86-1020 WMITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE li GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO•� :`� � /o�O BLUE - MAVOR II ounc 'l Resolution � ;� , Presente By _ Referred To �1 � I�' C� � �� l�� Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date RESOLVE , that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement which amends the 1985-1987 Collective B rgaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the International Brotherhood f Electrical Workers, Local 110. � i i COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nay �- r P ICE Nicosia ��� Rettman �� FaVO[ Scheibel � ��, �� Sonnen � __ Agalllst BY `-�"'�G � Tedesco JOLi�a. Adopted by Council: Date JUL 2�+ 1986 For Approved y Ci ttor ey l Certified Yas•e n il S t BY By, Approved by Mavor• p — ���b JUL 2 4 pprov y Mayor for Subm' ion o Council . . By - - BY � PUBUSHED AU G 2 19�6 y + � I � �i�'�1-�DOZv O Personnel Office DEPARTMENT � N. _ 05915 Jim Losnbard� ,� CONTACT � PHONE - - 6 ' DATE Q���� Q,,Q � ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR' ROU IN ORDER Cli All Locations for _Si nature : � ,� Department Di�ect r - 3 Director of Management/Mayor ; ____ Finance and Ni�anag e t Services Director � r� City Clerk Budget Directpr City Attorneyj WHAT WILL BE ACHIIEVE BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT'TACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) • This resolution a prd: s 1986 Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the Electricians Local 110. This men t e current contract between the parties by adding a Uniform allo�ance of $355 per year rov i for inspectional'_�employees assigned _to the Fire Department. ; ' �� 1 �� ����� . COST BENEFIT BU GET RY D PERSONNEL IMPACTS APITICIPATED: -- : i $355 - one emplojyee ; t'�C��VE� � ; . , ��� � . ., _ f'��Y��`� ���� . FINANCING SOURCE' AND BU GET ACTIVITY NUhBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount bf " arr action: quired if under � �10,00Q) . Funding Sour�e: Activity Num�er: - ATTACHMENTS Li �t a mber All Attachments : 1: . Resolution ! 2. Copy for Cit�r C1 rk - � ,� • DEP RTMENT REVI W CITY ATTORNEY REVI�EW '�� Yes No unc 1 esolution Required? , � Resolution Required? �Yes No Yes No Insu nc Required? Insurance Sufficient? �Yes No Yes ��No Insu nc, Attached: ' (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 ! ; . . ��v-/O�d 1986 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memoran um of Agreement is by and between the City of Saint Paul and Electricians Local 110. 1. Except Is herein modified, the 1985-1987 Agreement between the parties, entered into Au ust 8, 1985, shall be the basis of this Memorandum of Agreement. 2. Effecti 'e upon the execution of this Memorandum an Article 31-Uniform Allowance shall b ' added to said Agreement. Said Article 31 is shown below and made a part he eof. ARTICLE XXXI - Uniform Allowance 31.1 A iform allowance base of three hundred and fifty-five dollars ($355.00) as clothing allowance on a voucher system is established for 1986 for al inspectional employees of the Fire Prevention Division of the St. Paul De rtment of Fire and Safety Services covered by this Agreement. Items co red b3� this clothing allowance shall be defined by the Employer. It is understi od that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, t} t is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoption by the City ($ uncil. � IN WITNESS Wf� REOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 24th i day of June,i 1986. CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 110 , � C i ' � �'"- t o e a s Busines Manage � / � � , d'�1.1� � '�Labor Relati s ,/ I . _ �C��`� C [ �►�-�� M, �� CITY OF SAINT PA.UL �` N'^ ���� .�.� � z��t�...�, .r .:;ni t;i:,,, OP'FICE OF THT CITY COUNCIL I Cammi�tee �epart �:i� e �Ia�a ement � Personnel Cammittee. . _ • JULY 17, 1986 ; 1. Approval o� minutes from meeting held July 10, 1986. ��roved 2. Discussio�i of Citywide Information Services operating PR1ME supermini computers in two loq tions: Police Anne� and Public Safety Building. discussed 3. Resolutio amending the 1986 budget by adding $168,843 to the Spending Plan ' for City � operty Management Fund - Hill Street Warehouse (laid over from 7/10) . a roved . . 4. An ordina ' e establishing the title of Legal Assistant III in the Office of the City ttorney in the Unclassified Service. approved 5. Resolutio approving the Memorandum of Agreement which amends the 1985-86 Collectiv Bargaining Agreement between the City and the Pipefitters, Local 455. roved __ - .__ ' 6: Resolufio" amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution in - - Grade 21, �Section V, and establishing the title of Legal Assistant III and establish ng the rate of pay in the unclassified position. _ approved 7. Resol�tio a�proving Meiaorandua of Agreement emending the 1985-�987 agreement betw�+k�t t +a Qfty of Saint Paul aad International Brotherhood of Electrical Worke�a, c�i 110. approved .� ' 8. Resolutio' approving 1986-1988 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the � i-Council Bargaining Unit represented by Loeals 49, 120 and 132. a ro d 9. Resolutio� amending the 1986 budget by adding $10,0�0 to the Financing Plan and to th Spending Plan for S?ecial Projects/Generai Government. approved 10. Resolutio amending the 1986 budget by adding $76,475 to the Financing Plan and to th Spending Plan for Dislocated Workers - Consolidated Project. a rov i 11. Resolutio amending the 1986 budget by transferring $885 from General Governmen Accounts - Finance Department to. Community Services - Parks and Recreatio . approved 12. Resolutio amending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $95,000 from acti ities as listed to Broadway - Sixth Sewer. approved . 13. Resolutio a�nending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $70,621. , from Contingency to Chestnut - Shepard Road Interchange. approved CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNFSOTA 55IO2 a�ra