86-1166 WHITE - CITV CIEHK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ) CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� _`/d� BLUE - MAVOR ou cil Resolution ;�� --, Presented By �-"��"� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date RESOLVED, T at upon execution a.nd delivery of a release in full to the City in a form to be apnroved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are here�y authorized and directed to pay out of the ort Liability Fund 09070-511-000 , to : l . Melanie Montez the sum of $35. 00 in full settlement of her cla ' m for reimbursement of towin� and storage fees incurr on or ahout May 23 , 1986 , as more particularly set otz in the Notice of Claim filecl in the City Clerk ' s office n Jun.e 20 , 198�i. ?_. Colleel Schute and American Family Insur_ance Group the sum of 2 , 131 . 66 in full settlement of their claim of prop�rty damage ustained on or about May 6 , 1986 , as more particularly s�t ou in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerks office n May 15 , 1986. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas orew Na s Nicosia �_ [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson AuG 19 1986 Form App ved by Cit �to e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya•s y ou c.il , et B By Approve y :Navor. D t ��G 2 � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv - — Bv Pt�BUSh� ��-� � 1986 . � �.,��-ri�,� � ��•= o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � �i�i i°i o� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ?o ^�' `6'+n�.� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 6 ; 986 M E M O R A N U M CLAIM AGAI ST CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY MELANIE ONTEZ AND COLLEE SCHUTE AND AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE GROUP On May 23 , 1986 a vehicle owned by Melanie Montez was impounded by the Sai t Paul Police Department. Ms . Montez had been stabbed by an unkn n assailant and her car was impounded as evidence. She incurr expenses of $70 . 00 for the towing and storage of her vehicle, reached a compromise settlement in the amount of $35 . 00 to imburse Ms . Montez for those expenses . On May 6 , 86 a City of Saint Paul vehicle driven by employee Ralph Stol failed to stop for a stop sign at the intersection of Case an Burr in Saint Paul . As a result , our vehicle struck a vehicle a ned and driven by Colleen Schute, who had the right of way at � e time. Ms . Schute ' s vehicle was damaged in the amount of $1938. 66'�, plus $193 . 00 for towing and storage fees . Ms. S�hute' s automobile ' nsurance carrier, American Family, reimbursed Ms . Schute for '� er expenses less her $500. 00 deductible. Our office settled witj Ms . Schute and American Family for their claim of property dal age only in the amount of $2 , 131 . 66.