86-1241 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT / ^� �J�/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. U'+ « ou cil Resolution ,s- Presented By �.- �1 � Referred To �� �-- Committee: Date � ��— Out of Commi tee By Date 1�7t�I-:F�S, Ti;�: ri;ay r, �urauan� to Sec�:ion i0.07.1 of tt�e C�ty Ci���er, cioes cert'�y �hat there ar�: dvaii�le fc� aNpro�,r iutian ievenue5 in �:cess �� tliose esstu��a�:�i in t��re 986 t�uc�c�et; �rxi 6�riERF:r�.S, �`ne t�1ay r recoi�ur�r,c�s �t�� �u:i.7.r�wir►c� cl�«ng�:� to ttie 1986 ��ic�et: Current Funend�.�ci �3�uc�et Ciyarlyes ��:iye� F:tivAi`�IiVG PLAPd ------------ -------_____ ------------ U01 GerYeral Fu ' 020U r^u�xa B�l�i7ce, Uryre��rv�,�7 Utxaesi� -°t� 31,�324 +33,9C4 125,�88 Ai.i Oti�r Finar�cir�c� 110,347,6U1 0 110,i47,GC11 ------------ ------------ ------------ 110,439,525 +33,964 110,473,489 5PEI�IY�JE.Y PI,A�I 001 Gcneral Fu �' Gc:r�era:i. ' verm�er�r Acccxu�t5 b�inance ��: Genera� Governn�r�t Faccounl:� 09170 CI-�/ �I Suiiuiny t�•Z�Lce(Ci'ty 35°s Sr7�+r�) �9170-027 Bui"luit�y-F'�e��dir SE:zvic� 0 +33,964 33,964 09170 Al� Otrie�: S�T"1C11T1(� 678,132 0 �?II,132 Ali 0�1�� SYet�ing 109,761,393 0 109,761,393 1i0,439,525 �-33,964 110,473,439 Iti'k.�T CIIFs�3GL� +33,964 RE:SOLVII), Z�Yat � e City Council. ��r�ve� cl��ae chanyes to ti�� 1986 aiuty�t. F� - �cxng, i� Avai ' le ����roval F�corr���c7� ----- -- - ----- �, --- -- - '_�yJ��,ee�, Director r Fir►�nc� �_;��L Buc:ic�et U r or COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Na s � Nicosia Finarice llf: •t t�c:ri�ra"1 G�v� �'i rit Accounts Rettman [n Favor Scheibel (� � Sonnen __ Ag81[lsi BY � Tedesco l��ilioc. Adopted by Council: Date SEP � — �.`ffl6 Form Approv City Attorn Cerlified Pas• d ou cil Se tary BY sy� Appro y Mavor: Da JEp g -�� Appr d y Mayor or Submi ' n o Co ncil B — — BY pU�l1SHED S E P 1 31986 Finan�� G��era Gov. Accounts DEPARTMENT ��l� � No 4025 Ron Kline CONTACT � 298-4323 PHONE 7-24-86 DATE 1 e�r� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : ��epartment Dire tor 5 Director of Managemen /Mayor nance and Man gement Services Director 6 City Clerk dget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Money from fun balance will be appropriated to the CH���i��t�i�l�ding Maintenance (Cit 35g Share) activity to pay bill-s incurred in 1986 on two projects wh ch were approved in 1985 with Counc Resolutions 5-338 ancl 85-1307. L L RECEIV�� � � ��v�� a�- � �Q��, AU G 41986 � 1198g OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF F(iVAN�'E c�TY �TTnRI��Y COST/BENEFIT BUDGET RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANT EMENT SERVICES $33,964 will be added to the General Fund spending plan, use of fu balance , and the same am unt will be added to activity 09170-CH/CH Building tce (City 35� Share) . Th money will cover part of 1985 improvement obligati ns. ��CGiJ�.� �,��r r� '���b ft � FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (M�j�i��ss�`igna- ture not re- Total Amount of T nsaction: $33,964 .00 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: 0 00 Fund Balance , Unreserved Undesiqnated Activity Number: 9170 CH/CH Building Mtce (City 35� 5hare) ATTACHMENTS List and Number Al1 Attachments : 1 . Resolution 2 . Ramsey Co. I voice � 3. CH/CH Commit ee Resolutions 85-10 , 85-09 , 85-26 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEG� Yes No Council esolution Required? Resolution Required? Y s No Yes No Insuranc Required? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No Yes No Insuranc Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � '_ � �(,_ �o?yi � � � � ' ' � � COUNTY OF RAMSEY �NVOCENUMBER . � DEPARTMENT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR A 217 7 ,-s I N VO I C E II ACCTG. USE ON Y DEPT HEV. CODE T C REG. DATE AMOUNT 7-11 12-17 18 19 20-25 26-35 MAKE CHECK PAYA E TO RAMSEY COUNTY 2 � FORWARD TO 138 C URT HOUSE 2 � ST. PA L, MN 55102-1695 z � 2 1 TOTAL DUE: NAME ST UL CITY OF 36•75 (Last Name or Fir Name) (First) ADDRESS Budl t Office 2s•s2 2o•2a (social security o.) ss-�s' 3G7 I ity Ha l l IMPORTANT. II TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT IMPORTANT PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT ------------------- ----------- ------------------------------- --------------- RAMSEY COUNTY EPT. OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR INVOICE NO. ��� � � DATE QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION UNIT PRI E AMOUNT City s share of Court House & City Hall Improvements for the period 1/1/86-6/30/86, as follows: 33,963 63 CH & CH Res. �85-10 (Law Library) 4/15/86 D. S. Trudeau Const. 580,00 x .50 290 00 CH & CH Res. �85-09 (Roof & Water Intrusion) 3/14/86 N.S.P.(Power off & on) 461.00 4/11/86 St. Paul (Design-Roof) 3,560.81 4/22/86 Kehne Electric (Replace Busduct) 13,600.00 5/16/86 Inspec Inc (Roof Inspection) 8,000.00 5/23/86 Bernard Dalsin(Roof Repair) 66,363.75 91,985.56 x .3563 2,77 .46 6H & CH Res. ��85-26 (TKDA Supp.Agreement ��2) 2/21/86 TKDA & Associates 2,Sa3.64 x .3563 89 .17 TOTAL C ITY'S SHARE 3,9' 6ti3 WHITE-CUSTOMER COPY PINK-COUNTY ACCOUNTING BLUE•COUNTY TREASURER GREEN• EPARTMENT COPY Form B&A 300A I I -. . , . �_ � ��y� Resolution 1 )o�l'nt City Hall & Court House Committee Presented by C mmissioner Schaber No 85-10 Date J y 8, 1985 Attention: Bud et & Accounting; K. Friedmann, Building Superintendent; D. aiovnik, Building � Sup rintendent's Office; R. Brubacher, Executive Director; P. one, Real Estate Dir ctor; P. McCloskey, President Law Library Trustees; G. Blee , City Budget Dir ctor; A. Olson, City Clerk; WHEREAS,IThe Joint Court House & City Hall Committee approved the con ept of returning thelnorthern half of the 18th floor to the County Law Library in 1983; and WHEREAS,ISince that time, monies have been appropriated by the county and the city for the eneral renovation of the 18th floor including architectural/ echanical design and co sulting services, air conditioning, lighting, and other floo and interior repairs; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED That since the scope of this renovation is fairly broad and ill involve the a ministration of several different contracts, the Joint Court ouse � City Hall Co ittee hereby authorizes the Ramsey County Executive Director, nursuant to the author ty given in Joint Committee Resolution 4�85-06 dated Auril 15, 1985, or his designee, to: 1. Adve tise for bids, award and execute all contracts for consultati n and � desi n services, and to oversee the performance of all work relate to the reno ation of the 18th floor. 2. Exec te any change orders or other appro�riate actions necessary t faci�itate the completion of the required work. FURTHER SOLVED, That the Executive Director is directed to make the ollowing adjustment inl he 1985 Court House & City Hall budget to establish a budget for the above renovat n which is financed on a 50/50 basis by the county (Resoluti n ��83-886 dated Decembe� 5, 1983 and City Council Resolution ��85-338 dated Februarv 2 , 1985) : INCREASEI STIMATED REVENUE 41003 320308 I Program Participation - St. Paul $81 650 41003 370116 I County Participation in Pro�ects 81 650 $163 300 INCREASEI PPROPRIATION 41003 041514 I Law Library Remodeling $163 300 � g y� �, .!��Z Mayor George Lat mer, Chairman Fi & CH Committ e Secretary I , .. . , o� � ��yr Resolution � ol nt Cit Hall & Court House Committee 1 � Y Presented by c �issioner Hunt No. 85-09 Date Ma 20 198 Attention: Budgel & Accounting; R. Brubacher, Executive Director; V. Tedesc , Council Presi ent; W. Schaber, Chairman, County Board; G. Blees, City Bu get Director; A. Ol on, City Clerk; P. Thone, County Property Manager; D. Gaio nik, Acting Build ng Superintendent; Wm. Peter, Purchasing Agent; WHEREAS,IToltz, Kin�, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, Inc. were commis ioned by the Joint Cou t House & City Hall Committee to study the overall condition of the Court House & City Hall Building which addressed a number of structural, m chanical, and systems d ficiencies by Resolution 4�83-21 dated October 17, 1983; and WHEREAS,IThe extensive nature of work outlined in the study received December 18, 1984 willlrequire a great amount of study on the part of the Joint Co ittee as to funding; a d WHEREAS, IThere are certain repairs that are critical at the present ti e in order to redu e further building deterioration; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED� That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby aupr ves the proposal to r roof the third and eighteenth floors of the building and to c rrect � water leakage around the building foundation including repaving the service alley on the west sidelof the building at an estimated cost of $160,714 less $53,513 that is presently fun ed for roofing repairs making a total of approximately $107,2 1 to complete the bove work; and Be It Further RESOLVEDI That the above work be accomplished through the competitive iddinl; process and f ded 64.37% by the county and 35.63% by the city; and Be It F rther RESOLVED,I That the St. Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Board o Commissioners re requested to appropriate sufficient monies under the abov nercentages to accomplishll hese critical repairs; and fle It Further RESOLVED,I That the County Executive Director, pursuant to Court House & City Hall Resolution 4C85I 06 dated April 15, 1985, is authorized to award and execute ontract/s with the low ri sponsible bidder/s for tfie above repairs. . l 1 � / B . .�/��+� �J ��jt�� � Mayor Ceorge Latl mer, Chairman CH & CH Committ e Secre ary . I � . � ` Y� J�� ^/✓I // . .� � . U Resolution l )o nt City Hall & Court House Committee Presented by �o�issioner Hunt N�, 85-26 Date 85 Attenlion: Bud� t & Accounting; RESOLVED That the Joint City Hall/Court House Committee hereby approv s the Supplemental greement ��2 between the Joint City Hall/Court House Committee and Toltz, King, vall, Anderson and Associates, Inc. regarding City Hall/Cour House improvements or additional services pursuant to Article 4, Extra Work and ervices Not Included n This Contract, and Article D, Additional Services, as more ully spelled out i the two-page Supplemental Agreement 412, which is made a part hereof by reference, is on file in the office of the Co�nittee Secretary; and Be I Further RESOLVED That the Chairman and Secretary of the Joint Committee are a thorized to execute th s Supplemental Agreement on behalf of the Joint City Hall/Cou t House Cou�ittee , an Be It Further RESOLVED That the County Executive Director is directed to make the f llowing � ad�ustment i the 1985 City Hall/Court House budget to fund the above cons lting services: TRANSFER FRO APPROPRIATION 41001 021 96 Administrative Overhead $3,200 TRANSFER TO PROPRIATION 41003 020 02 Consulting Services $3,200 � � � �� By .��-: � � , May�� Geor�e La imer, Chairman Cli & li Commit ee Secretary _ . �ai — - � . , , . . • ,� � - ���� �, _ - CITY OF SAINT PA.UL ::;;i� OFFICE OF THF CITY COUNCIL �OIl�I111���� ���}Or� �:' e� l�ana ement � Personnel Comlmitt�e. August 28, 1986 1. Approval o minutes from meeting held August 21, 1986. approved 2. Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for the title of Public Informatio Specialist I and II in Section I D 3 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Co pensation Resolution (laid over from August 21, 1986). passed w/o recommendation 3. Ordinance 6-101S establishing the title of Intergovernmental Relations -Coordinato as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter, Section 12.03(H) thereof (laid over from August 21, 1986). passed out w/o reco�endation 4. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Intergovernmental Relations Coordinato in Grade 53, Section V, Subsection D, "Professional Group" - classified of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (la'd over from ugust 21, 1986) . passed out w/o recommendation ' 5. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Water Billing Operator in G ade I8, Section_I _ __1 of the Salary__Plan and_=Rates of Compensation Resolution_( aid ___ _ over from ugust 21, 1986) . laid over (refer to Water Board for recomme dation) 6. Resolution extending for three years and 60 days the provision of C.F. 4-928, adopted Ju y 17, 1984, which amended the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the fillin of vacancies and extended certification. passed out w/o rec mmendation 7. _ Resolution creating a new fund and activity to provide spending authori for the operat on of Watergate Marina. approved 8. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $70,000 to the Financing lan and to the Spending Plan for Finance and Management Services - Citywide Informatio Services (computer center - laid over from August 21, I986) . a rove 9. Resolution amending the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $560,000 f om Metro Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log �� Parks and ecreation - Central Service Facility (laid over from August 2 , 1986). laid over Se tember 4, 1986 10. Resolution mending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $97,0 0 from activ ties as listed to Fire Station 24 Addition (laid over from August 21, 986) . approved , 11. Resolution mending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring $500,000 fx� m Low-Income Housing Development Fund to Acquisition of Blig ted Properties Riverfront (laid over from August 2I, 1986). approved as a ended revised resol tion to be submitted CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,M ESOTA 55102 �Sra _ _ -.._ .� _.... _ _ __ CO��IITTEE .REPORT ��+/�y/ rINANCE, MANAGEMEN & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE �lugust 28, 1986 Page� 2 • I . 12. 1986 bu�. µ Flan fo �� �,���:�€3��+��.'�° t�e. �P�an � ���fy�- 35�'� k Govern�ents ��•• �ding - -��i��ii��l��. 13. Resolut on amending the 1986 budget by adding $30,000 to the Financi g Plan and to he Spending Plan for Public Works - Street Engineering Fund. a r ved 14. Resolut on consenting to the issuance of Port Authority revenue bond in the amo t of $1,200,000 to finance the construction of a manufactur ng facilit for Century Circuits and Electronics Inc. approved 15. Resolut� n authorizing an agreement with the University of Minnesota whereb the city� wiZl receive the services of Leon Satrart, M.D. a roved y - 16. A�:a-i.nist ative Orders: D-8072: IAddition of $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at ire IStation No. 20 (laid over from August 21, I986) . Iaid over D-8080: IlApproval of payment to Personnel Decisions Inc. for Assessme t lCenter for testing for Library.Public Services Managers (lai over from August 21, 1986) . laid over � � D-8095_:.�IAuthorization for payment --to Brushworks and Cit ide IInc., for services for the Rivertown Internatio al Fi1mSFest �al. I laid over � . . � . I