86-1240 WMITE - C�7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUACII CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �� /��D BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil Resolution �� Presen d By Referred To —' � '— Committee: Date d ' � Out of Commi ee By Date t��,��"LF:g:�AS, �'i,e r;ay , �ursuan� eo Section 10.07.1 ai: ti�e City Cliarter, dc�es cert'fy t:t��t tr�ere are av�iiar�le for a��ro�riation revenues in excces� of i�riose estirnateci in the 586 k�uc�get; arx:l WF�IE�tE'AS, The �ia��q� � recur��«er�tis t"r�e rollawiny ch�r,�jes to the 1�386 �ucir�et: Current I��ueci �3u�tget C�anges T�uclyet FII�JCING FLAN ------------ ------------ ------------ 0�1 G�rier«:i Fu ' 0200 Fur�u a3ance, UnL�serv�c: Um:le�ig teci 91,924 +7U,000 161,924 P.�.3. Oti�r inancir�y 11�,347,6Ql 0 110,347,b01 110,43�,5'l5 +70,000 110,509,525 SPET'�?�1VG PLAN 001 C�nerai Fu De�;t Firi� e & f�9anayeri�ni: Services U1115 City ic�� Yt�forrr�atior► Service� UI.11��21�. �"E@5 F�1:CLi1�eCiC � i-7��C�� 7��DU� 01115 A1I her S�r�ting 1,61G,682 0 1,G16,632 1�7."1 C�tlier �er�ciiny 108,822,843 0 10�,822,843 11U,439,525 +?O,OQO 110,509,525 i'�1L`1`' CFiE�IV�E -�-7���OE7 �I�50LVE�, T��at �l, City Cotu�cil ag��aves i1�e� cnut�,y�;s to the 19E6 t��y�t. Financing � �ai� A��proval E�coyr�r�e�iec:i `_"'4_�_— ` — ---�(M10, — -- — �'— — Direc�or u Fin�ince ���,�1 B�iyet i tor �-1 COUNC[LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew NaY� � Nicosia �'��t F'1Tte�Y1C� & �'�i.iT°1ciC�G'ti�-`Tlt �L 1C@S Rettman In Favor Scheibei ay Sonnen __ AgBitiSt BY Tedesco � �`.. Adopted by Council: Date SEP � - �9a6 orm Appro d by City torney Certified P� • e Coun , cre BY B�- A rove y ;Navor: Dat SEP 8 - 1986 Apprnve Mayo fo ion to Cou cil BY - — �._- PUBIISHED �t i' 1 31gg� _ . �� i� � ... ,, � �� CITY OF S.A.INT P�.UL � ^ ��� � ,�. ..:,� - :iit �;t.ttl OFFICE OF THF CI'I''Y COUNCZL Cammittee Report � �' an�� 1��►.n.a em�nt & Personnel Corrsmi.ttee. August 28, 1986 ' 1. Approval o minutes from meeting held August 21, 1986. approved 2. Resolution'� adjusting the rate of pay for the title of Public Informatio Specialist I and II in Section I D 3 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Co pensation Resolution (laid over from August 21, 1986). passed w/o recommendation , � 3. Ordinance 6-1015 establishing the title of Intergovernmental Relations -Coordinato as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter, Section 12.03(H) thereof � (laid over from August 21, 1986) . passed out w/o recommendation 4. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Intergovernmental Relations Coordinato in Grade 53, Section V, Subsection D, "Professional Group" n- � classified of the Salary. Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (la d over from ugust 21, 1986) . passed out w/o recommendation � 5. Resolutio establishing the rate of pay for Water Billing Operator in G ade 18, Section- I 1 of the Salaxy_. Plan and Rates of Compens,ation--Resolution ( aid __ _ over from ugust 21, 1986) . laid over (refer to Water Board for recomm ndation) 6. Resolutio extending for three years and 60 days the provision of C.F. 4-928, adopted J y 17, 1984, which amended the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the filli of vacancies and extended certification. passed out w/o re ommendation 7. - Resolutio� creating a new fund and activity to provide spending authori y for the operat on of Watergate Marina. approved :� 8.�.� ' �o �ag t�t, _�g�rid°"a n �?0,� to� ` � ��. � , �;�.� , r ° ��g'Plait'�e��°'�"�#��.+�tecl 1�1"tf� -. , . �. de ,;,,,�.. _� _ . -_ .. ��� ��r�tter-�a��+er - laid over �rom� �'ro1�t . ,:" ' " � 'j�:"��; . . . � 9. Resolutio amending the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferrin $560,000 om Metro Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement} to Lo � Parks and ecreation - Central Service Facility (laid over from August 21, 1986). laid over .to Se tember 4, 1986 10. Resolutio amending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $97,000 from acti ities as listed to Fire Station 24 Addition (laid over from August 21 1986). approved , 11. Resolutio amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget and trans£erri g $500,000 rom Low-Income Housing Development Fund to Acquisition of B1'ghted Propertie - Riverfront (laid over from August 21, 1986). approved as mended revised reso ution to be submitted CITY HALL SEVENTIi FLOOR SAINT PAUL, NES�TA 55102 �i6 II . . .._.... . . ...,..:._{ _,._._.. ._ . ..._ ...____.. .._..._. . . ..�. .... . . .. _. . _...._«,.�_... . . '^ . . . .._,...._._...—.....__ ..._.. .. ._._. .._. ...... .. ..... .. .....__._ . ... „v,,,,.....,. �...,,.�.»........-.,,..a„es,... I ' " Dept. Finance. & ana ement Sert�EPARTMENT �/�=�- ia d No 4024 Gre 'Haupt ?,�'CONTACT � 298-4985 PHONE 7-17-86 DATE �e�� „r ASSIGN NUMBER F�R R TING ORDER Cli Al1 Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Dire or 5 Director of Managemen /Mayor 3 Finance and Man ement Services Director 6 City Clerk 2 Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV BY TAICING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The resolution w ld provide up to $70,000 for feasibility analysis and prelim nary design money for study two alternatives for a new CIS colsolidated computer center The design alternati s are: (1) add on to the 3rd floor of Public Safety Annex R �'I� on to the existi CIS computer room within the current building walls. JUL 2 3 1986 OFFICE 0� THE DIRECTOR COST/BENEFIT, BUDGE RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: DEPARTME T OF F�lyqtuC� AND MAN ylENT SERV;��g Cost of a new uter center, from Capital fmprovement Bond funds, is initia estimated at $70 ,000. Benefits of a properly sized and properly designed com uter center are: (1) etter machine reliability (up time) ; (.2� greater data secur ty through a proper designed machine environment; (3� �re effi:cient use of op rations personnel , resul ing in slower growth of operations staff needs. NQTE: Counci.i ,Fi nce Committee :wishes design funds to be repaid to General Fu d from CIB FINANCINGag6G������ �UDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransaction: $�0 ,000 .00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 0200 Fund Balance, Unreserved Undesignated Activity Number: 01115 Citywide Information Services ATTACHMENTS List a d Number Al l Attachments : [;��� t`�i`=�=� 1. Re so lut ion ��� �`� i�s6 rr;�`� r�' l,Sr.�:: ... -'f� -�-��,�. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Counc 1 Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insur nce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insur nce AttaclyEd: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84