86-1022 NiHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �l- �D�� BLUE - MAVOR Co ncil Resolution � ���,\� Presente By _�� Referred To �� �� � �-� Committee: Date �r��o � Out of Committ e By Date I� An administrative Resolution amending the Salary I Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by estab- lishing the unclassified title of Legal Assistant III. RESOLVED�, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Se tiqn V, Unclassified Positions, Subsection D, under the heading "Subprofessio a1 Group", by inserting the following: GRADE 21 Legal Assistant III ; and be it FURTHER SOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be further am nded in Section II, Compensation for Ungraded Classes, by inserting immediately a ter Subsection V the following: "W T �e bi-weekly compensation for the class of Legal Assistant III i Section V, Unclassified Positions, Subsection D, of this S lary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, shall be as follows: A C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. 1356.60 141 .80 1467.03 1540.37 1617.84 1699.43 1782.68 1837.08 1890.65 � i COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas �� Nays �- fa, Nicosia �J In Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen � __ AgalnSt '�`�``'t' Tedesco IAFiIc�— � .�np�.,� JU� 2 � 1�0() Form p�roved y ttorne Adopted by Council: ate Certified : e un .il c I t BY �' � gy. Approved by Mavor: a �`�� �ul" 2 � �pprov d May r u m 'on to Council � • o - — Y PUBIiSHEQ AU G 2 198� � ��lo.�� Personnel Office j' ' pEpARTMENT N� 05912 �� CONTACT T an t. ,�,SQ]�ania � _�_ PHONE une 1 1986 DATE 1 ��� e'Qi � ; ASSIGN NU. ER FOR OUT NG RDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Depdrtment• Dir cto 3 Director of �ManagementJMayar Finance and Ma age en Services Director - � City Clerk. Budget Directo� � , �City Attorney ,, -. _ ; _ WHAT WILL BE ACHIE�fD Y . KING ACTION �{ THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? �(Purpose/ f�ationale) : This resolu.tion,es.�tabl sh s the rate of pay for Legal Assistant III in the uncl.assified service. � i I: . ' �ECCfV�'►`� � � GOST BENEFIT BUDG ITAR PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ` ���� � 1986 None ' � r'9,�Ya�'S OFFICE i , i . , �, FINANCING SOURCE A D B G� ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota1 Amount of }Tra a ' ion: quired if unden " $10,00Q) Funding Sou�rce: i i Activity Number:� ATTACHMENTS List nd m r All Attachments : 1 . Resolution i 2. Copy: for City C�erk - ; i ' DEP MENT REVIEW '� CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes � Councjil so ution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � Insu � nce Re uired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insu nc At ached: ° � ( EE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 � . � �'� -�� C t �►��{ . . , CITY OF SAINT P�.UL � ��-��a� ..� � � �� �•-'.Iitjl;i:`iii � OF�ICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gommittee Report �`in ce l�ana eme t � Personnel Cammittee. - JULY 17, 1986 ; 1. Approval ofl minutes from meeting held July 10, 1986. �proved 2. Discussion f Citywide Information Services operating PR1ME supermini computers in two loca,' ions: Police Anne� and Public Safety Building. discussed 3. Resolution mending the 1986 budget by adding $168,843 to the Spending Plan � for City Pr� perty Ma.nagement Fund - Hill Street Warehouse (laid over from 7/10). roved . . 4. An ordinanc� establishing the title of L�gal Assistant III in the Office of the City At� orney in the Unclassified Service. approved 5. Resolution pproving the Memorandum of Agreement which amends the 1985-86 Collective argaining Agreement between the City and the Pipefitters, Local 455. a roved - 6: Reaolu� � _ d�,n�._��e Selary Plan°�'iTd Rates of Compeasation R�sc►�uti:an in : - 6+rade 2�1, c on V, and establishing the title of Legal Assistant III and eat�a�iilshi t�e rate of pay ia the unclassified position. appro�red � 7. Resolution pproving Memorandu� of Agreement amending the 1985-�.987 agreement between th City of Saint Paul and International Brotherhood of Electrical Woxkers, L al 110. approved ' 8. Resolution pproving 1986-1988 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Tr' Council Bargaining Unit represented by Locals 49, 120 and 132. a rove 9. Resolution 'i ending the 1986 budget by adding $10,000 to the Financing Plan and to the ' pending Plan for S?ecial Projects/Generai Government. approved 10. Resolutionl mending the 1986 budget by adding $76,475 to the Financing Plan and to the , pending Plan for Dislocated Workers - Consolidated Pro3ect. a roved� 11. Resolution mending the 1986 budget by transferring $885 from General Government ccounts - Finance Department to. Community Services - Parks and Recreation approved 12. Resolution mending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $95,000 from activ ties as listed to Broadway - Sixth Sewer. approved � 13. Resolutionl�amending the 198�6 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $70,621..47 ',from Contingency to Chestnut - Shepard Road Interchange. approved CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 a�aa .