86-1178 WMITE. - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council `^// S ��/y CANqRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � �+ �+ � �`� ��/ BLUE - MAVOR �;ity �Attny/JTH CQ ncil Resolution Presented By � � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING EARLY LAND ACQUISITION IN THE DO?�1N�0[�TN RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (KAPLAN) [•??�F_ EAS , by its Resolution No. 86-8/13-6 adopted August 13 , 1986 , the �Ious' g and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Niinne�ot (f�RA) cletermined upon the location of the proposed Downtown niver¢ro t Pedevelopment Project (Project) and requested consideration by the C ncil of the City of Saint Paul of approval of early acqui- sition o the property of H. S . Kaplan Scrap Iron & P�etal Co . , Inc . , (Kanlan onerty) lying within the area of the proposed Project; and ?^�'r� .AS , nursuant to notice duly raublished in the Saint Paul Pioneer ess and Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation in the municir.a ' ty, on Friday, August 15 , 1986 , the City Council conducted a public earing upon the request of the HRA for approval of the nron osed cquisition by HRA of the Kaplan Property all in accordance s�ith the rovision of Minnesota Statutes Section 462 . 521 Subdivision � ; and GJHE AS , the terms of the �ronosed acquisition are set forth in t�at cer in document entitled "FUIl �redit f?ption For Purchase of °�al Est e" (Option Agreement) dated July 28 , 1986 bettiaeen HRA and ?'. S . Kap n Scrap Iron & Metal Co . , Inc . (Company) , which document , ��.ion; ot r things , granted an option to HRA exerciseable on or before �e;�tembe 19 , 1986 , upon payment on terms of $4, 225 , 000 all as more fully des ribed and nrovided for in said Option Agreement, which document as presented at and spread on the minutes of the August 13 , 19�6 meet'ng of the HRA; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nay �lanning & Econo ic Developenent Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agei[1St Y Tedesco Wilson � Form proved b City Att ney ' Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Coun l Secretary BY By� � Approved by 1�lavor: Dat _ Appro y Mayor for Subm� i to oun '1 By _ _ _ By NiHITE - C�TY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE II COUnCll P CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. ��� ���// BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date -2- [�TfiE AS, at the aforesaid Public Hearing the City Council heard testimon from all interested parties on the proposed acquisition of the K lan Property, reviewed and considered the Option Agreement and Exhi ' ts thereto and HRA Resolution No. 86-8/13-6 , and further consider whether the proposed acquisition would contribute to the elim' ation of blight and deterioration �aithin the area of the prop� ed Downtoum Riverfront Redevelopment Project, whether such acq ' sition would cause displacement requiring relocation of individu s and families , and whether to approve early acquisition of the K lan Property by HRA; and WHE � AS , uvon exercise of the Option the Compa�y would commence and with' one year complete removal of all scrap materials stored on the P perty, conclude the sale and removal from the Property of all e ipment and improvements not purchased by HRA, and cease operatio of the scrap metal processing business on the Property, which sc p storage and processing activities by reason of noise, odor and roundwater pollution and visual offense are a deleterious land use nd constitute a blighting influence inhibiting development of the P ject area in a manner consistent with the ulanning and redevelo ent directions of the proposed Downtown Riverfront Rede- velopmen� Project; and tiJHE ,AS, no individuals or families will be displaced by the proposed ' cquisition and the Company will �aaive payment of all relocati benefits and services which it would have been entitled to under aw, and it appears that the proposed acquisition of the Kaplan P perty, cessation of scrap processing thereon and removal COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nay Nicosia Rettman In Favor Scheibel sonne� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Coun 1 Secretary BY B}� Approved by Yfavor: Dat _ Appro Mayor for Submiss' to ounci� BY - - — BY WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ppp��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT y/�� //� � BLUE - MAVOR Q �L3 !( � . File N 0. = Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date -3- � of scrap aterials therefrom are in the public interest and will serve th public welfare; now therefore, be it RES VED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul in view of the p mises hereby adopted as findings hereby further finds that (1) he proposed acquisition of the Kaplan Property will contribu to the elimination of blight and deterioration within the Down wn Riverfront Redevelopment Project area, and that (2) no reloc ion of families or individuals will result from such acquisit' n and clearance of the Property. RES VEn FURTHER that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby a roves the early acquisition by HRA of the Kanlan Property in accor nce with the provisions of the Option Agreement and authoriz the HP.A to take all necessary actions to im�lement said Agreemen . ` I COUNCILMEN I Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay Drew Nicosia Planning & Economic �evelopment Rettman In FBVO[ Scheibel � Sonnen __ Agal(1St BY Tedesco Wilson �uG' 2!� � Form Approve City Att rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•s ec�,b Coun ' , cr BY ss� Appr y Mavor: Dat A 2 � Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council B - – ' — BY PUE�liS�iED S E P 6 1986 CANARV - DE�ARTMENT , VITY OF .JAINT t'AITL File NO. � BLVE - MAYOR City Attny/JTH li • • �� _ f�y� - � Co nc�l Resolution �� Presented B Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING EARLY LAND ACQUISITION _ TN THE DOGJN�O��TN RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (KAPLAN) ti�INE_ AS, by its Resolution No. 86-8/13-E adopted August 13, 1986, the �'ousi g and Redevelop��ent Authority of the City of Sain�t Paul, rlinnesota (HP�A) determined upon the location of the proposed Downtown niver�ron Redevelopment Project (Project) and requested consideration by the Co ncil of the City of Saint Paul of approval of early acqui- sition of the property of H.S. Kaplan Scrap Iron & P�Ietal Co. , Inc. , (Ka�lan P overty) lying ��ithin the area of the proposed Project; and T��'l:R S, nursuant to notice duly nublished in the Saint "Paul Pioneer P ess and Dispatch, a ne��snaper of general circulation in the municir.al ty, on Friday, August 15, 1986, the City Council conducted a public earing upon the request of the HRA for anproval of the �ron osed ' cquisition by HRA of the Kaplan Property all in accordance �>>ith the rovision of Minnesota Statutes Section 462. 521 Subdivision 3; and _ � _ _ _. _�..,_ __ . _ __...� �_ _ . _._______ -- - �JHER AS, the terms of the nronosed acquisition are set £orth ir_ fi'^at cert in document entitled "Fuil Credit Qption �or Purchase of °Eal Esta e" (Option Agreement) dated July 28, 1986 betcaeen HRA and �'. � . Kapl n Scrap Iron & Metal Co. , Inc. (Company) , which document , ��.zon; oth r things , granted an option to HRA exerciseable on or before S2;�tember 19, 1986, upon payment on terms of $4,225 ,000 all as more zu?ly des ribed and nrovided for in said Option Agreement, which document as presented at and spread on the minutes of the August 13, 1936 mee� ng of the HRA; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Draw Nays II Plar�ning & Econo ic Develo nent Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel so��e� Against Y redesco Wilson � Adopted by Council: Date Form proved b City Atto ney ' Certified Yassed by Counc� Secretary BY By � Approved by Mavor: Datel _ Approv y Mayor for Subm' i to oun 'I BY - - — BY _---_ ._.____._.__._ _ . ..,��,_.,,...�....,.,�,.,.,�..........,.,.,,.�.�.....,.. .,..,..__....._..�,.._. .. .W_._ . ... . . m.. . _w�...,,,,�w�,..�,..��.-...�,..,-,,,.,._.,,_-.. wHITE - C�7Y CLE�iK � o�NK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council �ANARV - OEPARTMENT 9LUE - MAVOR File N 0. - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date - -2- jaHE AS, at the aforesaid Public Hearing the City Council heard testimony from all interested parties on the proposed acquisition of the Ka lan Property, reviewed and considered the Option Agreement and Exhib ts thereto and HRA Resolution No. 86-8/13-6 , and further considere whether the proposed acquisition would contribute to the elimi ation of blight and deterioration �aithin the area of the propo ed Downtoum Riverfront Redevelopment Project, whether such acqu sition would cause displacement requiring relocation of individua s and families , and whether to approve early acquisition of the Ka lan Property by HRA; and WHER AS , unon exercise of the Option the Company would commence and withi one year complete removal of all scrap materials stored on the Pr perty, conclude the sale and removal from the Progerty _ _ �._ of all_�.q ipment and improvements not purchased by HRA, and cease __ operation of the scrap metal processing business on the Property, which scr p storage and processing activities by reason of noise, odor and roundwater pollution and visual offense are a deleterious land use nd constitute a blighting influence inhibiting development of the Pr ject area in a manner consistent with the ulanning and redevelop ent directions of the proposed Downtown Riverfront Rede- velopment Project; and �]HE S, no individuals or families wilZ be displaced by the proposed cquisition and the Company will �aaive payment of all relocatio benefits and services which it would have been entitled to under aw, and it appears that the proposed acquisition of the Kaplan Pr perty, cessation of scran processing thereon and removal COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ Ag8itlSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Counc� Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Datel'� _ Appro Mayor for Submiss' to ounci� sy _ � By i C4NARV - OEGAqTMENT ' (jITY OF SAINT PALTL Louncu ��.uE - w+�roa File N�. - - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date -3- - of scrap aterials therefrom are in the public interest and will serve the' public welfare; now therefore, be it RESO VED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul in view of the pr mises hereby adopted as findings hereby further finds that (1) he proposed acquisition of the Kaplan Property will contribut to the elimination of blight and deterioration within the Downt wn Riverfront Redevelopment Project area, and that (2) no reloca ion of families or individuals will result from such acquisiti n and clearance of the Property. RESO VE� FURTHER that the Council of the City of Saint Paul. hereby ap roves the early acquisition by HRA of the Kanlan Property in accord nce with the provisions of the Option Agreement and authorize the HP.A to take all necessary actions to imnlement said Agreement'� � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia Planning & Economic Development Rettman �� FaVO[ Scheibel so��.� � Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approve City Att rne , Adopted by Council: Date / Certified Passed by Counc�l Secretary BY By� Approved by 1+lavor: Date Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By By � , �-'� —�i�� � � ;e.,..... �•0� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � DATE: August 13, 1986 T0: Albert Olson FROM: Sheri Pemberton, PED � SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 26, 1986 �.________ -----.._.._._ Attached s a copy of the public hearing, which is being published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch on Friday, August 15 , 1986. Please pl e this Public Hearing on the City Council Agenda for Tuesday, August 26 1�86. A City Council Resolution will be forwarded to you by the City torney's Office, prior to the City Council Meeting. Thank you. SAP:1 k Attachmen cc : Jim rt Rick eeson c> �: =.� �� �r,-� .--,-, •� ,, "*'i � � �=- � rn ' .�n �.� ° .� , _7 r � .w. . _""e,.6 C'� �`:� i`i9 C`.±'3 � � . • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Council of t e City of Saint Paul in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall , 15 Wes Kellogg Bouleva rd, Saint Paul on August 26, 1986 at 10 o'clock a m, Central Daylight 7ime, as soon thereafter as this natter may be heard upon the APPLICATION OF THE HOUSIf�G P,"JD �E('�VCLOPt'.Ci1T AUTHORITY OF�THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ("HRA") F0� EAr�LY LAND ACQUISITION f the property of the ki,5. IGap1�t�:�:S�rap Iran d� Meta� Co. I�c. , property +�' �y Shepard Road on the Southea�t, i�il:ki� Str�t on �he Sout�+ivest, vacated Spri. Street on the 1�orthwest and Wst►��Agton Street �.the North,east and operated s a scrap metal processing yard (the "Property") which property is located i the area of the proposed Downtown Riverfront Development Project (the "Projec ") as determined by the HRA. At said � blic hearing the City Council shall consider and make findings as to (1 ) wh her the proposed acquisition of the Property prior to approval of the Proje� Redevelopment Plan is necessary to carry out public improvements in the area, r whether such acquisition will contribute to the elim�nation of blight or de� rioration within or whether it is necessary to relieve ha rdship j2) whether ere is a feasible method for relocation of individuals o r families should their isplacement occur as result of such acquisition and (3) whether to approve ti� HRA"s Application for early acquisition of the Property. Every pe on wishing to be heard upon these matters will have opportunity to speak at s id hearing or to present written comment. Questions concerning the hearing a d proposed Pro perty acquisition may contact Mr, Rick Beeson of the Saint Pau Department of Planning & Economic Development at (612)292-1577 during usual : usiness hours . Albert B. Olson City Clerk