86-1182 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FI NO. � � � �� �� - « B o ,, �'.., Resolutl n Ratif in and Confirmin Y Y 9 9 , Condem tion and Awards of Damages a d Assessment Therefor File No. 1�IL�-6 Yo►C1Ag In the matter of� ` � Conde ing and taking easements for the purpose of constructing and maintaini a public sewer on, under and across those parts of the Southeast Quarter o� Section 29, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey Count•y tdinziesota describedl s follows: (AlI Distances, Bearings and Co-ordinates are [�linnesota State Plane, South Zo� . Based on City of �aint Paul 1986 Section Corner Co-ordinate Values. ) � I ! Conde ing and taking a 20 foot permaner.t and an 80 foot tempo�•ary , constructi� n easement, centerline of s�.id easement des.ribzd as follows: Begir� ing at a point on the West line of said southeast quart,er of. Section � that is 13�+3.10 feet North of the South quarter corr.er ef sa�d section � , said West line has a bearing of North 00 degrees 35 minutes 12 seconds st and the said South quarter corner has a co-ordinate value of N 716949.28I 2239201.k7; thence Soi� h 50 de�rees 14 minutes �+9.7 seconds East, 211.59 feet; theace So h 4�+ degrees �+6 minutes 49.7 seconds East, 1�1�.55 feet; thence So h 58 degrees 57 minutes 16.2 seconds East, 360.66 feet; thence So h 87 degrees 51 minutes 8.7 seconds East, 120.08 feet to point ' "; thence No h 87 degrees 19 minutes 33.7 seconds East, 73.53 £eet to the te ination of the 20 foat perma.nent easement and the beginning of a 6Q foot per nent easement that lies 10 feet south of and 5J feet North of the extension of the last described line; thence � sterly 110 feet more or less on extension of last described line to point "B' on the westerly line of a 30 foot perma.nent Phalen Creek sewer easement land terminating said 60 foot easement at said westerly line. The temporaryl 80 foot constructiorz easement does not extend South of the South line of he permanent easement between points "A" and "B" and its extension West. Alllsub�ject to easements of record. _Alsoi condemnin� and takin� a temporary construction easement over all uf that partlo£ said Section 29 that lies East of the East line o° Payne Avenue, South of the South line of Block 45 of Arlington Hills Addition, k'est. of t:�e West line of the 30 foot Phalen Creek easement and North of the North line of the perma ent easement just described. Also� condemning and taking a permanent easement over that part of Lots 15 s.nd 16 oflStinson's Subdivisi.on of Bloc�> 3b of Arlington Hills Addition, that lies Wes of a line that �s 43 feet East of �he West line of the southeas�t quarter o said Sectzon 29. Alsol condemni.ng and taking a temporary construction easement over that part of jLots 15 and 16 of C, Weide's Subdivision of Block 35 of ArZington Hills Ad itior�, as shown on plan on file in Division of Assessments and Valuation . Said tAmplraiy easemer:ts to expire �n Dscember 3i, 1987, ar upon completion of , the pro�je t, whichever cemes first. , �� . • City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. � `' " J� �°f Re rt of Director of Finance BY _ , _ -.,,,,, o Condemnation of Lands File No. �Y��� Yo�111� In the matter � Conde ing and taki.ng easements for the purpose of constructing and ma.intaini g a public sewer ocl, under and across those parts of the Southeast Quarter f Section 29, Township 29, Range 2?_, Ramse;� County Minnesota described as follows: (A1 Distances, Bearings anc3 Co-ordinates are Minnesota State P1ane, South Zo e. Based on City of Saint Paul 1986 Section Corner Co-ordinate Values. ) �I Conde ing and taking a 20 foot permanent and an 80 foot temporary construct on easement, centerline of said easement described as follows: Begi ning at a point on tne West line of saic�: south�st quarter of Section 9 that is 13�+3.10 feet North of the South quarter c�rner of said section 9, said West line has a bearing of North 00 degrees 36 minutes 12 secends est and the said South quarter corner has a co-ordinate value of N 7169�+9.28 � 2239201.�+7; thence So th 50 degrees 14 minutes 49.7 seconds East, 211.59 feet; thence So th �+�+ degrees 46 minutes 49.7 seconds East, 184.55 feet; thence So th 58 degrees 57 minutes 16.2 seconds East, 360.66 feet; thence So th 87 degrees 51 minutes 8.7 seconds East, 120.08 feet to point A"; thence No th 87 degrees 19 minutes 33.7 seconds East, 73.53 feet to the te mination of the 20 foot permanent easement and the beginning of a 60 foot per nent easement that lies 10 feet south of and 50 feet North of the extension of the last described line; thence e sterly 110 feet more or less on extension of last described line to point "B' on the westerly line of a 30 foot perma.nent Phalen Creek sewer easement and terminating said 60 foct easement at said westerly line. The temporary 80 foot construction easement does not extend So,�th of the South line of he permanent easement between points "A" and "B" and its extension West. All sub,ject to easements of record. Also condemning and taking a temporary construction easement over all of that part of said Section 29 that lies East of the East line of Payne Avenue, South of the South line of Block 1+5 of Arlington Hills Addition, West of the L]cg± 1�ng Of �:2° �n °.^.C� Dt:2.ii.ii �iEcin Z8.3Eiu21t aiiu rZvT't.ii Of t'Ll� i�iUT't:tl �.1t1�' Of the perma, ent easement �just described. Also condemning and taking a permanent easement over that part of Lots 15 and 16 of Stinson's Subdivision of Block 36 of Arlington Hills Addition, that lies Wes of a line that is 43 feet East of the West line of the southeast quarter o said Section 29. Also condemning and takin� a temporary construction easement over that part of Lots 15 and 16 of C. Weide's Subdivision of Block 35 of Arlington Hills Ad ition, as shown on plan on file in Division of Assessments and Valuation . Said temp rary easements to expire on December 31, 1987, or upon completion of the pro�je t, whichever comes first. I _. . _.__ :, � ��- /i �� ._... . . � � � y . . 1[embete: . . GI'.L`Y UP` �AI1�►r pAUL �wcs Nlcoals, �tia�r ����_ �enlce Rettmati ' . OFFIUB! OF THE3 QiTY COQNOIL • ' John Dr w(AIl.) � �� .. , � Dat�: August 20, 1986 . � omm. itte e � � Re ort p To; Saint Paul City Council � � : . � �j Fro : Committee �on Public Works � � � ! � Chris Nicosia, Chair � , � . . I --- -----_ _ . . . . _ __.____.__.__.... �� The bllc Works Commlttee et Its meeting oP Auguat 20,. 1986 took the ', follo ng ectlon� . . � �. ,. ear n pe e l. 8/ 8/86 VACATION� P�tltton of WIIIiam end 8onnte Leonard for the . vacation of part of e aewer eaaement loceted in Lot 5, Hiock 1 , Leonard Oak Hllls. No. 2 to ellow for resldentlal constructlon . (Hiliwood Court and Wiggine Road) . . Recommended epprovel ., , , • � , r �� t.'�t � : It�tT�f��h4�1t#1!.� W�'1, A� �RC�kgt � � �� . � . � • . , � ���±� � ��I��ng. \ . � �. �M�r'�-�-i�dit,,: �IF; ,�`; rt i es -- _ �. �� ). „lt�cwiliMiM�hdeY#'``+E�►ro�►e!i. . . � .•j �• 9/2; 86 FiAT►FICATION O� ANARD OF DAMAGE5� Condemntng and tsktng a temporary constructlon easement over the North 20 feet � of the east 65 feet of Lo� 2. 81ock 9. Beaupre and Kellys �ed en�ium)��bounded by Burr• Jessemina. beSoto and Recommended epprovel . . • 4• 8/ 6/86 FINAL ORUER� Regreding end repaving SANbRA LEE DRIVE from the northee�t. corner of Sendra Lee brlve to 180 feet south end from the northeast corner to !30 feet west. Recommended epproval . � • 5. 8/2� /86 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTSi For the HA2EL-MARYLAND end HAWTHORNE-RUTH Area Storm Sewer. � Fiecommended epprovel . • 6. e/2 /86 FtATtFICATION OF A5SESSMENtSt For the HAWTHORNE-RUTH Peving end Lighting ProJect. . ' aecommended epprovel . • � ' �• 9�2 86 RAtIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTSt For the MARYLAND-GAITtER Area 5torm Sewer. ' Recommended epproval � wlth ceveat Councliperson � ��• aettman �etting legal op�n�on on dffference � � . . between the bld price and the originei estlmate. � 8• 9�Z� 6 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENtSt For the MAF2YLAND-GAL7IER PeV�ng end Llghting Pro�ect. Recommended approvel , Nith ceveet Councllperson � Rettman getting legal opinion o� dlfference : between the btd price end the orlg(he� estimate. ; • . I ¢ _ _ _ � I �fi, � t .�' � ! City of St.1�au1 COUNCIL FILE NO. �� "' ��d �o� ' � Noti of Hearing in Condemnation By � � Proceedings . y '� i File No. ��iY�� _ ��� In the matter I f �. �,, ` � Conde ing and taking easements for the purpose of constructing and ma.intaini g a public sewer on, under and across those parts of the Southeast Quarter f Section 29, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey County Minnesota described `'as follows: (Al Distances, Bearings and Co-ardinates ar? Minnesota State Plane, South Za e. Based an City of Saint Paul 1986 Section C�rner Co-ordinate Values. ) Conde ing and taking a 20 foot permanent and a:: 80 foot temporary ccnstruct on ease�nent, cente..rline of sa.id easement described as fol.lows: , Begi ning at a poir�l; on the West line of said soutneast quarter of Section 9 that is 13�+3.10 feet North of the South quarter corner of said section 9, said West line has a bearing of Ncrth 00 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds est and the said South quar�er corner has a co-ordinate value of N ?16949.2R E 2239201.k7; thence So th 50 degrees 14 minutes b9.7 seconds East, 2.Z1.59 feet; thence So th 44 degrees 46 minutes 49.7 seconds East, 184.55 feet; thence So th 58 degrees 57 minutes 16.2 seconds East, 360.66 feet; thence So th 87 degrees 51 minutes 8.7 secotids East, 120.08 feet to point A"; thence No th 87 degrees 19 minutes 33.7 seconds East, 73.53 feet to the te mination of the 20 foot permanent easement and the beginning of a 60 foot per' nent easement that lies 10 feet south of and 50 feet North of the extensioniof the last described line; thence e sterly 110 feet more or less on extension of last described line to point "B on the westerly line of a 30 foot permanent Phalen Creek sewer easement and terminating said 60 foot easement at said westerly line. The temporary; 80 foot construction easement does not extend South of the South line of he permanent easement between points "A" and "B" and its extension West. Al1'' sub�ject to easements of record. Also condemning and taking a temporary construction easement over all of that partlof said Section 29 that lies East of the East line of Payne Avenue, South of'� the South line of Block 45 of Arlington Hills Addition, West of the West line' of the 30 foot Phalen Creek easement and North of the North line of the perma' ent easement �just described. Also'' conderaning and taking a permanent easement over that part of Lots 15 and 16 of' Stinson's Subdiviszon of Blo�k 36 of Arlington Hills Additi�n, that lies Wes of a �ine that is �+3 feet East of the West line of the southeast quarter o said Section 29. Also'i condemning a.r.d taking �. temporar-,� construction easement over that part cf Lots 15 and 16 of C, Weide's Subdivisior. of Block 35 ��f Arlington Hills Ad ition, as shown on plan on file in Division of Assessments and Valuation . Said temp raxy easements to expire cn December 31, 1987, or upon completion of the pro�e 't, whichever comes tirst. � � _ �� - �o�� . � � � . , - . ,�.,.��,��_...�.__.._�.-- �..-,_ .,._.� � _ �` . --�--'�-- - - ����.v�..:� ��+A.���s� .�4 ������� �� i.�:�� �x���-�-�aa� �� `�• � .:'�1;'� �ilLf�e�� ��'���'; t�e�outt�t +qp�ei S�e�ri!i, " � �'. ��.A�?i�NT ' Y� ���- :*� �;�:<. � - '.� f�,�,::��"'�+� t !�,�� .�j�� '@� ' �.47,e _ _� `�r ' t .:�pliq�fy�iliMa�t�j��WYYl��. � -., �- . �.. �� •q r �''. � s��et:th�ot so�t�sa a.�nee;59�n�iauta�a: ac�n� �S �` f��;�South 87�+e�82����ast,'21�Q.O�tiet to..-: poi�"A�; thence l+torth 84 �t 2$.�iautat,�3.�eree�nds lC�st,73.�: ;; ^ - .i+eet�#o:t�e ter�atson or tbe �: too�t ��t �t �tita tbe� .,'^ �oi S 68 tot�R� , �'.w*�rca�,�'j E '�il�,�ll+9i!#���lO�ttA�t�d':�Ml����tll. ��I}��5�` ��` ���e���� k��*� �z � i : ��-�����=-�lAl�:�l�C�t� `�t,s: �Itt#�said�taat�t at said v�esteri�lir�e.l�wt ���;;, . , � �..` , ` , f ti . ���v �' O �• - �s's` q:°k'G��^�t?2!� �,.t .. ,. � � _ , , .. .. . , .a ,4;-. .. �tsi� , - - �tY�. f . �, _ �r � R,�.. . � , � �t-r•.s- �.�_ .'.Cl. '`�'#iASa� .3 F _ ..x'�s,'� 4v�..w3._ " � � � t � �� .., .* , .� . ��. , ... . ' � � ��.-rs. .'si`3'r f3'T'...:;3 ii ;.m.�:i°�,f ��'? �F,#.�. _c azv +,��'"` ;�j:..�'�'��. � � es:�' : AL�6 � � � _ . 8�id t'e�°�t°nr� � �� , �` q� � }•:� . � � �� } � `���� �� - �: "�I)l�ee�ot Fla�oi�av� ,-�<€ �,.,_ � r .�J',�=� , �n�cd dama�at:ws�de��t�►e ' ; .�:;.� ' ta�ti5+s ab�ne>it�'�e�to�r '� �� tt� lEis asseen�iee�t�-a�L be�:td��qrell�r itood �e �� i tl�ereior�bt 4t � _._.;..,w . : • �'Y��t t3�+sssid'��E�t�e,�d�ie st�ae i�� " � ��� ��►�'l � �"� ' „. _ '� , _ , . x , , • . � k w. � .�: . `_i , . . . , .. . �. : � = F s i � � -f . _ :..,.,_:. . : � ; � . _ xr .. • ; ' .� ' ;':u.� ,• �.c� ���-� "" �r-u ���:�t��,�: � ����� '"c�r�^�� ; �a ��.r� *��� _ ` ���<a'�y : a �.w �,�i��+��� +" 'x?,i'�-tia"„"",�lSra':�1 a3 a�y3�'i. a-� T1E}[3''��t'� �'�, �i � �. =*�+` ��r 3 � s�.�#� a�r n,b���'r r P� �' 75�;'�£t,-s`! y�. s C�t:� S's.>.. �g'+ .� :r ?a :� �' *= 4. ,�,�y.:dr.�d. +.�r,i�.d+i.`°_`�,.' .�it-� . �;:_�Y� _ • _.� . � _ . . �v� �-, i,- di � !� . r+ � ' � � ,. , _ �;,,r; . . . _. .... . .. ---.__ .. .___ . .__— —-._. r � —�---- -----� �-,.,_._.. . . . . . � � ' - - � - i • . . . . � . `..;`.:. . .;. ' : .. .. �880LUTION AM�OVINQ���Ri1�NT� ': ,.,.,Z. � � FRINCi'iq1tE OF��8�11�i �N � � � -- � " �Ie No.�6-� ���y Chr�,s Pii�osi� � �� �� � . �.t�i�a-�of�te�f o,f#�aelits.oost and expeasea for Hawthof�--'�� p'A�����I��nai"�o#S�$1N��.,1�ndae��1F.Orde�8d-�Z�o7te��, ., E5i'�er �apProar,ed,1#,p�ril'1;.18f.6: . �Tlie assesat�it"b�'6�#s�aqst�ti[d;�ie►i'_�md iu.ca�tion���- ,., e improv�t fiavina'b�en s�tbmitted to.the CotmCft; �td,th��oti�4i1 .- ving considered eame and found the said�t sattsfa�ctbr�►�t�t+�::b� - i _ : : � . R.ESOLVED, 1�at the said assessinenk:be an+� #l�e aaale is �e}�eb�r ���i�,.� 8p�roxed. . ._. .. _ , ,. :; ;.;��.:x<: �gSQLVED FIIRTHER.T�at a public hee�rtag be�ad ot�se�id�t b�* , '�'#1 af�lu�u�s�_�, i��8�_8, at._�'gour�o ' ` in�'E'�Wiefl��� . e��ise 'amd�!'Ey�11�t����f 3#:Y��tt Director oi 1�';inance�ive not3ce o!said a�eti�,�s�hY�_ ia,$aid notice the t3me �tn.d'place of hmri�g. the nature� `� . t�and.the aaaount ascesse�against the lot or loxs oi ttie P4��� the notue is directed. . N'�,;,f8l13,�ent No.2Sl9 ° . . Ado��ed by'the Co1�ci1 Ju2q 32� Y9A6. ` ` . Appx"�'+'�d lvtly�3,1�6. ` . - (August.2. 19861. ., . _ _ - i