86-1226 WMITE - CITV CLERK P�NK _ F�NAN�E II G I TY OF SA I NT �AIT L Council ��_��a CANARV! OEPARTMENT File NO. � 8=�E - MAVOR I Council Resolution g � Presented By ��e��GG� . / Referred To L' Committee: Date �� � �d' b V Out of Commi tee By Date WHEREAS the Ramsey County Job Training Office has approved a grant of $111,864 to the City of Saint Paul for the City's participation in the Refugee Tar eted Assistance Program; and WHEREAS this program will provide training for up to 110 unemployed economicall disadvantaged Refugees in Saint Paul and Ramsey County; now therefore, e it RESOLVE , that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Refugee Tar eted Assistance Program; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directe to execute the contract between the Ramsey County Job Training Office and he City of Saint Paul; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the 1986 Special Funds budget be amended as identified elow: F nd 345 - Governmental Employment & Training A tivity 36565 - Refugee Targeted Assistance Program Financin P an Current Bud�et ChanQes Amended Budget 345-36565-3 05 County Dire t Grant in Aid: -0- 111,864 111,864 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Na Nicosia Planning and Economic Development Rettman In Favor Scheibet B ��� sor,�e� __ Against Y ' Ted��o wi�son Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attor ey Certified Passed by Cou cil Secretary BY gy, Approved by :Navor: D e _ APPro y Mayor for Subm' s' to ouncil By _ _ — By i WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - F�NANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� �a�' CANqRN- DEPARTMENT File NO. � � BLUE - MAVOR ^ Cou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date Page 2 S endi Plan Current Bud�et Chan�es Amended Bud�et 345-36 5-0537 Operating Transf In: -0- 5,364 5,364 345-36 5-0547 Subcon actors 106,500 106,500 TOTAL ENDING PLAN -0- $111,864 $111 ,864 APPROV AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: t � Directo , Departme t of Finance ` p(, Budget re or and Man gement Services ,��2`�' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �' Nay Nicosia P 'ng and Economic Development Rettman In FBVOi Scheibel �� Sonnen �' __ Against BY � Tedesco Wilson 14Ut7 � 8 � Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � /Y Certified Pa s d y n il Se ar BY � � B � Ap o b Mavor. D Ab� ? 198g Appr y ayor for S 'o to�Council Bv - — QU�I.ISHED S t P 6 1986 I • n ��-'�� � �0 . �OMM�TTEE BEPORT � � rINANCE, MANAGEMENT '& PERSONNEL COrIMITTEE �ugust 21, 1986 . Page 2 11. Resoliatf ame�diag the 1986: budget and add�.ng �111,8�� to •the g�.nan,c�.Plan and Co .t Spending Plan (Governmental Entploqnre�t and Trainfng = R�fu ee Targ�t�cl s:i.staace Plan)• aPP�o�ved 12. Resoluti n amending the 1986 budget by adding $33,243 to the Financing Plan and to t e Spending Plan for Finance and Management Services - Purchasing Services '- City Share. approved . � - 13. Resoluti amending the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $560,000 from Metro Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log 4� ` - ' Parks an Recreation - Central Service Facility. laid over 8/28 14. Resoluti n amending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $97,OU0 from act vities as listed to Fire Station 24 Addition. laid over 8/28 15. Resoluti n amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring $500,000 from Low-Income Housing Development Fund to Acquisition of Blighted Properti s - Riverfront. laid over 8/28 16. Resoluti n consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amount o $16,000,000' to finance the acquisition and remodeling of� the Downtown Saint Pa 1 Radisson Hotel. approved 17. Administ ative Orders: D-8065: Budget revision in the Public Works - Capital Improvement Bond Fund (laid over from August 7, 1986) . discussed D-8072: Addition o� $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at Fire Station No. 20 (laid over from August 7, 1986). laid over 8/28 D-8080: Approval of payment to Personnel Decisions Inc. for Assessment Center testing for Library Public Services Managers. laid over 8/28 D-8087: Budget revision in the Public Works - Engineering Fund. discussed D-8088: Budget revision in the Public Works - Traffic Operations Fund. discussed D-8092: Additions of $2,078,83 to the contract for bituminous overlay and �reconstruction of Como Avenue - Capitol Heights. discussed D-8093: Additions of $3,012 to the contract for Galtier Plaza to Farm Credit Services Skyway Bridge over Jackson Street. discussed . _.._..___._. . ...�-�.-,�yr ' �..�..� ��.-_ _�..�..-...�-�..,.m...�.� .� ,..._._,..-�,x....._..,,......�....,µ.Mr,� _ . _ . �.��:,� , _ _ .. . ....,�..... .._.. , . :.r_.... . _ . _ _.. . , ...__ _. . _ .,._... ,_ . . .._ . . .. . . . �.�. . � . "' .. . � (Ji{ 'i_`/ �_ ��v"�\ � � � M, CITY OF SgINT P�.UL �"'� OB`FICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ::ili Ili�lil �ammitt�e Report �:' an�e Mana ement & Persa�nel Committee. _ SPECIAL MEETING - 1. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $666,670 to the Financing Plan and to the� Spending Plan for General Government Accounts - CH/CH Building Maintenanc (elevator automation) . approved as amended REGULAR MEETING 1. Approval o minutes from meeting held August 7, 1986. approved 2. An ordinan e amending Chapter 331.30, Subd. 3, of the Legislative Code per- taining to exemption from license fees for certain itinerant food establishments (laid over from August 7, 1986) . approved , _3, . Resolution adjusting the rate_ of pay_for the title of Public Information __ _�_ - --- __ -- - Specialist I and ZI in Section I D 3 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compen- sation Res lution. laid over 8/28 ' 4. Ordinance 6-1015 establishing the title of Intergovernmental Relations Coordinato as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter, Section 12.03(H) thereof. laid over 8/28 5. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Intergovernmental Relations Coordinato in Grade 53, Section V, Subsection D, "Professional Group" Un- • � classified of the Salary Plan and Rates of C'ompensat'ion Resolution. laid over 8/28 6. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Water Billing Operator in Grade 18, Section I 1 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. laid aver 8/28 7. Resolution amending Section 16 of the Civil Service Rules concerning Grievance Procedures (laid over from December 26, 1985). approved 8. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $29,920 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Community Services - Housing Inspection - Complaints (enforcement of energy conservation for rental housing). approved 9. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $3,950 to the Financing Plan and to the Spe ding Plan for Police ID Card Deposit. approved 10. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $70,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Finance and Management Services -. Citywide Informatio Serivices (computer center). laid over 8/28 CT1Y HALL I SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNFSOTA SSI02 ���'j N° 05336 Job �reation & Trai 'ng�RED pE'pARTMENT _ � � Kay Franey �� CONTACT 7494 ext. 341 PHONE �-��� /7 / � DATE� " Q���r� � i' Q ASSIGN NUN�ER FOit I.N.G ORDER Cli Al1 Locations for Si nature : � � Department Dire or � Director df hlanagemen /Mayor Finance and _Man ement Services Dire�ctor � 8 City Clerk ���.�e�or 1 dac ui Shoholm City Attarne.y 2 William Patton , HAT WILL BE AC I�V BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The City w ll receive $111,8b4 from the �amsey County Job Training Offic . TTie funds re a Refugee Targeted Assistance Grant to enable 110 Asian ite ugees receive sh rt-term occupational training. The Ci'ty H s already received a contract for this program from the�,c� ��D +._ r�C .� OST BENEFIT BUDGE RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: JU� 2 3 �986 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT FMANCE The Genera Fund is not affected. A special fund is creat�IQ�I SERV�CES of $111,86 . . � ���� �� f- RECEIV p � t Z��/ `-` _ �JU� 2 51 �e . FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NU�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor'•s�si�gn��F CF ture not re- Total Amoant of " ansaction: $111,864 quired if under � $10,000) � Funding Sourc,e: Ram�ey County Activity Number: 36565 • , ATTACHMENTS Lis:t a Number Al1 Attachments : One .Counci Resolution for signature . DEPARTME�VT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Co�nci Resolution Required? ' Resfllution Required? es No Yes No Insura ce Required? �nsurance Sufficient? es No Yes No Insura ce Attached: CSEE �REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 •