86-935 M�HITE - CITV CLERK I � � PINK - FINANCE � COI1RC11 (� If �' CANARV - OEPARTMENT I GITY OF SAINT PAUL �{ /�J BIUE -1i►qVOR File �O. v� `�v I Ordin G dinance 0. � � Presente By ^ ��Z� ,� Referred To'I� I 1����—�� Committee: Date ��/ 7� \ Out of Comr�l tte By Date � An ordina e mending Section 163. 01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code e aining to the definition of abandoned vehicles. THE C �i IL OF THE CITY OF THE CITY OF SAIHT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Sectio 1 3. 01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting it in its entirety and substituting the following: 163. 01 Defi it ons. I The fo lo ing definitions and terms shall apply in the interpretation and en or ement of the chapter. ( 1 ) DI AB ED. For the purposes of this chapter, disabled means pa ti lly or completely dismantled or appearing either to be un ri able or to be lacking any of those parts of a motor vehicle wh ch are essential to the functioning of the vehicle, including bu n t limited to, the motor, drive train, and aheels. (2) AH ND NED MOTOR VEHICLE. Abandoned motor vehicle means a motor ve ic e as defined in Minnesota State Statutes, Section 169. 01, Nh ch has been voluntarily surrendered by its ovner to the city of� S 'nt Paul or to a person duly licensed under Minnesota S� t e 168B. 10 or rrh.ich has remained for more than 48 hours in a c di ion described by one of the folloMing: t public property in violation of either the Saint Paul gislative Code or Minnesota Statutes, ( private property without consent of the person in control the property, COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas ays orew Commullity Services Nicosia � In Favor — Rettman l s�ne'bei I Against BY l�c.J Q' Sonnen Tedesco Wilson I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: I Date Certified Passed by un 1 Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: I Dat Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY I BY � WHITE - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DHPARTMENT �//� /`J��///j}}}�LJ BI.U� - MAYOR File NO. [���«-/ • Ordindnce Ordinance N O. ��J�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm tte By Date II (c d sabled, (d n t secure from entry, te v thout license plates conspicuously displayed thereon, or (f w th license plates which have an expiration date more than ' 9 days prior to the date of inspection. (3) AB ND NED MOTOR VEHTCLE--EXEMPTIONS. For the purposes of this ch pt r, the folloNing vehicles shall not be considered abandoned mo or vehicles: (a a classic or pioneer car, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, I S ction 168. 10 provided that it is kept secure and as long as � i has substantial potential further use consistent rith its i u ual �unctions, tb v hicles on the premises of s motor vehicle and parts dealer, � nkyard, �unk dealer, motor vehicle salvage dealer, a tomobile repair garage, or body shop Mho is licensed under j c apters 401, 408, 422, or 423 of the Saint Paul Legislative ' C de, (c a vehicle kept inside an enclosed garage or storage building, (d a vehicle rhich is registered to the ovner or occupant of the , p operty and Mhich is being kept for repair on the property, � p ovided that the vehicle is kept for no longer than 30 days I i a disabled condition and is kept secure from entry and � p ovided that only one disabled vehicle may be kept on the p operty at any given time. Section 2. �I This ordina e hall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, ap o al, and publicatian. COUNCILMEN Yeas 5��� Na I Requested by Department of: �� Community Services �.;,,� �R�uJ In Favor -aa�"�.�C�� �� � � ) Nicosia � Against BY t.I:.LQ.~� , Scheibel ' Tedesco Wilson JUL 2 9 1gg6 Form A roved b Cit t ey Adopted by Council: I D e � Certified Pas e b il S ary BY By Approv by Mayor. D �� � ',V�+ Approv y Mayor for Submission t u il t- B BY p� USHED AU G 9 1986 ���9� � • ,�, � . . , ., � r13�1 EFF'EC PROPOSBD �CHANGES TO THE DEF'IHITIOHS IN CHAPTER 163 PERTAINING TO ABANDONED VEHICLES ti ) This sterl ar is a vieuel one. It thus responds to aesthetic concerns. V olatione can be documented pith photographs. It relievee the inspe to of inechanical �udgements vrhich aould require tests upon the vehia e tself. It also permitB a car ahich needs repair but is not an ey� so e to remain on privste property. In moBt cases it describe� th condition of e vehicle in the midst of repeir. (2) This defi� it on has been reorganized to make it easier for the public to under� en and easier for the inspector to cite. The provision allowing p rson to turn a car over volunterily has been retained. (a) Ho a an e in meaning. It clarifies "illegally". (b) No a an e. (c) The re ious standard limited the division's action on vehicles on p iv te property to those ahich pere totally beyond repair. Almo t ny vehicle it could be argued could be repaired. In fact meny nu sance vehicles remaining on private property are a result of a� i dividuals over estimation of ability to repair. This nea etan sr responds actual concerns and practicality in enfo ce ent. (d) Thie st ndard directly addresses the moet serious hazard posed by eban on d vehicles--accessibilty to children. (e) This al oNS ection on a totelly unlicensed vehicle aithin 48 hour M thout having to prove that the vehicle has atood in the eame lo ation without plates for 90 days. (f) Thi� al oMS action on a vehicle pith May out of date plates Mith ut having to asit another 90 days and prove that the vehicle has ot been moved during that time. The etate st tute on abandoned vehicles uses the 48 hour standard and the city s onstrained from being more lenient. Horever the division usually e lo s at least e aeek for vehicles on privete property. (3) (aI The re ious etandard exempted any and all vehicles rith pioneer or c as ic plates. We have hed problems with oaners getting thes p ates and then alloaing to vehicle to sit and rust into a heap his standard requires oMnere to keep them from becoming a haze d o children and to get rid of them if they are beyond repa r. This Mould also prevent excessive scrapping operations on r si ential properties. (b) Thie ex mption keeps the division out of the business of regu at ng licensed bueiness that deal with disabled vehicle�. Thes b sineBS should be controlled through the licensing ordi en es and regulatione. (c) No c an e. (d) Thie al oas s person to repair their ovrn vehicle on their orn prop rt or the property where they live. Limitations are placed to p ev nt it from becoming a nuisance to neighbors and to prev nt the use of this exemption to conduct a repeir business. Misu e f this exemption by a person aho continuslly buys, repa rs and 8elle vehicles Mould be accomplished by the requ re ent of a dealer's license for personB selling more than a cert in number of vehicles in a year. The definitio s or "governmentel unit" and "agency" have been eliminated becsuse these ao de are not used anyahere in the ordinance. �..,, ��� �� I � �7��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�:'Q�p' OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL s��a�ua�ne ,������ Date : Julv 28, 1986 COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO = Qint Pau i City Councii F�� : o m m it t e e O h C i ty Deve 1 opment and Transportat i on � A�R Williarn L. Wilson . Ordinance restrictinca new development on portions of the Mississippi riverfront pendinq completion of possible amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, redevelopment policies. and zoning regulations (Moved out of committee without recommendation) �, � antet�d`T°t� �ect�4 a�,.,, ��- of the�.�qrt���t�C f v�. � ' ` a �e.;. '..._ kr. ; - � . ��� . `�fii�t"�'���`'''�'�'`��i.��.�t-'R,, <•:�f abettdvr�'eb - ..�. , , , : ... . v e�r � �` ���e e` fi+�C. � ePpr^�l ) . . CITY HALL Scj'�"c'_'�c?,'.'•i�.� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �„ I . � .. .. � , G j . ��" � . �= -� - n / 'l� 1 t /d -�� 2 3Id �` �/"8 '' Adop ted ��� . ��—�-�; Yeas Nays DREW �=- �� - �`...3� - �coszA �7.��� ��� � � � SCHEIBEL SONNEN . WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO � III I� I,I il �