86-1024 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK.. - F119ANCE_ GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council . /// CANARV - DEPARTMEN-T ���/o��� BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. ouncil Resolution - � Present By � �-- Referred To � �� �� Committee: Date ��� � �� Out of Commit e By Date WHEREAS The Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training has approved a grant to the City of Saint Paul providing $65,000 for the City's participation in an employment nd 'training program for workers displaced from Montgomery Ward's and nine smalle area employers; and WHEREAS This program will also receive a cash contribution of $2,500 from The Colwell Press, one of the employers affected; and WHEREAS The Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training has approved an additional rant of $76,475 for the City's participation in this project; and WHEREAS This program will provide employment assistance and training for up to 180 d slocated workers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVE , 'Phat upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul oes hereby approve the City's participation in the Consolidated Dislocated roject; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract between the Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training an the City of Saint Paul; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the 1986 Special Funds budget be amended as identified below: Activit 36550 - Dislocated Worker-Consolidated Project a Multi-Year Grant Fund 34 - Governmental Employment and Training Program COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nay Masa�z Pla in and Economic Development , Nicosia [n Favor Scheibel Sonnen _ A gainst BY Tedesco W i Ison Form Approve by City Atjorn Adopted by Council: Date / A / �I Certified Passed by Coun il Secretary By .7 (f By A�pproved by Mavor: Dat Approv y Mayor for S mis o t ouncil By By I WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FIMANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � //� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �`� -/�� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date Page 2 Current Increase Revised Financinin� Plan Budget Decrease Bud�et Dislocated Worker- Consolidated Proje t 345-36550-3111, Di ect Grant $65,000 $76,475 $141,475 State Administered Federal 345-36550-6905, Co tr�butions $ 2,500 $ 0 $ 2,500 and Donations-Outs de Parties (The Colwell Press Total Financing $67,500 $76,475 $143,975 Current Increase Revised SpendinQ Plan Budget (Decrease) Budget ,� Subcontractor Paym nts 345-36550-0547 $57,750 $65,004 $122,754 Operating Transfer Out $ 9,750 $11,471 $ 21,221 345-36550-0547 Net Charge �, $67,500 $76,475 $143,975 APPROVED AS TO FUN ING: APPROV�L R�CO/�A M��,,/�E`1..� � c or, Departme t o Finance �4 Budget Directo y,�, a nagement Ser ices (�, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays II Masanz Planning and Economic Development Nicosia In Favor Scheibel Sonnen �' Against BY Tedesco iNefsen• �p JUl- 2 ; 1�6 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: DaCe Certified P•s d b Coun 1 ret BY By �7 — ��.{ � JU� 2 '� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved b Nfavor: D �° � B BY PUBLISHED AU G 2 1986 Job Grea'tion & ,rai 'ng PED DEPARTMENT �� �'°�� l�"° _ 05345 � Tom Norman CONTACT 292-1577 ext. 3 5 ' PHONE May 15, 1986 ! DATE �e�� ee ASSIGN NUNBER � RO TI ORDER Cli All Locations for. ' ature : 3 De artment D rec or 7' Director of Management/Mayor � or - 8 City Clerk ���Mle - 1 Jac ui Shoholm �City Attorne,� 2 William atton WHAT WILL BE ACH �EVE 6 TA�CING ACTION -0N THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : The attached .C�unc 1 esolution provides for the acceptance of additional funds to opera�e :a co pr�hensive emplayment -and`t�aining program for. RECEIV�Q workers displa�ed ro Montgomery Ward's and nine smaller area employers. ! l� � JUN 1 ?� 19�� ��� ; �� TY ATTO���.Y COST BENEFIT BU GET Y D PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: C� ,The City Counc�.l w ul approve the acceptance of $76,475 in addition to the $65,000 previously app�ove f the operation of the Consolidated Dislocated Worker Project.; . The total proj ct d t is $141,475. _ RECEIVED . ! - - � � JUN 2 6 1986 � OfF1�E pF THE DIRECTQR FINANCING SOURCE D UD ET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor'6�EpA�qi�NT pF F ture AN�t II�,�qaGEMENT �ANCE Total Amount o "Tr ns ction: $76,475 quired if un er �'RVICES � a10,00Q) t . . ._. Funding SOUrCe.� G er, mental Employment and Training Program R EC EIVE� Activity Numbe�^: 5 , ` ��N � a� � I ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber All Attachments : A �-�/ One Council Re olu on � ���� „��O��Li � � . � . DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Cour�cil e lution Required? ` Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Ins ran quired? Insurance Sufficient? ,I��Yes No Yes No Ins ran tached: I ; SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � '� � e , . . C-'.��-��� C t �,r►< h. �` . � � CITY OF SAINT P.AUL ��° ��/�a� � � � � s :,���a,�..., . .,;,,� �t:��I OFFICE OF THF CITY COU�TCIL . Committee Repart �:i�� e ana ement & P�r�onnel Committee. - . � • JULY 17, 1986 ; . l. A roval Ilf minutes from meetin held Jul 10 1986. PP g Y � ap�roved --- 2. Discussio of Citywide Information Services operating PR1ME supermini computers in two lo ations: Police Anne� and Public Safety Building. discussed 3. Resolutio amending the Z986 budget by adding $168,843 to the Spending Plan � for City roperty Management Fund - Hill Street Warehouse (laid over from 7/10) . a roved . . 4. An ordin ce establishing the title of Legal Assistant III in the Office of the City ttorney in the Unclassified Service. approved 5. Resoluti approving the Memorandum of Agreement which amends the 1985-86 Collectiv� Bargaining Agreement between the City and the Pipefitters, Local 455. 'a roved fi: Resolut�" . �-aatending the Salary Plan-and Rates of Coin`pensation Resolution in - - Grade 21, Se'ction V, and establishing the title of Legal Assistant III and establis 'ng; the rate of pay in the unclassified position. approved - i 7. Resoluti approving Memorandu� of Agreement amending the 1985-�.987 agreement between e City of Saint Paul and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, l ocal 110. approved ' 8. Resoluti approving 1986-1988 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the i-Council Bargaining Unit represented by Locals 49, 120 and 132. a ro ed 9. Resoluti amending the 1986 budget by adding $10,000 to the Financing Plan and to t e Spending Plan for S?ecial Projects/Generai Government. approved 10. Resoluti t�ending the 1986 budget by adding $76,475 to the Financins Plan and �o t 9pending Plan for Dislocated Worker�t - Consolidated Project. a� rov d 11. Resoluti n amending the 1986 budget by transferring $885 from General Governme t Accounts - Finance Department to. Community Services - Parks and Recreati n. approved 12. Resoluti n amending the Capital Improvementi Budget by transferring $95,000 from act vities as listed to Broadway - Sixth Sewer. approved 13. Resoluti n amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring � $70,621. 7 from Contingency to Chestnut - Shepard Road Interchange. approved CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �eJB , . _ ._I —�._._..____ ._._.__.__ .._ .._ _ . .-. ._.' .. _. ... . _ _ �e..n,......�,�,a...s.. ...