86-1037 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I COUACII p cANA,� _ oe�ARTMEN'T I GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. OG-/6�`J BLUE - MA'hOR Counc ' Resol tion 3g . Presented By ` Referred To I Committee: Date Out of Comm� tee By Date RESOLV D that upon the petition of Space Center, Inc. per File No. 11-1986, those parts of Grove, Willius, Eighth and Ninth St eet and the alley in Block 9, Kittson' s Addition in the areal bounded by Grove, Willius, John and Seventh Streets . . hereinaft r described be and the same are hereby vacated and discontin ed as public streets and alley: Parcel 1 � All Ihat part of Grove Street lying westerly of the north- easterly ine of Willius Street extended northwesterly and all that part of lOth Street and said Grove Street lying easterly of a lin running �rom i.he sou�hwes-� corner of Lot 5, Block 3 , Bass ' Addi�ion to �he Town of St. Paul to a point on the northweste ly line of Block 9, Kittson' s Addition to St. Paul, said poin being designated as point "A" which is described as follows� Begin ing at the most Easterly corner of Lot l, Block 9 of s id Kittson' s Addition; thence North 34 degrees 13 minut s 44 seconds West along the Northeasterly line of said ot 1 a distance of 68. 79 feet, more or less, to its inter ection with the South line of Grove Street; thence Southl89 degrees 24 minutes 55 seconds West along the South line of Grove Street a distance of 56. 31 feet more or 1 ss to its intersection with the Northwesterly line of sa'd Block 9 ; thence South 55 degrees 44 minutes 47 secon s West along said Northwest line a distance of 44 . 62 feet point "A" and there terminating. Parcel 2 I All th t part of Willius Street lying southeasterly of the s utherly line of Grove Street and northwesterly of COUNCILME(Y Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Finance & Mana eme t Ser ices Nicosia ln Favor � Rettman � Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag8ltiSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appr Qved 'ty Attor ey Adopted by Council: ate ���`� Certified Passed by Counci Secretary By � /��� gy, Approved by ;Mavor: Date _ Appr v y Mayor for Submis n t ounci�..- ey _ _ _ By � ' � ��- fo�7 � � , sout � easterly line, extended northeasterly, of Lot 1, Bloc 24, Kittsons Addition to St. Paul. Parcel 3 All � at part of East 8th Street lying between the North- eastq ly line of Lafayette Road and the southwesterly line of Wii lius Street; Parcel 4 I Excepl the southeasterly 18 feet and except the North- weste ly 18 feet all that part of East 9th Street lying North asterly of the Northeasterly line of John Street and S uthwesterly of a line drawn from point "D" to pointi "E" . The location of said point "D" is determined by be inning at a point on the Southwesterly line of Lot 5 � of Block 10 of said Kittson' s Addition extended South asterly to its intersection with a line drawn paral el and 18 feet perpendicular from the South- easte ly lines of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of said Block 10; thence North 55 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds West along said line drawn parallel to said Southeasterly lines of sai� Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 a distance of 168 . 29 feet to poii t "D" . The location of said point "E" is deter- by be� inning at a point on the Southwesterly line of Lot 4 ! f Block 17 of said Kittson' s Addition extended Northw sterly to its intersection with a line drawn parall 1 to and 18 feet perpendicular from the North- wester� y lines of Lots l, 2, 3 and 4 of said Block 17 ; thence� North 55 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East along said l� ne drawn parallel to the Northwesterly line of Lots 1 2, 3 and 4 of said Block 17 a distance of 172 . 69 '� feet to point "E" . Parcel 5 i Except the Southeasterly 19 feet and except the North- wester]�y 19 feet all that part of East 9th Street lying Southwdsterly of the Southwesterly line of Willius Street and Nor, heasterly of a line from from point "B" to point "C" . The lod tion of said point "B" is determined by beginning at the mos� Northerly corner of Lot 8, Block 9, Kittson' s Additia , thence South 34 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds East a dista�, ce of 119 feet along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 8 e tended Southeasterly to its intersection with a line dr'� wn parallel to and 19 feet perpendicular from the Southea terly lines of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of said Block 9 ; 2 . . ..' . � d�-l0:37 , then�e South 55 degrees 44 minutes 47 seconds West along said �line drawn parallel to the Southeasterly line of said ! ots 5, 6, 7 and 8, a distance of 198 .25 feet to point� "B" . The location of said point "C" is de-termined by bq inning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Blocki 18, of said Kittson' s Addition; thence North 34 degre! s 15 minutes 13 seconds West along the Southwesterly line � f said Lots 5 and 4 extended Northwesterly a dista ce of 240 . 38 feet, more or less, to its inter- secti n with a line drawn parallel to and 19 feet perpendicu- lar f om the Northwesterly line of Lots l, 2, 3 and 4 of said lock 18, said point being point "C" . Parcel 6 All tll�, at part of the alle in Block 9 , Kittson' s Addition Y to Stl Paullying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly line of Wi lius Street and Northeasterly of a line drawn from point , "F" to a point "G" . The location of said point "F" is de ermined by beginning at point "A" described above, and tYi nce South 00 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds East a distar� e of 112 .23 feet; thence along a tangential curve concav� to the Southeast a distance of 7 . 92 feet, said curve � aving a radius of 265 feet, and a central angle 1 degr�i e 42 minutes 41 seconds, to a point on the North- westeriy line of said alley which is point "F" . The locati n of said point "G" is determined by beginning at point !'F" just described and continuing Southerly along said t' ngential curve just described to its intersection with t� e Southeasterly line of said alley which point shall ibe point "G" . Subject explessly to the following conditions and reservations: l. Thlt the vacation be subject to all theterms and condi- tions of C apter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2 . T at a permanent sewer easement be retained on behalf of tie Ci y of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works within the vacatedjarea of Grove Street subject to the following conditions : a. Noli uildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the�i easement area nor any temporary structure, material stq age, fixture or other objects that will prohibit nor al access to sewer facilities for maintenance pur oses. L 3 . �1� � 1 � . ..� . ��-fo�� . b. chan e from the exis ' � g ting grade is permitted without w� itten permission from the Director of the Department a Public Works . c. N� change in surfacing within the easement area is per- m tted without written permission from the Director of t e Department of Public Works. d. Tl� at the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall i demnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, i s officers, agents, employees and servants from all s � its, actions or claims which shall arise from any i � juries or damages received or sustained by any break i any service pipe, or connection in said reserved e sement, arising out of or resulting from any action o � negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents o� business invitees. 3 . TY� t a permanent sewer easement be retained on behalf of the Metropq itan Waste Control Commission within the vacated area of Williusi treet between 9th Street and Grove Street subject to the following c! nditions : a. Nolibuildings, structures, or trees are permitted within th easement area, nor any temporary structure, material st rage, fixture or other objects that will prohibit no mal access to sewer facilities for maintenance purposes . b. Nol� change from the existing grade is permitted without wr tten permission from the Director of Engineering Coistruction. c . Nol!change in surfacing within the easement area is per- mi �ted without written permission from the Director of En ineering Construction. d. Th the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall im m�ify, defend and save harmless the Metropolitan Was e Control Commission, its officers, agents, em- pl ees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims whi� h shall arise from any injuries or damages received or iustained by any break in any service pipe, or con ection in said reserved easement, arising out of or res lting from any action or negligence of the peti- tio� er, its employees, agents or business invitees. L 4 . � � �� � , .� . ,��_ i�.�7 � . � 4 . '� at the petitioner shall choose one of the following courses o action regarding the existing catch basins and sewers within th vacated area of Willius Street and East 9th Street and shall �� coordinate the implementation of one of these courses of action', with the Department of Public Works, Sewer Division within 60 ays of the publication date of this resolution. a. PI' titioner shall either take responsibility for the p ivate operation, maintenance and repair of these s wers and catch basins and pay all costs and expenses i �� the operation, maintenance and repair of these s wers and catch basins in accordance with all a plicable codes and ordinances and to the satisfac- tuon and approval of Public Works Sewer Engineer, or b. Ak� ndon the existing sewers and catch basins in said va ated Willius and 9th Streets in accordance with the re� uirements of Public Works Sewer Engineer. The pe', itioner shall be responsible for obtaining the ne essary permits and complying with all applicable co� es and ordinances and shall pay all costs and ex- pe ses as a result of the abandonment of said sewers an catch basins . 5. Pe� itioner shall make application within 60 days of the public tion date of this resolution with the Department of Public orks, Sewer Division to take responsibility for the operation, �� aintenance and repair of the existing sewer in the vacated por, ion of E. 8th Street and the sewer connection to the buildir� on the north side of said vacated 8th Street. Petitioner hall pay all costs and expenses in the operation, maintenance �� and repair of this sewer in accordance with all applicable ', odes and ordinances and to the satisfaction and approval of ublic Works Sewer Engineer. 6 . Th� t the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs and expense for the removal of an existing street light on a Northern S ates Power Company power pole located at the southeast cor�er of acated E. 8th Street corner of vacated E. 8th Street and Willius !iStreet. Petitioner shall contact the Traffic and Lighting Div�i' sion of Public Works regarding the removal of this light. � 7 . Tlat permanent water utility easements be retained on behalf of� the City of Saint Paul, Board of Water Commissioners over, under �, and across the following described parcels unless L �b 5. *,. � il ��� . ..- . � �-�o..�� . the petiti ner chooses to request relocation or abandonment of any fa 'ilities located within these parcels . To abandon or relocate these facilities, petitioner must follow those proce- dures estab ished by the Wa.ter Utility, including but not limited to obtainin' the approval of the Water Utility, the Department of Fire an Safety Services and any abutting property owners . Al1 costs and expenses incurred in the abandonment or relocation of facilitil s shall be paid for by the petitioner and shall be completed' nder the direction of the Water Utility. The parcels in which easements shall be retained are described as follows : � Parcel 1 The north a e-half (33 feet) of Grove street between the east line of La ayette Road and the northeasterly line of Willius Street exte ded northwesterly, except that part of vacated Grove Street lyin between the southerly extended west line of Block 3 , Bass ' A ition to the Town of St. Paul and the northwesterly extended no heasterly line of Willius Street vacated in resolution 85-130 date' February 1, 1985 and recorded as document number 2267884 . Parcel 2 The southwe terly one half ( 33 feet) of Willius Street between the south ll' ne of Grove Street and a line 14 feet northwesterly of and par llel to the northeasterly extended centerline of E. Ninth Str et. Parcel 3 The south o e-half ( 33 feet) of Grove Street between the southerly extension o the West line of Lot 7, Block 3, Bass ' Addition to the Tow of Saint Paul and a line parallel to and 33 feet east of said extended lot line. Parcel 4 The southwe terly one-half ( 33 feet) of Willius Street between the northwe terly line of E. Eighth Street extended northeasterly and a line 0 feet northwesterly of and parallel to the northeast- erly exten ed southeasterly line of Lot l, Block 24 Kittson ' s Addition to t. Paul . 6 . � �� � �\`^ . ..- . � � �o:�� . . Parcel 5 The northwlsterly one-half ( 33 feet) of E. 8th Street lying between Laf yette Road and Willius Street. Parcel 6 The southe sterly 30 feet of the northwesterly 48 feet of East Ninth Stre t between the east line of vacated John Street and the west li e of Lafayette Road. Restriction within the above described water utility easement areas are a follows : a. Nolbuildings, structures, or trees are permitted wi hin the easement area, nor any temporary structure, malerial storage, fixture or other objects that will prI hibit normal access to water facilities for mal' ntenance purposes. b. N� change from the existing grade is permitted without wr ' tten permission from the Water Utility. c. No change in surfacing within the easement area is pe� mitted without written permission from the Water Ut, lity. d. Th petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully ir��emnify, defend and save harmless the Board of W ter Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees, a d servants from all suits, action or claims which s all arise from any injuries or damages received or s stained by any break in any service pipe, water m in, or connection in said reserved easement, aris- i g out of or resulting from any action or negligence o the petitioner, its employees, agents or business i vitees . e. T e petitioner, its successors and assigns shall be r sponsible for all maintenance�cost of water service c nnections, present and future, within said easement a eas. 8 . T at a specific easement be retained in vacated E. 9th Street to rotect the interests of Western Union Telegraph Company. 7 . � � G� 1" �� . .: . � �_io�� 9 . Th t a specific easement be retained in vacated E. 8th Street nd vacated Willius Street to protect the interests of Northern States Power Company, Electric Division. 10 . T at a specific easement be retained in vacated � E. 8th Stret nd vacated Willius Street to protect the interests of Northern ' States Power Company, Gas Division. 11. �! at a specific easement be retained in vacated E. 9th southw sterly of Lafayette Road to protect the interest of Continen al Cablevision. 12 . T� at the petitioner shall pay to the City of Saint Paul $97,17 . 00 as compensation for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the publication date of this resolu- tion. 13 . I That the petitioner, its successors or assigns, by acceptari e of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agrees to demnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its � fficers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of ny character, including but not limited to a claim brought bec use of this vacation, by any persons or property; or because of any act or omission; neglect or misconduct of said petiti ner or because of any claims or liability arising from or ba ed on any violation of any law or regulation made in accordan e with the law whether by the petitioner or any of its agent, or employees . 8 . � � � /� � 1" \ � ` WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council `//� �j CANARV.- DEDARTMENT File NO. v� _/0�+� BLUf - MA�IOR � Co ncil solution . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date 14 . Th� t the petitioner shall within 60 days of the publica- tion date o this resolution file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall within the period pecified in the terms and conditions of this resolution comply in a 1 respects with these terms and conditions. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �,� Nays N"°S'e � [n Favor Finance & Rettman r Scheibel � Sonnen � __ Against BY irector Tedesco 11Fii�ew. �L 2 4 � Form Appr ed City Att ney Adopted by Council: ate, Certified Y•s Cou cil BY Bp Approved by Mavor: Date �'���A b . WL 2�t PP by Mayoc for Submis o to ounc`IT . sy _ _ B PUBLISHED AU G 2 19�6 Financ� & Mgrrt. S rvi s pEPARTMENT� ' C��3� N� osio9 Dick McCana , CONTACT 298-5317 PHONE July 11, 1956 DATE ���� . = ��r � ASSIGN NUI�FR F4R UTI � RDER Cli All Locations for Si nature ; � Department Dire tor 2 Director of Management/May�r 1 Finance and Man gem nt Services Director � 4 City Clerk Budget DireCtor °5 � Councilman Nicosia � ,. � City Attorney � WHAT WILL BE ACHIE�I D B T 'KIMG AGTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ , Adopt resolution for he vacation of part of Grove, Willius, 8th ai�di�������eets and the alley in Blo 9, Ri taon'a Additioa which waa approved by the CounciT on July .1, 1986 � _ � CEIVED ��--�' �\ �\ 1� �J U L 1 1 �y�ti .....- RECEIVED r � MAYOR'S O��C� JU►_ 1 � 1986 COST BENEFIT BUDGE AftY AN PERSONNEL IMPACTS TICIPATED: ` OFFICE OF THE DI��ECTOR �EPAR7MENT OF F��v�^�''E � . AND I�fANAG�tvi�tv7 SL�t�i�:;�S $97,174.00 Bene;� t � j � � � � i . � , . � i . . � � - FINANCING SOURCE AN BU GE ACTIVITY NUhBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of" ran ac ion: quired if under � i ' �10,000) Funding Source; ;; � Activity Number• 0250-2833-000 , ATTACHMfNTS List a d N mb r All Attachments : 1. Resolution � , I � i . . . � ' qEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ,3c Yes No Counc'1 so ution Required? � Resalution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insur nce Re uired? Insurance Sufficien�?' Yes No Yes " No Insur nce At ched: ( EE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . � Revised 12/84 � - � i