86-1163 WNITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council / ( CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO• ��//�//� BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALU TIONS AND • • ASSESSMENTS ROOM $ . ounci Resolution �=-r°��` '� Presented By � �� � ��� / ..--- Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Commit e By Date WHEREAS, Pursuant to Chapter 66 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code the aint Paul City Council held a public hearing on June 2�+, 1986, and adopted ouncil File No. 86-847 which established the level of operation and maintena e for the Town Square "public spaces"located within the follawing streets: Cedar Street, Eighth Street, Minnesota Street and Sixth Street, for the per d of July 1, �986, to June 30, 1987, and the amount of service charges be levied against the benefitted properties; and WFiEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul did determine that the program f Operation and Maintenance to be performed Within the Town Square "public paces" be in the manner as set forth and described in the report by the Depa ment of Community Services; and Wf�REAS, the Department of Commnunity Services has submitted to the Departme of Finance and Management Services a report showing the total cost of such peration and ma.intenance to be $939,191.OQ .A copy of said report has heret fore been delivered to the City Council; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVID, that $939,191„m shall be assessed a�ainst b nefitted properties according to the following rates: Zone 0 $3.9249971 per square foot Zone 1 $ .08080�+3 per square foot Zone 2 $ .0562767 per square foot Zone 3 $ .0377715 per square foot Zone 4 $ .0037185 per square foot AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be held in the Counc 1 Chambers of the City of Saint Paul at 10:00 A.M. on September 30, 1986, fo the purpose of adopting service charges against all benefitted propertie to be collected in the same manner as other real property taxes in COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew � Nicosia Finance and Managem nt Services Rettman [n Favor _1 Scheibei � �i'eCt Y' Sonnen __ Ag81[1Si BY Tedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: ate AUG 1 9 1986 Form Approved b City Att ney Certified Pa.s d Coun ' Se etar BY C �"�/ ` By� Approved Mavor: Date _ �vs Approv y Mayor for Submissie uncil By _ By n��!��lc� ��� ^ P��L:�i�L � � 1986 I Financ� � M nag ent Services DEPARTMENT ���`�� N�• �6115 H�'L� 'Oann ; CONTACT . .� 7028 PHONE August 6, 986 DATE e�� eQi � I�SSIGN �IU ER F RO ING OR�R C1 i All Locations for Si nature c : � ��partment D rec or 3 Director of Management/Mayor � 11 Finance and na ement Services Director � 4 City Clerk _ _ �Cudget DireC or 5 Return to Assessments, Room.2,18 ity Attorne,� HAT WILL BE ACH EVE BY: TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : City Coun il solution setting date of hearing for Town Square Operatioa�and aintenance Service Charges, for the period of July 1, 1986 to Juae 3�, 1 7, for September 30, 1986 ���F%�/",�`� i A� � � �y�b� � RECEIVED _ ; , P�Ayo���FF��� AUG 7 1986 COST BENEFIT BU GET Y AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATE : ! OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ' DEPARTMENT OF FTNANCE � Af�O MANAGEMENT SERVI�ES , None j ;� ' , FINANCING SOURCE D UDGET ACTIVITY NU1�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amou�t o�"Tr rtsaction: quired if under � $10,000) Funding Sourcel� one �;��'� ��, ,� �.� ,� . Activity Numbe�^: . ` f� � � �`F�' �-"� y +.,f ATTACHMENTS Li st' and Number Al 1 Attachments : ,�'�!,;��. •.� 1���? 1. Resolu�ion to be considered � .,: ,,,�. ,� ;,,;;-�� �. Map.of lare .3R� �.;:, .��t-��i�t�L '� �'� � , i DEPARTMENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNE.Y REVIEMI x Yes No Cour�cil esolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Ins�ran Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes �No Yes X No Insyran Attached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � � Revised 12/84 � , �- ��ii�3 . .. �+` `lT °'• C1TY OF SAINT PAUL R 1 r ° - y DEPART�1ENT OF COMMUNITY SERViCES � iiii�f t�ii � o ^° D!V{SION OF PARKS AND RECREATION �..• TO�'�'N SQtJARE PARK GEORGE LATIMER 445 Minnesota St., Saint Paul, Minnesota 551Q'i 6�2-227-3307 MAYOR May 8, 1986 Mr. J� William Donovan Divis on of Valuation � Assessments 218 C tq Hall St. P ul, MN 55102 SUBJE T: Town Square Park Assessment Dear r. Donovan; We ha e completed the Year VII 1986-1987 Town Square Budget. The b dget has been presented to and approved by the BOMA Advisory Commi tPe. A copy of the May 8th, 1986 letter of approval fc.�r BdMA is attac ed. The b eak down of the budge t is as follows; otal Budget 1985-86 Town Square Park all levels �972,756 oft only Budget $282,635 I am nticipating a Year VI budget surplus of $24,565. I have commi ted this $24,565 to the Year VII budget thereby reducing �he asses ment or service charge by that amount. In addition, to further rednc the service char�e, I will transfer $9,000 from excess r�:�tal profi s, code 43183, to the Opera tion & Main tenance Budget. Total Loft Budget $282,635 , less surplus - $24,565 less rental profits - $9,000 Service Charge Total $249,070 The r �aining amount for the lower three levels $690,?21 will be made up fr m a HRA contril�ution of $50,OOU and $640, 12I to be paid by Oxfor Properties , Inc. Town Square Commercial in the same manner as in y r VI. Paym ts by H.R.A. from the Seventh Place Project Redevelopment and Fina ing Fund are due May 15, 1986 and October 15th, 198b. �;� . , ������ 3 . . G1TT Q� ,���` ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° - y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ; iiii�ii�ii � • ^ DIVISION OF PARK� AND RECREAT�ON �..• TOWN SQUARE PARK GEORGE LATIMER I 445 Minnesota St., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 MAYOR 6�2-227-3307 Shoul you need additional information or clarification on any part of the b� get, please contact me as soon as possible. � Since� ly., � � � } 'y�� John . Ricci . �-� Manag , Town Squsre Park �' I' �� '� /� /�` r;�',_/'' � � \ \'`- f_`"�_ +�- ��,-r��_. �f ����'���� �. � `� Super tendent of Parks and Recreation S � a� Direc or, Dept. of Community Services 5� ��