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P�NK ��~�N« � G I TY O F SA I NT � PA U L Council " � �j � � - �
c�r+�wr—oevwwrMEn Fllc NO.�=/ ���Q��
s�ue —..wrow �s
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0 r in nce ��aan�e N o.__�.___
Present By
Referced To V � � � Committee: Date � — 2���" '�
Out of Commi tee By Date
. i _
i _ �' An o �dinance amending Saint Paul 2
dministra ' ve Code Appendix A-1 pertaining �,/?i -
o the titl for: member of the city council. (�/
�� Section 1.
That Appen3ix A-1 of �,he Saint Paul Administrative Co�e be
amended in� Rule 14 (f) so tha\ the same shall read as follows:
ule 14. Stages of c nsideration.
(f ) Consideration or final adontion. When
the esiding officer has st ted the question on final
adop ' on, he shall first rec gnize the chair of the
commi tee to which the resol tion or ordinance was
refe ed, if such resolutin or rdinance was referred
to a committee, and then the '-�.-�rr� councilm�mber
� intr ucing the resolution or or ' nance, if there be
one. After those hav� spoken or de lined to speak, any
ee�a ' ��nan councilmember may be re gnized for debate
or o her matter properly in order. Members of the
nubli may then speak to the matter. If the �ommittee
has ecommended that the resolution r ordinance be
amen d, the chair of the committee hall, move the
amen ent, aand the amendment shall b disposed of
befo further d�bate occurs, except as to the amendment.
Yeas Nay� Requested by Department of:
Drew I
Nieosia ln Favor
��'� � Against BY
T��o �
wn�n ��
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Cou il Secretary By ��l�G�- /CT• �'ls a�
�pproved by Mayor: Da e Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council
13Y BY
wM�tE — ciTr Cl[RK ,
� �P�NK _ F�N.NCE G�I�TY OF SA I NT PALT L � Council - ���- -
atuE —w�wrow �'11Q. N�. � ED /�,�
-�+M.�...+r+...�i. .,
C uncil- Resolution
. 5 ��,�p��
Presented By
Referred 'fo Committee: Date
Out of Comm' tee By Date
� . A Resolution amending the Saint Paul
� Administrative Code Appendix A-1 per-
taining to the title for member of the _
� city council.
RES VED, that Appendix A-1 of the Saint Paul Rdministrative
Code be ended in Rule l4 (f) so that the same shall read as
1� le 14. Stages of consideration.
�� (f) Consideration for final adoption. When the
pre ' ding officer has stated the question on final
ado ion, he shall first recognize the chair of the
co ttee to which the resolution or ordinance was
ref red, if such resolution or ordinance was referred
to committee, and then the ee�e}�r�a� councilmember
int ducing the resolution or ordinance, if there be
one. After those have spoken or declined to speak, any
ee ��x�ar� councilmember may be recognized for debate
or th�r matter properly in order. Members of the
pub ic may then speak to the matter. If the committee
has recommended that the resolution or ordinance be
ame ed, the chair of the committee shall move the
ame ent, and the amendment shall be disposed of
bef re further debate occurs, except as to the amendment.
COUNCILMEN Requested by DepartmeM of:
Yeas �� Na s �
N"os" In Favor
Scheibel �
Sonnen A gai nst BY
Wilaon �
Adopted by Council: Date �UG 2 8 �� Form Appr by City Attorney
c �`' .
Certified Pas e C .il Secre By_��.�..,,,
sy -
Appro Mavor: D te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couc�cil
e P 6 19�6 By
� pU�USNE� S E