86-1053 / a� CITY OF ST. P u� COUNCIL F NO. �r � PRELIMINAR ORDER � ' By File No. 86-P-1018 Voting In the Matter of Regrading and Repaving SandraLee Dr�ive from the Ward Nort east corner of SandraLee Drive to 180 feet south and fr the Northeast corner to 130 feet west. 7 The Council o the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered sai report,hereby resolves: 1. That the sai report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ 40,6 5 , financed by public Improvement Aid. � Au us t 1986 2. That a publi heajring be had on said improvement on the ?�.-�, day of � � ,at 10:00 o'clo a.#n., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice f s�tid public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and pl e of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCIL PERS N . Adopted by the Council: Date `�UL 2 � 198� Yeas Drew N ys Nicos ia Certified P d by ouncil S ta Rettman Scheibe In Favor By Sonnen Tedesco � Against w��gon JUL 3 0 1986 Mayor PUBIISHED AU G 9 1986