86-1172 WHIjE - CITV CIERK I PINK♦ - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council qqq C4NAi:1 - OEPARTMENT (/�� /�� IJ ,`�j..l�E - M A V O R a //� � File N � Counci Resol ion ,. .; , , , �s Presented By � ' _ - Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Commi ee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, ursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for ap ropriation revenues in escess of those esstimated in the 1986 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor r commends the following changes to the 1986 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------ ------------ ------------ U01 General Fund 0200 Fund Bal nce, Unreserved Undesignate 887,137 +666,670 1,553,807 All Other Fin ncing 110,347,601 - 0 110,347,601 111,234,738 +666,670 111,901,408 SPENDING PLAN _ _ __ _ OU2 General Fund General Gover ent Accounts Finance Dept eneral Government Accounts 09170 CH/CH B ilding Mtce(City 35% Share) 09170-0219 Fe s-Other Professional Services 0 +666,670 666,670 09170 All Oth r Spending 678,132 - - 0 678,132 Ail Other Spe ding 110,556,606 0 110,556,606 111,234,738 +666,670 111,901,408 __ _ _ _ NET CHANGE +666,670 RESOLVED, That the C ty Council approves these changes to the 1986 budget. Fi ncing is vail ble Approval Recommended --��--�_`_�_--- --� -- - -- --- __`L=���-'�''`�1� Director of F nance '�'��` Budget Dire tor � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nay w�cos�a ,j inance De t General Government Accounts Rettman _ �rt FBVOi S��+a:�_� Sonnen � _ Against BY � Tedesco ^1 � v/ AUC7 Z f �86 Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified V�ssed by Coun il Secretary BY By� Appro by Mavor: Da _ +- AUG 2 5 �ggfi Appro ayo for Submissio to Council BY - – — BY PUBl1SHED AU G 3 0198� WMITE - Ci7V CLERK I PINKf - FINqry�E /�OUnClI C4NqR�/ - DE�ARTMEN T G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L File 1N0. 8� —" 117�• �.BLI�I�E - MAYpR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date � � Out of Commi tee By Date :� Page Two of Two / AND, E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the< $666,670 -cash advsnce from y=--=� � -the nera l Fund be returned to the Genera� Fur�d � w�t�i f ra�� � ��Q���� (n i ne ? days of the sa l e of bonds _ for the �i ty � M�i � . �nd�� v�:� , Court �se Remo�el ing Pro,ject; : : ..�> � ANf�,�� hereas the e l evator ope�ators ha�►e pt�c��r�ded s �r- ��ab�e M�.-�� , >P seFV i - and �i t�forrt►at i on gou�ce, , , :. BE . I RESOLVED, Tha�t the CQU�ci i of t� City <� �°-5a-�t :; .#��e�:�R� ��»�,� � , en�u ges the Bui�idfng Sup�rintendent estabiish a-�;jvb tr��n���gms�»_� - co nt to retoo l --ex i�t i ng e i evator operatorg : .so ��y�� tn�y-,�'�{ ,� °: conti e emp�}oyment with the Gounty of Ramsey. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Na Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ Ag8ltlSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Vassed by Cou .il Secretary BY By� Approved by EVlavor: Da e _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — BY PUBIISHED �.0 G 3 01986 F' • n r Gov't Account#PARTMENT � ������ N� _ Os153 William Don�ova �� CONTACT 5317 PHONE 8/6/86 DATE . „/�r'�. .._. �r �,. � ASSIGN NUN�ER fQR R ING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : 1 Departmeht' Dire or 5 Director of Management/Mayor 4 Finance and Man ement Services Director � 6 City Clerk 2 Budget Director ,,,,3 City Attorney . ' HAT WILL BE ACIiIEV BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT'fACHED MA�ERIALS? (Purpose/ The City will e tablish spending authority for its shareato���e� 'Gity, and Caunty elevator automa ion project which includes an emergency generator and rep"lacement of drinking fou tain pipin�g adjacent to elevator shaf��CE'�,D � �� � � ,�:F� �a :, :�� . . .� '. �� AUG G 1986 ,,,` _ ���� OFFICE OF THE DlRECTOR � ' DEPARTMENT OF FlNANCE OST BENEFIT 8 OGE RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEDAND MqNq�EM�NT SERVICES $666 ,670 of 'Fun Ba]�apy�� iI � �� rved Undesignated wi11 be .u�ed to fi�ance ����g . spending .aut;hor ty for CHfCH uilding Maintenance (35� City Share) . FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUI�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Totai Amount ;o.f " ansaction: $666 ,670 .00 quired if under : " �10,00Q) - Fundi.rt�g Souroe: O��bO Fund Balance, Unreserved Undesignated Activity Number: 09170 CH/CH Building Mtce (City 35$ Share) ATTACHMENTS Lis�t a Number All Attachments : 1. REsolut�on . 2 . Friedmar�n/D novan memo outlining cost and operating savings 3. CH & CH �Res 86-12 � , - DEPARTMENT REVIE�1 . CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW x Yes No Caunci Resolution Required? ' Resolution RequiredF Yes No � YES X No Insur ce Required? Insurance S�fflci�t�t? Y+es No Yes x No Insur ce Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR IMSTRUCTIONS) . � Revised 12/84 � -