86-1145 NiHITE - CITV CLEr7K � � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � F11C NO. BLUE - MAVOR �� o ncil Resolution � ��� �" ` - � �� Presented By - Referred To Committ�ee: Date Out of Commi ee By Date WHE EAS, the service qualifications for Deputy Chief of Police ( years in the position and holding the title of Captain) is high r than the service qualifications for Chief of Police (3 years in the position and holding the title of Lieutenant) . WHE EAS. there has been a request for� a study and review to determin whether a change in qualifications to require that the �ieutena t requirement as is set for Chief will be the same for Deputy C i ef. BE T RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby requests that the Dir ctor of Persannel study and review the qualifications as outlined above and make a recommendation to the Civil 5ervice Commissi n of his findings and the Civi1 Service Commission will make it recommendation to the City Council within 30 days thereaft r. � I � i I � � COUNC[LME Requested by Department of: Yeas ��� ays ,/�- Nicosia i � Rettman In FBVO[ Scheibel �/ Sonnen __ Against BY �'e�saeo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 1 � 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya•se u cil e ret BY By Appr d y 1Aavor: Date U� 2 � �986 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ 1 BY Pt1�lISHED AU G 3 01986 I __ _ ___ _ . _. _...�. , _ � .. , . . : , . , . �� � ���� � ,, Fr, .., '• CITY OF S�.INT PAUL �� ^�/� .:;i;i`iii;`'� � OF�ICE OF THF CITY COIINCIL .... � • �ommittee �egart �:i�ancet l��na�ementa � Persannel C�mmittee. - AUGUST 7, 1986 1. Appro al of minutes from meeting held July 3I,1986. approved 2. Resol tion establishing the title and specifications for Street Services Worke and abolishing titles and specifications as listed (laid over from June 6, 1986). laid over to November 3. • ; ' ` ��ca�rid�ag for a ��i�w-o�£. t� ,qua�f icaticxt�.�rH�� � � { ���' °� } i� b��� Parso�t�� �lxector •a,�,d the' Civi 3artric�`�i�t,c�;;�"'ir�,..._ o�� �Ju�y 31, 198��- �'oved 4. Resol tion amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget Uy transferring $150, 00 from CIB Contingent Reserve to Public Safety Building Remodeling (laidiover from July 31, 1986). approved . 5. Resol tion amending budget by transferring $3,000 from Contingent Reserve to Ci y Attorney Admn. - Police/Co�munity Relations Task Force. approved 6. Resol tion amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget to provide financing for B ock L skyways and site improvenents ($675,205). approved as amended 7. An or' inance amending Chapter 331.30, Subd. 3, of the Legislative Code per- ' taini g to exemption fro� license fees for certain itinerant food establishments. laid' over 8/21 8. Admi 'strative Orders: y D-80 Budget revision in the Public Works - Capital Improvement Bond Fund. laid ' ver 8/21 D-80 Authorization to purchase marina supplies needed to operate Watergate Marina. dis ussed D-80 Z: Addition of $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at Fire Station No. 20. lai over 8/21 � HEARD U ER SUSPENSION OF RULES 9. Reso ution requesting the city to Fund their respective share of the elevator auto ation project. passed out w/o recommendation CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55IOZ �.a i � vr r 1tr11: Vr• '1:H1d: C►ITTX COUiYCIL j . � �• ' . ' � � ������ � �' �' Com.mi.ttee Re ort � F �. ��� � anee Mana ement � Personnel Ccmmittee. � � � . . JULY 31, 1986 1. Approva of minutes from meeting held July 24, 1986. approved I 2. Executi e Order (laid over from Jul 3, 1986): � E-24: stablishment of an Employee Policy of HTLV-III Disease� (AIDS). letter o Ma or 3. Resolut' on requesting the Mayor to examine and report on the feasibility of esta lishing a Police-Community Relations Office in the Summit-University area atiMilton and Selby and providing that the Ma.yor will request the Civil Servicel, Commission to rectify the qualifications of Deputy Chief of Police. . - � , laid over to 8/7 4.� An ordi� ance establishing the title of Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator as spec fied by Chapter 12 of the Charter, Section 12.03(H) thereof. assed ut without rec. 5. Resolut on establishing the rate of pay for Intergovernmental Relations Coordin tor in Grade 53, Section V, Subsection D, "Professional Group" Un- _ classif ed, of the Salary Plan and Ra.Les.of Compensation Resolution:- _ __ �_ . assed ut wi.thout rec. � � 6. Resolutl on transferring Meter Monitor function from Finance and Managenent Service - Treasury Division - to Saint Paul Police Depastnent - Surface ParkingjUnit. approved 7. Resolutj on 86-14 amending .Section I9 of the .Civil Service Rules concerning leave o� absence to bring into conformance with Section 12.13 of the City Charterl (laid over from July 24, 1986). approved 8. Resolut�l on approving 1986 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and Interna� ional Union of Elevator Constructors Local 9. approved 9. Resoluti on approving Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and United Union a Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied W'orkers, Local 96. approved 10. Resolu � on amending the 1985-1987 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Ci a�d Plumbers Local 34 pertaining to a uniform allowance for . inspect� onal employees assigned to the Fire Department. approved • 11. Resolut'on approving Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Intern ional Union Operating Engineers, Locals 70 and 967 concerning conditions govern' g a premium pay rate for advanced training for certain classifications of emp yees in thia bargaining unit. approved CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIlVT PAUL.MINNESQTA SSI02 �as I • --�e-_ -.,_.___..... . --- ---�- By WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � �'� ouncil �Re�solut�on - - ' ' " , f ��� Presented By �.; °:_. , 1� _ _ _ �- _.r.-, � Referred T �I 1�/l�1��� v,emmittee: Dat � '� -3 '�d '� Out of Com ittee By te WH REAS, the issue of police community r lations has been deemed by the Mayor and City Council to be a central concern and problem in our city; and WH REAS, as recommendations have c e from the community regardi g establishing a police communit relations office in the Summit- niversity area and appointing qualified Black officer in the position of Deputy Chief n the St. Paul Police Departm nt; and WH REAS, the service quatif cations for Deputy Chief of Police 3 years in the position an holding the title of Captain) is high r than the service qualif cations for Chief of Police (3 years i the position and holdin the title of Lieutenant) WH REAS, an tdeal loca ion for a pollce community relatio s office would be a the corners of Milton Street and Selby venue based on the igh incidence of police activity in and aro nd this location; a WH REAS, past exp ie�ce and present day reality would guide he City in actin affirmatively on both recommendations: and BEIIT RESOI.VED, hat the City Council hereby requests that, in the next 30 da s the Mayor examine and report on the feasibi ity of esta lishing a police corrxnunity relations office in the ummit-Unive sity area at Milton Street and Seiby Avenue; and BE IT FURT R RESOLVED, that the Mayor wili request the C i v i l erv i ce rr�n i ss i on rect i fy the qua l i f i cat i ons of Deputy COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew ays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ AgaltlSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by ouncil Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: I Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 1 I Bv - - — BY i . . . a _ . . � � ��—�`� _ . . . . �p� � WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date Chief t at the Lieutenant requirement as is s or Chief wiil be the sam for Deputy Chief. BE IT FINALLY RE50LVE0, that w e these actions are taken they ar done, not because of race but moreover to help rectify inequit es that seem to be at e center of some of the police reporte community relations roblems. These recornrnendatlons are made, ot to piace fault f which we all must share but to set forth s lutions of whic e ail can embrace. COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW ays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ AgaipSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by C uncil Secretary BY By� Approved by 17avor: ate _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY