86-1085 WHITE - CITV �LERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII B��E�r- MAypqTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File N 0. � `��� Return copy to oom 218 CQUn 'l Reso �Z�n / �i Valuations Div ion - � ' Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date WHE EAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul , by Council Resoluti n C.F. 152543, approved June 9, 1950, did vacate certain public ri ht-of-way in the City of Saint Paul described as follows: Birmington Street from the north line of Burns Avenue on the South to the south line of Lot 1, Block 30, Auditor 's Sub- division No. 62, produced easterly, on the north, and McLean Avenue from U. S. Highway No. 61 on the west to Birmingham Street as proposed to be vacated, also from the east line of Birmingham Street as proposed to be vacated to the west line of Barclay Street on the east. WHE EAS, Based upon utility easement certificates of Intended on-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power Company the Department of Public Works and the Water Utility, and made a p rt hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Cle of Saint Paul, the City for itself and on behalf of these corporati ns and departments waives the right to utility easements in the vaca ed areas as described in the Certificates of Intended Non- Use. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas preW N ys Finance & Management Services Nicosia � Rettman ' In Favoi � Scheibel ' � Director Sonnen __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Ap rov by City AttQQrney Adopted by Council: �Date /� Certified Passed by Co ncil Secretary BY �C � gy, ' tiv Mavor: ate _ Appcove y May or ubmi ion to Council i M�HiTE - GTV Cl_ERK PINK . - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council� �i� _�Od''S .LANAR�i DEPA�TMENT File NO• • BLUE - MAVOR Return copy to Roo 218 CQUnC • Resol tion Valuations Divisio (RM) � r � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date NO THEREFORS BE IT RSSOLVED, Pursuant to Section 13P1.�16 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code and pn behalf of the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easements, the Council f ' the City of Saint Paul does hereby waive and release the retained utility easements in the vacated public property as specified in the C rtificates of Intended Non-Use; and BE T FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution, the Cit Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this re olution for recording in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rams y County, and shall maintain a copy of all Certificates of Intended Nan-Use referenced in this resolution, on file in the0ffice of the ' ty Clerk. � COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� N ys / Nicosia CJ Finance & Management Services Rettman , In FBVO[ � s�ne�bei a __ Against By Director Sonnen Tedesco Wilson JUL 3 i �g� Form Approved ity Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date �'-" \ _/ � C e r t i f i e d N�•s C n c i l re B Y By Appr e by Mavor: at _ � � �F — �6 Approved y Ma c or Su 'ssion to Council By p�BUS�D au G 9 19e6 i , ���0��� N° 05849 inance � mt Se i ee DEPARTME�fT } _ Dick Mc�ann � CONTACT 298-53i7 , PHONE July 9, 1986 DATE ��� ,r � � ASSIGN NUM�ER OR UT NG ORDER Cli All locations for Si nature : Department Dir to 2 Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Man g ent Services Director � 4 City Clerk Budget Dire to � Councilman Nicosis �,City Attorn y WHA'� WILL BE AC IEV D Y TAKING ACTION �1 THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Council approv l r qu red to waive utility easem�nt righta over a ��'1�M.�esn Avenue vacated in res 1ut n 152543 approved June 9, 1950. - . I R�'CEIVED �:,,.. I .�(!� 1 � 1986 , �'r �!C:: OF THE DiRECTOf� � �'"P1�tT�MENT OF Ff1VANCk� . COST BENEFIT BI OGE AR AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ` ��v0 MANAGEMENT S� � None li � i i FINANCING SOURC B DGET ACTIVITY NUhBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of " a 'saction: quired if under ' � �10,00Q) Funding Sour e: N/A Activity Num�er: • , ATTACHMENTS Li t a N mber Al1 Attachments : 1. Resolution 'I . 2. Copy of C.F�. 1 54' . 3. Map _ - i ; ., � i � • DEPARTMENT REVIE CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW �Yes No Co nci R solution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No In ura ce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes = No In ura ce' Attacfied: , (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . � Revised 12/84 '�, � i II � o �. I�. � .�-,� � O � I_ rn '_'� - � e'+ 1_ -c - � � n � r-+ O C z �-r a- --� -n r � m -< r N � �. � S��i7 .'S y � r"" O :a:; r" 'D � a .., �� �; x � I � o l=J H ►s� . � k �• 0o v�i �P "C � t-r N F-� � � � C � U'1 � � c-+ II a a � a c ° - I � m fD t,,, cn O W n � � J• � � J• rt ti � �,, � � o a � � � � v' , '-n m m bc c.t. � �• a �' � a� � o �. c � �, � z � O W n -< � � � C m c-� ' o n � � o m m a m rt a � . r• � � �. ti LJ -n � ` � � � N � � I ' i ^v c� - w c� c� � o �,,....+ -�, : � o' �� � � � oc� c `� o � T m or � � _ �� �� � o � � � c � r m m 0 [r1 F3 • F--+ � �P � � � � N FW-� � � c+ C � a a � a c ° �r m fD F,, cn o a���((( � '� � J. � � J \• '� O �' � � I � D � � 3 M �v� m W rt � n �• �' n 9 � G O ' , h+• (D � � � � o a � � � m o m cn � o n � � °m rt � � � • r• � V �� � � TT � '�� tV V � N � � � .�-� �o�s� (:F:iZTIFICATF. ()F INTF.NnEn NON-IJSF•. ,_ � 13ate April 30, 1986 TI�E HON IILE MAY�R AND MF.MBERS OF THE UNCIL OF THF . CITY Of' AINT PAIJI. ' The unde� signed hereby certify that they do no intend ta exercise their utiLitylc+semen� ri�hes in the followine described reair�- Address 305 Barclay St. St. Paul, Minnesota Legal: ot 8, Block 31, except the North 75 feet thereof, Auditors Sub- ivision No. 62, St. Paul, Minn. according to the recorded plat hereof. Together with the part of vacated McLean Avenue lying be� een the Sou��erly extension of the East and West lines of said ot 8, Block 31, Auditor ' s Subdivision No. 62 , St. Paul, Minn. , ccruing thereto by the reason of the vacation thereof. St. Paul 5ewer Dept. nepartment or Compa�y I ts • SE c eC w r �nain �" Company , eal � � � Sipnat STATE OF MJ.NNI:SOT� ) I � S5. • COU�TY 0 RAMSF.Y ) On this 9�-' day oE �i,jQ�vG , 19 �� , before me , a notary �ublic w ehi.n a�d Eor said County , personally appeared '�. �ta�1 eo me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, d i d s a y h a t h r i s t h c �l�� �j!) S�,�ix.,t?lt� o f ..g��' a...�.� Company, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrume t, an<I tti<�t thr seal ��Efixed to said instrument is the corporate scal of s�id cor or1tior� , �n<I tt�a[ Saicl instrt�ment was si�ned and sealed n t�ehalf of said cor�orati�on hy nuthority of its Board of: nirectors and said ack�owle �ed s<-+i<i i.�strument to be the trce act and deed of said corporation. ..�� . „v�nnnM�+ xM�^r`n^".,��• DA R. MIT�N.��J�: _ o�ia�r s �MF�,Q11� � �--- tiu��'-�'-'"'��•? Nq p�• �� �, Ar,o►cs covNrr MyCo missionExPires���i�� NoCary Public, Ramsey County, MinneSOta �., y, My commisst.on expires . , � ��n- /d�� (:h:RTIFI(;ATf; ()F INTENnF,D NON-tJSF. .. T)ate April 30, 1986 T}�E HON IILE MAY�R AND MF.MRERS OF THE (' UNCIL OF THF . CITY Of' AINT PAl)1. ' The undelsi�ned hereby certify that they do no intend to exercise their utility nscmcnt ri�t�ts in tlie followine described r�alr�� Addre$s 305 Barclay St. St. Paul, Minnesota Legal: ot 8, Block 31, except the North 75 feet thereof, Audit�ra Sub- ivision No. 62, St. Paul, Minn. according to the recorded plat � hereof. Together with the part of vacated McLean Avenue lying bet een the Sou�herly e�tension of the East and West lines of said ot 8 , Block 31, Auditor' s Subdivision No. 62, St. Paul, Minn. , ccruing thereto by the reason of the vacation thereof. St. Paul Water Dept. nepartment or Company Zcs General Manaqer Compa�y ,I eal ° �� S ipna ture STATE OF MI.NNI'sSOTA ) � CS . counrrY 0 RAMSfY ) qn this 9th day oE Mdy , 19 $6 , beforc me, a notary " rui�i ic w tn i.n a�d tor sa id Coun ty, persona l iy a ppea red Th�mas �� Mogren to me �ersonally known, who, bein� by me duly sworn , �t�a say h�c }�c ts ct�c� General Manager, Water Uti 1 i ty of the Board of l�Jater C 1 1 1^ - 1 f P a mUniCipal torporation, named in the foregoing instrume t. and tti��t thc seal <�ffixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of s�id corh r:+tio�� , �nd Cha[ Said instrument w�s si�ned and sealed in hehalf of said cor�oraci� n ny �«tt,oricy of ics Ro�rd of: nirectors ac,d said �eneral ^1ana�er acknowlPC� ed saicl i.nstrument to be the Cr�e act and deed of said corporation. t ��:,� � / / � S� IRLEY A. JC NES ��� %�� '�� or.,a� rUFLIC—M!ni,��SUtA NOCary Pub ic, Ra . ey County, Mi�nesota RAMSEY COUN7Y �`'�Y com sion expires April 13,199p i���/ f3 / � 'fr � My commissi.on expires ���-,'�' � i --, . ' " ' t � �!C!i—�0�..5 — (:h:iiTIFICATF: ()F I1VTF.NnED NON-i7SF, .� . . . Date April 30, 1986 T}�E HON� F1LF MAYOR AND MF.MRERS OF THF. UNCIL OF ?Nf: . CITY Of AINT PAIJI, ' The und signed hereby certify ttiat they do no intend to exercise their utiLity� t+semcn� ri�hts in the followinE described realrvr Address: 305 Barclay St. St. Paul, Minnesota Legal: ot 8 , Block 31, except the North 75 feet thereof, Auditars Sub- ivision No. 62, St. Paul, Minn. according to the recorded plat hereof. Toqether with the part of vacated McLean Avenue lying bet� een the Soui�erly extension of the East and West lines of said ' ot 8, Block 31, Auditor' s Subdivision No. 62, St. Paul, Minn. , I ccruing thereto by the reason of the vacation thereof. Northern State�. Power nep•1rtment or Company I cs General Manacter, Saint Paul Division _ - / � , � , , -� � ' �� , C om p a n y I e a 1 ����� _ : �C'Y�L�c. f�;na ture -- STATE OFI�, MJ.NNL•'SOT� ) � SS . • COUT�"TY 0 ' RAMSF,Y ) qn this �� day oE ,�'3��c�-, , 19�, beforc me , a notary " rublic wlChi.n and [or said County peJrsonally appeared �� � ' eo mc �ersonally know�, who, being by me duly sworn, � �- .!� d i d s�y h a[ h c i s t h� ��/���,,.__��.,,,, , �i'/CL,,,,i,r�j o f ' � r/ Company, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrumc t. ancl tt�at thc seal �1Efixed to said instrument is the cor�orate scal of s�id cor� or�tio�� , �nd that �aid instrument was signed and sealed in hehalf of said cor�+orat on hy �uthori ty of its Board of nirectors and said p��/yy�����, C,��,w/.(!Lu-.z�Jli acknowle �ed s�i.d i.nstrumenC to be the Lrec act and deed of saiJ corporation. a AMhMP��nlJ�.A.��l�1M6�MMn'r �� . . fiF.,.i,�. F.I�,r��` ., /, � /� i , . ..�i-._.._ �... �..�_..�1� - � u, �::�;�� �,:�r�n!�soia �--��U�-C� J�'l- ��� � f��` R�;*�ut�c�i;�TV Notary Public , Ramsey Co nty, Minnesota h�Y C�;'.:7.IXriirES���.21,1991 " I `'�''^'�"�'�``��'����� My commissi.on expires '�� . �-/� /f/`�/ � . I -