86-1081 WMITE - C�TV CLE PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /�/� /y CANARY -DEPARTM T � File NO• "� _[Dv� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution � Presente y _�-� Referred o 1d7���- w � �r� Committee: Date � ��'d � Out of Co mittee By Date WHERE S, fihe City of Saint Paul has requested that the Department of Transportatio grant a variance from the State's standards for design of urban roadways for the recon ruction of SNELLING AVENUE from West Seventh Street to St. Dennis Road; and WHERE , l�he Commissioner of the Department of Transportation has by letter notified the Ci y �hat the request for a variance has been granted upon condition that the City Council o th� City of Saint Paul adopt a resolution indemnifying, saving and holding harmless the ate of Minnesota from any claims arising out of the granting of this variance; and WHEREA , Tihe City has no other option available to it to receive the variance requested unle i� complies with the demands of the Commissioner of the Department of Transportati n; �ow, therefore, be it RESOLVE , That as the sole condition to receiving a variance from the provisions of State Aid Ru s �ection 8820.9912, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to indemn fy, save, and hold harmless the State of Minnesota and all of its agents and employees and from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of any nature or ch ra�ter arising out of or by reason of, in any manner, the reconstruction project on SNEL IN(3 AVENUE from West Seventh Street to St. Dennis Road, in any other manner than as 32 foot wide curb to curb street and a design speed of 30 miles per hour, in accorda e with the Minnesota Rules Section 8820.3300, and further agrees to defend at their s le �ost and expense any actaon or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asser ing any claim of whatsoever character arising as a result of the rantin f t is ri nce. COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas orew Nay Public Wor s (DAN 6-12-$6) N"°S'a In Favor Rettman Scheibel � , Sonnen __ AgalnSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 3 1 1986 Form Appro e by City Attorn Certified Pa.s b Coun . 1 S tar BY B}� Appro b Ylavor. D AUG 4 - 1986 Approved May f r Subm' sion to Council p�PIISHED AU G 9 19�6 �; �, �Publ ia Wo s �, DEPARTMENT ��0"���� No 4559� `Dan i e 1 q, a ' � -- ' CONTACT :> 292-6280 PHONE June 1I2, 1 8 DATE ���� e e ASSIGN NUN�E�R F R UTING ORDER (Cli All Locations for Si nature : � Departmer�t re tor � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and an 'gement Services Director City Clerk _/Budget Direc or� � City Attprne I : WHAT WILL BE'� ACH EVID BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ RE: P-0999 SIYELL NG AVENUE from Edgcumbe Road to West Seventh Streetationale) : This �esolutlon s hold harmless clause that the Minnesota Department of Transportation requires bef�re e will g�ant the variance to State Standards for the width and speed we want to build Sne� lin A nue. It holds the State harmless for letting us build a portion of Snelling Avenue o West Seventh Street to St. Dennis Road 26' wide and 20 m.p.h. rathe� than the 32' 'wid a 30 m.p.h. standard. The Council authorized the "Request for Variance" by resolutfcml C. . I 5-1400. This is required to proceed with the project. COST/BENEFIT ' BU E RY AND PERSONNEL. IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: This will hav�e n fi cal impact unless the State gets sued for granting the variance. This is considered hig ly, unlikely. , I � , ,I �I FINANCING SOURCE ND� BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- _ ture not re- Total Amouint T ansaction; N/A quired if under ' ��o,000) RECEIVE� Fundi ng Solurce II Activity N'umbe : �I �UN 18 1986 ATTACHMENTS List an� Number All Attachments : C1TY AiT�r�=�� Council Resoluti �� �I I �� I DEPARTMENT RE�IIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No 'Cou il Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Ins a e Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Ins a e Attached: I. I (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � % ___.._.._..._.. _, ___.., I_. .�__._.__�_._._.________ ._____w.___... ,�7�- �-j0�/ R . (fi �I 1[embere: (�ITY UF ►,�AI1TT PAUL J n1ceNRettmanha� r�ii�iii°►i � � ' John D ewnAtl. OFI�'ICE OF THE CITY COIINOIL � � , � .. DatG': July 23, 1984 . . . , � - C o mm � tte e I-� e o rt �� p � . . _ � o: Saint Paul City Council � - rom: Committee on Public Works - Chris Nicosia, Chair The Pu lic Works Committee at jts meeting of July 23, 1986 took the followi g action: Heari Date , 1 . 7/2 /86 VACATION: Petition of 744 Ashland Partnership for ttie vacatian of part of ASHLAND AVENUE located at. the intersection of Grotto and Ashland. Vacated property to be used for access to underground parking facility. Recommended approval . 2. 8/7I86 VACATION: F'etition of Thomas Lunzer for the vacation of the North-South alley in Block 2, Lewis Addition located at the intersection of Rice and Manitoba for commerciai Iparking. Recommended approval . 3. S/5/� 6 RATIFICATIUN OF ASSESSMENTS: For improving Fort Road/W. Seventh Street from Mississippi River Blvd. to Kellogg • � Blvd. I Recornrnended approval . 4. 8/5/ 6 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For Lowertown Project: � Street and Transit Improvement. (3 parcels laid over by Council 7/�3/86) . I� Recommended a proval . P 5. 8/5/ 6 AMENDED FINAL ORDER: Improving SNELLING AVENUE from Edgcumbe Road to W. Seventh St./Fort Rd. by regrading and paving, constructing curb and gutter, constructing new catch basins, new driveways, an ornamental ligfiting system, an 8-foot median, 4 10-foot bump outs in mid- block for the school , a bus turnaround at northwest corner� of Snelling and Edgcumbe Road and a turn slot in the Edgcumbe Avenue island west of Snelling. Also construct a new storm sewer in Snelling from 900 feet nortti of Ecigcumbe Rd. to W. Seventh St./Fort R�ad I (bounded by Montreal Ave. on the north; W. Seventh I St/Fort Road on the south; on the west by a line beginning approximately 400 feet west of the centerline � of Edgcumbe Road and Snelling and running south to Lawer St. Dennis Rd. , then southeast to W.Seventh/Fort Rd. and on the east by Rankin Street. Recommended approval , with amendments, on 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Sonnen voting "NO". _ -�- , .,_. . ..�... . _ _.T � . _ _. ... --� - - ,; ,,� . �, ; . ';:�,�: , . - � ... .. r, .. , . ..j . ,,.� ±-i , . . ._ , n . . . , . . . . � .. _ 4 Z . . � . � . . ,' , .� .. . . ' .' . .' .� . . `: . ;. � �., ., , � - �-.. ��.� . \;r I:.' � � i � C,c � -�o�i w J � I 6. RESG?LU��1: approv i ng a tio�d He��'nRl ess.c i�u�e �o the State of M i r�sot,a �n ��E;�d�r<`��h t.�, Miar i���}r�nted by, the S��e F�rr the reconstrt�eti� � �t�l�'�EAt!{E from We� ��='�^eet to St.-,0��i s �s Reea�il���'approva 1 . I� 7. 7/ /86 FINAL ORDER: Repairing WABASHA S7REET BRIDGE by repairing the sidewalk, brackets. replacing a sidewalk stringers and constructing new sidewalks. Also replacing i the ex�ansion joints with a new type of waterproof expansion, replacing the bearings at the north abutment � and provide a wate.rproof surface deck. Recommended approval . � 8. FINAL ORDER: Improving SIMS AVENUE from GrePnbrier to i Arcade Street ( laid over indefinitely from April 8. i 1986) . � Recommended approval at an assessment rate of $10.00 per I lineal foot. 9. RESOLUTION: authorizing Quit Claim Deed to release th�e City's interest in vacated turnarounds in tfie alley in Block 59, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice 8 Irvine's Addition which was vacated by C.F. 19867, approved December 27, 1917 and C.F. 152094, approved May 5, 1�50. Recommended matter be referred back to City Council witt�out recommendation. 10. RESOLUTION: appropriating $14,500 from Municipal State Aid Street funds for improvement to traffic signal at SMITH AVENUE and Annapolis St. iRecommended approval . 11 . RESOLUTION: appropriating $15,000 from Municipal State � Aid Street funds for improvement of traffic signal at i T.H. 61 and Burns Ave. and traffic signal at T.H. 61 and Warner Road. Recommended approval . 12. LETTER: of attorney for Bradley Stark asking for an extension of .time to com�ly with conditions of resolution for the vacation of part of BRADLEY STREET. No action necessary at this time. 13. RESOLUTION: authorizing a Quit Claim deed to release the City's interest in slope easements no longer needed over , parts of Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 1 . Midway Highland Park. Recommended approval . 14. CONTINUATION OF HEARING: to consider the Shepard/Warner/East CBD Scoping Environmental Assessment IWorksheet. I Recommended acceptance of new resolution. �..� .,,. .,_ . , .� `, � J�`r�� . .. , .�- . . � _ . . , ., :.. ... ,. . �� . .. . . . . � N ' . �. I .. - . - . .. . � ���.i .. � . . � ' . � . � . ' � .. ' . . . .; . , . .. ... . . . .. . ` ., .. .. . . .� . , .. . c ' .. . � � ' � ' , � . . 1 : . . . ''�� I