86-1000 -
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FI-LE NO.
�' , .
,. , ,,-.
Resol tion Ratifying and Confirming BY
Conde nation and Awards of Damages 1���
nd Assessment Therefor File No.
Vot�14� In the matter f
Condemnin� and taking a permanent easement for purposes of constructing,
opening an maintaining a sewer pumping station and a se*aer forcemain on, over
and across the following described lan3:
?hat part f �osy's Corner, Ramsey County, Mir,n�sota, beginnin� on the west
line of ior Avenue and the northeasterly line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paui and Pacific Railway Company; thence nc�rthwesterly along said Railway
right-of- � y a distance of 430.00 feet; thence North 53 degrees, 30 minutes,
41 seconds West a dist�.nce of 221.81 feet; thence North �+5 degrees, 41 minutes
��lest a d stance of 215.00 feet; thence North 3�+ degrees, 13 minutes, 10
seconds We t a distance of 176.12 feet; thence North parallel to Prior Avenue
a distanr_ of 330.41 feet; thence North 30 degrees West a distance of 127.79
feet; the ce North parallel to Prior Avenue a distance of 298.29 feet; thence
North 19 d grees, 02 minutes, 02 seconds East a distance of 441.54 feet to the
southweste ly line of Universit� Avenue; thence southeasterly along said
University Avenue a distance of 601.2 feet; thence Southwesterly at right
angles a d stance of 217.66 feet; thence southeasterly 371.63 feet to the west
line of � Prior Avenue; thence south 1100.12 feet to the point of
beginning, hich lies within the following described lines:
Beginning �' at the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and �+0.0 feet
northeaste ly of the northeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago,
Milwaukee, '; St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of Prior
Avenue; t ence northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway right-
of-way li e a distance of 10.00 feet; thence south parallel with said we�t
line of P ior Avenue a distance of 30.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
with said rtheasterly Railway right-of-way a distance of 10.00 feet to said
west line f Prior Avenue; thence north along said west line of Prior Avenue
a distance f 30.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Also a pa el of land described as commencin� at the intersection of a line
drawn par lel with and 40.00 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-
of-way lin of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company
and the st line of Prior Avenue; thence northwesterly parallel with said
northeaste y Railway right-of-way line a distance of 110.00 feet to the actual
point of � beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continue
northwester y along said parallel line a distance of 30.00 feet; thence
southwester, y deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of 15.00 feet;
thence so heasterly cief�iecting to �he ieit yu degrees a disLar;ce u� 3�.v�
feet; then e northeasterly deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of
15.00 feet o the point of beginning.
The northe sterly lines of the above described parcels are to be contiguous
with the s uthwesterly line of the sanitary sewer easement according to book
49 of plans page 20, No. 888930.
Also, a per nent easement over the above part of Kosy's Corner for ingress to
and egress from the sewer pump station on, over and across a parcel of land
described s beginning at the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and
�+0.00 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-way line of the
Chica�o, M lwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of
Prior Aven' e; thence northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway
right-of-wa line a distance of 1�+0.00 feet; thence northeasterly deflecting to
the right 0 degrees a distance of 20.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
with said �northeasterly Railway right-of-way line to its intersection with
said west l ne of Prior Avenue; thence southerly along said west line of Prior
Avenue to t e point of beginning.
The above described road easement lies within the sanitary sewer easement
according t book �+9 of plans, page 20, i�o. 888930.
(West sidz f Prior Avenue near Feronia)
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. d�� '�d�—
Rep t of Director of Finance BY
on ondemnation of Lands ��,ps
File No.
�t+Dtlell� In the matter of
Condemning and taking a permanent easement for purposes of constructing,
opening and� maintaining a sewer pumping station and a sewer forcema.in on, over
and across he following described land:
That part o Kosy's Corner, Ramsey County, Minnesota, beginning on the west
line of Pr' or A�venue and the northeasterly line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and acific Railway Company; thence northwesterly along said Railway
right-of-wa a distance of 430,00 feet; thence �vTorth 53 degrees, 30 minutes,
41 seconds est a distance of 221.81 feet; thence North �t5 degrees, 41 minutes
West a di tance af 215.00 feet; thence North 3�+ degrees, 13 minutes, 10
seconds Wes a distance of 176.12 feet; thence North parallel to Prior Avenue
a distance' of 330.41 feet; thence North 30 degrees West a distance of .127.79
feet; then e North parallel to Prior Avenue a distance of 298.29 feet; thence
North 19 de rees, 02 minutes, 02 seconds East a distance of 441.5�+ f.eet to the
southwester y line of University Avenue; thence southeasterly along said
University ,Avenue a distance of 601.2 feet; thence Southwesterly at rigr.t
angles a di tance of 217.66 feet; thence southeasterly 37"1.b3 feet to the west
line of Prior Avenue; thence south 1100.12 feet to the point of
beginning,w' ich lies within the following described lines:
Beginning t the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and �+0.0 feet
northeaster y of the northeasterly ri�ht-of-way line of the Chicago,
Milwaukee, ',St. Pau1 and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of Prior
Avenue; th nce northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway right-
of-way lin a distance of 10.00 feet; thence south parallel with said west
line of Pr or Avenue a distance of 30.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
with said n rtheasterly Railway right-of-way a distance of 10.00 feet to said
west line o Prior Avenue; thence north along said west line of Prior Avenue
a distance f 30.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Also a par el of land described as commencing at the intersection of a line
drawn para lel with and 40.00 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-
of-way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company
and the w st line of Prior Avenue; thence norttiwesterly parallel with said
northeaster Railway right-of-way line a distance of 110.00 feet to the actual
point of eginning of the parcel to be described; thence continue
northwester along said parallel line a distance of 30.00 feet; thence
southwester deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of 15.00 feet;
thence sou heasterly deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of 30.00
fee�; ther.a° r.crtheaGterly deflecting to the left 9Q de�rees a distance of
15.00 feet o the point of be�inning.
The northea terly lines of the above described parcels are to be contiguous
with the s thwesterly line of the sanitary sewer easement according to book
49 of plans, page ?0, No. 888930.
91so, a per nent easement over the above part of Kosy's Corner for ingress to
and egress rom the sewer pump station on, over and across a parcel of land
described a beginning at the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and
�0.00 feet ' northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-way line of the
Chicago, Mii waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of
Prior Aven� ; thence northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway
right-of-way� line a distance of 140.00 feet; thence northeasterly deflecting to
the right � degrees a clistance of 20.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
with said I ortheasterly Railway right-of-way line to its intersection with
said west li, e of Prior Avenue; thence southerly along said west line of Prior
Avenue to tY� point of beginning.
The above I� escribed road easement lies within the sanitary sewer easement
according td book �+9 of plans, page 20, No. 888930.
(West side oi Prior Avenue near Feronia)
City of St.�aul COUNCIL FILE NO. `�_l •T�^r(i
Notic of Hearing in Condemnation By
Proceedings ����
File No.
��,��� In�the matter o
Condemning ', and taking a permanent easement for purposes of constructing,
opening and� maintaining a sewer pumping station and a sewer forcemain on, over
and a.cross he following described land:
That part o Kosy's Corner, Ramsey County, Minnesota, beginning on the west
line of Pr or Avenue and fihe northeasi;erly line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paui and acific Railway Company; thence northwesterly along said Railway
right-of-wa�' a distance of �+30.00 Feet; thence North 53 degrees, 3U �.inutes,
41 seconds Test a distance of 221.81 feet; thence North !+5 degrees, 41 minutes
West a di tancP of 215.00 feet; tnence North 3�+ degrees, 13 minutes, 10
secor.ds Wes a distance of 176.12 feet; thence North parallel to Prior Avenue
a di_stance of 330.41 feet; thence North 30 degrees West a distance of 127�79
feet; then e North parallel to Prior Avenue a distance of 298.29 feet; thence
North lg de rees, 02 minutes, 02 seconds East a distance of 441.51+ feet to the
southwester line of Uriiversity Avenue; thence southeasterly along said
University ', venue a distance of 601.2 feet; thence Southwesterly at right
angles a di ance of ?_17.66 feet; thence southeasterly 371.63 feet to the west
line of Prior Avenue; thence south 1100.12 feet to the point of
beginning,w ich lies within the following described lines:
Beginning It the intersection of a line drawn parallel With and 40.0 feet
northeaster ' of the northeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago,
Milwaukee, i t. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of Prior
l�venue; th ' ce northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway right-
of-way lin a distance of 10.00 feet; thence south parallel with said west
line o� Pr or Avenue a distance of 30.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
with said n theasterly Railway right-of-way a distance of 10.00 feet to said
west line o Prior Avenue; thence north along said west Zine of Prior Avenue
a distance 30.00 feet to tne point of beginning.
Also a par 1 of land described as commencing at the intersec�tion of a line
drawn para el with and 1+0.00 feet northeast�rly of the northeasterly right-
of-way line f the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company
and the w t line of Prior Avenue; thence northwesterly parallel with said
northeaster Railway right-of-way line a distance of 110.00 feet to the actual
point of eginning of the parcel to be described; thence continue
northwester along said parallel line a distance of 30.00 feet; thence
southwesterl; deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of 15.00 feet;
thence sout� easterly deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of 30.00
feet; thenc northeasterly deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of
15.00 feet t the point of beginning.
The northea tzrly lines of the above described parcels are to be contiguous
with the sd thwesterly line of the sanitary sewer easement according to book
49 of plans,', page 20, No. 888930.
Also, a per nent easement over the above part of Kosy's Corner for ingress to
and egress ' rom the sewer pump station on, over and across a parcel of land
described a beginning at the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and
40.00 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-way line of the
Chica�o, Mi; waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of
Prior Aven�y ; thence northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway
right-of-way�, line a distance of 140.00 feet; thence northeasterly deflecting to
the right 9� degrees a distance of 20.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
with said ortheasterly Railway right-of-way line to its intersection with
said west lij e of Prior Avenue; thence southerly along said west line of Prior
Avenue to t point of beginning. �
The above escribed road easement lies within the sanitary sewer easement
according t book 49 of plans, page 20, No. 888930.
(West side o Prior Avenue near Feronia)
, �,� � �/a�-o
� ,, ' llembers;
� CW s Nicosfa Chatt
r ,
_ GITY UF �AI�TT �AUL gjktc9onnen�n
��i{i iiin . • .
Y C ]ohn Drsw All.
.. j
� Date: July 9, 1986
. . . ,
. . ,
- ommltte e Re art
. _
. :
. . ..
To: ! Saint Paul City Councll � � -
� Fr m: Committee o.n Public Works �
� Chris Nicosia, Chair __
The Public# Works Committee at its meeting of July 9, 1986 took the
� following action:
Hearin D e
1 . 7/22/8 VACATION: Petition of City of Saint Paul/Board of Water
Commissioners to vacate surplus Water Utility land
! located in the southeast corner of Jackson and Arlington.
Property to be sold and developed by Housing and
Redevelopment Authority.
� Recommended approval of vacation of this property and the
conveyance of same to the Housing & Redevelopment
Authority. Also recommended downzoning of this property
be considered.
2. 7/22/8 VACATION: Petition of Hamline University to vacate
' SIMPSON STREET between Taylor and Pierce Butler Route for
� the purpose of expanding their track and athletic
I �
Recommended approval with stipulations.
INTERCEPTOR (property near Short Line Road and St. Clair
Avenue) .
Recommended approval .
4. 7/22/� FINAL ORDER: Improving GRAND AVENUE from Macalester
Street to Snelling Avenue by constructing curb and
gutter, landscaping and widening boulevards.
Recommended approvai .
5. 7 22 '6 FINAL OR .
/ / DER• The SEVENTN PLACE MALL Operations and
Maintenance costs for Jarauary thru December, 1986.
Operations and Maintenance costs for August thru
December, 1984 and January thru �ecember, 1985.
Recommended approval .
7. 7/22/ 6 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easement for the
' i Recommended approval .
8. 7/22/ 6 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Temporary sewer
easement at southwest corner of FOREST AND WELLS.
Recommended approval .
� 1
i .
. , . �G- /a°°
. . ,• (�
9. 7/22/86' RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Temporary sewer
easement in the block bounded by ARCADE, MENOOTA, ROSE .
� �
Recommended approval . ,
10. 7j���'/8
RAT iF�;GAT ION�.,OF AWARO �!F DA��,�fES z `��"PerR�er� aa�ent `for
construct i�--a�rd ma t nta i rr1�g'��e�r p�f�p �at i an end
I a �mtr i�or.s��.���_•,py�t af ltOgY �'��we�� at� of
� Prior I! "w�e` near feronfi�) .
��, Re,q,�pe�tt a�p�rra 1 .
11 . ' FINAL ORDER: For installation of water main in BENSON
AVENUE from Glen Terrace to 480 feet west of vacated
II Leland Street (referred back from City Council 6/24/86) .
Recommended denial of Final Order.
12. ORDINANCE: granting permission for Metropolitan Waste
Control Commission and/or its successors to construct,
operate and maintain a driveway with retaining walls and
street lighting along the easterly side of Childs Road
right-of-way, just to the north of the MWCC's Treatment
Recommended approval .
13. RESOLUTION: granting Metropolitan Waste Control
Commission informal approval to construct a driveway
with retaining walls and street lighting extending onto
Childs Road right-of-way north of the Treatment Plant.
� Recortwnended approval .
14. RESOLUTION: authorizing the release of the City's right, .
reserved in C.F. 17171 , to enter onto railroad right-of-
way for the purpose of constructing and maintaining
sewers, as easement is no longer required.
Recommended approval .
� �
�I �
_ _.._ . ._ _
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BESOLtrnax ar�vn�a�SS�I�AN������ � �-/JO v
�T8E8�8(�T�l'ND F�XII�TG Ti�(�F�4 0l1t''1'�k�yi� ti�''�l��� •' �
. . . . . . . . . . � . . . .- . -f4
' • Councii File No.86-861—By Chrls N�c�#ia=
In the�natter of condeasaing and tmking a p�riaen�t gasement for pur�-
of constrtteting, op�ing and�iug�, � ;P �at�qas;and a.$e�er
forcemain on„over and aeioss�e fol�Qwi���iagd�fn�oWig Ward 4:
That�3art oi Kosy's Corner,Ramsey CountY.Minnesota,beginning oa the
qvest .line of Prior Avenue and the Ac�eat,st�rly lsa� t�t,,C�ics�q. .
Milwaukee, St., Paul and Pacii'�c. R�ilov�g =Co�lipanyt.Fth�� : '
northweaterly aloag said Raiiway r2ght-of-waq a distance oi 4�6.tl�f `. ,.
thence North S3 degrees,30 mixiutea,�1:secont�West a dista�oe of 2�;�1
feet;thence North 45 degrees, 41 minutes We�t a distauce of 2i5.0@ 2�et;
thenoe 1Yc�34 degrees,, 13 minutes,10 seco�ds West a distance of 1.7&1R :
��: thenoe.North_�arallel to Prior Avenue a distance of 330.4� feet;,
.,thence.Nor#3� 30 degrees West a distanoe.ot 127�79 feet;.thenee:Notkh.
garallel to Prior Avenue a distanc�e of 298.29 feet;thence North 19 degrees,
02 minutes,02 seconds East a distance o#441.54 feet to the southw�terly -
`iin� of Un�Versifq Aveaue; thence southeas�erl� along said Uniyeisity
Avenue a dista�e of 601.2 feet;thence Southwesterly at,ri�ht es a:
h a�1
idistanc�o�Z17,�ficet:tfience southeaatetly 3Ti.63 feet ta'the west 1�ne of
Pi'idr Avenu�;�then�e south 1�80:�2 feet to�2iie pioint ptrbegiaaing,�ehf,cl�
�; Fies within the following des�rlbed lfnes: : _
Begfnaing at the intei's�ctlon�of s line drawn Farallel arith and 40A teet. ` .
north@asterly of the northea,sterlq right-�t-way Iine of the �hic�o,
Milwa�ikee,St. Paul and PB�fiic Raiiway Company anc�the wes�line of ,
Prlor Avenue; theu�e northwesterly parallel 'wit?,� said northeasterly
Railway rYght�vi way lirie�a diatance`of 10.00 f�t;�sc�south par'i�il�l'
with said-west Line of Prior Avenue a dista�ce of 3(f:DO fett; ti�ae
sou�jp@tsterly parailel with sid northeasterly R,sil�r;� ,
aTI�.�Ol�!�fnii� Y �
� '�� ���f�1�p��������� N.S
`` _ �_._-- �,
1an� _ _ _--- ---
.. , .,.
��dsaws tallsl� wi�1t����at t�e iat�e�etioa of a lis�
and lt1.OD f�at nort�wt�€ir a[ the m�oet�stsrl�r l
1lae QL_t6t C�o, lfilwau��s, St. Paul aad Pacilic . _ ;
Railway Company and the west line of Prior Avenue; thence
northwesterly para11e1 with said northeasterly Railway right-of-way line
a distance of 110.00 feet to the actual point of beginning of the parcel to be
described; thence continue norEhwesterly along said parallel line a
distance of 30.00 feet; thence southwesterly deflecting to the left 90
degrees a distance of 15.00 feet;thence southeasterly deflecting to the left
90 degrees a distance of 30.00 feet;thence northeasterly deflecting to the`
leit 90 degrees a distance of 15.OQ feet to the point oi beginning.
The northeasterly lines of the above described parcels are to be `
cogti�uc�us with the southwesterly line of the sanitary sewer easement
acxording to book 49 of plans,page 20,No.888930.
Also. a permsnent easement over the above part af Kosy's Casner for
ingress to and egress from the sewer pump statioa on,over and�ross a:
pancel of land described as beginning at the inters�tia�n ot a line drawn .
� parallel with and 40.00 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-
, way line of the Chicago, A�ilwaukee. St. Paul and Pacific Railway '
�pany and the west line ot Prior Avenue; thence northwesterly
parallel with sa3d northeasterly►Railway right-oi-way line a distance of
140.00 feet; thence northeasterlq deflecting to the right 90 degrees a
distance of 20.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel with said
northeasterly Railway right-of-way line to its intersection with said wesf
� line of Prior Avenue; thence southerly along said west line of Prior
Avenue to the point of beginning. .
e above descrlbed road easement lies within the sanitary sewer easement
# ecordiag to book 49 of plans,page 20,No.888930.(West side of Prior Avenue near
eronia); under Preliminary Order 88-541 approved Apri129, 1986;Final Order
` 708 approved Tune 3. 1986.
� The Director of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to -
: e amount oi damages awarded for the taking of t!►e laud or easemeats therein
, pprogriated for the above improvement and to�rhom payable;and also baving
uba►itted his assessment of beneiits to property fmm the making of said
' pro�ement,therefore be it
RESOLVED.That the aafd assessm�t oi benefits be and the same is hereby ;
RESOLVED FUATHER, That a public hearing be had betore the Couticil
pon said report aad for a con#irmatioa of the award of damages made by the
irector�i Fivance and also upon the said assessmetit of�enelits;at the Co�mril
ber,in the Court House in the City of�St.Paul on the7�nd day ot July.19�8�
i ' A. . and that th�Director ot Finanee be and he s rec , o g
� tice of aaid as pnescribed by the Charter. �=-
ile No. 18410E �--`
�. �
Adopted by the Council June 26. 1986. "'r- �
APProved June 30,1986. . f;: ;
_. .�..""" (July 5, 198�) ,�� ;
, _.___ ., ,__ �3_.