99-809� R I G 1 N A� y of St . Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXINCi TIME OF HF.ARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAbIAGE$ COUNC L FILE NO. \ l' C 0 l Sy �� File No. 18890 Voting Ward In the matter of Opening and extending the alley in Block 2, Keller's Subdivision of Block 11 by condemning and taking a permanent easement for a11ey purposes over the northeasterly 20.0 feet of the £ollowing: All that area vacated by Council Fi1e No. 196697, adopted by the Council Apri1 13, 1960, described as follows: That part of the alley in Block 2, Keller's Subdivision of B1ock 11, Lyman Dayton's Addition, which lies between Maple Street and the extended westerly line of the alley parallel to said Maple Street, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and £or said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Preliminary Order _98-1031 approved_November 1S, 1998 Final Order 99-21 approved_January 6, 1999 The Director of Technology having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of bene£its to property from the making o£ said improvement, there£ore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOI,VED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Technology and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 13th dav of October, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M. and that the Director of Technology be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays B�nanav ✓ lakey �strom Coleman�.���In Favor �rris �ntry �Against i�iter y, � l �Seva Adopted by the Council: Date Q 1 � 1 Certified Passed by Council Secretary S£P 211999 ���� enai ieurn T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION untact Yerson and Phone Number: Peter r� ��_g�`� �� $-ID-�`� Date: August 3,1999 Green Sheet Number: Q EPARTMENTDIRECTOR 1 ITYCOUNCb 266-8850 '"!"'� �ATTORNEY UDGETDIRECTi co�n� agenaa b August 25,1999, for 3earing on October 13,1999 .# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 re YQR(ORASSLS'fAN1) CLERK FA'ANCIAL SVCS. 1. Set date of October 13, 1999, for a Public Hearing to discuss the ratification of a permanent easement for alley rposes near Maple Street and East Seventh Street, detailed on the attached map and legal description. 2. Rafify the above mentioned easement. ( Technology File Number 18890) PLAWING COMMISSION �� �� �PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING: I I. Has the personffirm ever worked under a contracl Tor this depariment? YES NO A STAFF Has this persodtlrm ever been a City employee? CIVIL SEAVICE'COhfM1SS/0N CIB COMMtl'CCEE �VIIICH COUNCIL OBJEC'CIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) YES NO Does this persoNfirm pos5es5 a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? Explain al! YES aqmers on a separate sheet and attach. ^J DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � NG PROBLEM, ISSIJE OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whay When, Where� Why?): The property owner at 7S0 East Seventh Street has petitioned for the re-opening of a section of a previously vacated alley for alley purposes. This easement would re-estabiish alley use to the subject area. 4GE5 IF APPROVED: Necessary aliey easement will become a matter of record. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: Easement would become an encumbrance on the affected properties. .NTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: None at this time. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $SSO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO r°RCE: to be paid by petitioner requesting alley ACTIVITY NUMBER: INFORMATI013: (EXPLAIN) \ C�ur�c11 Research Cen►.er AIfG 1 0 1999 9 � R I G 1 N A� y of St . Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXINCi TIME OF HF.ARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAbIAGE$ COUNC L FILE NO. \ l' C 0 l Sy �� File No. 18890 Voting Ward In the matter of Opening and extending the alley in Block 2, Keller's Subdivision of Block 11 by condemning and taking a permanent easement for a11ey purposes over the northeasterly 20.0 feet of the £ollowing: All that area vacated by Council Fi1e No. 196697, adopted by the Council Apri1 13, 1960, described as follows: That part of the alley in Block 2, Keller's Subdivision of B1ock 11, Lyman Dayton's Addition, which lies between Maple Street and the extended westerly line of the alley parallel to said Maple Street, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and £or said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Preliminary Order _98-1031 approved_November 1S, 1998 Final Order 99-21 approved_January 6, 1999 The Director of Technology having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of bene£its to property from the making o£ said improvement, there£ore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOI,VED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Technology and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 13th dav of October, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M. and that the Director of Technology be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays B�nanav ✓ lakey �strom Coleman�.���In Favor �rris �ntry �Against i�iter y, � l �Seva Adopted by the Council: Date Q 1 � 1 Certified Passed by Council Secretary S£P 211999 ���� enai ieurn T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION untact Yerson and Phone Number: Peter r� ��_g�`� �� $-ID-�`� Date: August 3,1999 Green Sheet Number: Q EPARTMENTDIRECTOR 1 ITYCOUNCb 266-8850 '"!"'� �ATTORNEY UDGETDIRECTi co�n� agenaa b August 25,1999, for 3earing on October 13,1999 .# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 re YQR(ORASSLS'fAN1) CLERK FA'ANCIAL SVCS. 1. Set date of October 13, 1999, for a Public Hearing to discuss the ratification of a permanent easement for alley rposes near Maple Street and East Seventh Street, detailed on the attached map and legal description. 2. Rafify the above mentioned easement. ( Technology File Number 18890) PLAWING COMMISSION �� �� �PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING: I I. Has the personffirm ever worked under a contracl Tor this depariment? YES NO A STAFF Has this persodtlrm ever been a City employee? CIVIL SEAVICE'COhfM1SS/0N CIB COMMtl'CCEE �VIIICH COUNCIL OBJEC'CIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) YES NO Does this persoNfirm pos5es5 a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? Explain al! YES aqmers on a separate sheet and attach. ^J DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � NG PROBLEM, ISSIJE OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whay When, Where� Why?): The property owner at 7S0 East Seventh Street has petitioned for the re-opening of a section of a previously vacated alley for alley purposes. This easement would re-estabiish alley use to the subject area. 4GE5 IF APPROVED: Necessary aliey easement will become a matter of record. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: Easement would become an encumbrance on the affected properties. .NTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: None at this time. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $SSO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO r°RCE: to be paid by petitioner requesting alley ACTIVITY NUMBER: INFORMATI013: (EXPLAIN) \ C�ur�c11 Research Cen►.er AIfG 1 0 1999 9 � R I G 1 N A� y of St . Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXINCi TIME OF HF.ARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAbIAGE$ COUNC L FILE NO. \ l' C 0 l Sy �� File No. 18890 Voting Ward In the matter of Opening and extending the alley in Block 2, Keller's Subdivision of Block 11 by condemning and taking a permanent easement for a11ey purposes over the northeasterly 20.0 feet of the £ollowing: All that area vacated by Council Fi1e No. 196697, adopted by the Council Apri1 13, 1960, described as follows: That part of the alley in Block 2, Keller's Subdivision of B1ock 11, Lyman Dayton's Addition, which lies between Maple Street and the extended westerly line of the alley parallel to said Maple Street, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and £or said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Preliminary Order _98-1031 approved_November 1S, 1998 Final Order 99-21 approved_January 6, 1999 The Director of Technology having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of bene£its to property from the making o£ said improvement, there£ore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOI,VED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Technology and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 13th dav of October, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M. and that the Director of Technology be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays B�nanav ✓ lakey �strom Coleman�.���In Favor �rris �ntry �Against i�iter y, � l �Seva Adopted by the Council: Date Q 1 � 1 Certified Passed by Council Secretary S£P 211999 ���� enai ieurn T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION untact Yerson and Phone Number: Peter r� ��_g�`� �� $-ID-�`� Date: August 3,1999 Green Sheet Number: Q EPARTMENTDIRECTOR 1 ITYCOUNCb 266-8850 '"!"'� �ATTORNEY UDGETDIRECTi co�n� agenaa b August 25,1999, for 3earing on October 13,1999 .# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 re YQR(ORASSLS'fAN1) CLERK FA'ANCIAL SVCS. 1. Set date of October 13, 1999, for a Public Hearing to discuss the ratification of a permanent easement for alley rposes near Maple Street and East Seventh Street, detailed on the attached map and legal description. 2. Rafify the above mentioned easement. ( Technology File Number 18890) PLAWING COMMISSION �� �� �PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING: I I. Has the personffirm ever worked under a contracl Tor this depariment? YES NO A STAFF Has this persodtlrm ever been a City employee? CIVIL SEAVICE'COhfM1SS/0N CIB COMMtl'CCEE �VIIICH COUNCIL OBJEC'CIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) YES NO Does this persoNfirm pos5es5 a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? Explain al! YES aqmers on a separate sheet and attach. ^J DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � NG PROBLEM, ISSIJE OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whay When, Where� Why?): The property owner at 7S0 East Seventh Street has petitioned for the re-opening of a section of a previously vacated alley for alley purposes. This easement would re-estabiish alley use to the subject area. 4GE5 IF APPROVED: Necessary aliey easement will become a matter of record. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: Easement would become an encumbrance on the affected properties. .NTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: None at this time. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $SSO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO r°RCE: to be paid by petitioner requesting alley ACTIVITY NUMBER: INFORMATI013: (EXPLAIN) \ C�ur�c11 Research Cen►.er AIfG 1 0 1999 9