86-1152 WMITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE �' G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council (/{�/ / CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' Flle NO. y�/_/y/� BLUE - MAVOR I " _ Co n i� Resolution - ` --� Presented By - Referred'�'o ���� Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul h reby certifies and approves the action of the City of Sai t Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the followi g listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of sai Board of Appeals and Review, dated July 8, 1986 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by refe ence: DATE OF BOARD MI UTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 7-8-86 40-86-H 180 S. Grotto Bush Memorial Children' s Center (Daniel J. Przblski) BOARD A TION: Granted a variance pertaining to escape windows in sleepin rooms as long as the building is for housing emotional childre and retain a 1 to 4 ratio at all times and revoking the order a per letter date May 12 , 1986 . PROPERT DESCRIPTION: Lots 9 through and including 25, except the Northerly 20 Ft. of Lot 25, all of Lot (A) , line West of the East Line of Lot 24 extended North to the North Line of Set Lot (A) ; All in Block 2, J. C. Stout' s Addition to Summit Park accordinq to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minn. -- -------------------------------------------------- 7-8-86 ; 36-86-H 1505 N. Cleveland Minnesota Farmhouse Alumni Association (Charles Clanton) COUNCILMEl�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew N s Nicosia (p Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag81[1St BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Co cil Secretary BY gy, Approved by 1Aavor: D te _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _ _ — sy � �_�-,r.�.� BOARD CTION: Granted a variance pertaining to the number of baths nd revoking the order as per letter dated May 8, 1986 . PROPER Y DESCRIPTION: St. Anthony Park North Lots 3 & 4 Block 1 - --------------------------------------------------- 7-8-86 29-86-H 1060 Greenbrier Genesis Halfway House (Saundra Port) BOARD CTION: Granted a variance pertaining to the number of baths nd revoking the order as per letter dated May 30, 1986. Item # 13 PROPER Y DESCRIPTION: Arlington Hills ' Addition 40/45 through 49 with �Z of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10 Block 3 - ---------------------------------------------------- 7-8-86 35-86-H 806 Albert Juelfs Fairbanks Chemical Dependency Services (Marvin Banks I ) BOARD A� TION: Granted a variance pertaining to the number of baths a d revoking the order as per letter dated May 28, 1986. Item #�. PROPERT DESCRIPTION: College Place East Division North Part of North 2 of Hubbard Street adjacent and following the South 85 Ft. of Lot 13 Block 13 - --------------------------------------------------- 7-8-86 34-86-H 834 Armstrong Ave. Armstrong House (R. David Reynolds) 2 . WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE �- MAVOR File NO. � �� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date BOARD TION: Granted a variance allowinq the roominghouse to remain s is regarding two bathrooms for 13 people for as long as R. Dav' Reynolds owns the building and revoking the order as per letter ated May 15, 1986 . PROPER DESCRIPTION: Clarke ' s Addition to City of St. Paul Lot 14 Block 6 - ------------------------------------------------ and be ' t F THER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City C rk, is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of thi resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Re ' ster of Deeds. 3 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� N ys � Nicosia [n f�avor Rettman Scheibel �, Sonnen __ Agal[lSt BY 'Fedeeao-. Wilson �± p� �p � �} �9E3U Form pprove by orn Adopted by Council: Date c- � Certified Pass d .il Se r B By, A►ppr v y Mavor. ate �7 2 � 17v17 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ BY Ptl�lISN�D ' A U G 3 019�� > . , „� � -,.x.:..� � ��.�� �� . , -_ _ - . � �. ;�. .� _ , ° . . � _ �� _ , _ .. _ _ _ �. �r , , , : . _ . r.- � y4y .y I ... �__ ���!_ � �„' b� ' . .. ' V►.: .' -. ,�'" ' =� r.�..p'�z. ' _ a�.,s .. .. ' .. — �. .s'�.. . � �#,.: _ �, _� ri:�. ,�� . 'z� � . ~� - —'�� 's 7+._'� �9uk"�-�' �' i� . - < . �. a . . i - _ ...��'�„� .�y� � '.� � : R� � ��.. `•� .. .. �a� , q� :. �..t �° $4/.��, ��� ` e . . . . . ' :-- } ' � � . . . � ���.j,� P, ai-3�,y et.� t ..,?� � _. .. . _'L �R� +�'. 1�� �' � `. ..: ..... r� _..- . �.._ . -�� .,r:: „ • . . . _ e.. . . �2s.�_ ,.,�.. _.� "`_`` . .._.,.��". �r.:: . . ,..�:: .,:� . � . s.;�.�.. . ., .��,� � . . . � - .. �. ,_.�.�_�-� ....r....:.,_, ., b . . .. _. . ., .�. ._.._. . ._, .��.�y� .._ . . , . CITYrCLERK � Septes�be�c 11. ' , 19 86 - ITY OE ST. PAUL � • . . . 3$6 CITY HALL Number Instrument Descri t on ees �i,3�,`�SQ R . 86-1118 Rezone property at 594-596 Sherburne Ave. ;JO�- R . 86-1119 Rezone property at 1536 Daytc�n, and 1555, /O-- ' �.3�2SS�. 1559 and 1563 Dayton Ave. . � � 5;Z R . 86-1152 A�ctions of the Board of Appeals and Revie�,t !O-'' '�' e . 1174 Waive and release ntility easee�ents in ��� I part of Lot 8� Blk. 4, Qui.nby Park. - �1 � , ?�� Contact Person Tr�xly RAMSEY COUNTY RECORDER Phone Number 4231 � � � g.y-•.-. . • �� . . . . f r` , . . . . ' - �����- . �� _�� � ..';, .. .....--- . .�� .. .�..�..+�w�•;l' �.�. ��....._ . . � .' .: . . .. . . . ..... � c - . .. _.. .:�_..:h.�,....._.—.,: � . \ . '.` , . _ . . __ ' _. _ .. i . - � . . . .. . .. I ` . . . . .. � . II . � � � . . . / , _ . . . . . .. . . . . . . - � . . � . . �. � . - . .� . . . . . . : `�.� .:.�. . . . �, . . _ .. . . . __--„e" . . . � � ` . .�.. �,��.�-,' -' � . . . . .1 . . �. , � � _ , ;� �, . � . . � 1. -f��� ' � # Jc� . .. . .���t_ '����; � . . ; = . � _ - s:�. i ,� - -;. ;:.�:-. � � 5 ,- ..�� .w � � � : �.�� ; - ; � �. . _ . �� . - - - :,�� � � . i. `u� "=" Va'-/`°� ' �\ � � . v:.. .. F.4.i1���.. .. .�.��.� � � '4"F � �lf'`X s�4 �'.�}^'1�,� ..� `� .y. . . � .. .. �� ��±w rTi ��r ..�iri�~i�''._: �r e'� .£�. J � ... . _��ax s?'za�._'�:s � � � :a � � 4� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) � � ' Albert B: Olson � I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the � � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have c�p 86-1152 compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . m "" - - as adopted by the City- Council. August.l4: , . . . . . . . . .�4 86. _ � . . . . . . . . . . c� August 20, 86 and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . I9. . .. . . with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this , , , llth. . . . . . , day of , , . ,September. . . . .A.D. 19 86 . . .. . . . . .��a�:.�4��:. .� . . . . . . . . . . City Clerk. �• ,,_.�� E ` .. _`�T 1j�r �q 1 �f�"dl AF �t: . n` ,�.y.,.I � _ �. $Y r.:`;,�^ „a : y�'. 4.`� '- l { F. . �i�,'� , �FR � `��,�� ' . _ � 1 �;�,: k� ��:;� 1 �.2� ' / 5 � � x-.� � �.�• '' :-t. �"'.:I� ='4• I �M17E - CI'TY CLEpK OINK •- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /` /� �4NAR� - DE�ARTMEt�T File NO.- �lU�//�-�4 �.BIUE - MAVOR � _ Co n i� Resolution . . Presented By : ��-1 .�� \_ ...� Referre�o Committee: Date �� Out of Commi tee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul he eby certifies and approves the action of the City of Sain Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the followi listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated July 8, 1986 and - marked XHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by refe nce: � 4� DATE OF �'� OARD � MI1VI TES CASE NO. PROPER�'Y APPELLANT . � 7-8-86 ' 40-86-H 180 S. Grotto Bush Memorial Children's . (�j Center (Daniel J. Przblski) BOARD AC ION: Granted a variance pertaining to escape windows in � sleeping rooms as long as the building is for housing emotional children and retain a 1 to 4 ratio at all times and revoking the order as per letter date May 12, 1986. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lots 9 through and- including 25, except the � � - � Northerly 20 Ft. of Lot 25, all of Lot (A) , line West of the East Line of Lot 24 extended North to the North Line of Set Lot (A) ; All in Block 2, J. C. Stout' s Addition to Summit Park according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minn. --- ------------------------------------------------- 7-�8-86 36-86-H 1505 N. Cleveland Minnesota Farmhouse Alumni Association � (Charles Clanton) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew �a N�`°g�e {n Favor Rettman Scheibe{ Sonnen A ga1I1 S t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Couocil: Date Certified Passed by Cou .il Secretary By B� _ Approved by :Vlavor: Da e _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' - - — Bv i � - .- . - � ��-ii.�� . BOARD AI� TION: Granted a variance pertaining to the number of baths a d revoking the order as per letter dated May 8, 1986. PROPERTI DESCRIPTION: St. Anthony Park North � Lots 3 & 4 Block 1 U'; 4: -- --------------------------------------------------- � � 7-8-86 '� 29-86-H 1060 Greenbrier Genesis Halfway House � (Saundra Port) BOARD A ��TION: Granted a variance pertaining to the number of baths a d revoking the order as per letter dated May 30� 1986. Item # 3 PROPERT DESCRIPTION: Arlington Hills' Addition 40/45 through 49 with � of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10 Block 3 . . -,-+----------------------...._----------------------_.,.r__ -- - 7-8-86 ' 35-86-H 8i76 Albert Juelfs Fairbanks Chemical Dependency Services (Marvin Banks I) BOARD A ION: Granted a variance pertaining to the number of baths a revoking the order as per letter dated May 28, 1986. Item #8!I PROPERT DESCRIPTION: College Place East Division North Part of North � of Hubbard Street adjacent and �I following the South 85 Ft. of Lot 13 Block 13 ---; -------------------------------------------------- 7-8-86 34-86-H 834 Armstrong Ave. Armstrong House (R. David Reynolds) 2 . � . ; 7�NK — FINANCE I COUI�CII p �_aNARV — OEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO.- d��� 3:_J[ ✓— MAYOR , � .� Council Resol�tion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi� tee By Date BOARD A TION: Granted a variance allowing the roominghouse to remain s regarding two bathrooms for 13 people for as long as R. Davi Reynolds owns the building and revoking the order as per ' letter ated May 15, 1986. � PROPERT DESCRIPTION: Clarke' s Addition - ��; to City of St. Paul 47 C� Lot 14 Block 6 C`� : � -- ------------------------------------------------ . and be ' t FU THER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolutian, the City Cl rk, is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy � of this esolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Reg' ster of Deeds. 3. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ���� Nay IVicosia � Rettman �n e'aVOf Scheibei � so��e� Against BY -�a� wilson A�iG � '� 198fi Form pprove by Eorn Adopted by CounciL• ' Date �- Cerhfied Pass d .il Se r B B; Appr v y V(avor: Da �G 2 � ��p Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to CounciI B _ _ By pu�u���n�� au� 3 01986 � �oo � 3Do g � 0' � � ` m � �: � O fn � � � Cn n (7 � . Q SL• � �p �• eD O �, y3 Q ,� Q� � m �' o �- O � � � N s o � � `� -n � � � � �, � �� m o � .. � � ,� � � '` n � � � Z cn �4 �a � O 1�,J� S]. S � � ITl v a �I � � � ° aQo �' � "'z � O � ~ c' .... ". � � �. � a � � � Q � � n y � � D � � � W `�, � t;3 � �- � //��� � ��r'1 � � � � � v�.i ` ) rI 1 r„ " _ � O � � � y � Z `� m �� y n a cn � c � c � � vm \ `C C_ ^, �O C1 ' . � � ,,.��. ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW 705A City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Minutes, meeting of July 8, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman � Glenn Gausman � Harold Knutson Witliam Tilton ABSENT ERE : Rosie Bostrom William Hite Rudolph Sawyer OTHERS RESENT: Pat Fish, Fire Preventlon Bureau Maynard V1nge, Housing Cade Enforcement John Betz, Housing Code Enforcement Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection 8 Design Carrolyn Shepard, Housing Code, Health Office Daniel Przybylski Gary Haley Faye Johansen Mary Haley Lawrence Bat Randy Anderson Chuck Clanton Bob Miller Ted Peller Carol Hedeman Qick Lang Claude Jesse Tom Fourre Paul Mandell Mark Soder STAFF: ' Josephine P. Palermo Chairma Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 :45. p.m. July 8th, 986�. He welcomed the appellants and explained the procedu es a�d goals of the board, stating that the board is here to do whatever they can to help the appellant to solve their problem . Minutes � of the June, 1986 meeting were approved with the followi g corrections: Pa e 5, Case No. 14-86-H - 946 E. Minnehaha Ave, Phylis Gr ebling under Proceedings delete the words sucagested to" an insert the words aqreed with after "Bureau" and before ��t e�� _ MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CASE NO PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 31-86-H 270 W. 7th St. Devid A. 8 Jasephine G. Berg SUBJECT Appellant is requesting the fees for vacant building and fines e waived as they are in the process of trying to get a permit o remodel the building. 1 � � � ��-��.s-� APPEARA CE Josephine G. Berg PROCEED NGS Building has been empty for sometime. Appellant bought the building in January with the idea to fix it up. Ms. Berg h s had a contractor draw up plans, which the Historical Preserv tion Society and the City Council have rejected. Appella t feels that they should not have to pay the vacant buildin fee and fines as they are trying to rehab the building. Steve R y, from the Building and Inspection Division, stated that the Ci y has been inspecting the building monthly and it is a require ent that the vacant buitding be registered. Policy is ` that un il a permit is taken the fees are enforced. BOARD CTION Motion made by Harold Knutson to rescind the vacant buildin fees for 90 days from July Sth, 1986. Seconded by Glenn Gausman -- ---------------------------------------------------- 32-86-H 716 Selby Ave. Eric B. Holland SUBJECT Appellent is requesting all vacant building charges and penalty charges be cancelled, while Hud had possession. The fee of $225 00 has been paid by Mr. Holland so that permits could be taken o to do the necessary repairs. APPEARA E Eric B. Holtand PROCEEDI GS Appellant has a first mortgage on the rehab property. Housing uthority has a second mortgage, people neglected to pay so Housi g Authority forclosed in December of 1984. The building had a ire in the spring of 84, no one was going to do anything about t damage. Appellant bought the building back for $100.00 Appella paid the vacant building fees so as to be able to start fixing e building up. Steve y, from the Building and Inspection Division said all fees have st ped because the appellant has paid the fees and has been fixing the place. � BOARD TION Glenn Gausman made a motion to refund Vacant Buildin Fees of $225.00. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED NANIMOUSLY. ---I -------------------------------------------------- 42-86-H 107 Litchfield Janice Arnold. SUBJECT Appellant is requesting an extension of time to do the necessar repairs; trying to arrange financing to repair the roof. APPEARAN E None. 2 � � ��-���-� PROCEEDI GS Maynard Vinge, from Housing Code, City of St. Paul made an inspection of the property and found the tenants bedroom ceiling is in need of repair, seems to be ready to fall down. Mr. Ving left orders to repair the ceiling, also the roof leaks, ' which h s to be repaired. , BOARD AC ION Motion made by Harold Knutson to give the appellant an exte sion of time till August 9th, 1986 and affirm the order as per l tter dated June 3, 1986 to repair the roof. Seconded by Glenn Ga sman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. --- ------------------------------------------------ 38-86-H 572-574 Ottawa Ave. Thomas Fourre SUBJECT Appellant is requesting an extension of time to do the necessar repairs. Appellant is appealing the second inspection report w ich has 41 violations. APPEARAN E Thomas Fourre PROCEEDI GS Appellant received a violation list of several items, some of them were done, Mr. Fourre lost the list and when the place w s reinspected on April 23, 1986 he was cited for 41 violatio s. Exterior was painted for the amount of $900.00. Mr. Fourre ired one of the tenants to repair the two exterior stairway in leiu of one months rent. Appellant has applied for a loan at he Energy Resources Center, thus far the Appellant has not rece�� ved word about getting a loan. Carrolyn Shepard, from the Housing Code, stated that this was a follow p inspection from the March 13, 1986 also a comptaint from te ant. Ms. Shepard had been out to the property on July 8th, 19 6 and found that only one item had been corrected. Some one was working on the stairways. There are some electrical items th t should be taken care of immediately. Bob Mil er, a neighbor presented a petition that the neighbors had sig ed requesting that the appellant not be given an extensio to do the repairs. Mr. Miller maintains that the appellan does no repairs to the property until the pressure is on. Th outside appearance is very badly in need of repairs, no storms, o screens, broken windows. Mr. Gau man questioned the appellant about the condemnation of the bui ding. Mr. Fourre stated one unit had been condemned about tw years ago. This bu!� lding was sold to Mr. Fourre about three years ago with no Truth and Housing and no work orders. 3 � �'�-//S� BOARD CTION Glenn Gausman made a motion to grant a 30 days extensi n and affirm the order as per letter dated April 28, 1986 on the ollowing items: Item 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, :all other items to be completed in 90 ys, which are Items 1 , 2, 3, 4, 9, 11 , 12, 14, 15, 19, 24, � 2 , 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 , 32, 35, 37, 40, 41 . Seconded by Harold nutson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - --------------------------------------------------- 30-86- 1999 Iglehart Ave. Carol J. Hedemann SUBJEC Appellant is requesting a variance from code requir ents, pertaining to eaves, sofFit and rain gutters, becaus of financial hardship. APPEAR CE Carol J. Hedemann PROCEE INGS Ms. Hedemann had fited bankruptcy some time back, she can no gualify for a loan. Gary H ley, a neighbor from 2012 Igelhart Ave. , his concern as a � neighb is to try and help Ms. Hedemann, to advise her of some agenci in the neighbor where help may be avaitabte. Merriam Park has p grams to help people in the area. Liberty Bank was sugges d as a place to go to seek help. BOARD CTION Motion made by Harold Knutson to grant an extension of 30 days from July 8th, 1986 to meet with the Merriam Park Communi y Council to get financial help to have the eaves, soffit and gutters repaired and affirm the order of a letter dated y 8th, 1986 from the Division of Public Health, Housing Code forcement, Seconded by Glenn Gausmann. MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 41-86-H 1591 Taylor Ave. Claude Jesse SUBJEC Appellant is requesting a variance pertaining to Item 4, (rear partment doors lack closers) because of time and expense involv . APPEAR CE Claude Jesse PROCEE INGS Appellant feels the rear door closers are not necess y. Front entrances are used all the time. Back doors are locked nd closed all the time. Pat Fi , from the Fire Prevention Bureau stated the orders were writte April 17, 1986 and the appellant did not file the appeal until une 17, 1986. Certificate of Occupancy renewal date is Sep mber 22, 1987. The idea of the door closers is that in case of a ire, a person leaving in a hurry, this will insure the closin of the door autarnatically. 4 � � � ��-//S� BOARD CTION Bill Tilton made a motion to deny the variance and affirm he order as per letter dated April 17, 1986 pertaining to door cl sures. Seconded by Glenn Gausmen. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -- ------------------------------------------------- 40-86-H 180 S. Grotto Bush Memoriat Children's Center � (Daniel J. Przyblski ) SUBJECT Appellant requesting a variance from Legislative Code due to the ature of population being served. (severally emotionally disorde children) age 5 - 14 within residential treatment � center. APPEARA CE Daniel J. Przyblski PROCEED NGS The center is part of the Wilder Foundation, a residen ial treatment center at 180 S. Grotto. As part of the Czrtifi ate of Occupancy inspection we were cited for violation , of win ows in sleeping rooms as escape windows not being up to Code. Pat Fis , from the Fire Prevention Bureau asked if there was any way the e windows could be opened from the outside or have an alarm? Pat Fi h suggested there should be something in writing to the effect hat in case of a fire the fire department could brake the windows ' The concern of the Director is that of safety for the childre . Some of these children are suicidal . The Alarm system will be brought up to code. BOARD CTION Glenn Gausman made a motion to grant a variance pertian ng to escape windows in sleeping rooms as long as the buildin is for housing emotional children and retain a 1 to 4 ratio a all times and revoke the order in a letter dated May 12, 1986. S conded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO S�Y. -- -------------------------------------------------- 39-86-H 1541 W. Minnehaha Ave. Richard A. Miller ,- This ca e was withdrawn, because Mr. Miller and Pat Fish, from the Fi e Prevention Bureau worked out a viable solution to the Code vi lations. -- --------------------------------------------------- 37-86-H 296 Bates Ave. Mark Soder SUBJECT Appellant is requesting a variance from legislative code on it m #1 pertaining to ordinary glass windows in exit enclosu es; also item #6 pertaining to illegal sleeping rooms in apartme ts B-1 , B-2, � 2, 3B, 4, 7, 10A, 11 and 16, as per letter dated M y 8th, 1986 from Department of Fire and Safety, because of fina cial hardship, 5 - , C�/��s� APPEARA CE Mark Soder PROCEED NGS Mike Ricketson, from Fire Prevention Bureau ceme out to insp ct the building and advised Mr. Soder that the windows in exit en losures are ordinary glass. They must be wired glass or covered with 5/8" sheetrock. Pat Fis , from Fire Prevention Bureau stated that the windows Mr. Soder w uld be covering up are windows that lead to the exit are not le al as escape windows as the object is to be able to get ventila ion and be able to allow firemen entrance in case of ` fire. Previously a Certificate of Occupancy had been issued. The re ewal date for the Certificate of Occupancy is due June 1987. r. Soder has a year to make the corrections pertaining to escape indows and the wired glass in exit enclosures. BOARD A TION Ron Gtassman made a motion to denied a variance on item #6 pertaining to escape windows, also item #1 , pertaining to , wired tass windows in exit enclosures per the letter dated May 8th, 1 86 affirm the order. The Board has granted an extension until J ne 18, 1987 when the Certificate of Occupancy is renewed to comp ete .the work. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. Ye s 3 Nays 1 -- ------------------------------------------------------ 36-86-H 1505 Cleveland Ave. No. Minnesota Farmhouse A1 . , Chartes Clanton SUBJECT Appellant is requesting a variance from legislative code pertain ng to item #1 (escape windows) ; also item #4 pertaining to bath ooms. APPEARA CE Chuck Clanton PROCEED NGS The building at 1505 Clevetand Ave. was cited for 5 violati ns, three of these have been corrected (Fire extingu sher, hoods, door closers and alarm systems) . We are request ng a permarnent variance on the number of baths and windows The house has 40 faternity members and a house mother. The mem ers have assess to 6 baths plus a guest bath. Second item are the windows, they measure when open 14 1/4 and closed 19 3/4 " . The windows were installed a few years ago. Appella t is seeking litigation against the contractor, who install d the windows, claiming that he is liable for not meeting the bui ding code. Mr. Clanton is seeking an extension of time till M . Clanton has exhausted all legal possibilities or rectifi d the problem. Pat Fis , from the Fire Prevention Bureau stated that they do not meet th Code requirements. 6 � � � ��//S-� . BOARD CTION Bill Tilton moved to grant a variance pertaining to __ the num er of baths and revoke the order in a letter, dated May 8th, 986. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO SLY. FURTHER ACTION Harold Knutson made a motion to grant a 1 year extensi n of time pertaining to windows and revoke the order in a letter, dated May Sth, 1986 depending on a court case pending. Seconed by Ron Glassman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -- , --------------------------------------------------- 33-86-H ' 780 Curfew Street Richard B. Lang SUBJECT Appellant requesting a variance on items 1 ,4,5, 7 ' 8,9, 10, 11 , 12, 13 , 14, 15, 17, 18 from a violation list of a letter ated May 8th, 1986. APPEARA CE Richard B. Lang � PROCEED NGS Appellant received a notice to do the repairs and was given 1 days in which to do them. Pat Fis , from Fire Prevention Bureau stated this was a routine inspect on since the Certificate of Occupancy was up for renewal . The ren wal was due November 1984. Appella t feels some of the work order have nothing to do with safety. Pat Fis , from the Fire Prevention Bureau, stated the violations are al housing code items, therefore they must be repaired. Outsidelappearance is necessary for the neighbors. BOARD A TION Bill Tilton made a motion to grant an extension of 1 year n items 1 , 7, 12, 13, 14 , 15, ; three month extension on item 11 and affirm the order as per letter dated May 20th, 1986; further deny a variance on items on #4, 5, 8 , 9, 10, 17, 18 as per let er dated may 20th, 1986, and give the appellant 30 days to comp ete the repairs and affirm the order. Seconded by Glenn GAusman MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -- ------------------------------------------------- 34-86-H 834 Armstrong Ave. Armstrong House ( R. David Reynolds) SUBJECT Appellant requesting a variance pertaining to the number of bat s in the rooming house. State allows 8 residences per bath; L gislative Code allows 5 per bath. APPEARA CE R. David Reynolds 7 � ��-�i.� PROCEEDI GS This is a 12 bed rooming house and has been for the last 25 years. The building has two complete bathrooms. Appellan would like a variance to remain as is. Don Milt r, checked the files and in 1979 found that the legal capacity was 12 including the caretaker. The ratio at that time was 6" td 1 . BOARD TION Ron Glassman made a motion to grant a variance to allow e rooming house to remain as is regarding two bathrooms for 13 ople for as long as R. David Reynolds owns the building and re� ke the order as per letter dated May 15, 1986 Item # 3 . Seconde by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -- '-------------------------------------------------- 29-86-H 1060 Greenbrier Genesis Halfway House (Saundra Port) SUBJECT Appellant is requesting a variance pertaining to � bathroo s on second f.loor, as the building has two complete baths on firs floor and in the basement, also 3 showers in basement. APPEARA CE None. PROCEED NGS Donald Miller, from the Health Department has no objecti n to allow the rooming house to remain as is pertaining to bath . - BOARD CTION Bill Tilton made a motion to grant a variance pertain ng to baths and revoke the order as per letter dated May 30, 19 6 item ## 13. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO SLY. _ 35-86-H 806 Albert Juelfs Fairbank Chemical Dependency Services (Marvin Banks I ) SUBJEC Appellant requesting a variance to house 19 per ns in a communi y transitional residence(existing) where there are 3 1/2 baths. Recent major renovations that brought our kitchen up to code, de it necessary to do away with one of the showers. Depart ent of Human Services License allows for up to 21 licensed beds. AAPPEA ANCE None PROCEE INGS Appellant removed l bath. Reason for removal of bath was t remode) the kitchen. Frank Staffenson advised that this is not per code. Presently there are 3 1/2 baths for 19 people. 8 , . � ��-iis� BOARD TION Bill Tilton made a motion to grant a variance pertaini g to the number of baths and revoke the order as per letter ted May ZS, 1986 item #8. Meeting djourned at 4: 10 p.m. . . 9