Moua r��.s���t�f����� �a�� ��f�€���- ����iG� of �Ia€��� �a �E�y o�� �aE��� '��r�� ll4innesota State Statute 466.0.5 /��OTICE Of CLAIII�'. .%E)very pe�son.., who clain�s damages from 2ny � m,unicipaiity.,.shall cause to be presented to the goveming body of the municipality �vithin 180 days after the alleged loss or injury rs discove�ed a notrce stating thA time, p/ace, and ci�cumstances thereof, and the amount af compensation or other relief demanded. Please complete tl�is for►�� ICl If5 entirety by typing or printing your ans���er to each q�testEOn in the s�ace provided. If additional space is needed, please attach additionai sheets. � _ �� ' PLERSE RETURN THIS Office of City Clerk COMPLETED FORM T0: 170 City Hall RECEIVED 15 1N i<ellogg Blvd �aN p St Paui MN 55102 3 2�14 Your Name: _��J�� _ �0 �ITY CLERK Street Address: �lQp �Q�_� �l - -�t�l _ t City: M� �Q Ll'�f_��—_—_.— State: t"� Iv Zip Code: (yl�� Daytime Telephone: (�S�) �J3 '— ��� Evening Telephone: ( 1 �"f�t�(�,f Date of Accident or Incident: Qj1��Day of '✓Veelc: Time; � am or pm (circle onel , Please state, in detail, wl�at occurred and tl�e circumstances surrounding the event. Indicate how the City of Saini Paul is involved, and v��hy you feel the City is responsibfe.� t -- � Q . � — � � Please indicate your reason for completing ��;i� forrn: f.-�-1 Vefiicle accident 1:=1 Other property damage (please provide specifics below) ' i� ❑ Vehicle was towed � �,I 'i Vehicle damaged ❑ Other in ur � to erson ( lease rovide s Pcifics hea��ti�) �i � ) 1 P P P P- . .' �; � Slipped and fell on City property '''` -- �' Please provide the names and telephone numbers of any City employees involved in this incident/accident and I�ow tl�ey were involved: , � K���� I \,Jr�_ —,���__,�� ; ��� ; fcver) !i your vehicle v��as involvec� please complete the follo�n�ing: ';'�ar, mai�e, and model: License, Plate I'Jumber: ���-- C..Q� Extent and area damaged: � +p� \Nas a City vehicle involved in tl�is accident/incident? es No (circle one) ir yes, please complete tl�e foilowing: Type of vehicle Year, mal<e, and model Color of vehicle License Plate Number: - DescriE�tion of vef�icle Location of accident/incident (please ��rovide specifics sucf� as st:reet address, intersection, cross streets, � park name, facility name, etc.): Please draw or attach a cliagram if a�plicable: _ . _ _ � Please specify the nature and e>;tent of the compensation or other relief you are requesting. Please attach copies of any bills, receipts, ticl<ets, or other documents �o support your claim. If you are claiming damage to a vehicle, please submit itivo estimates. v�ere iiiere ��vitnesses to ti�is accidentiincident! Yes No (circTe one — - - - - i ' If ��es, please give the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the vvitnesses: \Nere the police called? Yes No (circle one) If yes, what department or agency? • Police report number: : Please print the name of the � � person completing this form: _ � (� Pfea�e sic�n your naR�e: �� i' i D2te �orm signed: Q`_T I � Risl: Mgmt Division - Revised 1 -30-01 j,�;l�li,� I �������