86-982 WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT /n y/` BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �+ _ • �� ouncil Resolution Presente By � ' � �� Referred T � �� �—�- Committee: Date � �l �' Out of Com itt e By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution concerning Environmental Health Technician. RESO VE , that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation be amended in Section I F. 1 , Subsection (i) so that said subsection shall read as follows: "( ' ) When an employee in a position in a class represented by the Technical or Clerical or Professional Bargaining Units holds a title in a grade followed by the suffix "E" the following shall apply: for each 2080 hours an employee has appeared on the payroll after he/she has attained Step C, he/she may be granted an increase in saiary of one step up to the seven- year step; and if he/she has received a ten-year increase he/she may be granted the ten-year step, and if he/she has received a fiteen-year increase he/she may be granted the fifteen-year step. However, in no case will a Recreation Center Director be granted Step G until he/she has completed fifteen credit hours in courses pertaining to recreation. In no case will an Environmental Health Technician be granted the 6th year step until he/she has completed fifteen credit hours in courses approved by the Personnel Office. (No substitution of experience for these fifteen credits) ." COUNC[LME Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew ays � PERSONNE OFFICE Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen __ Agel[lSt Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 17 1986 Form pprov d by Attorney Certified Pa. • y un 1 Se t r BY B1 � � � � j A►pp v d Mavor: Dat Approv d by Mayor for Sub ' si n cil By B PUBI(SFf�D J U L � 6 1986 son e 0 fice' DEPARTMENT U`� ��'� NO 4175 , , Ed'Vizard CONTACT ; ' PHONE 6-t 0--86 DATE / �V� �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU ING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Di ct r 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and l� na ment Services Director 4 City Clerk dget Di rect� r City Attorneyl WHAT WILL BE ACH VE BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ , Rationale) : The current Hou�'ng Technician I and Housing Technician II titles are being broadbanded into the title � E vironmental Health Technician. This amendment will insure that incumbents passp� g utomatically from the Technician I pay level to the Technician II pay level will meetithe academic requirement for classes at the Technician II level. ' RECEIVE� COST/BENEFIT, BU ET RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None ; �UN 1 3 1986 , �� ����� �--���.�.�����.� �EY �" CI1Y AT��R � €�u� � � � .. ' ��.��'ti'`: ., ��°r;t,.i FINANCING SOURC � AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount f ansaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Sour� : Activity Numt� r: ATTACHMENTS (Li � a Number All Attachments) : 1 . Resolutio 2. Copy for C'ty lerk i � � DEP TMENT REVI CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes � a unc 1 Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Ii su nce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �1�o Ii su nce Attached: i (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 j i ; i ��� � : � �_� ( !�,� - � - �-���� �f � ���, � CzTY oF S�.z�T PgUr. � - � `' '�:��i''"s;i:ri OFFICF. OF THF CITY COUi�TCIL CO�rl�llttee �epOrt F:' ce Mana ement � Pers�nnel Committee. � July 10, 1986 1. Approval f inutes from meeting held July 3, 1986. approved \ 2. Resolutio a proving 1986-1989 Labor Agreenent between the City of Saint Paul and i City Carpenters District Council. apuroved 3. Resolutio a proving 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and Bric lay rs, Masons, Marblemasons, Cement Blocklayers and Tuck-Pointers, Local�Union o. 1, approved � 4. Resoluti proving 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and Oper ti Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association Local No. 20. approved ' S. Resoluti n proving 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreenent between the City and Oper ti Plasterers and Cement Mason International Association Local No. 560. _-- approved \` 6. Resoluti n ending the Civil Service Rules concerning Overtime Compensation to confo the Fair Labor Standards Act. approved ,' 7. Resoluti n tablishing the rate of pay for Water Production Operations Supervis r the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. approved � 8: Resoluti n stablishing the rate of pay for Volunteer Coordinator in the Salary P an and Rates of Compensation Resolution. approved ; 9• �•.A�smlut �n ending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensati�n Resolutien concern g vironmental Health Technician. approved 10. Resoluti n pproving a settlement between the Saint Paul Police Federation and the ol ce Department, Chief McCutcheon, the Mayor, the Council and the City of ai t Paul pertaining to drug testing policies. approved �' ll. Resoluti n mending the 1986 Special Funds Budget by adding $1,785,981 to the Fina ci g Plan and to the Spending Plan for the Job Training Partnership Act Prog am approved . 12. Resoluti n mending the 1986 budget by adding $2,026 to the Financing Plan and to t e pending Plan for Special Projects - General Government, Government Responsi en ss Program. approved - 13. Reso].uti n mending the 1986 budget by adding $168,843 to the Financing Plan and to t e pending Plan for City Property Management Fund - Hill Street Warehouse. laid over to 7/17 CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 551d2 d�:�a