86-1160 � � � . . �V .? /� City of S .Paul COUNCIL �LE NO. � ��� d FINAL ORD R IN B -� ' � Y CONDEMNAT ON PROCEEDINGS ��1y�_� File No. �ott� In the Matte of sr� S Condamai sasd fia�lci�tg a 30 foot ease�aeat fcr th� Marl�rarad/�3sltier sa�rrer g ��cct !or the purp�se of cc�natru�ting wnd mainLaiaiag s �►blia � r cm�, und�r artd acra►s the folle�►vi� Drope�rties: Part o1' Lcrta 21 a.nd �2', Cottaga Ha�as• 1Y1n8 �roat o? a li�ne g feet ezlyr o�' �.nd gsrali.l to tbe ttorthsrl.y �xt�aeip� of t.h+e aeu�erli cr!' Farringtoa Street a�ad eaat af • 2ina �'$ f ee� �neest�r�,jr of and rallel to Lh� �aartherly �z�on�ior� at the c�en�er2iAa ra! Farringt 8trr�e�et +�►d south af tha narth right-ol��ryr line ot' tbe Burlingt �icrthern I�. aad �orF�h ai' the rvuth ri�ht-af-�r 1#ne of t.he 11�g�Coa �or�kh�ru I�o. under Administrativ Order —• approved — under Preliminary 0 der � ""���`'2 approved � °?� _�� A public hear g having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objectio and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, at the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made �� ������� �4¢ �����t�E�� ����R #�C . FURTHER RE OLVED, That the ConnCil hereby determinea that the estate requited tor thie improvement be ae describ- ed above, and tLat e proper City otficers eubmit a repott to the City Counoil fot the purpose ot the Connail's making an awazd of damages fot he interest#�est and determination of assessments. if any, against the benefited ptoperty. acquired COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 1 9 198� Yea�rtw Nays �icos i8 Certified d y Counc' Secreta lt t teaa n �the i be 1 In Favor B 6 =oanen AUG 2 ?edesco � Against 1lilson r . Mayor ��r��wfi��a� S��' � 19 , . � � � �� � �J � � I T � C � �J �� � � �. c�=�,� . , c��-�,� � � � � � � � � � � I � � � � `� � � � ��f���o PU � L I C I M PRO�IEMENT ACQU I S I T I ON _ _ _ _ Please noke that the ublic Wozks Coanittee of the City Council �i11 discuss this ite and develop a recoamendation to the full City Council at its Au ust 6th meeting. Pl.ease bcing any concerns ' you may have to this ■ eting on iiednesday, Auqust 6, 1986 in Room 707 at 9:0o a.x. City Council District ��5 District Planning Councii ��6 Burlington orthern Railr.oad 18414E � 176 E. 5th treet F � �� �� � P. 0. Box 6 960 ��� � St. Paul, 55101 Attention: Alfred Nelson To decide whether to proceed with acquiring storm sewer easement ��� � {� � � for the MARYLAND/GALTIER Storm SPwer Project across the Burling- ton Northern Right of Way at Farrington St. extended,. described Ias follows: A 30 foot easement for the purpose of constructing � �and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the following properties: Part of Lots 21 and 22, Cottage Homes, lying west of a line 5 feet easterly of and parallel to the northerly extension of the centerline of Farrington Street and east of a line 25 feet westerly of and parallel to the northerly extension of the center line of Farrington Street and south of the north right-of-way lin of the Burlington Northern Inc. and north of the south right-of- /� ¢�� Tuesday, August 19, 1986 at 10:00 a .m. �"i ,.��. !-4 � � F.�i � I City ,�ouncil Charnbers , 3rd Floor City Yall - Court Aouse �G4 °"'�'py g��gL� C.all 2;�- 4513and refer to the rile �r a�ove . City sta`f will E„! � � n S � S 'a I be available to answer an�* last ;ni�ute questions on this pro- jecc: in Roam 218 City Ha11 from 9:30 - 10:00 a .m. the same dav as ti�e nearing. � � ,,,,_,_ , _J-=�'� ., .,y. 9-i9zo °FYJ�F`tT!' f� d (` f1 ozc __ — r.�'a ��f� � �� �r _ —'� � Jul 25 1986 � J---JZiP _"__ -�''�'��: tvOC:CC Se1lC f � ccNVi,rnen�l` w � � r,rr =ar ']o �.,i� i ., e� I }J\' C}1E' Valuat�OR Assess�e:�� �ivisiOil I `�' Z' _ w� �"'" L • ` IT ''• : 23 w,• �E�`L. Oi FiL1?RCP. o:lC� �`'Id11Et�;�'TeP.� Services . �•� te t;�Ti _ � __ 22.� ?,00n 21� City Ha 1 - Court ?�:�use �., :, �t .�,; i �{ 5t . �'2i11 � �`tiTl:lFS �<a �):�;�1.^'- «.: xc rs:As : � 21 ,:; � I «, zs c�,c��� I� , zo;�, � � �.n z+ 7,,,, ;I � L_.. ��,� ° n�i t3 ��.� 8 � , ._ � � IY�.0 � �nn Lz is�i 9 Area ta be acquired --- _ __ , ��M :� -l' ,o � � �.�, �,. :. �� LL dis _ f i I , ______..._.:._ __. _ ---_______. _.__ _._ ..___.._.__ -----. _ ..�--- . . _ � � �d�-�/�d 1[embero: Ctiln Nicoata, Chalr GITY UF �.E�I�TT YAUL 7naice Reltman ntuin Klkt 3oanen '��� ���! OFFI�E OF THE CITY COIINOIL Joha Drew (Att) . Date: August 6, 1986 . . , ;�. • . � - ltte e Re o rt '� C o m m p . , . . Saint Paul City Council � - " ` om: Commit�tee on Public Works � Chris Nicosia, Chair ___ The Pullic Works Committee at its meeting of August 6, 1986 took tPie followir _� ar_tion: He�3r i r _ �ate 1 . �3/1 E36 RAT[FICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For grading and paviny tlie N-5 alley in E31ock y, Como Prospect Addition. Also construci_ion of a storm sewer in said alley. (bounded Liy Kent., Jessamine Avenue, Jessamine Ct. and Mackubin and Cont�3iner Corporation of America property) . Recommencied approval , wit.h caveat Department of Fublic W��rk.s satisfy any construction problems that may exist. 2. �/ly� 86 RATIFICATION OF A55ESSMENTS: For improving the alley in Block 4, Humphreys Addition ' from Van Buren to Blair Avenues. Also constructing storm sewer in said alley (bounded by ViT-yinia, Farrington, Van Buren and Blair) . Recommended approval . 3. 8/l� 86 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the PAYNE-ARCADE AREA EAST PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. , Rer_ommended a��proval . 4. 8/1� 85 FINAL OROER: Grading and paving the alley in Btock l , Buckhout's Rearrangement and Block 12, Stinson� Brown and Ramseys Addition. Also slope construction in said alley (bounded by Toronto, Webster� Jefferson and Grace) . . . Recommended a�proval . 5, 8/1 ./R6 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a 30-foot �asement for the MARYLAND-GALTIER SEWER PROJECT for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and ' across part of Lots 21 and 22, Cottage Homes. Recommended approval . r din and avin tt�e 6. 8/i� £i6 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For g a g p g alley in 5outh 1/2 Block 3, Smiths Subdivision. Also construction of a storm sewer in said alley (bounded by Blair, K�nt, Van Buren and Mackubin) . Recommended approval . 7. RESOLUTION: approving the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission's plans and specifications to build the Middle Beltline Interceptor sewer within the City of St. Paul . (7-22-86) Recommended approval . g. RESOLUT(ON: authorizing a cooperative construction agreernent with the Minnesota Department of Transportat.ion wl�ereby tt�e State w i 1 1 construct the C i ty's port.i on of Smith AvFnue from Annapolis to Stevens. (7-22-86) Recommended approval with understanding spending and financin3 plans accompany resolution when it comes befor�e the City Council . � , � �-�-���d ^--. . - -. _ -� �_ . . r F . .. ��.. ._ . . ,.__ : s-. ,. T -.� s. • ��4 d� �#i= :t=-�� ` . , - _ , ta::. . k. ' �,. ..I�a�::1. �y�j(tva `°*� w F j :.;: �,,y�:��.:t ••f .. '��'����*�Y�' S.•`5.' �"t .^"'r'�'•.t' 1 .� Y+ �.i�� � ��' '^'J-'�� � {v'Y..� �� ���'_�-�r ���� �?�Q? -�x�#►`.*�Qf`s . ��fl�M!!�D�,�DI►�1R . 01. �; .... a pu�t�Oi'[i��l6;M��E�?�AII�����txr> Part o!Lots 21 amt121,Cotta�e Ha�ses.lyfa�wtrosttliai�3te�=awYi�jr; �r:ti= of aaQ���ht�rort�#��cit�t�a lt+t��:s�� �w'.` '3ts�t and eat of a liae 25 leet =�����f.ao�l fi�#� .�� � rzteasioo-z�oi tbe centerline oi 1� �treet�ai d'��uth q!`�';,_ risht-oi way liue of the Bui�lfngton Nort�ern Tac,an�`�St►f�tl�'M�t�s� }''- : right•of-way line of the Burlingto'e��CFtie���rc. , The�oundi of the City oi�fat�satfiavin�recet�tbe re,�eaet oi the �ayor upon the-�bp�ce;�v�$t,.Aptd�c�,�e�.��Teport. : h!lCby 1+eSO1vE8:'=-'` ;: e. .. ":_.' # :F .�� i. That the said repoirt at,d`�t�e same�is: hereby aj�i�ovea with no alternatives, and that the estimat�d;�thereof is i5�000 gas�aoed by Wster'Pollution Abatement FimrAs:�_. s .. _ , . . `,�:� �,.;.;;,- � t;, ��t�i�tibl�k';(t�`�e�i�d�"ea�8�a�roVet�t��e= • , �c�-. , ,��� . '�`5����":�; ' 8II� r tt�Eg"b��sf��S'Ft8�1. . - � 3 '.1'l�t aot�`e oi at�id°'�b't��'be *ii�e� to tbt-'�SS�s.'�f� �e�ner�rbVidt�b3*=t�,F�srrt�,'stati`ag t�e ti��p►7ao!0i'��, •'�_ _ _`':the tiature oi t�e�i��i�t�d'�e to�ai��t'�5lt��i��t�:t;: File.No. 18414E-1. ' , _,. .- . , ,v. At�opted'by the Couricil�uly 2l; Y9�6. _ - _.. - � :. Appr�o�ed July?�, 198�. . • _ s ' . .:,< _ (�Rt�,�i . , ` .