86-988 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ,/o� Bl_UE - MAVOR File �O. �+�_ �� o�nc ' es utio,n A - - ,����r�����. Presente By Referred To — L� Committee: Date �r � —�� Out of Commit ee y Date Ttie h�ayar, pur�uant o tion 10.07.4 of the C�t� Charter recc�ncner�s the following tran5fers or the 1986 Genera�. Fund Be�cigets TF2AN�'ER FRI�: General Goverrui�n Ac ounts Conti�gent Reser e eral 09060-537 Opera ing 'TranSfeY Out -5,�00 Cu�rent An�eci Buclget Charic3es Budyet ------------ ------------ ------------ TRl�NSFEIt 'P0: Ger�eral Gov�rrunen ounts Depart:rnent of ity Services 03200 Pub"lic � t Adr�linistration- 03200-0219 Fees - �:r Profes�ional Services 5,D�0 +5,000 10,000 032Q8 - All Ot r ing 431,698 0 431,698 436,698 +5,000 441,69f3 N�.fi CIiANGE 0 RF'SOLVID, That the i Council a��roves t�se changes to t�ie 1986 i��iget. Financinr is A ai le: A�proval Reco�imer�ed: --- -- -- � - r -.� � - ------ Dir�ctor of Fi an 1� �(, Bur7get r tor 6-z�. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew N ys Nicosia � �����•'ri� of Ccm�runity Services Rettman Irt Favo[ Scheibel '� Sonnen __ AgBitist BY � Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date `,Ui- � 7 � Form Approved y ty to y . Certified Y• -s b C unc 1 Se BY B}� Appr by Mavor. Dat ""�= � � �9� Approved Mayo Sub ' sion to Council . B _ — PUBIISHED J U L 2 6 198'6 , C i � i�/ �� .'�=_.-��'� Q�'� , � �� -'�-7 � '� CITY OF SAINT PA.UL :6- _�, . ` .:iii�iiii`iif OFFICE OF THF CITY COUNCIL � Committee Report F':i� I�ana ement � Pers�nnel Committee. July 10, 1986 1. Approval o m' utes from meeting held July 3, 1986. approved \ 2. Resolution ap oving 1986-1989 Labor 9greerlent between the City of Saint Paul and in ity Carpenters District Council. avproved .` 3. Resolution ap oving 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City � and Brickl ye , Masons, Marblemasons, Cement Blocklayers and Tuck-Pointers, Local�Unio N 1. approved � 4. Resolution ap oving 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City . and Operat ve lasterers and Cement Masons International Association Local No. 20. a proved � 5. Resolution ap oving 1986-1g89 Maintenance Labor Agreenent between the City and Operat"ve lasterers and Cement Mason International Association Loca1 No. 560. .- a proved __ .-_.. .__ ---- -_- - \'6. ReSolution am ding the Civil Service Rules concerning Overtime Compensation to conform to he Fair Labor Standards Act. approved �' 7. Resolution es blishing the rate of pay for Water Production Operations Supervisor in he Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. approved � 8: Resolution es blishing the rate of pay for Volunteer Coordinator in the Salary Pla a Rates of Compensation Resolution. approved � 9. Resolution am ding the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution concerning En ironmental Health Technician. approved � 10. Resolution ap oving a settlement between the Saint Paul Police Federation and the Po ic Department, Chief McCutcheon, the Mayor, the Council and the City of Sa nt aul pertaining to drug testing policies. approved ` 11. Resolution am ding the 1986 Special Funds Budget by adding $1,785,981 to the Financ ng Plan and to the Spending Plan for the Job Training Partnership Act Progra , a roved .,� 12. Resolution am ding the 1986 budget by adding $2,026 to the Financing Plan and to the Sp nding Plan for Special Projects - General Government, Government Responsive es Program. approved � 13. Resolution am nding the 1986 budget by adding $168,843 to the Financing Plan and to the Sp nding Plan for City Property Management Fund - Hill Street Warehouse. 1 id over to 7/17 CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MIN�IESOTA S5IO2 ��s ::.i?L�IITTEE REPORT Q�i�'/ ; 'Nr1NCE, MANAGEMENT P RSONNEL C(?MMITTEE �C d/(p -��-� _ �.�iy 10, 1986 ��ge 2 ��� 14. Resoluti n mending the 1986 budget by adding $31,714 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Resource Expansion Grant - Community Services - arks aad Recreation. approved '�. 15. Resoluti n mending the 1986 budget by adding $4,057 to the Financing Plan and to t e pending Plan for PED Operations Fund - Saint Paul Foundation Grant - co omics of Amenity Program. approved '�..., 16. Resalu4� a; endiag the 198b budget by transfe�ring $5,4SQ fram Coatingent R�t,e .' o` parrt�e�at of Cc�m�tunity Se�cvices�`-- l�ubiic•Health Adain�atration. a � 17. Resolut on pproving the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds to finance the acq isi ion and rehabilitation of the Blair House, formally the Angus Hotel, t t e southwest corner of Selby and Western Avenue. approved 18. Resolut on equesting the Ma.yor to examine and report on the feasibility of establis i a Police-Community Relations Office in the Summit-University area at il on and Selby and providing that the Mayor will request the Civil Service Co ission to rectify the qualifications of Deputy Chief of Police. This ite 11 be discussed at a later date. '