86-1154 WHITE - CIT CLERK PINK - FIN N�E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �/ CANA4tV - DE ARTMENT /n '�J Bl_UE - MA OR File NO. ��✓�//`�,� � � Cdu ci l�esolution -_—� ; _�,,7 Presented y / i..� R ferred To Committee: Date t of Committee By Date HEREAS, Thomas Hackett has submitted the attached proposed lot split for City ouncil approval ; and HEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works ave reviewed the proposed lot split at 1444 Ames Avenue as described on he attached survey; and HEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Sections 67.304 and 67.406 of the zoning code, except lot area; and WHEREAS, the City Council on July 31 , 1986 held a public hearing to determine the advisability and necessity for the granting of variances from the strict application of the provisions of Sections 67.304 and 67.406 of the Zoning Code at which hearing all persons present were given an opportunity to testify; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the City Council made the following findings of fact: I 1 . The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provision of the code; 2. The plight of the landowner seeking to divide the property is due to circumstances unique to his property, and these circumstances were not created by the landowner; and 3. The variance requested is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the +' code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and Iwelfare of the inhabitants of the city of Saint Paul ; and 4. Granting the requested variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established � property values within the surrounding area; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Ye Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel So�nen __ AgalllSt BY Tedesco Wilson A pted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Attorney C tified Passed by Council Secretary BY y, A proved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by ayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - TV CIERK PINKt - NANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council Q/ CANA-RV - EPARTMENT File NO• v W �//�� BLUE - AVOR • Council Resolution Presente By Ieferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I5. The variance, if granted will not permit any use of the land that is in- Iconsistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code; and � 6. The owners request for this variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value of income potential of the parcels of land; and (WHEREAS, the owners of the property have agreed to the conditions for I variance specified by the City Council : ) I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and a roves pP this lot split for property situated at 1444 Ames Avenue legally described as Lot 2 except the East 50 feet thereof; and the East 60 feet of the North 100 feet of lot 3, Block 4, Ames Outlots with the following variance: Reduce the lot size from 7200 square feet to 6000 square feet for parcel "C" with the condition that a fence be constructed along said parcel 's south property line. I I I I COUNCILMEN Requ ted by Department of: Ye s �_ Nays � �' � �'��-���� �y Nicosia ln Favor Rettman ///� . / Scheibel � �/-r /// I Sonnen __ AgalliSt BY ��� � �-C�'��y T�c1es�S Wilson A opted by Council: Date AUV' � �1 �86 Form Approve b City Attorney C rtified Yass y c� cre ry BY s� � 1 A pr y :Navor: Date _ Ap ove or for S sion to Council By By pUBUSHEO AU G 3 019$6 i . ���� o ' . , ED. , DEPARTMENT N. _ O59�S 1.1an Czaia CONTACT . ,� 92-1577 PHQNE . -31-86 DATE �/�� ,►. ,. AS IGN NUNBER FOR ROUTING ORDER C1 i Al l Locat.ions for Si natur�e : _ � De artment Director or � Fi ance. and Management Services Director � 5 ity Clerk � Bu get Director Pea4v Reichert � Ci y Attqrney 4 Councilman Wilson WH� T W LL BE ACHIEVED BY;TAiCING ACTION ON THE ATTRGHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : i T approve a lot split with variance for property situated a 1444 :Ames Ave. City Council attached the conaition that RE�EIVED a ence must be erected along the south property line of p cel "C" . ` Public hearing was held on 7-31-86 A(JQ .. 1 '� , �ECCt�f�.� ��G � �.oa CITY ATTO�NEY � . C T B NEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEO: p:,9,QY�;��s C����E N/A ,� ; q, . F NAN NG SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- ; To 1 Amount of'Transaction: quired if under ' � �10,000) I� Fu i�g Sarrce• Ac vity Number: • A AC ENTS List and Number All Attachments : 1 Staff Report � 2 R�salution - 3 Public hearing notice ( this hearing was laid over from 7-3-86 to 7-17-86 to 7-31.=86) ' 4 Copy of the survey 1• � . PAR ENT REYIEW C�TY ATT4RNEY REVIFW �Ye No Council Resolution Required? �� Resolation Required? Yes No Ye �No Insurance Required? Insur.ance Sufficient? Yes No �Ye X No Insurance Attached: � SEE •REYERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCtIO�iS � � � . . ) ' R�vis d 12/84 - i . ' �- �-/lv�� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCiI. PUB�IC HEARING NOTICE ZONING To: Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of District 2 FIL E N 0. SBD 216 PAGE P U R P 0 S E To consider a lot split with variances to reduce a lot size from 7,200 sq. ft. to 6,047 sq. ft. LOCATION 1444 Ames Ave. P E T i T I 0 N E R TOM HAC KETT H E A R I N G Thursday, July 3, 1986 �o:oo A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Allan Czaia) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economi� Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal ' Description: Lot 2 except the East 50 ft. thereof; and the East 60 ft. of the North 100 ft. of Lot 3, Block 4 Ames Outlots. Notice sent6-20-86 � � :�. �*�c�:: �}i 'a"� s �,;�r - a I g �' �� �, , � *� sL`� ?� �= a 1 �. �A �,a �. . � r "`A�,,• x .3r �q t :., r �.r � � -,,�, 1 y� c - � � �, sr Y .J'-. 1 �X t� ' e �-� s �'r ._ •x' ,�.:'S � ��' ' '�� . �� ,4 .��.�, �n � �. . � } - t .� i4 - � -�� h a , ��' , ", e � i '2 d r k k; t #{ � ' t_ i� 4 �'X . `'P�I � i 7 S � F•` g � �I .,� l l � � "^ r} . ? t `yi f ( �},� t� �'1 � ° �a 1 C`F �r, -. _ �'� {+', > � i Pf �� �a �` :.A� a ,�` r ).��'j P.. L z >� s " �` j x�� t��,: � ?. � A� 7 l��< k k 1 'f Y t 1 �'t*. n �Y �s. � ,� �r� �, �tii �. ,C- t + + �� -.°' � � �,Q�' '�� �, y �+ r � ➢ � � .� r� l 3 t� . � f F 1 4 .^3 � t - t d �'�Y y,/7•1 s r' � �.., r f 4 i F `� �t / r:y�i'k��{' ���. �lr k 'f. � j'� S. £ I.ka/•, '�� ' .Y 9 � 'ti � �` '�5'�# .' ( � � " , r i ��� . �� � � a � l# a' 4 if �n � �� . ; �� '� � ' 4 , � . �. A �. .�. ! . : � � i • � . , . _ . .. ..� ..: : � .��� ' � : �. .i � r � � � � 1 ' � � x ,- ',- f . � " � - � � : Yt� t. . �. . ,. :-, . �^ �� .�� � ,.Y ai.' t .�., . .,..,ly . .. � ..: .. : '�' 4', 1 A t �, � ✓� :. � �- �� � � ,{ r�. 1�,�„ � y i .�� ��t �� f �3�� j � � �� • p � f��, i 7 � � �' `�;: � �� r �� � { � � ��� ° �t 1 _ " r � � r � � y 4`s i x , � �, `�'C. -�� t, � �'.� ,� �� �3 �/� � S �r` { �£ ��` ����u'�i�g ��t .� s3��� � , ,� � ' ��.�f:tt i'1G�Cs�•��.t�'=�� �'![1�,': ` `; ,. .$j. , �` < _ �� i'6 h4 ��' ... .. .. t �' �- . �, � � y� 1 �,' .���� �.��� �� � .{ �� , ` /� S'F .,y��,, r r ,� _ � /. ,-� '�r , �.� ,� ��.. .;. � t _. :, t ' "` }Y � ' � � ��rs ; "� ! .� �� , , �` X�� � x �� � � k� � �� �fy t '� �r��r� ��s " 4�i� � i�.' �' .�'.WQ �i:�''�•� '�t �'�!� � " Y`'� ``l �' 1��ci� c�n������ O�`'� ,�e�tt �';4 .��'��.i� ',�'�t 3t�i+� " �� � � ■�.�,y� ?�� :��.�.. ��,f7�'���i!� �. s r' r.; �. �d'a �� y � � i �..` - � ' � A F � � . . :. � ' �', : E 3;� �� �� ���n' ay , �� e�a ��t} ' � � } �'� .;� `� dl��?' t d�3�: _ _ :r a " J�� t - r��.Ri Vr.�_��� � Y 1 r�t�� ry �v�' ; 1 � � .� � Y ���� ��, ., r -�\ �::� � � \'':� �� b,. • „Ja� .. -; . , . - r � ��x �f ] ���..���. � { � ��a � ` l �'A f �a.. � b y��•'�,,� , /' ..l - ..fe s�•. �lvi\a� � �• ✓\� l � F 4 `�. �: y 4, l - � 4 I , � �4 �+°( � � ' 1 f"� � �% i���L F e 1 t � ` - � , ; f.• . , �./�T � ��+�� \ �9 i � ` ? � � � { � ` t � �ct !: . '�'.!f� p � 'y � f L �• ' , � k A �� � � �R:._ t y , j,� j. xK At '; i . .. ' ✓'� ; Jt .. ,�� .. F 1 Y . � ,; _ � i ✓,� �� �> �'�� � �a A � {� �� � � i, � � �� � ( � j�. ;.� . � \ Js .Cy� `�y _ �1���� _ ,�+� r "l y f \ � r Y � ' � � �� / � � � � . � � � �� � �� - ��� � r : � .` ; � ;� , ` i� �� - ,� r ,' - ,,. :.� ` ',:. � �,r t ��"., '��� ' ° -v �.; i y �Y �L,� a � + 2 � j f, ,�; �:;. ,i.? t�1 _ �a _ � � � _ � � �y� �� �� �, I � �� • F�� �f. ��,e N.� I �:» � ��� t u,r . 9 ' x �"s ���� � � .% :k 6 t . ' . e '4�,°.� .�..-,f�. �'•tr�` f e Y ' � ' r .,, .. . ... 'f- . , , .. .. , . .. „.. . .. ., ,. , '� .� .., _. <, � ,. .� , -I _ , �,����,��.� , I. , � . � . _ . . . . , . _. � , � - � . . . I _ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING � � = � . , � . � . _ _ , _ i < . . _. . . . .. iThe St. Pau1 City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider� � i the request of Tom Hackett. for a lot split with variance for 1444 Ames � � . Avenue on Thursda , ,7 , ' .' =��[�:��� Cit Council Chamber-�� Y �� !�.- Y _ . . . _ , : . _ . ; - ' _ .�:;�and at said time and place, the Council will hear� :' all persons and all objections and recommendations relative to the proposed I lot split. - , , , :. .. . �. . __. ; , . , , • . . . . Dated June 18� 1986 . > � , - : � i Albert B. Olson . _ . - � I City Clerk . � • ., . - , ' - : w � . . _ . . . . . � . . - _ � . -_ .�.. . �_- ".. _ , ., �... ..:• � . .. . . �'. ..... . li � . . . . - � .. . . � - � , . � .' . . �. ' . .' � � .. . . . • . . j (June 21� 1986) _ . i '. _ : . � . - , , � � � : _. _ � , - • , . . r �� : � . , • � , . . ,. , . , , _ . � • _ . � � . � ' _ - , ''. . i . , , � , _ . _ i ' . . _.. I . . , � � _ � , � k . , . .. • . . , , � __ . ` _ . .. _ � : , i . . . , � , r � � .��� _ . .. . i , I. _ � . � . � � . . ..�. . �_,.;.._t......_, . . ..i .rt,s , .... . — . _ _ . . . .. . ._.,. , ...<. ,a?�'•_..�1. .r. .�._ � ; � - �''�-��.�-� ' ' � • ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE �� ZONING To: Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of District 2 � FIL E N O. SBD 216 PAGE � PURPOSE To consider a lot split with variances to reduce a lot size from 7,200 sq. ft. to 6,047 sq. ft. II LOCATION 1444 Ames Ave. II P E T I T 10 N E R TOM HAC KETT �� H E A R I N G Thursday, �uly 3, 1986 �o:oo A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House i Q U E S Tf0 N S Zoning 298-4154 (Allan Czaia) II Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Lega1 Description: Lot 2 except the East 50 ft. thereof; and the East 60 ft. of the North 100 ft. of Lot 3, Block 4 Ames Outlots. . � I Notice sent6-20-86 - --------- � �� � '���, I � � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL il PUBI.IC HEARING NOTICE � ZONING � TI : Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of District 2 FIL E N 0. SBD 216 PAGE P� R P 0 S E 'd r a lot s lit with variances to reduce a lot size To consi e p from 7,200 sq. ft. to 6,047 sq. ft. I ' OCATION 1444 Ames Ave. I I ETITIONER TOM HACKETT T r da 10:00 A.M. I EARING hu s y, �u� 3 1986 Y � Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House 'QUESTIONS zoning 298-4154 (Allan Czaia) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic j Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Le al Descri tion: Lot 2 except the East 50 ft. thereof; and 9 P h East 60 ft. of the North 100 ft. of te Lot 3, Block 4 Ames Outlots. . I � � �, _, :,� :,,_..� �, -':_} ��.� ;,:- ,� Notice sent 6-20-86 _.._ �' II ,�.' ` r -c�-y s-� rn .. _,� c� o I _ ;� �;-� .---,-i _ � . .`� �•� m c;� II I � ' ' � • . • , � , _ . - _. . . _ , � _:�1'I��OF PtTDI.iC NEAB�fGi`" -_ - .- �� '; _ _ -, �e $t. 1�'auk�t�r (;�'aun�f,l �ri11 cbndui�t a±Ptrlslic- - u � est � �i oi Tom - -- Ha�ckketf for a lo - - ~-� t split wit�i va_rla�oe for'I�44`;Atn���� '. ThursdaY.Jul 3- t 10:00�.4._��' the C�iy���I's.�rd�'Ivo�; iia13.-�d:� -- . _ _ - sat time _,p�,.}�.��.����;� �tY me ����tecl sdt , : objectioas and recomme�W�����Ve��e p���lot split. _ ve Dated June 18, 1986. � ' �� ALBEBT B. OISON,City C3erk , J ,. une c ai i . 9es> . , —.__ _ _ ,: .. � . . , _ . I . � .. �- -� � - /,�� . �� � I PLAT STAFF REPORT ______________ � FILE SBD #216 � ll APPLICANT: Tom Hackett DATE OF HEARING: 7/3/86 � LOCATION: 1444 Ames Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 except the E. 50' thereof; and the E. 60' of the N. l00' of Lot 3, Block 4, Ames Outlots i PRESENT ZONING: R-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 67.703 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 6/17/86 BY: Allan Czaia �I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- �I A. PURPOSE: To consider a lot split with variance to reduce lot size on one parcel. i B. �ITE & AREA CONDITIONS: Irregular shaped lot. Property is mainly flat with some vegetation. Parcel "C" is open grass with a couple of small trees. Parcel "B" is being used as a garden at this time. Parcel "A" has a house with a detached garage and many trees scattered throughout. There is a small shed crossing the proposed lot line between parcel "A" and "B". ;I C. MINIMUM LOT REOUIREMENTS: 7,200 square feet and 60 feet in width. � D. CURRENT WIDTH & AREA: 31,758 square feet and 199.3 feet in width. i E. PROPOSED WID?H & AREA: Parcel A: 12,099.4 square feet and 69.25 feet in width. Parcel B: 13,512 square feet and 69.28 feet in width. Parcel C: 6,047 square feet and 60 feet in width. F. REOUIRED FINDINGS: l. The intent of this chapter is met. 2. The rantin of the variance will not be detrimental to the ublic safet , health or g B P Y welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. Th conditions u on which the re uest for a variance is based are uni ue to the ro ert 3. e P q 4 P p Y for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property. The �I ropert is an irre ular shape parcel with only 100' along its western edge. p Y S 4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of ri hts commonl enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. There are other �I S Y unders�zed lots along Ames Avenue to the west on this property. 5. The s ecial conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; P and because of the irregular shape lot, this subdivision will create a natural split in this iproperty thus avoiding irregularities. il I . �. � ��-����i . To�l Hackett - SBD #216 Pal e Two II , F.� FINDINGS CONT D. � 6. Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the �I specific property involved, unusual hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regulations were carried out. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of this lot s lit with the followin variance: Reduce lot size from 7 200 s uare feet to 6 047 P g , 9 , square feet on Parcel "C". . � - . II �I I I � ,. ,'�I - � ('C D-- �C �lo �!r� cs � c -�� � ������ � I - �, c� � �{ . . � _. R -��E���u APPLI I TION FOR SUBDIVISION REYIEW ' `��''� ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL uri � 19�n SUBDIVISION REVIEW � �- J ssaa Ima�sss=ss�=s�sarsasaaaascsas=�sassssaaacr��-���ac#�=T zxzas=asazs�II=s:s=saaa_=s�z�zss r_-'�. (�� ��i� ,"��. - . E�,�;•.J:f tG � PROJ�CT NAME DESC I IPTION OF PROJECT �,,�lit current parcel into 3 �arcels PROP I RTY ADDRESS/LOCATION 1444 Ames Ave , St Paul, MN Lot 2 except the East 50 feet therof; and the East LEG� DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY b0 feet of Nor h 100 feet- of L�t 3, R1 nek d AmPc Outlots APPIjICANT Tnm HaekPtt COMPANY Ha�kP t Cnnctructinn ADD � ESS i i �i co Rd x-2, wh� te Bear LakP (ZIP) S$�10 PHONE ��_a�Rs MN. TYPI OF DIVISION: (Check one) �,��� Vc.r. LOTj SPLIT X PLAT: Preliminary Final Combined RL� (4 or Fewer Tracts) x RLS (Five or More Tracts) AP�LICANT'S SIGNATURE _r_�'� �'�� DATE G` S" �'� FE I PAID $ ?-L`%O, D(� CITY AGENT ' ,� .Z- � . s ==ooxamaa=ac=a=c=========nac==c====cc==c==cma==�====x=nscsaaa�z===c=aa=�saa===am=�aa�=� � • 0� ICE USE ONLY PING DIST LAND USE I ._� �_ � ZONING I\�� HISTORY � t'1� TAX MAP � P� ANS DISTRIBU � ? � RETU BY �� 3 1 � L� /a �� VIEWED BY C EN - . , Y � - ��.._ . --° k (continue on bac ) ilss:sas=csssaz:esasssssss==s=a==asaza=a=asa=atsaa=�xaca:aeass=ssa=sss=zsasssaasassssasss=ss �IfOR STAFF USE ONLY ILegal Notice Published � I City Council Hearing ; Date Approved/Denied 7/1/85 II 1 I . �� - //�'y� . . i AS NOW DESCRIBED Lot 2 except the East 50 feet thereof; and the East 60 feet of the North 100 feet of Lot 3 , Block 4, Ames Outlots. DESCRIPTIONS TO BE USED AFTER SPLIT IS APPROVED PARCEL "A" The West 69.25 feet of the East 119.25 feet of Lot 2, Block 4, Ames Outlots. � PARCEL "B" All that part of Lot 2, Block 4, Ames Outlots that lies West of II the East 119.25 feet thereof. PARCEL "C" The East 60. 00 feet of the North 100. 00 feet of Lot 3, Block 4, Ames Outlots. I I �` _ . . _.,�,., . . � � � , � -,�► � o � `� a . o: : � ��� Y•� 4 f ^ r > O � � .� . � • a. �. . . a oni o y � .. o Z i c w �.+ � -; ,` O �n O M N __ �-- -__.l a Y C C � - -- , - . _. � t .. -.. o c > �r J•w � ' S ♦O\ )MI\ l�r• j � 'Q�7\ � ' 1 r a.Y� • V � E �. O � .1� ~ .• Y 1 P ' U M Y M M I r _ • y ..� .. o pl o � � i O • r . Y I� , d � y O O^.G � I J ♦ �► . , ,o t • � ♦ � r' ..� y O .+ Y ] � w � E�� I � i >7�1 �. O i LOl 17�1 00 OS j j� .y � y = lS�i 7M11 14�M ��+ ~r J1 �C ~ � _ 9S 19t � � c� ` � � �I � .= r • J �� o � �� � �0 j I .v-�-t-rr. � �D•r �.�..� . 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