86-1143 N�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council gr� y � CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR ' Council Resolution � Presented I � Y � Referred Tc� �l lV�'tl�L� 7i I � Committee: Date � �-_ Out of Com ittee By Date Ti�e P�a�or, �ursuan to Sectiori 10.07.4 0� i.iYe City Cl�arter recormnerkis tYje followiny �ransfer for tr�e 19a6 General Fw� IIuct��t: TRAP�F'ER FR�1: C�encral Governr► t A�ccour�t� Continyent �es rve C�r►�ral 09060-537 O�r: ti,ric� Transfer Out -3,000 Current An�rXiec3 I� Budget Char�ges Stu3yez � ------------ ------------ ------------ TRATJSFER T0: I City Ai:�orney �� C1020� Ci.t�� Att rn�y Adri�ini�tra�ion f10200-0221 - P stage 6,300 +400 6,7U0 00200-0241 - P ir��ury Outsic�e 9,750 +404 10,150 00200-0362 - �licating 5ur�,lies inci Pu�aer 500 +2,200 2,7U0 U0200 - Al�. Ot er S�:enai.rig 1,220,350 0 l,220,350 1,236,900 +3,000 1,239,�00 `. 0 N�T CIi�1t7C�E li RF�OLVII�, Ti�at tt�l Cit�� Couricii a�roves ttY�� c�,dzlgc:s to �tie 1986 Guctye�. Finaricing is ailai�le: ��roval R�ecorari�enc�eus � �...��.�^� ��t����������L � ,��� � ...��� � ����.� rec i o� F' ar�ce ��� �-t� Buuyet ir tor COUNCILME Requested by partment of: Yeas ��� ays �. Nicosia � �].t A�{: Rettman [n Favor Scheibel Sonnen � __ Ag81[lst BY -'fedes.a Wilson ; ���+ ! I'iUV � 4 ��6 Form Ap e by ity t rne Adopted by Council: I Date � ��� �� Certified Pas• u cil Secr r BY By� Ap ro by Mavor. Dat � AUU 2 � �� Approv by Mayor for Submis ' i ey _ _ sy Pu�us��D a u� 3 019 8� � � Cit Attorne DEPARTMENT �'"'�-�0-���3 N� 4023 O,r� L�e 'Patte son__ CONTACT � 298-4323 PHONE 7-14-86 DATE �eQi� Q, e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : ��Department Di ector Director of Management/Mayor � 4 Finance and M nagement Services Director 6 City Clerk Budget Direct r City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHI VED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ �ationale) • The resolution will create a budget and spending authority for the Mayor ' s � Police Comnluni y Relations Task Force . Spending authority is requested for the City Attor ey' s Office which is providing staff support to the task force . �� [�EC�iV�D �,\�� �`� ,I�I L 15 'i��e COST/BENEFIT BUD TARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED; ����������`���� The budget/spe ding authority will cover costs already incurred by the City Attorney' s off ce for postage and printing in support of the Mayor 's Police Community Rela ions Task Force and enable further expenditures to complete the task farce s duties. The task force will present its findings to the '�!Iayor and Council by July 23, 1986 on recommendations on Internal Affairs Unit (Police) complaint r:teth ds, history of Affirmative Action , and recommendations on human relations/comm nity relations training programs. � FINANCING SOURCE D Bt1DGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa-RE�E��E� ���A� ture not re-- i� Total Amount o Transaction: JC� . 1 ;' 'q�`�`� $3,000 .00 quired ����Ser ��0�00 �F rHF ;-��;;,>,_;., 2 Funding Sou',rC2: Contin ent Reserve General q�p ARTMENT �� `-�nr g MANqGENiENT F ,�, ;,E 09060 S�:;'.,y : Activity Nt�mbe 00200 City Attorney Administration � ATTACHMENTS List nd Number All Attachments : . :.� � . Resolutio RECEIVED 2 . Memo to B es from Patterson 3 . Contingen Reserve General Status Report ,IUI_ 15 i986 4�1� 1���V���� DEP TMENT VIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes Coun il Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes o Yes Insu ance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/� Yes No Insu ance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , � �/'_�-//�/3 . , ,.O' CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Greg Blees FROM. Ora Lee Patterson DATE2 July 10, 1986 RE: Budget--Mayor's Police Community Relations Task Force LeeA n Turchin has requested that I contact you in an effort to asce tain what steps must be taken to begin the process for a budg 't revision that will enable the Mayor's Office to pay for cost associated with the above-named task force. Listed below is s fficient background information on this matter. I. ' BACKGROUND INFORMATION On Tuesday, May 8, 1986, the City Council held a special public hearing to hear allegations of public misconduct and ' police shortcomings in recruiting and promoting of protected class officers. It was the Mayor's suggestion that he immediately create a Police Community Relations I Task Force. The committee is charged with the following: A. Review and make recommendations regarding the method by which the Internal Affairs Unit complaints are handled. B. Review history of Police Department appointments / history of City's Affirmative Action attempts since 1978, report to go to the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee. C. Gather information about existing human relations/ community relations training programs, review and make recommendations. On June 3, the City Council confirmed the Mayor's !I appointments to the task force. The task force will I present its findings to the Mayor and Council by ' July 23, 1986. II. I STAFF TIME COSTS ' Staff time is being provided to the task force by the City Attorney's Office. To date, the City Attorney's Office has ' made 9, 129 copies of materials at the rate of $. 10 per copy--total $912 .90. Additionally, the postage cost to ' date is $121. 52 . . . � �-/�y3 ' Greg'�, Blees Page' Two July' 10, 1986 ' According to Joanne Rettner, City Attorney's Office, the estimated cost to cover the expenses associated with the '� task force is $5, 000. LeeAnn feels this estimate is just a bit high, but it is my recommendation we leave it and if there is concurrence on this request, monies that are not ' expended will be returned. III. MAYOR'S OFFICE--MISSION STATEMENT ' The mission statement written by the Mayor and his staff at the March 19, 1985 retreat states: "The Mayor's Office will support and lead the employees of the City of Saint Paul so that the people of Saint Paul can live in security with trust in the consistent and even-handed enforcement of the laws with a sense of community and economic opportunity in a clean and beautiful environment, thereby drawing upon and contributing to the larger communities of the Region, State, and Nation. " Although there is no mission statement for the task force, ' the charge of the group and the allegations that have surfaced seems to indicate that some of the people whom we � serve have a feeling or perception that they do not live in security with the trust that there is an even-handed enforcement of the laws, and because we represent these I citizens and employees, we have a responsibility to � determine if these allegations have substance. � Th+� report, which will be shared with the Mayor, City ' Council, and City residents is an effort that will ' hopefully bring forward recommendations that will lead to ! this sense of trust and security that is a part of the City's mission. OLP:bl � ', � I i , Gi= ��-�i�3 • � � � �«��, �� ��a� B�� c�� Cor�rzrxx�r�r �s�v� (09060-537) as o� July 11, 1986 Council Cl�an�es/Transfers Ac:lo�te� --------------------------- 1986 Council Bu�ig�t File Date Arncwnt Available ----------- ------- ----- ----------- ----------- innin� Balanc� 210 000 �9 3 , Po�.ice �addy w on 86-56 1/16 (5,000) P� St. Pcxul T r��orrow survey 86-398 1/4 (13,500) Pers�nnei Huye transfer 86-326 3/13 (35,800) City's share CH buclyet �1c7enduir�s witYx�rawn NEIGHBORHOCDS, USA Conference Coordinator 86-557 5/1 (5,000) H�unan Servicesi Neec3s Asse:�sment Grants �enc]ing (10,000) Parics & Rec Trll °h Coirr�ac�or 8fi-743 6/1 (25,000) Rar��sey Co Wa�t' Manager��ent Fees 86-824 6/19 (9,768) Fr iends oi trre j Park Study pend ing (5,000) Outside Counci 86-910 7/3 (17,000) CH/CH E1.evator��,Consultants �erx3ing (10,507) Le� Project � pending (28,000) JTPA/First Sou ce Ar3ditional. Staf� 86-�29 6/19 (27,508) Strategic Plan j for AIDS treatn�nt �erx�ing (5,000) Pol ice Con�nun� I T�sk Force �nd ing (3,000) En6ing '� - ance 210,000 (200,083) 9,917 �f � perz3iny - Penuin action r�y the Fir�anc� Conunittee �r iclenti£iec3 but not yet Sl]�JIC11ttG�'G3 i�y� tY,e cie � tn�ent. recor�ri. - Recoim eci t�y the Fina�nce Conanittee �or �p�rovai. withc�rawn - R�u� t wit�X3rawri before council action OI�S/j earie tta 700/GRESERV86 7/11/86 . . . . �r� c �� ►�K . CITY OF SAINT PgUL � g� ��y� �. �: ��sii����� 9iiz t�t:t�l OFF`ICE OF THF CITY COIINCZL . . . �ommittee Re��rt . �!� F:i�anc� l�ana en�ent & Persannel Committee. AUGUST 7, 1986 i 1. Appr'val of minutes from meeting held July 31,1986. approved 2. Reso ution establishing the title and specifications for Street Services Work'r and abolishing titles and specifications as Iisted (laid over from June 26, 1986). laid over to November 3. Reso ution providing for a review of the qualifications of Deputy Chief of Poli e by the Personnel Director and the CiviT Service Commission (Iaid over 'from July 31, 1986). approved 4. Reso ution amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget Uy transferring $150 000 from CIB Contingent Reserve to Public Safety Building Remodeling (lai over from July 31, 1986). approved , 5. �Feso tion amending budget by tran�ferring �3.,i0t� fra�,����.,�esexve tto C y Attorne� Admn. - Police/Co�nuniCy,Relatio$s �'°�rCE.f itpp"�t�o"�ed _____._ _._ _ 6. Reso tion amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget to provide financing for lock L skyways and site improversents ($675,205). approved as amended 7. An o� inance amending Chapter 331.30, Subd. 3, of the Legislative Code per- tain g to exemption fro� license fees for certain itinerant food establishments. laid over 8/21 8. Admi strative Orders: J D-80 Budget revision in the Public Works - Capital Improvement Bond Fund. laid ver 8/21 D-80 Authorization to purchase marina supplies needed to operate Watergate Marina. dis ussed D-80 Addition of $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at Fire Station No. 20. laid over 8/21 HEARD U ER SUSPENSION OF RULES . 9. Resolution requesting the city to Fund their respective share of the elevator auto ation project. passed out w/o recommendatian CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSI02 � a�sa