86-1239 WMITE - G7V CIERK � PINK - FINpNCE COUnCII CA�TARV=�EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��-�a-�9 BLUE - MAVOR s. � -' � � Cou c 'l Resolution Presented By o�-/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date Whereas, eterans' Memorial Hall of the St. Paul City Hall /�ourt House Bui ding was created to honor the men and women from R�msey County w o died in action defending the freedoms o� people throughou the wor)d in ali wars; and Whereas, he Veterans' Memortai Haii presentiy lists the nam�s of soldiers ho disd in World Wer I ; and Whereas, men and women kilied in action during World War I � , the Korean W r and the Vietnam War to date have not had their n�nes engraved n Veterans' Memorial Hall ; and Whereas, he recognition of these men and women for their ser�vice to thetr ountry is long overdue; Now, therefore � Be it re olved, that the Cou�cil of the City of St. Peul h�reby requests that the City Hall /Court House Cortmittee concur in establish ng the Veterans' Memorial Hall Task Force to: 1 Identify the veterans who d:fed in action during Worid WarXI , the Korean War and the Vietnam War whose names should be engraved in the Halt ; 2 Develop a financing plan for the pro,ject, including identifying possible funding sources and a means to handle donations; 3 Determine the best possibie procedure to accomplish the e�graving; COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays N"os'e [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ AgeillSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coun 1 Secretary BY By� Approved by Mavor: Dat _ 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couticil BY - – — BY WHITE - C�TV CIERK P��L� -�INANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV� DEPARTMENT FIIC NO. � ' /��� g`�UE -�AVOR Council Resolution ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Commit e By Date 4 Submit a finai report and recommendati�n to the City Council , County Board and the City Hall /Gourt House Committee: Be it f rther resolved that Jeff Olson, Deputy Corrnnissioner of the Minn sota Department of Veterans' Affairs, John O'Neill , State Ad utant for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Cha�les Ferguson, State Ad,�utant for the American Legion, John Merthan, State Ad tan� for the Disabled Veterans, Charlene Stahin, Departmen President of the American Legion Ladies Auxillery, Bernice eterson, Department President of the VFW Labies Auxillary and Martin Weddington, or their designated represent ive are recommended by the Council as the members of the Veter s' Mert�orial Hall Task Force; and Be it fi aliy resolved that Richard Kaess, Director of Ramsey County V erans Services is recommended ss Chair of the Task Force. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen __ Ag81[1St BY Tedesco `"`�S°° � - 1986 SEP Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Certified Yass b unci Se ry BY gy, C Appr v Mavor. Dat SEP ( � 1986 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounCil B _ _ By PUBIISH� S t� 2 p 1986 i � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �- d�-��-�� -.....: OFFIC� OB' THE CITY COIINCIL """""'" D d f e ; August 27, 1986 ! ��..^,••� •-r- - �� COMM �TTEE RE PORT TO t a�nt Pau t City Council F R 0 M � o m m ir t e e O h RULES AND POLICY . H A(R : Victor Tedesco The f� ,., Policy Committee, at its August 18, 1986, meeting rec `� e proposed resolution to establish a Veterans' MeRrt�r��3 ' " 1 Task Force be amended reflecting the ideas expressed . f5y tt� en .,a�tee�members �d tk�at Counc�.� �,,�,���kJi�,-�<� . �;,. � . . fih� 1 , r t„�� �tion -a� �liat tFie re`Sn���ian be ori��� to • ci wi�Fio�f .. lc C��J„I, ' SEVENTH FLOOR SAII�1'T PAU4 MII�INESOTA 55102 . .�.�. .F ,: • WHITE — GTV CLERK -. _ .... ___. _�(�,�/ _ . .__. ._. _ .. .._ ._ __.__. PINK — FINANCE � � � CO{�IIC11 V � f �� ' CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. / e�ue — nnnroR \ • Cou c ' Resolution ---� Presented By `� �� _� �eferred To � a- ��-- L- Committee: Dat � Y �L Out of Commit e ate - Whereas, etera s' Memoriai Hall of the 5t. aul City Hal �l / ourt. House Bui ding w s created to han�r the men and women from R msey County w o died tn actian defending t. e freedoms af p apie throughou the worl in all wars; and Whereas, he Veterans Mernoriai Hall resently lists the nam s of soldi�rs ho died in W Id War I ; nd Whereas, men a�d women k ' iled ' action during Worid War II , the Korean W r and the V9etna Wa to date have not had their n es engraved n Veterans' Memar Hall ; and Whereas, he r�cognition o th se men and women for their ser ice to their untry is long verdu ; Now, therefore Be it re lver�, that he Council of the City of St. Pa�al he eby estabiish the Veter ns' Memorial Hall Task Force to: 1 ) Identif the veterans o died in action during World War I , the orea� War and the Vietn m W�r whose names sho ld be engraved in the all ; 2) Oevelop a financing plan fo the project, including identifying possibie unding sources and a means to hand7e donations; 3) Determine the best possible rocedure to accomplish the engraving; 4) Submit a final report and recomme dation to the City Councit . COUNCILMEN Requested by Departm� t of: Yeas p�tritari Nays �� � [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel � Sonnen _ A g8inst BY � Tedesco ' W i Ison ,� Form Approved by City Attdrney Adopted by Council: ate Certified Passed by Counci Secretary BY sy t�pproved by Mavor: Date 1 Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Coun il By By I . • • . , � � , . - WHITE - C�TV CIERK 2� PINK - FINANCE COUflCll �/�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL- File NO• BLUE - MAVOR . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� Out of Committ e By ate Be it f t r resolved that Jeff Olson eputy Commissioner of the Minn ota Department of Veteran Affairs, John 0'Neill , State Adj tant or the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Cha les Ferguson, State A 'utant for the erican Legion, John Mert an, State Adj tant for the Disabl d Veterans, Charlene Sta in, Department President f the A erican �egian Ladies Auxill ry, Bernice eterson, Dep rtme I�resident of the VFW La ies Auxiliary and Martin W ddington, or their designa ed representa ive are recomme d by the Council as the members f the Vetera s' Memorial Ha sk Force; and r � Be it fi ally res{�lv that Ri ard Kaess, Directar of Ra sey County Ve erans Ser ices is rec mmended as Chair of the ask Force. ; COUNCILMEK '� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ± Drew ` � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ AgelliSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Certified Passed by Counci Secretary BY B}. Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il BY - – — 2 BY I