86-1227 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council . D// CANARV - DEPARTMENT FIIe NO. `� `� � /��� Bl_UE - MAVOR . Cou il esol tion aa Pres nted By Referred To V� -*— Q L Committee: Date � �� � 'a {� Out of Comm tee By Date R OLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consen to the reappointments of the following named persons to the Civil rvice Commission Reference Advisory Committee. M vin York Si ter Cecilia M. Harrington Terms expire July 15, 1989. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Na MasanZ � (n Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG � g 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas e by C il Secr y BY By y� AUG � 1986 Appro e b Mayor for Submi si n o �n ' A►pprove � avor: By _ B PUBLISHED S E P 6 1986. . •��Mayor's Offi DEPARTMENT �� l�0 7 4181 . ' ° ' CONTACT ` 298-4323 PHONE June 26, 198 DATE �eiQi� e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R TING ORDER (Cli All l�cations for Si nature : � Department Dire or Director of Managemen /Mayor Finance and Man ement Services Director 3 City Clerk Budget Director � 1 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Reappoint Ma in York and Sister Cecilia M. Harrington to the Civil Servic Co�nission R erence Advisory Committee. Terrr6to expire. :July 15, 1989. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGE RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: � Activity Number: � ATTACHMENTS List a d Number Al1 Attachments : � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Counc 1 Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes � No Yes No Insur nce Required? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insur nce Attached: � , (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 - � - z NT P.�-II� �:�; �6_ 1 a 2'7 . CITY 4B' '�.A.. o��iL c 0�.�.I� ��' TS� �� t 20 1986 . Au us , '...... Dafe . g ...,........� ,�,,,...�.� -� - .. PORT . i COMMtTTEE RE Cit Councit - TO � jSatnt PQU I Y FR Q M :� C O m m it t Q@ O h RULES AND POLICY, August 18, 1986 _ _. _ I C}{ A t R � Victor Tedesco - - d Polic Committee at its August 18 meeting recommended aaaroval Isan Y The Rul, of thelfollowing resolutions/ordinances: 1 . Rel intme nt of Marvin Ynrk and Sister Cecelia M. Harrington td the Ci il Service Coax�iasion Reference Advisory Goamittee. 2. An� ordinance amending ChaptErm�ensationeforlattendancematlmeetings Ca e stipulating a maximum co p S00 er ofi� the Planning CommiSesent $1t200City of St. Paul of $1 , P � y r instead of the pr Robert D. Lowe, Sr. to serve on the Board of 3, __R solution reappointing • Develo ment Council, term to expi.re _. - D rectors of the District -Neat.�ng P .___ _ S ptember, 1989. The f� llowing ordinance was a rovHanc ck,cCitylAttorneyestOfficee and- resol� tion will be redone by Karla roval and then will be subm tted to Council Member Bill Wilson for app forw rded to the City Clerk: 1 . mendment to Chapter 183 of the Human Ribetdes�mnated bySthe1Mayora� he Chairperson of the Commission shall ith the app roval of the Council, etc. Thelfollowing resolutions were sent to City Council with no recommendation andlwith the stipulation thatOfficebe clarified for the Council by Jan McPeak, City Attorney s � , Re uest from the City Council to the S�•aPmembera fethe�CitySCounci� q er title fo review and recommend a prop subdivision 7, per pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, City Charter amendment. 2. An ordinance amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Appendix A-1, I pertaining to the title for member of the City Council. . L 's Coakley, 719 City Hal.l ' � Sp►II�iT PAUL.MINNESOTA SS • SEVEN'TH FLOOR . C�� .�.,. __ ,.:..,e�„�m�,.,.y�, _�..,��.�.�--