86-1015 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council Cl�_ARV -/DEPARTMENT a��e ' .r�avoR File NO. —��� rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��- ,; Pre n d By _ Referred To � �� � �'�- � � Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date An ordinance establishing the title of Inter- governmental Relations Coordinator as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, Section 12.03.2 (H) thereof. THE COUNCI OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That ' is appropriate and desirable to establish the title of Intergovernmental Relations ordinator for the City Council. Section 2. That rsuant to Section 12.03.02 (H) of the City Charter such title be estab- lished in e Unclassified Service of the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. ;`i�is ordin nce shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, aaproval a d publication. Adopte by the Civil Service Commission on October 9, 1986 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N s Drew PERSO FFICE N;�S;� [n Favor — Rettma,��� � Scheibel Sonnen Against Tedesco Wilson i Form Approve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��1 � �4�1 Certified Pa s o �ci1 S tar BY By Appro y Mayor. te z � Appr y Mayor for bmi uncil B B PU�L!SMED �C T 1 819��G_ i -.�. Persnnnel Offic�e ~ � ', � � � "' �_��� N� 05910 � °• �` D�EPARTMENT • �. _ Jeane�te'�Soban''a �i, CONTACT ' 4221 ' PHONE June 18, 1986 ' DATE �Q/�ii� e�i i � IGN NUNBER . U NG ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : - � DepartmentiDir t 3 Director' of Management/Mayor �, Finance and Ma g ent Services Director � 4 City Clerk Budg@t Di1"�C�O �Civil Service Commi�sion 2 City Attor�iey WHAT WILL BE A HI.� D Y TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATfRIALS? (Purpose/ . Rationale) : This Ordinanee �sta li es the title Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator. The pcisition will be in Grad� 53 an will be in the unclassified service. � �����U�� � COST BENEFIT B DGE AR AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ' �JUI. �F� .�:�� None. ' �11AY�R'S,O�FfCiE - ; . .. , j � _ F�NANCING SOURC RN 6 DGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: fMayor's signa- I ture not re- Total Amount! of" ra saction: quired if under � �10,000) :: Funding Sour�e.: Activity Num�rer: • ATTACHMENTS Li t a mber All Attachments : 1 . Ordinance • 2. Copy for Cit� C1 rk DEPARTMENT REVI�W CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes No Cqunc solution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes vtQo Ir�sur ce Required? Insurance Sufficie�t? Yes No Yes � Ir�sur ce Attached: ;. _ . . (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR IMSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 i ; .; . ' • I •# • , • � • '• . 1•.R���'[� V` � • . . � TITL OF CLASS: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COORDINATOR DESC IPTION OF DUTIES '� General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative and liaison duties to represent and support the St. Paul City Council and the City before the State Legislature, State agencies, Metropolitan Council, local government units, Congress and intergovernmental associations. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the City Council or its designee. ' Supervision Exercised: May exercise supervision over assigned support staff. TYPI AL DUTIES PERFORMED �' The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all ipositions in this class. ' Identifies, researches issues and develops policy alternatives for ' Council and Mayor on the local, metropolitan, state and national levels. Works with the City Council's Legislation Committee to prepare the City's legislative package. � Meets with elected officials and their staffs, lobbies on City positions, testifies at committee hearings. Works with City � Attorney to draft legislation. Monitors legislative hearings which ' will have an impact on the City's legislative package. Prepares legislative updates, position papers, issue briefings and resolutions for Council, Mayor and staff. jRepresents the City Council and the City of St. Paul on ' boards or committees of inter-governmental associations. jEvaluates and reviews ordinances, resolutions and statutes to lanalyze their impact upon legislative policy. KNO EDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of state and federal legislative processes. � Knowledge of the structure and administration of city government. Knowledge of various city agencies and community and special , interest groups. Knowledge of past, current, and upcoming events that are of interest to the City Council and the City. (continued on reverse side) INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COORDINATOR . � . � � ; ' . ' . . INTERGOVER�iMENTAL RELATIONS�COORDINATOR f• • - • (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Ability to plan and organize work. Ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from college with a degree in public or business administration, political science or communications or a related major and two years of local or state lobbying experience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COORDINATOR .:.. .. ;� _.:,. ,' __.:. 3�; = - . � � ' p� � -- *�EVISED , I , .s-'�'- � � • ��_ JU/� � CITY OF S�INT PgU'L ' �:ii;�ii:�ii � OFFICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL ; �� - . ��:.:: � - . , �OIYII�llt�2� R��}Ort �� �:i�an��, �lana�ement. & persannel Cam�mittee. i August 28, 1986 1. Approv 1 of minutes from meeting held August 21, 1986. approved 2. Resolu ion adjusting the rate of pay for the title of Public Information Specia ist I and II in Section I D 3 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolu ion (laid over from August 21, 1986). passed. w/o reco�endation 3. Ordina ce 86-1015 establishing the title of Intergovernmental Relations Coordi at r as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter, Section 12.03(H) thereof (laid ve� from August 21, 1986) . wdss�i.�d , 4. Resol ion establishing the rate of pay for Intergovernmental Relations Coord ator in Grade 53, Section V, Subsection D, "Professional Group" Un- class ied, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (laid over f� om August 21, 1986) . *denied �4`'�� 5. Resolltion establishing the rate of pay for Water Billing Operator in Grade 18, Secti I D 1 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (laid over rom August 21, 1986) . laid over (refer to Water Board for recommendation) 6. Resol tion extending for three years and 60 days the provision of C.F. 84-928, adopt d July 17, 1984, which amended the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the f lling of vacancies and extended certification. passed out w/o recommendation 7. Resol tion creating a new fund and activity to provide spending authority for ; the o eration of Watergate Marina. approved 8. Resol tion amending the 1986 budget and adding $70,000 to the Financing Plan and t the Spending Plan for Finance and Management Services - Citywide Info ation Services (computer center - laid over from August 21, 1986) . a roved 9. Resolltion amending the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $560, 00 from Metro Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log 4� Parks and Recreation - Central Service Facility (laid over from August 21, 1986) . laid ver to Se tember 4, 1986 ° � 10. Reso tion amending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $97,000 � from ctivities as listed to Fire Station 24 Addition (laid over from Augu 21, 1986) . approved . 11. Reso tion amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring - $500 00 from Low-Income Housing Development Fund to Acquisition of Blighted Prop ties - Riverfront (laid over from August 21, 1986). approved as amended revised resolution to be submitted CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 �ss COMMITTEE REPORT � . , -- FINANCE, MANAGEMENT I PERSONNEL COMMITTEE � • Aur�ust 18; 1986 � Page 2 ; ; • �� , �- :; .-,r i '�:.,r 12. Resolut' n amending the 1986 budget by adding $33,964 to the Financing Plan and to e Spending Plan for General Governments Accounts - CH/CH Building Mainten ce (City - 357 Share) . approved 13. Resolut n amending the 1986 budget by adding $30,000 to the Financing Plan and to e Spending Plan for Public Works - Street Engineering Fund. a r ved 14. Resolut n consenting to the issuance of Port Authority revenue bonds in the amo t of $1,200,000 to finance the construction of a manufacturing facilit for Century Circuits and Electronics Inc. approved 15. Resolutlon authorizing an agreement with the University of Minnesota whereby the cit will receive the services of Leon Satran, M.D. approved 16. Adminis rative Orders: D-8072: Addition of $11,887.85 to the contract for tuckpointing at Fire Station No. 20 (laid over from August 21, 1986) . laid over D-8080: � Approval of payment to Personnel Decisions Inc. for Assessment 'I Center for testing for Library Public Services Managers (laid over from August 21, 1986) . laid over � D-8095: Authorization for payment to Brushworks and Citywide Postering �`'"`� Inc. , for services for the Rivertown International Film Festival. laid over ( � _ . �s i� - � ' • • r � ; a � �CJ / �v/� .�, � CITY OF SAINT P.�.UL ..;,,. 3� • .� O F .:, � F` IC� OF � � �,:u� THF CITY COIINCIL Committee Repart F:' ' an�e l�ana ement & Personnel Cam�nittee. August 28, 1986 I. Approval o minutes from meeting held August 21, 1986. approved 2. Resolutionjadjusting the rate of pay for the title of Public Information Specialist', I and II in Section I D 3 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutionj (laid over from August 21, 1986) . passed w/o recommendation 3. • -Coo " � MU��€ia�'�`'� �+�Ff:..,�. _ . .. � q . . _ �: ��i�°'-. � f (lai i� fr+�ar August �1, '�`�'�: �`p�lFSg�d��e�e ` on • 4. Resolution'iestablishing the rate of pay for Intergovernmental Relations Coordinato in Grade 53, Section V, Subsection D, "Professional Group" Un- classified of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (laid over from ugust 21, 1986) . passed out w/o recommendation ' 5. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Water Billing Operator in Grade 1$, _, Section_I _ 1 of the Salary_Plan and:=Rates of Compen�ation Resolution._(laid __ _ over from ugust 21, 1986). laid over (refer to Water Board for recommendation) 6. Resolution extending for three years and 60 days the provision of C.F. 84-928, adopted Ju y 17, 1984, which amended the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the fillin of vacancies and extended certification. passed out w/o recommendation 7. Resolution, creating a new fund and 'activity to provide spending authority fo� the operat on of Watergate Ma.rina. approved 8. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $70,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Finance and Management Services - Citywide Informatio Services (computer center - laid over from August 21, 1986) ._ a rov 9. Resolutionlamending the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $560,000 f om Metro Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log � Parks and ecreation - Central Service Facility (laid over from August 21, 1986) . laid over o Se tember 4, 1986 10. Resolutionlamending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $97,000 from activ ties as listed to Fire Station 24 Addition (laid over from August 21, 1986). approved . 11. Resolution amending the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring $500,000 f om Low-Income Housing Development Fund to Aequisition of Blighted Properties - Riverfront (laid over from August 21, 1986) . approved as amended revised resolution to be subiaitted CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR Sr1INT'PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �J6 I ....._...... . _. .._ ; ._..._._ .... _.. ._ . . . . .. ... _.....__. ._......_...." ...... ..�.. . . .... . ._ . . .. . . .... . .. � _�. ._...� ...._ �__._.-._.... .«..-,�.�.....,....,m....,.........,._......-.�-,..anr!.a,,..... �c � �r e�--1�. - � � . � � �G- /0�,5" ,. . , ��;. � , CITY OF SAINT PA..UL ' :?�ii':i:iil j OFFICE OF T73E CITY COUNCIL � I . . ....... . (� . V� mm�ttee Re ort . F - .. I . �: e� �f ana em��t � Personnel Ccmmlttee. - � JULY 31, 1986 I . 1. Apprcvall�l f minutes from meeting held July 24, 1986. approved -�_ 2. Executiv Order (laid over from Jul 3, 1986) : E-24: E� ablishment of an Employee Policy of HTLV-III Disease (AIDS). letter to Ma or 3. Resoluti requesting the Mayor to examine and report on the feasibility of establ shing a Police-Community Relations .Office in the Summit-University area at lton and Selby and providing that the Ma.yor will request the Civil Service C mmission to rectify the qualifications of Deputy Chief of Police. first iss e referred back to Task Force; second issue laid over to 8/7 4.� An o� ; � mm�eetablishing the.title of Intergovernmental Rel�itioris Coordir�ator .as s�cff ��by Chapter 12 of the Charter, Section �2r03(H) thereof. as uu W thout rec. , 5. Resolutio establishing the rate of pay for Intergovernmental Relations Coordinat r in Grade 53, Section V, Subsection D, "Professional Group" Un- classifie , of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. assed ou without rec. 6. Resolutio transferring Meter Monitor function from Finance and Management ' Services Treasury Division - to Saint Paul Police Department - Surface Parking U it. approved 7. Resolutio 86-14 amending ,Section 19 of the Civil Service Rules concerning leave of bsence to bring into conformance with Section 12.13 of the City . Charter ( aid over from July 24, 1986) . approved 8. Resolutiol approving 1986 Maintenanc.e Labor Agreement between the City and Internati nal Union of Elevator Constructors Local 9. approved 9. Resolutio approving Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and United Union of oofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, Local 96, approved 10. Resolutio amending the 1985-1987 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City nd Plumbers Local 34 pertaining to a uniform allowance for inspectio al employees assigned to the Fire Department. approved � 11. Resolutio approving Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Internati nal Union Operating Engineers, Locals 70 and 967 cancerning conditions governing a premium pay rate for advanced training for certain classifications of employ es in this bargaining unit. approved C1TY HALL I SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 `�.+e C� �-�o� ..��������,�o CITY OF SAtNT PAUL _;�t�,t, ,,�,, ;� ;_, i OFFICE OF THE ClTY CLERK _ � , ';; � ��������' '� i ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK '-•• - �°6a,,���R..��.��'' II 386 City Hali,Saint Paul,Minnesoca 55102 GEORGE LATIMER II 612-298-4237 MAYQR �i - �`��.�r _ 'i,l � . � �- � a _ �� ,�t� � � �i �'` �',� �� � � G �1 , Septembe 11� 1986 G' ; � ���` � . �...._.�r� �;I( � �''��d�S( ,� s- �" li L� �°�"�������'� . � ` ' � � � Civil Sel ice Commission � (1' . Room 265� City Hall ; ' � � t��;�� ` . � Dear Co �ssion Members: ��'� � n i,lr�' �� I herewii� submit for your consideration the attached resolution(s) amendingll he Civil Service Rules adopted at today's City Council n►eeting: _C.E1 86-1015 _ _.__. . r -r..� - - _ Very trul yours, Q�;*�=' �' - '-'�' . (X-'��-.�-�tJ Albert B. olson ��� City Cler ' . i Aso:th �i i Attachmen (s) i I 1 i i �, I �I i �� i , i _ l _ � t.�i �r ' � � ...{.:,� �, f x. r .c.�^;,��, +� �Ps t ` s - fr r � ��,,�„�,$ .n' -� , .r��� �:;, f #��- � .�t�: t �. � � -. ♦ � x . �d '��. . �' ° � �+�' '�y,+,.: 3 f�, r'� ,r . 7 � Y � i l� � 4 ,+� i '�-�t,,�,. �{� � � . � 1���l � :,o�i^�'Z� ���� ��� yit.�. h 3 '` ' '� `. Z: ��� � .;'� r..r�. � f Jr �..���d�,r �`A��ak d�� ."M� t.��.�.,'t� s ir ; �� �� J J � r ' �i,'�� ; � �:3 �� � fw 14 t � �` '� �, ; :N`�, s k'�� ..k'^� �� t , _ � �: �r '�.t ' .. :; ; � i � .� �, '�x"f�.� �,•� u ✓�; s 6y, ��� �4` r �Ti''�- �"j t �� � x+ w /�� 5'. 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'lr+��,�' . -,. .. .. . _ . ._ .. ,� .�:� _ _ _ � .. . _ . _. _ .� .,_ .. ,. ._:�-.� ._. . . . .. ...,.� �.:�.z.M,,. ..����l.t9�t..��r �I . � 'I . i-----.� . i" , . lsr i_�-�o�o�-_O (t� I `' Y 2n�1 � _� �y � � _t�/� . '' --�l 3rd � r" ���� � �Adopted � -' f g�- d�� I � Yeas � Nays DREtJ � �'G -/o�.s a � NICOSIA ' RETTMAN � � SCHEIBEL l�� 1 � � � ' SONNEN ��, . WILSON , MR. PR�SIDENT TEDESCO _ - _ - - -- ---�+ - _ _ _ ___-:_�_ �. - -- --- —- ; • , _ . . � I� - � . -___ _ �