . .......,. ,. .. - . i - -... __... . - ._.... ,._......_.. _. __..__..._ ..__. .. ,�� .....�q'r-- _ �`' 1' ' ,�.���•1., 4= .... � ��-_: �F�y � � `�# �•�3. - . --- - J.�� . �-` � , _ � . i . ... , .. ;;?.,