86-1090 � �1� '� ciTV o ST. PAUL � COUNCIL FILE NO. �G—�D�S FINAL ORDER - • � By . :-ILi74, i-11475 ae1 ' File No. f_11f76 VOtln� In the Matt of �#'��� �t� � • � �r ��• - wara r�r. �.13.rl�.s 1�..: �+ S 11474 orth sic�e Buford Avenue from Raymand Avenue to Hythe St. � S 11�7j outh sidP 1)udley Avenue east from Grantham �treet at 9� and 2i83 Dudle;� Avenue. i ; 2 S I11+76 st side `Tictor.ia Street .�rom Gr�,nd A�rernze to nor�h i 1 Q feet �ore-or-��ss, ` , -- : __ _ _ _ _ .. , n� - -- --- - . �__-- _— —-- _ Al,l ea r �+esickstial praperti� xill recei�re a credit np to the .lirst 150 ! feet ot ,or reec�structed sfdewalk a3oag aad sbntting the *loAg sic�ee* of the � P�P�T '� '� � ' � �tas {sll prcyyperty a�h�r tbsa residential) �` . IOfi o! �1a1. eost estiaated to b� approziiedL� �t.E�O per aq�r� fe�t ot vslr �j, COAS$21ic .� . ` � �" � � � , � � ��i 5� �, under Preliminary O der dv � ��3 approved / ���0 I �'' ' ' . The Council the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been 'ven as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, T Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully onsidered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, at the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the pr er City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER R OLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate ail expenses incurred erein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COU��PERS N Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 5 ' t98�+ Yeas =�M�N ys �t�' Certified ssed y Council retary �Ch�li�li � In Favor B � �liN�O , � Against fiilsoa ' � � AUr7 5 - 1986 Mayor ' PUBIIStiED : ,.�� 16 19$� , c ,�-� c I�� � � T PA UL C ITY C � � NCIL � 1� � � � UBL. IC HEARING NOTICE IDEWALK C ONSTRUCTION File No. S-11474 City Council District 4�4 Dear Property Owner: District Planning Council ��1 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E Where necessarv; at the follo�air.g location: AN D North Side Buford Avenue from Raymond Avenue to Hythe Street LOCATION H E A � I N G Tuesday, August 5, 1986, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If �he Council approves the orders (or any part thereof) , a portion of the costs will be assessed (after constructian) against INFORMATIO benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for tl:is project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAP1ILYj - FJ?- a 5-foot wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk existed) , $13.00 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front rt. For a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, S15.60 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the. "long side" of the property. COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square � foot of walk constructed. %�There may be some sections of sidewalk that are in satisfactory Q U E S T I O N S condition. Please call 298-4255 (Construction) or ?98-4513 (Assessments) with any questions. Also, City staff will be available to ans�aer any last minute questions on this project I in the City Council Chambers rrom a:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearino. Notice sent July 18, 1 6, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Manage�nent Services Room 213 City Hall - Court H.-�use St. Paui_, :�iinnescta 55102 � � C,� �e�� � ST PA U L C ITY CGU NC I � � � �/d�jD UBLIC HEARING NOTICE IDEWALK C OI� STRUCTION i File No. S-11475 City Council District ��4 Dear Property Owner: District Planning Council ��1 � To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E where necessarv; at the follo�aing location: An� D South side Dudley Avenue East from Grantham Street at 2194 and '� 2188 Dudley Avenue LOCATION H E A t� I N G Tuesday, August 5, 19 � 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof) , a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FA:�IILY) - F�r a S-foot wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk existed) , $13.00 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. For a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, 515.60 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. COMMERCIAL rates (a11 property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approsimately $4.00 per square foot of wallc constructed. I ��There may be some sections ot sidewalk that are in satisfactory Q U E S T I 0 N S condition. Please call 298-4257 (Construction) or 298-4513 (Assessments) with a_ny questions. Also, City staff will be available to ans«er �any last mir.ute questions on this project I in tne City Council Cha:abers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same Lday as the hearin�;. Notice sent July 18, 986, b,� tne Va]_uution and Assessment Livision Department of Finance and '�tanagement Services Roon; 218 Cit-� Hail - Court Hc�use St. Paul, ?�?���esota 5510'- � � T PA U � C ITY COU NCi � �� � ��"'�` UBLIC HEARIIVG NOTICE � ��0�° IDEWALK CONSTRUCTIOIV File No. 11476 City Council District �t2 Dear 'Property Owner: District Planning Council �-6 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E where necessarv; at the following location: A N D East Side Victoria Street from Grand Avenue to North 170 feet more-or-less LOCATION H E A r� I N G Tuesday, Au�t�st 5, �98h, �o:o� r�.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hal1 If the Council approves the orders (or anv part thereof) , a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against i N F 0 R M ATI 0 benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMFNTS for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FA�IILY) - F�r a 5-foot wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk exis*_ed) , $13.00 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. For a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. All corner residential properties will receivt a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewal� along and abutting the "long side" of the property. COI�1i�IERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 1��"/., of �ctual cost e�Limatcd tu h� <i{�i�r�,-•;in,;it��lv �'� .D� E�cr sc�u:�ri� foot of walk constructed. *There may be some sections of sidewalk that are in satisfactory Q U E S T I 0 N S condition. Please call 29S-4255 (Constructi�n) or 298-4513 (Assessments) with any questions. Also, Citv staff will be available to answer any last minute quest.ions on this project ' in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearin�. Notice sent July 18, 986, by the ��aluation and A�sessment Division Department of Finance and �ianagement Services Foom 218 Citv Hall - Court House St. Paul , "1;r.nesoLa 55102 I . , . �r_-- �../D 9 D , , ._ . _ _ . ._ . _ I � . ; � Co�' PR�ELIIYiiNABY ORDE�',__ il File No.86-933—BY Chrfs Nfcosia � �In the Matter of sidewaI��construction and/or n�construction, only'a,t�re n sary,at the following locations: V iug ` - . , W _ _ 4 $-114?4-North side Buiord Avenue irom'Raymonci qve.to Hythe St. 4 $-11475-South side Dudley Aveaue east irs�n�ra�t�s�n l�,at Z}g4 and g188' � diey Ave. 2 �3-11476—East side Vic�oria Stree�`fros�.Grand Ave.to north 130 teet�os�` - Ar-less. � ' TED CON3TRUC'PION CO3TS AN��gATgg RFSIDENTIAL ratea(aingle#�milg to 3 family� . 'For a 5-ioot_wide sidearali�:New Constr�;o�(wt�re no walk e�tisted)i�3A4 tro�t taot:R�iacee�lnt oi o1d eddewalk i6.50 per front toot::` : `r . fl or a �foot wide s4dewalk: New Coastructfon =15.60 per 3mat:f�t; lacea►ent of old sidewalk�7.80-per froat feot. , corner residenti�l pFOperties will reo�ive acredit np�othe ifrst 150 feet oi ��`���rt� s#'d�walk al�g aad abuttfng,.the,••ldng side" of the �l�• _ .y , :- �[�[EEACIAL rates(all PropertY ot�er tl�aa ntcidentiai) . . N96 ot actual cASt�stimatecl to bt ap�►roximate�T i4.0a�sr�uare faot�t.. const�'iicte4d. Co4+�cii oi th�t;ity ofSaiat Patkl havi�g recelved the r�ort of tpe 1t�►Tot'�: ��- ������t, ��i°��vibg� crosidered s�dd, ieport� he�t- ves:._ . ,._ .. � - ��St :th� sa� report-`"�nd the sam+e ia herebY a�isroved aith o0 Alter�atives. �ad tt�a� the �tal cost � ts • tiAaqe�_by -`� +�.See aboye for�t rat�r: `; ' Thst u pubtf�l�rtag be haa�sata tmpraveinent at►.#he ��y �; ' oc�a�a..ia Uu Cout�ci!�s c���� � `��o� 1����'�dity��the City oi Salnt Paal. . � �34�at aotice of�si�d p�blic�1�a �i�o!�=#�-�s as��n-�rt' me�o�'Qravided by.tt�e,t�arter.statin�t1�e time a�td p�ece oi the�,e.ot�imp�wem�t�t1�e tot�d�t�t�s_ � , ` �� �.,s�ti��.atY�7s.s-u�a ..:� `: : �ad 6y:t�se council Y,�13►�8.�998.: . . : � -; �uiy 9.l086. � . - _ { • (July i9,i�. -