86-1221 � � � �� . 1 . � . ������ �6 �I . � � � WMITE - CiTV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COUflCil CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• � /��� BIUE - MAVOR � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committe By Date � IA Resolution amending the Saint Paul Administrative Code Rppendix A-1 per- taining to the title for member of the city council . RESOL D, that Appendix A-1 of the 5aint Paul Administrative Code be am ded in Rule 14 (f) so that the same shall read as ' follows : Ru 14. Stages of consideration. (f) Consideration for final adoption. When the presi ing officer has stated the question on final adopt' n, he shall first recognize the chair of the commi tee to which the resolution or ordinance was refer ed, if such resolution or ordinance was referred to a ommittee , and then the eet��e��x�ar� councilmember intro cing the resolution or ordinance, if there be one. fter those have spoken or declined to speak, any eerzr�e' �x�ar� councilmember may be recognized for debate or ot er matter properly in order. Members of the publi may then speak to the matter. If the committee has r commended that the resolution or ordinance be amend d, the chair of the committee shall move the amend ent, and the amendment shall be disposed of befor further debate occurs , except as to the amendment. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas ,� Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agel[lst By Tedesco Wilso� AUG 2 g 1986 Form Appr d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate ( � Certified Yas e b ;C u .i Secre - By ` �"' � BS- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council qppro Mavor. Date B — By s EP 6 1986 � ��I.ISNED �� __ . _ , __ . �.. � � . . . _. : � „ ..��.: ���-.� .�.� � - .� � �- � ` . � � . �� -�z� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT YAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• ��✓- /O/ BLUE - MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance �10. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date -2- Section 2 . Thi�s rdinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30 ) days from nd after passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew N��os�a In Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Certified Passed by Counci Secretary BY �Cl.�-�- /�' -��2,�.Q'k- 7—�'� �to By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E' — G�TY c�LERK . . .__.. . 4 . . . . ��..//��/. . lY PI,NK '� FINANCE � COI1flC11 �// CANARV —OEPAqTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL /�Jy' Bl_UE —MAVOq - F112 �O. �� � /�///J . "' Or in nce Ordinance N O. --- , , _ Presente By /�st"!.� ,l%,l� � _ Referred To v�-C .�- � �- �- Committee: Date � - ��''�" '�' Out of Committ e By Date - . • �F`l�� _ An ordinance amending Saint Daul ��� � g `�86 A ministrative Code Appendix A-1 pertaining t the title for member of the city council. ����.� �i I�i���y': THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That A pendix A-1 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be amended in ule 14 (f ) so that the same shall read as follows: R le 14. Stages of consideration. (f_ ) Consideration for final adoption. When the pr siding officer has stated the ql�estion on final adopti n, he shall first recognize the chair of the commit ee to v�hich the resolution or ordinance was - :_ refer--r d, if such resolutin..._or - ordinance was refe�red to a mmittee, and then the ��-3-�- councilmember introd cing the resolution or ordxnance, if ther_e be one, fter those have spoken or declined to speak, any eet��e� �a� councilmember may be recognized for debate or ot r matter properly in order. Members of tY�e public may then speak to the matter. If the committee has r ommended that thP resolution or ordinance be amende , the chair of the co mmittee shall move the amendm ' nt, and the amendment shall be disposed of before ; further c�Qbate occurs , except as to �the amendment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew a��os�a [n Favor Rettman So nnen' A gai n s t BY `___,_ Tedoseo � � Wilson Adopted by Council: ate Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Councill Secretary By �.�[�G�-2- !�• �Y1�{iJ����e.�:- �-15�—�Jl� _____ sy Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By gy _ __ ---- _. __ _ _ —_ � _ _ __ ___— — =-- _ _ — : - — — � . ����� WN1T� -- CITY CIERK . � � s CAfNAR1/�DEP RTMENr ' - � G�TY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. eyue _rw�roR ' D�din�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date — Out of Committ By Date -2- Section 2. This o dinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30) days from a d after passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: flrew �u;�s;a In Favor Rettman s`ne'b� Against BY sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council• Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by.Counc 1 Secretary BY �CC'z� /�' ����.lL./G 7"�.'�—U� By Approved by Mayor: Dat� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couricil By BY - � 7 � � ���~"N°��h� � ' 'I ����1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,..�`�tT 0�4w �� `�'� �=� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �' �' � u ;� 's+, �� ,.Q� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK '�, r 'an,,,m����,o�'' 386 Gity Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �1 � ' ; �"!',. 612-298-4231 GEORCE L/1TIMER �� y- -•-' % MAYOR `%' �,y ,";,•'; ±le. ,\ \ ) ,:H T+t�:Y3��Y•,��sl / . .� H '{' �� �.• ,,9., Il � � q; � . . 1 ��p5��lij{j `r 1 :�- �'`n� 1 i----{ A��1 51986� _�- '�.�_. �, , .; �•.c���ct�_.nn nN , � July 31� 1986 � �'^,. ,S�.,T��c� 1.SCOESCt' \ti\� �'S� � /�`(�i-�.�� � . Council r Victor Tedesco Chairma � Rules and Policy Committee Room 71 City Hall Dear Co cilmember Tedesco: The Rul and Policy Conunittee is currently considering an'.Rordin can e amendin the Administrative Code, Appendix A-1, pertainfng"'to the�itle fo�: r-Tof�the'�ity�Council'�and an,�ordirt�nce"�°'amen�ng Chapter A-2 of the 'nistrative Code increasing'"the"numbe� of'"CounCil'"sul�committee� and rev' ing the title and responsibilities of the existing subcocrnnittees. , .. w,+.,.�._..:;.�_-,.,,.,,.-._.....�,�.._.,.-.,.a.-.- -. :_..._.-�,�.� _ Th2�`C�i'� A�torney's office has informed us that these,,measures can..�e adopted� y� resolution"rather'than ordinance'and��has prepared the proper' resolut' ns. rWill'"you please substitute'`£l�ie attached''resoliitions"�£o . �eplace e�ordinances'presently under consideratio�. V tru y yours� Albert � Olson City Cle� k ABO:th I , . .' CITY OF S�.INT P2�UL � �I� OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL � � -.....: . N""""""' 0 4 t e ; August 20, 1986 a:�..�,..�. -� - � COMMITTEE RE PORT TO � atnt Pau i City Council F R 0 M � o rn m it t e e O C1 RULES AND POL ICY, August 18, 1986 . . N A(R : Victor Tedesco The Rules and Policy Committee at its August 18 meeting recommended approval of the fq lowing resolutions/ordinances: 1 . Reap�} intment of Marvin York and Sister Cecelia M. Harrington to the Civi]� Service Commission Reference Advisory Committee. 2. An oldinance amending Chapt�r 107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code stipulating a maximum compensation for attendance at meetings . of t e Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul of $1 ,800 per year instead of the present $1 ,200. 3. Reso ution reappointing Robert D. Lowe, Sr. to serve on the Board of Dire tors of the District Heating Development Council, term to expire Sept mber, 1989. The foll wing ordinance was a�proved with certain amendments. The resoluti n will be redone by Karla Hancock, City Attorney's Office, and submitte to Council Member Bill Wilson for approval and then will be forwarde to the City Clerk: 1 . Amen ment to Chapter 183 of the Human Rights Commission stating that the hairperson of the Commission shall be designated by the Mayor, with the approval of the Council, etc. The foll wing resolutions were sent to City Council with no recommendatiop and wit� the stipulation that they be clarified for the Council by Jane Mc ak, City Attorney's Office: 1 . Req st from the City Council to the St. Paul Charter Commission to rev' w and recommend a proper title for a member of the City Council pur ant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, subdivision 7, per Cit Charter amendment. 2. A� dinance amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Appendix A-1 , per aining to the title for member of the City Council. Lois Co kley, 719 City Hall C��� ' SEVENTH FLOOR SAII`1T'PAUL.MINNESOTA 55102 ��n I • • �� � ,�tiv� ���f���' : - � � � � � ��T•o, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL `•� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � a: + __'����° o� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY o' "€ �����•� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR ..fi;`��s�3� _ ,� t; ,8,�,-, July 15 , 19 6 � � _ : � ' ._.:�.'..J � , ' M E M O R A N U M .i �� � ,. . _` ,...� TO: Coun ilmember James Scheibel FROM: Jane A. McPeak �p� Depu y City Attorney �� RE: Charler and Administrative Code Amendments I Enclosed, r your request, please find Charter and Administrative Code amend ents changing the terms councilman and councilperson to councilm mber.