86-1122 WHITE - C�TV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE � G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council BLUERV - MAVORTMENT I � File N 0. � � " ll�e� ��� Co � ' es lution r�� % � �;,, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date RES VED, that upon execution and delivery of a release in full to e City of Saint Paul, the proper City officers are hereby authoriz and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-51 000 to James E. Newell and his at'torney, Thomas E. I�ioore, the sum $500 . 00 in full settlement of his claim for damages allegedly sustained on or after February 21, 1984, as more particularly set forth in a Notice of Claim filed with the City Clerk on June 12, 1984 . II I I � � I i I COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas pfeW Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel �/ Sonnen __ Ag8ltlst BY i�lesca Wilson Adopted by Council: ate AUG 1 Z 1986 Form Approved by City Attorne Certified sse Counci S tar `3�'�p(O B}� � Approv d Mavor: Da _ �� � � �66 APProved by Mayor for Submission to Council B� - - — BY �� PUBLISHED AU G 2 31986 I . : . - ��- l�a � ���T��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;~ '��, I OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ` '�����° 'p EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY +, ��� I ��r�!� I 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER I MAYOR � MEMORANDI i TO: �li Members of the City Council I FROM: I Walter A. Bowse Assistant City Attorney DATE: July 30, 1986 RE: Claim against the City of Saint Paul iby James E. Newell The above� entitled matter involves a claim by James Newell that he was injur d when he tripped and fell over a rug at the St. Paul Police De ' artment headquarters on February 21, 1984 . He claims his fall nd subsequent injuries were caused by the negligence of the City f St. Paul . The City denies it was negligent claiming instead t at Mr. Newell ' s injuries were caused by his own negligence or the ne ligence of United Van Lines and Modular Communication Systems, nc. who were bringing furniture into headquarters . The quest�on of who was really negligent cannot be guaranteed. As such a d considering the nature of plaintiff ' s claimed injuries, ' this offi e agrees to the settlement of this case by the payment of $1, 500 toj r. Newell with the three defendants (the City of St. Paul beinc� one) paying $500 each. � �,I II WAB:paw enc . cc. Ed Stl� rr Mayor s Office � I I