99-837�R�GtI�AI Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that, upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, 2 the proper Ciry officers are hereby authorized and dire�ted to pay from the Tort Liability 3 Fund, 09081-0511, to Tony Lindsey, the sum of $15,OQO.QO in fu11 settlement of his personai 4 injwry claim for damages sustained on Apri122, 1998 as a result of an accident with a City- 5 owned vehicle at or near Marshall Avenue and Milton Street. 6 `t "�L7°d'l/ ��� • 7 APPROVED, Judge of District Court Adopted by Council: Date ��� -�`� Adoptio Certified by Council SeczeYary By: 1 �•—� � . 9- =— Approved by �y,dr: Date g _ V �-- �/'-___ Council File # �� � 83 1 Green Sheet # GOaG�i RESOLUTION CfTY OF SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �o� Requested by DepaIIment of: Techn d Manage ent Services BY: �� ��r v� d'1� Appxoval Recommended by Budget Directoi: sy: C ��t� �` � GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES qg— 83�1 � n,o 60264 � �� � ❑ rn.,,,.w�„ � emrmu _ ❑ waxo��fmucrso.c � wuwu.amvneero �WYORI�ASffifMRI� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Resolution settling the persanal iajury ctaim of Tony Lindsey against the City of Saint Paul in the amount of S 15,000.00. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes this Pe��rm ever worked under a conUact forNis tlepartmeM? YES I� Hes thia µvaonfirm ever been a city empbyeeT YES NO Dces this pe�soNfiim poaseas a sldll not namalrypossessetl by any wrteM dty employe¢� VES NO Is �his persorJfirm a targe4ed vendoYt YES NO alatn all ve8 answeis on aeoarete sheet and aHach to areen sheet On April 22, 1998 a City of Saint Paul squad car, driven by Officer Hazelett, failed to stop at a stop sign, striking a 1994 Ford Tempo, driven by Tony Lindsey. Mr. Lindsey did not have a stop sign. Mr. Lindsey sustained neck and shouider injuries as a result of this accident. His shoulder fiad to be surgicalVy repaired and his medical bilts to date exceed 520,000.00. Mr. Lindsey was unable to work for approximately five months subseque�t to this accident. I have reached a settlement with his attorney in the amount of 515,000:00. s S 15,000.00 SOURCE GL 001 Tort Liability INFORMATION (EXPWN) � NO Counr�; Ressarch Center AUG 2 4 �� COSTIREVQlUH BUDOETED (GRCLE ON� ��rninNwas�c 09087 �R�GtI�AI Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that, upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, 2 the proper Ciry officers are hereby authorized and dire�ted to pay from the Tort Liability 3 Fund, 09081-0511, to Tony Lindsey, the sum of $15,OQO.QO in fu11 settlement of his personai 4 injwry claim for damages sustained on Apri122, 1998 as a result of an accident with a City- 5 owned vehicle at or near Marshall Avenue and Milton Street. 6 `t "�L7°d'l/ ��� • 7 APPROVED, Judge of District Court Adopted by Council: Date ��� -�`� Adoptio Certified by Council SeczeYary By: 1 �•—� � . 9- =— Approved by �y,dr: Date g _ V �-- �/'-___ Council File # �� � 83 1 Green Sheet # GOaG�i RESOLUTION CfTY OF SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �o� Requested by DepaIIment of: Techn d Manage ent Services BY: �� ��r v� d'1� Appxoval Recommended by Budget Directoi: sy: C ��t� �` � GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES qg— 83�1 � n,o 60264 � �� � ❑ rn.,,,.w�„ � emrmu _ ❑ waxo��fmucrso.c � wuwu.amvneero �WYORI�ASffifMRI� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Resolution settling the persanal iajury ctaim of Tony Lindsey against the City of Saint Paul in the amount of S 15,000.00. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes this Pe��rm ever worked under a conUact forNis tlepartmeM? YES I� Hes thia µvaonfirm ever been a city empbyeeT YES NO Dces this pe�soNfiim poaseas a sldll not namalrypossessetl by any wrteM dty employe¢� VES NO Is �his persorJfirm a targe4ed vendoYt YES NO alatn all ve8 answeis on aeoarete sheet and aHach to areen sheet On April 22, 1998 a City of Saint Paul squad car, driven by Officer Hazelett, failed to stop at a stop sign, striking a 1994 Ford Tempo, driven by Tony Lindsey. Mr. Lindsey did not have a stop sign. Mr. Lindsey sustained neck and shouider injuries as a result of this accident. His shoulder fiad to be surgicalVy repaired and his medical bilts to date exceed 520,000.00. Mr. Lindsey was unable to work for approximately five months subseque�t to this accident. I have reached a settlement with his attorney in the amount of 515,000:00. s S 15,000.00 SOURCE GL 001 Tort Liability INFORMATION (EXPWN) � NO Counr�; Ressarch Center AUG 2 4 �� COSTIREVQlUH BUDOETED (GRCLE ON� ��rninNwas�c 09087 �R�GtI�AI Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that, upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, 2 the proper Ciry officers are hereby authorized and dire�ted to pay from the Tort Liability 3 Fund, 09081-0511, to Tony Lindsey, the sum of $15,OQO.QO in fu11 settlement of his personai 4 injwry claim for damages sustained on Apri122, 1998 as a result of an accident with a City- 5 owned vehicle at or near Marshall Avenue and Milton Street. 6 `t "�L7°d'l/ ��� • 7 APPROVED, Judge of District Court Adopted by Council: Date ��� -�`� Adoptio Certified by Council SeczeYary By: 1 �•—� � . 9- =— Approved by �y,dr: Date g _ V �-- �/'-___ Council File # �� � 83 1 Green Sheet # GOaG�i RESOLUTION CfTY OF SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �o� Requested by DepaIIment of: Techn d Manage ent Services BY: �� ��r v� d'1� Appxoval Recommended by Budget Directoi: sy: C ��t� �` � GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES qg— 83�1 � n,o 60264 � �� � ❑ rn.,,,.w�„ � emrmu _ ❑ waxo��fmucrso.c � wuwu.amvneero �WYORI�ASffifMRI� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Resolution settling the persanal iajury ctaim of Tony Lindsey against the City of Saint Paul in the amount of S 15,000.00. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes this Pe��rm ever worked under a conUact forNis tlepartmeM? YES I� Hes thia µvaonfirm ever been a city empbyeeT YES NO Dces this pe�soNfiim poaseas a sldll not namalrypossessetl by any wrteM dty employe¢� VES NO Is �his persorJfirm a targe4ed vendoYt YES NO alatn all ve8 answeis on aeoarete sheet and aHach to areen sheet On April 22, 1998 a City of Saint Paul squad car, driven by Officer Hazelett, failed to stop at a stop sign, striking a 1994 Ford Tempo, driven by Tony Lindsey. Mr. Lindsey did not have a stop sign. Mr. Lindsey sustained neck and shouider injuries as a result of this accident. His shoulder fiad to be surgicalVy repaired and his medical bilts to date exceed 520,000.00. Mr. Lindsey was unable to work for approximately five months subseque�t to this accident. I have reached a settlement with his attorney in the amount of 515,000:00. s S 15,000.00 SOURCE GL 001 Tort Liability INFORMATION (EXPWN) � NO Counr�; Ressarch Center AUG 2 4 �� COSTIREVQlUH BUDOETED (GRCLE ON� ��rninNwas�c 09087