86-991 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council / CANARV -�JEPARTMENT File NO• ��y � • • BLLE - MAVOR Return copy to: COU cil Re lution Valuations - Room 2 8 (RM) (Twin City) �, � ` . , ` Presente By Referred To L' � �' Committee: Date L'� � ��p Out of Commit ee y Date WHER AS the Council of the City of Saint Paul by council resolutio F. 17171 and ordinance no. 3925 approved July 5, 1917 granted perm ssion to the Twin City Belt Railway Company to construct, maintain nd operate railroad tracks across land located within Saint Paul whic i more particularly described therein: WHE EA , in Section 8 of this ordinance, the City of Saint Paul obtained t e right to enter onto railroad right-of-way for the purposes f constructing and maintaining any sewers and appurtenances thereto t a the City may deem necessary. WHE S S, the Sewer Engineer of the City of Saint Paul has determin d hat this sewer easement is no longer necessary over a part of the 1 n which is described as follows: A 1 that part of Lot 25 Auditor 's Subdivision No. 55 d scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the n rthwesterly line of Lot 25, 100 feet distant from the m st northerly point of said Lot 25 , thence n rtheasterly a distance of 100 feet to the most rtherly point of said Lot 25, the most northerly point f said Lot 25 being also the most westerly point of Lot , Block 1, Upper Afton Terrace; thence southeasterly long the northeasterly line of Lot 25 , said ortheasterly line of Lot 25 being the southwesterly ine of Lot 4, Block 1 Upper Afton Terrace , a distance f 135 feet; thence southwesterly at right angles to aid northeasterly line of Lot 25 a distance of 100 feet, thence northwesterly to the point of beginning. COUNCI M Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays N"°g'a In Favor F a & Mana ement Services Rettma Scheibel Sonnen __ Against BY Director Tedesc Wilson Form App ved by City Attorney Adopted by C unc� : Date C /� � Certified Pas-ed Council Secretary BY ` B}� Approved by , av Date — Ap o ed y Mayor for Submi �- il Bv - - — WMITE - CITV CLE�iK � CA�PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �AIT L Council ARV -.7EPARTMENT Bl E - MAVOR File NO. � � ��l Return copy to: Council Resol Z�n Valuations - Room 218 (RM) (Twin City) � ' Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe B Date THEREF R BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the utility easement Certificat o Intended non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of the City of Sa nt Paul Department of Public Works and made a part hereof by this re er nce and filed in the office of the City Clerk, the City waives th ight to the utility easement as described in the Certificat o Intended Non-Use. BE IT F THER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this Resolution the City Cler i hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this resolutio or recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey C un y, and shall maintain a copy of all Certificates of Intended on Use referenced in this resolution, on file in the Office of the Ci y lerk. (TwinCity) COUNCI ME Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW ays Nicosia // [n Favor Finance & Mana ement Services Rettman —7"— � Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgBinSt BY Director Tedes W ilson JUL 17 1986 Form Appr ed by C'ty ney Adopted by Co nci : Date B ���' � � I�� Certified a_ • d Co ncil cr ry Y ~�/ � sy, Ap ov y : av : Date _ ��.��, � � App ve by Mayor for Submis ' i . PUBIiSHED J U L 2 6 19�6 Fina�ce & Mgmt. Servic ' DEPARTMENT ��°� ej� N� _ OSSe'�� Dick McCann ' CONTACT 298-5317 ; PHONE � , .: ��� �r � Juae 13, 1986 � DATE � � ASSIGN N . ER FOR N ORDER- Cli All Locations for Si nature : � Departmen� Dire r 2 Director of Management/Mayor 1 Finance and Mana e Services Director � City Clerk Budg�t; D3rector ' 3 Councilman Nicosia � City Attarney i . 4 Va2.uationa, ,Room 218 WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV : B T�IKING ACT.ION ON THE ATTACHED NU►TERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Approve resolution ut rizing the release of the City'a right,� reseirv�d in�resolution C.F. 17171, to ent o to railroad right�of-way for the purpose of constructing arid muintaining s�wetaf P blic Wo�ka 3ewer Engineer has d�tez�m�ned that this easement is no longer require ,� C�' �e\`�� .e�� �`�� � RE�F►VE p COST BENEFIT BUD TA AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPA'fED: ..,. oF�,�E UN I 3 1986 None OF � �ECCIV`�.D ANDPqRTMEN7H0�IRF�TnR , : ; � JUN � � a,�q�tM�.Nr SFR 1�s � . t;1AY0�'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURC � AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUI�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- , � ture not re- Total Amoun af ' ransaction: quired if under � � � � ' $10,000) � Funding Sau ' e: N�A Activity N er . ATTACHMENTS � st nd Number All Attachments : 1. �eaoluti • 2. Copy of so utioa 17171 _ 3. Map , . : 4. Certifi te f Intended Non-Use ; . � . , , DEPARTMENT VI W CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes uncil Resolution Required? ; ' Resalution Required? Yes No Yes x surance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x � asurance Attached: � _ ; (SEE •REYERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . , � Revised l � 84 ., ',�� ' . . . . ,.,, �k..'.. w�vc •my>-���o F� �c+n on 5r"o:� :u� , c �� y• Y�' � �mmj''�v�� op��� �• �� ,»�p �.Y���t-f�,�N��n•b A,� N=.0 _,�a TC � ' n 7 m�(]h"� R� i'i+3�G..7C p W '0 h�Q'GO�5 i�, �#;�: ..oa�,..wrzyomo�,,:.^�'oo� �n �- � - ' �" ° 'o`� � ..^,�a,�ti..DN..����7��� . . �]�Y` �'o...P�'%n^�9 p,��`�•"o`.7�� •n-i ..;;,rc' `' c. ����.. u:] r''�'r`.-„'"Z M �.°� <'G C.�- ��p��� � y mo� otiy,y��r. �+ mp;y or. `=,� ., m" oo �w�. �.� or.:s— m—��,,o�m�'oo�� . „��o�.., �o°c��-3�y o..a^ "� co'=5��' �,n., � � x�°�;`•? .._�.om... -�-' � ��' i <� 7F�-":n�9C"'toW.R7 p' *r . . io... 5?'r.a''d. .;a�' �S y n� �^' �� a�� : :>;� O.� y� ��� r �G� G ��..,G��G G�F[i� 7 , ^• ��,N,...O'y„�y?. ,,.,r✓ Qyt9�m�CF�� �"0:^�y":i ' t� -;.�... 2 G'��� A'Q.�' �,��-: C 0 NX', ti�'. �n A Oco�'GwC1 m Jr.n`�=„A�Y :m._.-� ��y c�� 7" �'7 ic.+ .; c-+`<ON?m�W27^'�G�^cn�7 �"d .�' r„' ro0i.0 m7 �V�pF ��.....��D y C r�a'm C!, p'.F�w ✓� �� C� � � c+��p,�... ,d'�m „q,� ":Wp� � .�.. ,�k . �� ��'• w�� p .ky �w�p�, ''m <<�sov �7 �^ rn [-y .,, mm..W � �'` c.��?����qy�.�'Or.-�p�— �' �,`.� t ro�'7 y ��D�mp�,^. �....� ^'r� " ��m�.0 � P��+�`''O n ,, � °�O `"� <<n,`D�r�OO o��m°G°���+ � `' '<.. 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Olson � � I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the i � � � � � i City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have m I i c.ompared the attached copy of Council File No. . 86-991. . . . . . , . . . . , i c� li _ i � - as adopted by the Gity Council. . . J�1� 17,. . . . . . . �._._, l . .1986. - � . . . . . i • I � and appraved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . , JulX. l8.. . . . . � . . . . . . _ . 1986, . . . i i� with the origir.al thereof on file in my office. I I I I �� I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy � of said orig�ral and the �ahole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . . . 7th . . . . . day o.f . . . . August. . . . . . . ,A.D. 1986. . � . . . . . . . .��L�'�.e:�,�. .�: .���. . . . . . . . . _,_ City Clerk. � f ;.'� �' , �"rt � rv .�. � ;. I � '^.� �� .F � .' ... '''�. �... T..v. 'I� . / ` _ �at�a88� v000l#t567DQCU�iEhIT i�.00 C�4�vARY -►JEF�ARTMENT CITY QF SAINT PAUL Council �}� �L J F - M A'- O R � Fl IC N O. (,�//-~ / �/ R�CUiT, �Opy t0: • • ��a-�u�tions - Room 2� .. Cou�zcil �Re l�tion (RPf) (Twin City) �� ! • ;. ti .� � Presente By � �' � Referred To � L � `' Committee: Date �t�"��b Out of Committe B Date � WHERE S, the Council of the City of Saint Paul by council �.� resolution C. . 17171 and ordinance no. 3925 approved July 5, 1917 � granted per i sion to the Twin City Belt Railway Company to construct, �,p maintain a d perate railroad tracks across land located within Saint M �aul which is more particularly described therein: �� WHERE S in Section 8 of this ordinance, the City of Saint Paul obtained h right to enter onto railroad right-of-way for the purposes o nstructing and maintaining any sewers and appurtenances thereto th t he City may deem necessary. WHER A , the Sewer Engineer of the City of Saint Paul has d�termine t at this sewer easement is no longer necessary over a part flf the l.a d hich is described as follows: 1 that part of Lot 25 Auditor 's Subdivision No. 55 e cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the o thwesterly line of Lot 25, 100 feet distant from the mo t norther ].y point of said Lot 25 , thence no theasterly a distance of 100 feet to the most no therly point of said Lot 25, the most northerly point - - ------- -of said Lot 2S. be-ing also- the most wes�e-�ly point of Lot 4, Block l., Upper Afton Terrace; thence southeasterly a ong the northeasterly line of Lot 25 , said n rtheasterly line of Lot 25 being the southwesterly 1 ne of Lot 4, Block 1 Upper Afton Terrace, a distance 0 135 feet; thence southwesterly at right angles to s id northeasterly line of Lot 25 a distanee of ].00 € et,. thence northwesterly to the point of beginning. COUNCIL EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Doew � ys Nieosia [n Favor & Mana emen Services Rettman Seheibel soR�e� Against By Director • Tedesco W iison Form App ved by City Attorney Adopted hy Coun il: Date C Certified Passed by ouncil Secretary By � �� Bl. :approved by Ma or: bate _ Ap o ed x Mayor for Submi �_ il sy� _ T � _ _.:v._ _--------�__... _ .�.,�....�.-�„�....�.�.,.�.�.,�_�...�,..,�..._�,_.�o - -- PiNK� - F�NANCE^` G I TY O F .SA I NT PA U L Cou.ncil _ �,9 CONARV -�7CPARTMENT / BLUF -MO.YOR File �O. � - j.., .t Ret�srr. �opy to: . �ouncil Resol ion Valuations - Room 218 (RM) (Twin City) � ' ` Presented By �- -��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date � THEREF R BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the utility easement � Certificate o Intended non-Use filed voTuntarily on behalf of the � City of Sai t aul Department of Public Works and made a part hereaf � by this ref re ce and filed in the office of the City Clerk, the City � waives th r ' ght to the utility easement as described in the rn Certificate of Intended Non-Use. r-� U BE IT FU THER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this Resolution the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this resolution f r recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey Co nt , and shall maintain a copy of all Certifieates of Intended N n- se referenced in this resolution, on file in the Office of the Cit C erk. (TwinCity) COUNCILM N Requested by Department of: Yeas ��� Na s Nicosia : (n Favor Finance & Mana ement Services Rettman . Scheibel C� Against BY � Director Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Counc 1: Date JUL � 7 �I� Form Appr ed by C�ty ney Certified a. •ed y C nc.il cr ry BY `�� /3��6 g}, Ap ov y Vlav r. Date �E.��. i r � App ve by Mayor for Submis ' i PUBtiSHED J U L 2 6 1986 �' , � (... � � v, � • . , , • '• � F , J ':, �i " :..� �:•S � —1 � O cn • , .•• n n D ;' `' •� � � � Uy „ r3 O � ( �1 ,I � � ._ - _ �Y , Cy C iTl \J— f ;. , c� o > � � , � � r �j"" .s � � -�, �' ;... , ' , � -� m @ O t�, 6-. � t` r" � � � _" ' ! '�.�.�„ � ,--a p �7 � j �� � .�c;; `. � m � � � �9 ��p.. ; 3 m � ' � 7►,� j: � �i �s ,`,��1� r.. `.� _.. ' � � U�" ` y ,�`r s „` ` Y sy � ¢��±:�_ � . �s —d � � ` t� �^.� ��e � ���v\:•� M 44 � � � 1_ �� n� yli.� �. � � �' � ,.r - �-_ � � � � � , W � : � �� � v � - c�� � > �r � � �= � � � i�\� `� -, �; i1 U1` -i : � �� f-y � C � � ! � � �,S L7 @�.,_ • `S =. ..�. .1 I - . . � � . � . : � ��_q�� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Date �t�tn 2 .D Lf�Gi THE HONORAB E AYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUN IL OF THE CITY OF SAI T AUL The under ig ed hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise t ei utility rights in the following described realty: As ho on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. �1/�_�_l��vo r��1��_lL ✓�Ld_tl Department or Company rts sea✓�r �nQine�t � � Signa re STATE OF MI NESOTA ) ) ss . COU�TTY O MSEY ) The f regoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �T day of �� UivE � 19 � �Y Roy E. B ed 1 , the Sewer Engineer, Department of Public Works of Saint Paul. Minnesota , a munici al or�oration under the laws of the State of Minneso a. No ry Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota My commission expires ����c/(� _� 1 . � - � � � � � � �-��- ��� . . . . � � EXHIBIT "A" All that ar of Lot 25 Auditor's Subdividion No. 55 described as follows: Beginnin at a point on the northwesterly line of Lot 25, 100 feet distant fran the s northerly point of sa�d Lot 25, thence northeasterly a distance of 100 f t o the most northerly paint of said Lot 25, the most northerly point of sa' Lot 25 being also the most westerly point of Lot 4, Block l, Upper Af on errace; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of Lot 25, said no t-'�easterly line of Lot 25 being the southwesterly line of Lot 4, Block 1 r Afton Terrace, a distance of 135 feet; thence southwesterly at right an le to said northeasterly line of Lot 25 a distance of 100 feet, thence northwes er y to the point of beginning. .� {� � t� � y . , -� ' . ' o ;� � w . ,� I '��• `� � �,/ � 1 ;N.. ��� � . ,v J� ,� :� ,.��-.�, . �1 I V� � , ti � � r� � , � w -� � �• r . � ' • � 1.1 � �.� � � �/ /�\ . � ��•. � � � �� � .'"_ o � . � ,�� � .r� � \ / j�� ' ♦ �(• . nwi �� - ' �-. �� � �°`' � � \' �� '� � � � � `� ? 3 r �� � oo �' ti � � � �°,, � �- � , ' � �v�, A ` � � �: � � � � � �� �;.. , � e r y�;J .c� � �•�� � 1 ., , O j . ,�d � •�� -� .. �- � � y,... � ol � w .�y .��'"`° '� � � �� H� �� . o�� f s�"` ,�s •. o �� �\ � . .� •� • °�„_� �'�••� ��•. � ? > � � � e �. �� � • '-. . � . t sr �' ° , 1!X o' / (��` �?� c��o � O �,, � � �KEN/�R� ��, J � a�� � � w O o � c� �q �� � ••. ti ._U._ .`;� � �� ',,.,, •� , ,�r�,� � � �= ---�;-��= � ��s� � o � .,�- � �f4 � --- �� ,. �, s , �-� •���r� W N �' _ �. `'��C�r�� ���„ O�i� � V��!- �►�' �_�G! 0�+�`. �V :� �` ^V �' �1 w `� �� t ��J . ,/.i _ �-- _�- . ..'//O -•-\��fO7.OS . � f�°� ���..y _ 1�.27,,.,/ �+.�%�77• � � '�'S ;� � O O n � . 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N � �.�7�C � � .� v. � � : � • _ W 4' �. /� 1� ��,:. `.:r �' l. � / '. i1 �- 6 -� �i��/ _ I� �i� Y // �/7�`J'.,� - !t--- ' -� _ lJ� ,7 � � �j �A ��- �j��' t � O ••-.... ___---�� /JN __�'�-eY�G�''=�813.9) � � _ - � :lao n c . ... . � ...... �o w o �I� �1-0'0 � .�.S � . � �' � �." 2 f 5�__ � � �-� ' 1[embete; _ r ' � `C�ITY UF l�AI�TT PAUL cwcs N��osfa, ch.tr Janice Rettman ���ji� ' 8!k! 9onnen OFFIC3E OF THE CITY COIINOIL ' Joha Drew (Alt) �� Date: July 9, 1986 . � . , . . , - ommlttee Re ort p To: Saint Paul City Council � � . � Fr : Committee on Public Works � � � Chris Nicosia, Chair __ The Publ c orks Committee at its meeting of July 9, 1986 took the foliowing action: Hearin at 1 . 7/Z2/86 VACATION: Petition of City of Saint Paul/Board of Water Commissioners to vacate surplus Water Utility land located in the southeast corner of Jackson and Arlington. Property to be sold and developed by Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Recommended approval of vacation of this property and the conveyance of same to the Housing 8 Redevelopment Authority. Also recommended downzoning of this property be considered. 2. 7/2 /8 VACATION: Petition of Hamline University to vacate SIMPSON STREET between Taylor and Pierce Butler Route for the purpose of expanding their track and athletic facilities. Recommended approval with stipulations. 3. 7/15/ 6 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For EAST KITTSON DALE 1NTERCEPTpR (property near Short Line Road and St. Clair Avenue) . Recommended approval . 4. 7 22 86 FINAL ORDER: Improving GRAND AVENUE from Macalester � Street to Sneiling Avenue by constructing curb and gutter, landscaping and widening boulevards. Recommended approval . 5. /2 /86 F1NAL ORDER: The SEVENTH PLACE MALL Operations and Maintenance costs for Jarauary thru December, 1986. AND 6. 7/2 /86 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: The SEVENTH PLACE MALL Operations and Maintenance costs for August thru December, 1984 and January thru December, 1985. Recor�r►ended approva 1 . 7. 7/ 2/86 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Sewer easement for the BURLINGTON ROAD STORM 5EWER PROJECT. Recommended approval . 8. 7 22/86 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Temporary sewer easement at southwest corner of FOREST AND WELLS. Recommended a��proval . 1 1 � , � � � - - -� l9/ , 9. 7/22/86 R TIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGE5: Temporary sewer e sement in the block bounded by ARCADE, MENDOTA, ROSE . d MARYLAND. � ecommended approval . , 10. 7/22/86 ATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Permanent easement for onstructing and maintaining a sewer pumping station and sewer forcemain in part of KOSY CORNER (west side of rior Avenue near Feronia) . Recommended approval . 11 . ' FINAL OROER: For installation of water main in BENSON AVENUE from Glen Terrace to 480 feet west of vacated Leland Street (referred back from City Council 6/24/86) . Recommended denial of Finai Order. 12. ORDINANCE: granting permission for Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and/or its successors to construct, operate and maintain a driveway with retaining walls and street lighting along the easterly side of Childs Road right-of-way, just to the north of the MWCC's Treatment Plant. Recommended approval . 13. RESOLUTION: granting Metropolitan Waste Control Commission informal approval to construct a driveway with retaining walls and street lighting extending onto Childs Road right-of-way north of the Treatment Plant. Recommended approval . 14. RESOl.l1Tl�fMs ���'i�`tfii� �eleaSe c�f` thef Gtt�►'�` rigtat, reserv.ed .#-� C.F,. T7171t ta e�r.o�� rai irc�ed .ri�ht-of- way fc�;' �he .�rpose of ,t�ast�ti�i ng and nrs�i�i n i ng sewers, as e�sem�r`r�t #s nc� ion+�fi rt+quired. Rect�nencfed �rova 1 . , 2