86-1036 WHITE - CITV C ERK 1 PINK .`FINAN E COIlI1C11 C�NAltV - DEPAR MENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L ^ BIUE - MAVORI � � File NO•����/�� Q L U T I 0 N Ordinance N 0. S • y �� + Presented By Refer ed To Committee: Date Out o Committee By � Date FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1 WHEREAS, yngblomsten Inc. has submitted the attached fi:nal plat for City Council approval � anc;; WHEREAS, he appropriate City departments have reviewed the proposed final plat; and WHEREAS, he proposed final plat has been determined to meet the requirements of Section 60.413 an 67.00 of the Zoning Code, except for side yard setbacks from building to the property ine; and �� WHEREAS, he City Council on June ?�, 1986 held a public hearing to determine the advisability and neces ity for granting the final plat with variance from the strict application of the provision of Section 60.413 of the Zoning Code at which hearing all persons present were given the opportunity to testify; and WHEREAS, ollowing said public hearing, the City Council made the following findings of fact: 1. The p operty in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of th code; 2. The p ight of the landowner seeking to divide the property is due to circumstances uniqu to his property, and these circumstances were not created by the landowner; and 3. The v riance requested is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consi tent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the c ty of Saint Paul ; and 4. Grant ng the requested variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to ad ac�nt property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or un easonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area; and 5. The v riance, if granted, will not permit any use of the land that is inconsistent d COUNCI MF,N Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettma s�ne'b Against By Sonnen Tedesc Wilson Adopted by Co cii� Date Form Approved y City Attorney Certified Passe by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma or: Date Approv ayor for Submissi o ►�cil By By WHITE - C17V C RK � PINK � FINANC G I TY OF SA I NT YA U L Council �jJ CTNARV - OEPAR ENT [�Sle NO. �G Iav�L6 BLUE - MAVOR • Ordinance N 0. Presented By R E S 0 L U T I 0 N Refer d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6. The ow ers request for this variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the va ue of income potential of the parcels of land; NOW, THERE ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this final plat for L ngblomsten Subdivision No. 1 with the following variance: 1. Reduce the required setback from 50 feet to 0 feet on the East property line of Lot 2, Blo k l, Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1 starting from a point 61.38 feet South of the No theast corner of Lot 2 then South 0 Degrees 42 Minutes 53 Seconds East for 10 feet t en North 89 Degrees 23 Minutes 30 Seconds East for 17.43 feet then South 0 Degree 02 Minutes 57 Seconds West for 60 feet and there terminating. 2. Reduce the required setback from 50 feet to 0 feet on the West property line of Lot 3, Blo k 1, Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1, starting from a point on the Northeast corner of Lot 2 then South 0 Degrees 42 Minutes 53 Seconds East for 71.38 feet then North 89 Deg ees 23 Minutes 30 Seconds East for 17.43 feet then South 0 Degrees 02 Minutes 57 Sec nds West for 60 feet and there terminating. COUNCI MFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �� Plannina & Ecpnomis�eveloTment Nicosia ln Favor Rettma BY�.�'2T�`zs�i�'ti!l�icc. l/�- ��q7/ "c..� Scheibel � Sonnen Against Tedesco �-i'Y'-�' f�''''�`�"' YVttSd�r� JUL 2 1� ��� Form Appro by City Atto ey Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified P y ouncil BY By Approved by Ma r: Dat �' "� � 2 4 Approv Mayor for Sub ' t Coun�l By � ' By PUBUSHED A U G 2 198� PED I DEPRRTMENT �� !��° _ 053�9 � All aia CONTACT 292 5 ex 294 PHONE 7-1 8 DATE ���� - -: �, � ASSIGPI NU fR F RQUTING ORDER Cl i Al l Locations for Si natttr� : , �, Depar men D rector 3� Director of ManagementJMayor Finan e a d nagement Services Director � 5 City Clerk Budge Di ec or 1 Peggy Reichert f� City tto ne 4 Councilman Wilson HAT WItL BE CH YED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Final pla a rov,al of Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1. The p bl i h ring was he�d on June 26, 1986. RECE�VE� � , � �o\`�� JUL 'i Q ,� -^,� .�'f COST BENE IT BU ETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEO: ` CITY ATTO Ri�EY ; NA . i � , FINANCING SOU CE� D BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total ou t f "Transaction; , quired if under � �10,000) Fundin So rc : i -� Activi y N mb r: . 11TTACHMEN S is and Number Al1 Attachments : 1. S aff e rt � 2. R sol i 3. P, bl i h ring notice � 4. C py s rvey I i i • , � ; ._ DEPARTMEN RE IE CITY ATTORf�EY REVIEW X Yes No Cn cil Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No In rance Required? • Insurance Sufficient? Yes . No Yes No In rance Attached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised ll /84 � � ', . C'�� -/63� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCI� P i RIN NOTICE UB� C HEA G ZONING To: roperty owners within 350' ; � epresentatives of District 10 FIL E N 0. SBD 205 PAGE PUR ��JE To consider the final plat approval of Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1 . LOC TION 1298 North Pascal Street P E T i 10 N E R LYNGBLOMSTEN H E A R I N 6 Thursday, �une 26, 1986 �o:oo A.M. 'I Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q v�—I (��� Zoning 298-4154 (Allan Czaia) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Legal Description: On file. - Notic� sent 6-13-86 � i I', (��i -/d 3(0 � � PLAT $TAFF REPORT ______________ FILE #SBD 205 1. APP ICANT: Lyngblomsten DATE OF HEARING: 6/26/86 2. LOC TION: 1298 North Pascal St. 3. LEG L DESCRIPTION: See attached plat. 4. PRES NT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.406, 67.703 5. STAF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 6/16/86 BY: Allan Czaia -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------=�a=====�__ � A. P R S : To consider the final plat approval for Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1. B. ITE A EA C NDITIONS: North:ll Residential East: esidential • South:i Residential West: esidential This si e has four large buildings surrounded by scattered parking areas and large mature trees. his site is situated high off of Pascal Street, but it's mainly flat as Midway Parkway and A1 ond Avenue slope up to meet with it. 1 C. RE U E FINDIN 1. Ex I ept as noted in "D" below, all of the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are co plicd with. 2. Th proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding lan uses. 3. Th� area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and com� atibility with the proposed subdivision. �; 4. Thel subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. I - , � �'G -�°3� . ;. , File #SB 205 Page Twol . 4. e literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of r hts commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. T e applicant has been required to seek a separate legal tax description of each main b ilding for financing. � E. TAF R MMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of Lyng omsten Subdivision No. 1 with the following variance: reduce setback on parcels 2 and ' 3 fro 15 feet to 0 feet between buildings C and D. • I I , , , � � I I �� ��f �a3� � i ,. %" ; � <��� � � ` '�_._,- PLAT STAFF REPORT , ______________ � FILE #SBD 205 1. APPI� CANT: Lyngblomsten DATE OF HEARING: 6/26/86 2. LOC I TION: 1298 North Pascal St. 3. LEGA�L DESCRIPTION: See attached plat. � 4. PRES NT ZOIVING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.406, 67.703 5. STAF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 6/16/86 BY: Allan Czaia �: __������ I ��c==c���c�==��__���=��c--- -��������������� �����.��������am���mxa '' �������� � ___��__��___���__�___��__ , . A. P RP SE: To consider the final plat approval for Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1. B. ITE AREA NDITI NS: North:ll Residential East: esidential � South: I Residential West: esidential Y This si has four large buildings surrounded by scattered parking areas and large mature � trees. his site is situated high off of Pascal Street, but it's mainly flat as Midway Parkway ' . and A1 ond Avenue slope up to meet with it. ; C. RE I ED FINDINGS: 1. Ex� pt as noted in "D" below, all of the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are co lied with. 2. Th proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding lan uses. 3. Thel�area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and com atibility with the proposed subdivision. 4. Thell ubdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. �.�`;; I I � , , , . , , � File #SBD OS Page Two i ; 4. T e literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of ri hts commonly en joyed by other properties in the same zoning district. , T e applicant has been required to seek a separate legal tax description of each main b lding for financing. :' E. S AF I RF MMENDATI IV: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of Lyngb msten Subdivision No. 1 with the following variance: reduce setback on parcels 2 and 3 fromj 15 feet to 0 feet between buildings C and A � ` , � II � I '� , II II I . , �� ���� . , � APPLICATI N FOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW C TY OF SAINT PAUL SUBDIVISION REVIEW # 2 �� sn=scxcns -=�aaa=xs=csaaa=_sma===sa=====czsaa=c=c=aaaa=cc�aaaz�=s_sn=cnsa=szsa==xcas��== I . PROJECT Nl� E LYNGBLOMSTEN SUB-DIVISION - 1 � - � DESCRIPTId� OF PROJECT PLATTING PROPERTY Py DRESS/LOCATION 1298 N. PASCAL ST.,ST. PAUL, MIt1N. MAR ' 51986 � LEGAL DESCI IPTION OF PROPERTY ATTACHED SURVEY SHEETS (4) EL h�MIC DEVEt�OPM��T APPLICANT LYNGBLOMSTEN COMPANY / / / / ADDRESS 298 N. PASCAL ST., ST. PAUL, MINN. (ZIp) 55108 PHONE 646-2941 TYPE OF DI ISION: (Check one) LOT SPLIT I NA PLAT: Preliminary NA Final NA Combined YEs RLS (4 or �ewer Tracts) NA RLS (Five or More Tracts) xa APPLICANT'5� SIGNATURE (�cJG%�'.�� DATE 26 MARCH 1986 Wallace Hauge, Pr ident � i � y FEE PAID 265.00 check enclosed) ` � V �E'�fY AGENT ALLAN CZAIA Uar�ane� �� : � 335 , (?G S'�-�Zt`� G � ��r���' 28 �gg6 �i��� ���� _____=____� ___________________ `%�. _�a�====_____=_______==_____=====a�==== ��� (- 8c OFFICE USE I NLY �G R�iC pE E��'�nENT PLNG DIST I LAND USE � ZONING R M-2. HISTORY TAX MAP �_ PLANS DISTR BUTED RETURN BY REVIEWED BYIi COMMENTS (continue on back) s:�aaaaasa=c assa=zss=aa==aaaxmaa=a=cc===a=aa=mea�aaa=a=a=a�=saaxa=acaassssasssssaaaasxssa . FOR STAFF US ONLY Legal Notice� Published City CounciliHearing Date Approve /Denied 7/1/85 i ,, � � SUPPORTING DOCUMENT -, �.. 1298 N. Pascat Street St.Paul, Minnesota 55108 � (612)646-2941 LYNGBLO STEN March 26,I 1986 City of S . Paul Division f Planning 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West F urth Street St. Paul, N 55102 Attention� Mr. Allen Czaia Facility: �l Lyngblomsten 1298 North Pascal Street i St. Paul, MN 55108 Subject: j LYNGBLOMSTEN - Basic Historical Su�ary A. L n bl msten l . ThelLyngblomsten Health Care Facility (Nursing Home) has been in existence at he above stated locati�n since 1906. ' . 2. Conitruction of the original Building "A" took place in 1911, with an add tion in 1936. Buildings "B", "C" and "D" were constructed in 1961 , 197 and 1979 respectively. 3. It resently provides nursing care for 256 residents in two care units (Bu lding "B" and "C"), as well as independent housing for approximately 110 persons living in the existing apartment unit (Building "D").` 4. Ove the past five (5) years, Lyngblomsten has engaged in an evaluation pro ss, and is now very much aware of the value of comprehensive long-range' pro amming and the related planning in terms of: ) needs and priorities ) role, function and objectives ) community trends and growth ) resources (availability of staff and funds), and ) economy of operation. � �OYLL MOIINM ...��"�.°" MEMBE ■AmericanLutheranChurch■AmericanAssociationofHomesfortheAged�MinnesotaAssociationofHomesfortheAged I :. . , Support ng Document City of� St. Paul � � March 2 , 1986 Page 2 I S. A part of this evaluation process and responding to the "needs" and c rrespondingly establishing the related "priorities", a phasing and s aging schedule has now been prepared as follows: Phase 1 (Priority 1) 1. The construction of a.new Chapel (seating 150 persons) as an addition to existing Building "C". 2. The construction of new dining space as an addition to exisiing Building "B" (seating 36 persons per floor). 3. Note: Both of the above would be extensions to existing services, I which are presently inadequate and inefficient, in terms of economy of operation and function. Phase 2 (Priority 2) 1. The construction of a new housing unit (independent living) similar � in capacity and dimensions to the existing apartment unit, Building "D". Note: Existing Building "A" (original structure erected in 1906) would be demolished to make way for the new housin unit in the g � same location. I 2. This new unit would also contain and dispense such services as necessary to meet the "needs" of the elderly living in the area, and would function as a Community Center on the grade level. 6. Hav�ng considered all aspects of the situation (both immediate and future) , it app�ars that the site factors with respect to: � a) land use, � b) environment, c) open space, I d) access/egress, and � e) conservation cons itute an important part of the comprehensive development, hence the reason for he site sub-division and plat, as prepared and submitted at this time for revi w and consideration. . Respectfully, L.c.J . G�� Wallace Hauge President WH:jdm - __._ _. .... . _ . ,.G__... . __ _.. _ �-- _. _ � ; -1- �� .� ��'''t . . '�,Y�i�,. , �•.,_,., t�� ngbloln te� L`:�.��; �' �' ��t�.�'�,.Fi. �.w 1298 No. Pascal Stree! ■ St. Paul, Minnesota 5510R ■ Telephone(612) 646-2941 2 Ma 1986 ity of St. Paul ivision of Planning 100 West Fourth Street t. Paul, Minnesota, 55102 ttention: Mr. Allan Czaia acilit s Lyngblomsten 1298 N. Pascal Street St. Paul, Piinnesota, 55108 b'ect: Lyngblomsten, Sub-division No.l A. Platting of Existing Site 1) Final Plat, SBD, No.205 a) Presentation b) Variance request (to Bldg. set-back regulation) (� ntlemen: ESENTATION As indicated in your letter of 16 April '86, we hereby submit he final plat pertaining to the existing Lyngblomsten site. F NAL PLAT (document) 1 Physical Aspects All prime factors as contained in the preliminary (accepted) Idocuments are incarporated in this final plat, in accordance with lyour basic requirements. 2� Mortgage Status (commitments) An exception to the above (para) are the signed statements I elating to the current mortgage status. These statements (3) . ' re now being prepared, and on completion will be inserted in I he space so allocated for such data, on the final plat sheet tracing). V IANCE {Bld . set-back). � Inasmuch as existing buildings C (parcel-3) and D (parcel-2) re physically connected (at the grade level only), it will, as ou are already aware, be necessary to request a variance to the set-back" regulation. We hereby make the request for such variance. A check in the amount of $335.00 to cover the "variance fee" s enclosed. �—■ MEMBER ■ American Lutheran Church ■ American Associatinn of Homes for the Aged ■ Minnesota Association o(Homes for the Aged � ..--�- -- _.. 1 _.— _. --- -_ .... _. . _ _ _ - _ - ....V �. _ . . �_ . . �SUI�Il�iARY We trust that the information as contained in the attached plat sheet (other than the mortgage data) is acceptable and sufficient for the City Council to consider same for the Public � Hearing at an early date. I espectfully, . i 'allace R. Hauge resident, Lyngblomsten nclosures 1) Final plat sheet - 8 copies II2) Variance fee check - $335.00 istribution � 1) Lyngblomsten Legal Counsel Attention: Wayne Dordell, Attorney-at-Law II2) BWBR - Architects Attention: Steve Patrick I3) Advisory Architect Attention: Robert H. Kerr ----... _ ._ - - � ,,.. , - __ �„_.._.. __ _._ [•� . n� : �• ' `� a � �7 . - . . . • ' ,. � . . � � .�ca o ' ' • � • • .t•l.ec•� •� � • Q ��IC� ���a ' �� ' t•��I� I�, .� • �•��U �'�•� . � ' ' • • • . . ��I� . . t•��Ir.7 �� • .�•�. �' ��� - �.o.�i�'� c.�r►•. .�� � . �� � � O n 1� �. . , . . . . . . . . . . . � • . . � . • � ��`,���1���1��+ � I _ • Q • • • • • • • • � � � � � � � � � • ft • • • • • • • • ` / � • • / � � , � - / " � , , • • • • � � � � � � � S � � • � � � � I I , � � � � ` � I � � Q � e�� � ''�d I ''_ ���zs d _ '�d f . ,�41� I ��_ �� � � � _.._ _` �_ � � � --�-_� � n w _ � . � � i � � �1d 4 �.�� •,� � .._..:,�..e ,_.._.. _L_.�4�......�..�.........,._. . ' _ ra_ � � .�.�...... 1 � 'g -'�7i'�b Vd � 11� 1f1 •!----�o ti i - -,t •� f � # r � � � t � 'yd i i � . 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I p.:.��t�cay �=�.+Nitl ri: P+��rjd pe f:4.�nc �wPy 1 1M tl17J�� (uaJaV 'i�lW�S 'M PT�'�aU �1 ' _ -+ _ '_ '. �<` � � i � � .� j_ .�, � � �i � i �oi � �-i I � , _ _. � 7n'ri�w ��1'Y�1.�v a 0 :i i�ii3itii v - -- �� -- i 3� � :i� %� �i :; Z� ; -: j� v� ,. _ ; _ � `� �� _ �i i' . ... ._. � __:.__�- `- ` -�� ��- �i I . - .- . . __ � � � .. � � _. ' - �i _ ._ 1 _ - - - t 'ON NOISI d07 . .� �'�� - ,���.� � ', ST. �PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZONING To: roperty owners within 350' ; � epresentatives of District 10 FIL E N 0. SBD 205 � PAGE P U R P S E To consider the final plat approval of Lyngblomsten Subdivision No. 1 . LOCA� ION 1298 North Pascal Street P E T I 1�10 N E R LYNGBLOMSTEN H E A R� G Thursday, June 26, 1986 lo:oo A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S 10 N S Zoning 29s-4154 (Allan Czaia) I Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Legal Description: On file. Notice� sent 6-13-86 i _ . :. r . .<.�, .. .. .� �....:. .: ._ .. '. . : ;., ... . ,: _ � �... r. ��. .�.. .� ... :_ , . . . . ' �� .'. - - �I ... ,..'.'� , '-` � , . ' � - . .� � .� � � . � . � .. � � .. . _. . . � . . � . . ' .. . .. . . . � .� �. .. , . r _ . . . . � � . . . . .f . _ , ... � � . - � -. � ' . � � - � .. . � � . . _ . ... _ . . . . � . . . . . - � . . . . .. . . �. .. ' _ . '- . .� � � . ' .. . .... . . - - ... . . � � . . . �., _ .., . . - .. . . �. .. . . .. �.. '.,� .. . ... . . .� .� . � . ��. , .. . . . . . ._ . . . � ..,�, .:.. . .� . .. _ .. , - ..� ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - _ � . , . . . � _ . -. . - ,. �� . . . . . .�. The"St. Paul City Council'will conduet a 'public hearing to consider � , _ . . _ . - - � .; .... ._.. . .� _ , �he reyuest'of Lyngblomsten for a Fina1 P1at. Approval of Lyngblomsten � - _ . .,y . , . , , . . . . . . ,. , . . , �, �. ,. , . . , - ;,: - .. - _ S ivision No. 1, on in the City� Council . � , - �. : .-- .. . �� - . _ . .. ,: ,,...,_ . .: .:Y .:� `Ch rs���3rd Floor, �City Hall and Court House.' � > � _ . , < �»- . ,,.. . - ; * , . .. ,-w . .,. ; _ _,. . Dat June 10� 1986 _ . _ .: _ . � � - --}� .-, _•,: Alb� B. OYson 4� � ` � � � �� - Cit Clerk �� _ _ - - " - ' _ _ � , _ - . ` i .��: - , -- _ ,. , . .: . A'. : '` (June 14, 1986}� - . . , ; _ � . . .. . _ . . . _ �� ��. ....,. ..,1. ....� . ,_ . . '. ..:.. ,i ,.. . ,'.: i . :' � .-., ., -. _ . . . r ,. , . . . „. . .... . ... , .. ,.� . . .. — ; .. - _:,.- :�. ._ _ . . , .. , �. . , .. . ._.,. ._ '. , f :- .t � _ . . . .-, r.. ... . ' �„�. � :�.� ' . ' , . . . . . . . . � . � _ � � 'i- . . .� , . . '. ' ' ' . 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Y.,.!i 3��. iCk .:,r/� i:� a.'1� r�.l!^ )�"7 ' : � �g.���s V�y:�17f �.:i 3tTt 3 v 4 rc . . L .:.. q . �� +�--�`�1�>_�.�t.j.��.�:.t� - �E`�`: _ :..:t . .....'.:'t ,_ �t���s�`� �,' " .'`�e ,t.�`. ��x r' .",.�'»w'��:3i,����i:J't ' ��'��'� '�i�a ��=�I�1���� N�rO���` ,=# � - ��11�eff��y tc, A� . . , j°::;t a 'i'115�=•3� ftf.t.�?As �t"�:�,:, ;,C;.a;rqy�as,�. Daled Juae 10.1�6. t _ ,� _ �A� ALH�RT B. OI.3�N�Cit,q Aerk ..?u. . r-�.�� .�.<i _ !_ ` .,6 .. ,- . . 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Schmidt, hereby c�rtify tt,at ,I f��v�. �t�r����e�c! �s�� in the dedicatian �f this"plat as LYPJC[.3lG�M5TEN 5Ut�f)Tt�"1'.��(N� ��. � I prepresenta�ion oP 5��3d survc�y; that al.l distance are carr•€.rt;J j"" �� monuments have been correctly placed in the yround .as ;.howrl; t �1'' I '��� are correctly des,ignated on the pl.at; and there are no wet lan �� `, =� oth�r than as shov�n thereon. «.�. � �� ��I Uonald W. Schmiclt, LS hin. t�te 35tra i � r 9' "' �j I STATE 4F htI�JNFSOTA) �j � '�:� COUNTY OF RAF-iSE"Y ) �Z The Surveyor's Certif.�cate was �ut�scribed ��nd stivorn to bc 30 �r this day of , 1986. : !. � � j � Alan Jcrtrn trwi . RR -- -- — Idotary P��t�iic, Ant>k� Cc� '����m Ity Commissian Ex��ires o: – M "�' � ' �pproved and acce�ted by the City C�unc,il of thc Cfty of Sr��.r�L _---- -------- ------.� ' � Lhfs day vf , 1986. � ---- �i _ �� — � --- C1crk �� _ � �} __ � � Taxes far the year �rt l,�nd clt;scriGecl h�retn �>.iid, nr� entered, this cl��y �P , 19£�6. 1 � I �~ DirecCt�r f3 Y � I bepartiment of' ra�ertv T��xat:ior�