BI�.�Ry - MAVORTMENT'�. F11C NO• v ° _ ��/
Return copy to: CQ cil Re ,�u���n
Valuations - Room 18 ,
(RM) (BayStr) (Pa 1 ' .
Presented By
Referred T Committee: Date
Out of Com itt By Date
WH E S, the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution 84-
467 appr e April 12, 1984 vacated land within the City of Saint Paul
describe a follows:
I 1 that part of Bay Street lying northerly of the
o therly line, extended westerly of Lot 1, Block 6, A.
a ce Brown' s Subdivision of "Stinson, Brown & Ramsey' s
d ition to Saint Paul" and all that part of said street
h ch lies southerly of the following described line:
Commencing at the southeasterly corner of
Block 7, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey' s" Addition
to St. Paul, thence, northerly along the
I easterly line of said block a distance of
eighty feet (80') to the point of beginning:
thence northeasterly in a straight line to the
southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Block 6, A.
Vance Brown's Subdiviaion of "Stinson, Brown &
Ramsey' s" Addition to Saint Paul.
A1 0, all that part of Pleasant Avenue lying northerly
of the southerly line of Block 7 as originally platted
an southerly of a line eighty (8) ) feet north of and
pa allel to the southerly line of said block as
or ginally platted of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's
ad ition to St. Paul.
WH8 EA , due to numerous construction problems involved with the
relocati n f the 12" water main in the vacated area, condition no. 3
of said es lution must be amended.
COUNCILME Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew aY
N��os�a Finance & Mana e���ent Services
Rettman [n Favor
Scheibel �
Sonnen __ Ageillst BY /Q��
Tedesco �WQ�'
Form Ap ve City At rney
Adopted by Council: Date �� /�
G ��
Certified Passed by' oun il Secretary BY ���
By� �
Approve by Mavor: I Da _ Approv Mayor for Submissio to ncil
B - - — BY
, � ` � G� �-y��l
THE , EF RE, BE IT RESOLVED, condition number 3 of said resolution
84-467 i h reby amended to read as follows:
3. IITh t as a result of the Petitioner 's use and possession of
the vac e Pleasant Avenue it became necessary for the Saint Paul
Water Ut li y to relocate a portion of the 12 inch water main located
therein.l' P rsuant to the original resolution 84-467 approved April
12 , 198 , etitioner and Norenco shall pay $21,000.00 which is a
portion ' f he expense incurred as a result of the relocation. In
additiol'� s a result of this relocation, the following described
easement a e necessary and shall be retained and granted.
A. I' Wa er main easement in vacated Pleasant Avenue. That a
— -- ---- -------- -- ------- -------- ------
permanen e sement be retained in vacated Pleasant Avenue to protect
the 12 i ch water main located therein. A legal description of the
easementl' r a is as follows:
I 1 that part of the northerly 30 feet of the
I�' o thwesterly half of vacated Pleasant Avenue lying
i e een the northerly right-of-way line of the Chicago,
i waukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company and a
I i 30 feet southerly of and parallel to said riqht-of-
I a line.
Restricti ns within this easement area are:
. No buildings , structures, or trees are permitted
within the easement area , or any temporary
structure , material storage fixture or other
objects that will prohibit normal access to water
facilities for maintenance purposes .
c � "
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2. That the petitioner , its successors and assigns
shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the
Board of Water Commissioners , its officers , agents ,
eraployees and servants from all suits , actions or
claims which shall arise from any injuries or
damages received or sustained by any break in any
service pipe , water main or connection in said
reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from
any action or negligence of the petitioner , its
employees, agents or business invitees.
B. Wa er main easement in Petitioner ' s adjacent groperty.
That as r sult of difficulties occurring in the relocation of the
above re er nced water main c3ue to Petitioner's use and possession of
the vaca ed Pleasant Avenue, it became necessary to relocate a portion
of the at r main onto Petitioner ' s adjacent property. Thus ,
Petition r hall, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, grant
the Cit � o Saint Paul, Board of Water Commissioners , a permanent
water m in easement over , under and across the following described
A 'tr p of land 30 feet in width and situated in the NE-1/4
of ' Se tion 11-28-23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the center
li 'e f which is described as follows:
Co mencing at the intersection of the westerly R/W
ili e of vacated Pleasant Ave. and the northerly R/W
li e of the C.M. St. P. & P. Railroad Co. ; thence
we terly along said northerly R/W line to a point
fi teen (15) feet, measured perpendicularly, from
th westerly R/W line of vacated Pleasant Ave. ,
C �
� - � � � �� - y��
e ceforth called the point of beginning; thence
o thwesterly, and parallel to vacated Pleasant
v . , to a point on the southerly R/W line of the
. St . P . & P . Railroad Co . , and there
er inating. The sides of said easement shall be
' x nded or shortened to intersect the northerly
n southerly R/W lines of the C.M. St. P. & P.
ai road Co.
Ihi easement is subject to existing interests in the
bo e described premises to whomsoever belonging and
f hatsoever nature and any and all extensions and
en wals thereof , including but not limited to
nd rground pipe line or lines , or any type of wire
in or lines, if any.
s condition of this easement, petitioner , its
�uc essors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend
nd save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners,
' ts officers, agents, employees, and servants from
�11 suits , actions or claims which shall arise from
ny injuries or damages received or sustained by any
`re k in any service pipe , water main or connection
n aid reserved easement , arising out of or
es lting from any action or negligence of the
et tioner , its employees , agents or business
v tees .
BE I URTHER RESOLVED, That in all other respects Council
Resolutio C uncil File No. 84-467 shall remain and continue in full
force and f ct.
I� 4
BL4�E . — IaiAVOR File NO.
Return copy to: CQU il R es ution
Valuations - Roo 21
(RM) (Bay Str) ( ge 5) - '
Presented By �
Referred T Committee: Date
Out of Com itt By Date
� �
BEIIT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution, the
City Cl r is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of
this r ' o ution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the
Registe o Deeds.
� �
Yeas M Na s Requested by Department of:
N��os�a I [n Favor Finance & Ma a m
Rettman r
s�ne�bei � � Director
Sonnen �� __ AgBi(1St BY
Tedesco I
� JUL 8 � Form Approved by City Att ney
Adopted by Council: D te
Certified Vass b cr ta BY s
c C ZO �Z�
By� �
Approv y lNavor. D e Appro by Mayor for Sub ' � C ncil
BY - – — BY
I UBUSHEO J U L 1 91986
Finance &rtigmt.` rv es DEPARTMENT �� �� N° 05842
Dick McCann � CONTACT
298-5317 PHONE
June 23, 1986 DATE �/�� ,, �,
ASSIGN NUMBE� FOR 0 I�t6 ORDER Cl i All Locations far Si nature :
Departmen�t Di ct r 2 Director of ManagementlMayor
� Finance and ag ent Services Director � 4 City Clerk ,
,,,,_ Budget. Direct 3 Councilman Nicoaia
City Attorney
Approve an amend nt to resolution 84-467 which vacated part of Pll7��a4i�aAir�i�ae. Due to
nui�erous conatru io problems involved with the relocation of the 12" water maing in the
vacated area, ti� wa r maia easement in reaolution �84-467 must be a�! eas�ment
ia located at thei in rsection of Pleaaant Ave and Grace Street -- "`'"�v�� "`
JUN 2 5 1986 :
None � � �E�E1V�'p
� �� JUN �
.� � � ���b
�'� rn�� �
a�s a��ic�
ture not re-
Totai Amoupt o€ ra action: quired if under
- �10,00�)
Fundi�g Source:- N/A �
Activity Mumber• •
ATTACHI�NTS List ber All Attaciunents :
1. Resolution .
2. Copy of 84-46
3. Maps .
X Yes Na Counc R solution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes x No Insur ce equired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes Na
Yes x No Insur ce ttached:
Revised 12/84 �
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County of Rainsey ) ss.
� Albert B.. Olson
„� I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Cleric c,f the
? City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No, .86.931.
m . . . . . . . . . . .
4 - as adepted`by the City Council. . . Ju��:-$'..-: , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.86. . . -
a d r Jul 9, 86
n a oved b the Ma or. . . . . X. . . . . . . 1
. . . . . . . . . . .
PP y y • •
. 9. .
. . . . . . . . .
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original and the whole ther.eof.
WiTI3ESS my hand and the �eal of the Gity of Saint Paul,
Minnesota this . . . . . . �th. . . . . day of , , ,August. . . . � , . . ,A.D. 14 86 .
.. . . . . . .��.��`. . . .v.�.:. .��<.�!. . . . . .
City Clerk. �
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,.A���RY — C�PARTMENT I y. /{{/�'j� 9
�:,.��� -MAYOR C11C NO. V Y� � / �/
�ei ,
Return copy to: Co cil Re ,`u�Z�n
�,'aluations - Room 218
(Fu�i) (BayStr) (Pa 1 `
Presented By
Refecred T �j Committee: Date
Out of Com itte By Date
�� WH IE , the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution 84-
� 467 appra ed April 12, 1984 vacated land within the City of Saint Paul
M described' as follows:
_ �
� 11 that part of Bay Street Iying northerly of the
� ou herly line, extended westerly of Lot 1, Block 6, A.
r� an e Brown' s Subdivision of "Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's
� dd tion to Saint Paul" and all that part of said street
hi h lies southerly of the following described line:
Commencing at the southeasterly corner of
Block 7, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey' s" Addition
to St. Paul, thence, northerly along the
easterly line of said block a distance of
eighty feet (80') to the point of beginning:
�I thence northeasterly in a straight line to the
southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Block 6, A.
� Vance Brown's Subdinision of "Stinson, Brown &
Ramsey' s" Addition to Saint Paul.
�l.s , all that part of Pleasant Rvenue lying northerly
� -° he southerl =- -
y line -of�Block 7 as originally pra-tted
nd southerly of a line eighty (8) ) feet north of and
ar llel to the southerly line of said block as
ri inally platted of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's
' d tion to St. Paul.
WHER AS due to numerous construction problems involved with the
relocatio o the 12" water main in the vacated area, condition no. 3
_of said r I o ution must be amended.
COUNC[LMEN �I Requested by Department of:
Yeas p�� Na s
N�eos�a I In Favor Finance & �Mana e���enfi� Services
Seheibel �
so��.� � Against BY
Tedesco ��.,
Wilson II
Form Ap ve y City At rney
Adopted by Councii: I te G /� /j
Certified Yassed by Cou cil ecretary By C,'��
By. t
Approve by Mavor: D' � e Approv Mayor for Submissio to ncil
B ' - BY
: . ���-y��
. .
THE F E, BE IT RESOLVED, condition number 3 of said reso.Iution
� 84-467 i I h eby amended to read as follows:
(L� 3. Ih t as a result of the Petitioner 's use and possession of
� the vaca ed Pleasant Avenue it became necessary for the Saint Faul
� Water Ut I i to relocate a portion of the 12 inch water main located
(�-� therein. l P rsuant to the original resolution 84-467 approved April
�-� .12, 1984 ' titioner and Norenco shall pay $21,000.00 which is a
portion f he expense incurred as a result of the relocation. In
addition 'I a a result of this relocation, the following described
easementsllar necessary and shall be retained and granted.
A. a er main easement in vacated Pleasant Avenue. That a
permanent ;ea ement be retained in vacated Pleasant Avenue to protect
the 12 in h ater main located therein. A legal description of the
easement re is as follows:
11 that part of the northerly 30 feet of the
or hwesterly half of vacated Fleasant Avenue lying
et een the northerly right-of-way line of the Chicago, �
il aukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company ar�d a
I' n 30 feet southerly of and paralle]. to said right-af-
I y line.
Restricti s ithin this easement area are: � -
o buildings, structnres, or trees are permitted
within the easement area , or any temporary
structure , material storage fixture or other
objects that will prohibit normal access to water
facilities for maintenance purposes.
I III� �
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I �
�.,�.�...�..� _ _ .��.. __.:_..� _,...._._._ . �.�_�___.._. ,.
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� I� . That the petitioner , its successors and assigns
shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the
� II Board of Water Commissioners, its officers , agents,
� eraployees and servants from a1.1 suits, actions or
� claims which shall arise from any injuries or
� damages received or sustained by any break in any
r service pipe, water main or connection in said
� reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from
any action or negligence of the petitioner , its
employees, agents or business invitees.
B. at r main easement in Petitioner ' s a8jacent property.
That as alre ult of difficulties occurring in the relocation of the
above ref re ced water main due to Petitioner's use and possession of
the vacat d leasant Avenue, it became necessary to relocate a portion
of the w� t r main onto Petitioner ' s adjacent property. Thus ,
Petitione s all, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, grant
the City f Saint Pau1, Board of Water Commissioners, a permanent
water raa n asement over , under and across the following described
A s 'ri of land 30 feet in width and situated in th� NE-Z/4
of ec ion 11-28-23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the center
lin o which is described as follows:
- -- � m encing at the -intersection of the--westerly R��T---- -----
'in of vacated Pleasant Ave. and tha northerly R/W
in of the C.M. St. P. & P. Railroad Co. ; thence
s erly along said northerly R/W line to a point
lif een (15) feet, measured perpendicularly, from
i e westerly R/W line of vacated Pleasant Ave.,
III �6
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� en eforth called the point of beginning; thence
l _ ou hwesterly, and parallel to vacated Pleasant
��7 ve , to a point on the southerly R/W line of the
St . P. & P. Railroad Co . , and there
�,.p er • inating. The sides of said easement shall be
�� xt nded or shortened to intersect the northerly
�''� nd southerly R/W Iines of the C.M. St. P. & P.
� ai road Co.
hi easement is subject to existing interests in the
bo e described premises to whomsoever belonging and
f hatsoever nature and any and all extensions and
n wals thereof, incluc3ing but not limited to
� d rground pipe line or lines, or any type of wire
I' n or lines, if any. ;
condition of this easement, petitioner , its
sl c ssors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend
a d save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners,
x s fficers, agents, employees, and servants from
a 1 uits , actions or claims which shall arise from �
a y 'njuries or damages received or sustained by any
b e in any service pipe, water main or connection
i aid reserved easement, arising out of or
r su ting from any action or negligence of the
p t ' tioner , its employees , _ agents .or business
.. _:i vi e e s . - - :-=- - _ -
BE I I F RTHER RESOLVED, That in all other respects Council
ResolutionjCo ncil File No. 84-467 shall remain and continue in full
force and ff ct.
4 �
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v�NK - FINANCE � G I TY QF ��A I NT PA U L Council /'���fff
B�.LE� �- �;AVOR I Fi'lie NO. ,
- �
Return'copy to: Coun��il Res �ution
�'aluations - Roomi2l
(RM) (Bay Str) (P ge ) � ' �
Presented By
Referred Toll� Committee: Date
Out of Com �' tte By Date
BE T URTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution, the
City CI rk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of
this re ol tion for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the
\0 Registerl�, of Deeds.
� II
'" �
i I�I
I �
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew Na I
Nicosia � [n Favor Financ & Mana m
Rettman II �y t
Scheibel fp '
���e„ Against BY Director
JUL 8 j�'j Form Approved by City Att ney
Adopted by Council: ll�� D e C
CertifiEd F�ass b cr ta BY �
G� G 20 �z�
8y `
Approv y Mavor: Da Appco by Mayor for Sub ' s ouncit
Bt' - BY
i �g��sNED J U L 1 91986 �
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Gounty of Ramsey ) ss.
°C� Albert B. Oison
" T, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .Eity Clerk of the
� C�fiy of Saint Paul, rfinnesota, do hereby certify that I have
N 86-931
" compared rhe attached copy of Coun.cil File No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
— - �.c ado�ted by the City Council. . . . July:.8::. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 19.86
� . . . . . -
.cz '
and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . , July. 9:. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .ig.86, . .
with ths original thereof on file in my office.
z furtY:er certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original and the �ahole thereof.
tdZT.dESS mq hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
.._..,:,c:,o�a tl:is . . . , . . .24th . . . d�.� �f. . . . . . .Jul�'. . . . . . . .A.D. 19.86.
� . ,. . ��:�:'. . . :;�: . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
�ity Clerk. ; �
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an _ " - - � � � �
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PINK� - F"INpNCE^R /,QUnL•lt
�-4r�,ARY —`Co£V.4RTMENT F11C �O.- �� � /�3�
�l.UE — n�ArOR
�:eturn :.opy to: I' CQ C'Zl e u ion �
�'al.uations — Room j21 , � ,� �
(KD4) (BayStr) (Pa e .
Presenied By �'
Referred T Committee: Date
Out of Com itte By Date
WH E. , the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution 84=
467 appro ed April 12, 1984 vacated land within the City of Saint Paul
� described�� as follows: -
� 1 that part of Bay Street lying northerly of the
� ou herly line, extended westerly of Lot 1, Block 6, A.
� an e Brown' s Subdivision of "Stinson, Brown & Ramsey' s
C'� dd tion to Saint Paul" and all that part of said street
� hi h lies southerly of the following described line:
ji Commencing at the southeasterly corner of
Bloc{c 7, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey' s" Addition
to St. Paul, thence, northerly along the
easterly line of said block a distance of
eighty feet (80') to the point of beginning:
thence northeasterly in a straiqht line to the
southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Block 6, A.
Vance Brown's Subdivision of "Stinson, Brown &
Ramsey' s" Addition to Saint Paul.
Ils , all that part of Pleasant Avenue lying northerly
f he southerly line of Block 7 as originalZy platted
nd southerly of a line eighty (8) ) feet north of and
ar llel to the southerly line of said block as
iri inally platted of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's
� d tion to St. Paul.
WHER ' S due to numerous construction problems involved with the
relocatio ' o the 12" water main in the vacated area, condition no. 3
of said r o tion must be amended.
COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department of:
Y2as� p�eW Na s
N��as;a Finance & �Mana ei�ten�: Services
[n Favor
�cheibei �
Sonnen Agel(ISt BY ��_
,lil Form Ap ove City At rney
Adopted by Council: i D te
Certified Yassed by Cou .il , cretary BY
gy. �
Approve by lrtavor: D e _ Approv Mayor Eor Submissio to ciI
I: � _ _ By
_ r
� ' � ' G���y���
" � ����ji � _
THEi EF RE, BE IT RESOLVED, condition number 3 of said resol.ution
� 84-467 i� h reby amended to read as follows:
� 3.. ITh t as a result of the Petitioner's use and posses�sion of
� the vaca e Pleasant Avenue it became necessary for the Saint Pau�
(� Water Ut li y to relocate a portion of the 12 inch water main located
C"7 therein. ' P rsuant to the original resolution 84-467 approved April
Cv 12, 198 I etitioner and Norenco shall pay $21,OQ0.00 which is a
portion f he expense incurred as a result of the relocation. In
addition a result of this relocation, the following described
easement a necessary and shall be retained and granted.
A. 'Wa er main easement in vacated Pleasant Avenue. That a
permanen � e ement be retained in vacated Pleasant Avenue to protect
the 12 i � h water main located therein. A legal description of the
easement re is as follows:
11 that part of the northerly 30 feet of the
or hwesterly half of vacated Pleasant Avenue lying
et een the northerly right-of-way line of the Chicago,
il aukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company and a
in 30 feet southerly of and parallel to sai8 right-of-
ay line.
Restricti ns within this easement area are: __
No buildings, structures, or trees are permitted
within the easement area , or any temporary
structure , material storage fixture or other
objects that will prohibit normal access to water
facilities for maintenance purposes.
I� ��
I� `
(�` ���
.� _ n :,��,. __ � __._.�v_ __ .--__ �_ m .. .._.,,.�. _�y.
, . : _ �.,. .__ � . . �.�,�..��
. . � . I! �,/�-!�G v�/
I; 2. That the petitioner , its successors and assigns
shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the
Q Board of Water Commissioners , its officers , agents,
�"� � emnloyees and servants from all suits, actions or
� claims which shall arise from any injuries or -
� damages received or sustained by any break in any
� I' service pipe, water main or connection in said
� reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from
any action or negligence of the petitioner , its
�� employees, agents or business invitees.
B. a er main easement in Petitioner ' s adjacent property.
That as r sult of difficulties occurring in the relocation of the
above re er nced water main due to Petitioner's use and possession of
the vaca d Pleasant Avenue, it became necessary to relocate a porti.on
of the at r main onto Petitioner ' s adjacent property. Thus ,
Petition � hall, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, grant
the City , of Saint Paul, Board of Water Commissioners, a permanent
water ma n asement over , under and across the following described
land: '
A s ri of land 30 feet in width and situated in the NE-1/4
of e tion 11-28-23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the center
lin which is described as follows:
encing at the interse�tion of the-�westerly R/-W- -
in of vacated Pleasant Ave. and the northerly R/W
in of the C.M. St. P. & P. Railroad Co. ; thence
es erly along said northerly R/W line to a point
if een (15) feet, measured perpendicularly, from
he westerly R/W line of vacated Pleasant Ave.,
/�..0 "
I C�
_ _ .._�. .�.,. ..: .,. �._..�. _.e...____._�.�... __.,._
.�,,...�._ . _:�_..__..�._.. _
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; ' '� . � �!= �'� -��/
0 ! e ceforth called the point of beginning; thence
� I�, o thwesterly, and parallel to vacated Pleasant
� I� v ., to a point on the southerly R/W line of the
� . . St. P. & P . Railroad Co . , and there
� I e minating. The sides of said easement shall be _
� x ended or shortened to intersect the northerly
� n southerly R/W lines of the C.M. St. P. & P.
ai road Co.
� hi easement is subject to existing interests in the
bo e described premises to whomsoever belonging and
f hatsoever nature and any and all extensions and
en wals thereof, including but not limited to
nd rground pipe line or lines , or any type of wire
in or lines, if any.
s condition of this easement, petitioner, its
uc essors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend
nd save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners,
�ts officers, agents, employees, and servants from
I11 suits, actions or claims� which shall arise from
ly injuries or damages received or sustained by any
I e k in any service pipe, water main or connection
aid reserved easement , arising out of or
Ils lting from any action or negligence of the
_ ,�. _ ___ � _t tioner , its_- emplo_yees , agents--�-ar --business -- -
i vi ees .
BE I F RTHER RESOLVED, That in all other respects Council
Resolution ' C ncil File No. 84-467 shall remain and continue in full.
force and ff ct.
''I ��
� NK - FINAN�E CITY QF SAINT �AUL Council ///���
;4NARV - OLVARTMEN li � � ��� �
'?�.�'JE 4-�R(AVOR , � , FIIC NO.
�`eLUln �°py t°: ' Coun il Res �ution
t:�Iuations - Roo 21
�R,'�i) (Bay Str) ( ge 5) � ' _
Presented By - -e.d� -�c
Referred T ' Committee: Date
Out of Com I� itt By Date
� BEIiIT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution, tYre
�% City Cl rk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of
� this re o ution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of �the
� Registe i o Deeds. , _
. _. _ _. _ _ _ —=_--� _ _
_..__ ._ --_-- -
Yeas Na Requested by Department of:
Nicosia � In Favor Financ & Ma a m
Rattman ,y r
Scheibel I� �O
so��e� I' _ Against BY Director
a�U� O '�� Form Approved by City Att ney
Adopted by Council: �Ilj D e G � �
B `•.-�' 6 Zo �Z,
Certified Vass b cr ta Y�
BS• `
Ar prov, y :17avor: Da I — �U�.���� Appro by Mayor for Sub ' � u cil
s5' - — BY
tISNED J U L 1 91986
. . _ ' � .
, c� � �' � '' � O C% •
f ('} Q M il� �,� �"� 1
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A y �
�'res���.t d F3
� � �eferred T Committee: Date
Out of Con+ itt e By Date
RE 0 EDa That upon petition of the Chicago, ���iilwaukee , St . Pau1
and Pac fi ^ailroad Company those sections of public street here-
inafter! de cribed be and the same are hereby vacated and discontinued
as a pu li street :
All t at part of Bay Street lying northerly of the southerly
li e� extended westerly oi Lot 1r �lock 6 , A, Vance Brown's
Su di ision of "Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's" Addition to Sai.nt
Pa 1 nd all that part of said street which lies southerly
oflth followin� described line ;
Co e cing at the southeasterly corner of Block 7 , Stinson,
Br wn and iamsey's Addition to St. Paul, thence, northerly
al g the easterly line of said block a distance of ei�hty
fe t �0 ' ) to the point of beginning; thence northeasterly
in !a traight line to the southwesterly corner of Lot 3,
B1 'ck 6, A. Vance Trown's Subdivision of "Stinson, Brown &
Ra se 's" Addition to Saint Paul.
--- - A1 ! -t t part of Pleasant Avenue lying northerly of the
so h ly line of Block 7 as originally platted and southerly
oi ' 'ne eighty (�0) feet north of and parallel to the
so h ly line of said block as oriGinally platted of Stinson,
sr nd Ramsey's addition to St. Paul ,
Subject xp essly to the following conditions and reservations :
1. � T t the vacation be subjact to all the terms and conditions
o� Chapt r 30, cociified March 1, 19�1, of the St, Paul Legislative
Code� asla nded.
2 , � Th t special easen�ents be retained in and across Pleasant
Yeas N s Requested by Department of:
Flstcher .--,
ofB1N tn Favor
Masanz I
scn��bet �� � Against BY
W ils�n
III' , • _ . Form AP rov d b Cit Attor e
���opted by Council: I te ' �� ^ <y� (� y
/� I v
Crrtified 13assed by Cotll cil ecretary By � `��`--�� � ����
�pproved by :Ylavor: D � e Appr d y Mayor for Submissi o Co
By $y
. , II . . . ��J
. II /
- '' : �G- 9��
. .
Avenue 'ifo Northern States Power Company for its gas and electric
facili ie . _
3 'i hat a permanent easer.ient be retained o�er the area be=
ing va at d to protect the existing 12-inch water main and the
petiti e shall agree ta enter into a Construction Agreement
with t e t. Paul Water Utility providing for the relocation of
sai.d w �te main and containing the following conditions .
a.! at the Petitioner and �VORE�TCO shall assume a11 costs
a o iated with the relocation of said water main , but not
e e ing $21 ,000. 00 .
b . ' e City shall relocate the 12-inch wa�er main in
a ' o ance with specifications given by the Railroad and
N 0. That on or before June 15 , 1984, the petitioner
an i RENCO shall provide all permits , licenses and
sp ci ications necessary for the relocation of the water
ma n.
c . ! I is agreed that if the water main breaks , leaks or
ca se other damage prior to the relocation by the City�
th s greement or the payment of $21 , 000 .00 , shall not
al er the respective liabilitites of the parties .
he easement description is as follows ;
Thl S utlzeasterly thirty (30) feet of the Nr_rthwesterly
fo ty (40) feet of that portion of Pleasant Avenue vacated
by th s resolv.t.ion.
Re r ctions within the easernent are as follows :
a. IN buildings , structures , or trees are permitted within
th e ement area, or any tem�orary structure, material
st a fixture or other objects that will prohibit normal
ac s to water facilities for maintenance purposes ,
b . � T t the petitioner , its successors and assigns shall
fuT y 'ndemnify, defend and save harmless the Board of
Wat r ommissioners , its officers , agents , employees , and
ser an s from a11 suits , actions or claims which shall arise
fro a y injuries or damages received or sustained by any
bre k n any service pipe , water main or connection in said
res rv d easement , arising out of or resulting frorc any
act on o_- �i�;:-�.-��-`�ce. of the petitioner , its employees , agents
or ' us ness invitees .
i 2
` . ' _ , . . . . . � � ' !� i� �,
� � Y . � ����_ ��/
� ��
. �
4 hat a full width street easement be retained in Pleasant
: Avenue! fo the protection and maintenance of the existin� 12-inch
sanita y ewer, catch basin and lead, and for future storr.i sewer -
constr ct on.
R st ictions within the easement area are as follows :
a ' o building, structures , or tress are permitted within
t e asement area, or any temporary structure material
s or ge fixture or other objects that will prohibit normal
a ce s to sewer facilities for maintenance purposes .
b �, o change from the existing grade is permitted without
'it en permission from the Sewer Engineer of the Depart-
m ' t of Public Works .
c �lj o chan�e in surfacing within the easement area is
p '� tted without written pernission from the Sewer Engineer
o , t e Department of Public Works .
d.l at the petitioner , its successors and assigns sha11
f l indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint
P 1 , its officers , agents , employees and servants from
a its , actions or claims whi,ch shail arise fror�. any
i u 'es or damages received or sustained by any break in
a s rvice pipe or connection in said reserved easement,
a s ' g out of or resulting from any action or negligence
o �it petitioner� its employees , agents or business invitees .
S . I�! T ere has been an agreement entered into between the Rail-
road an N RENCO that the City of Saint Paul shall be reimbursed
$1, 711 . 5 , which represents the cost and expense to bring the exist-
ing man ol to the 12-inch sewer up to grade and to seal off all
catch b si s leading into the manhole and adjacent manholes ,
6 . ��� T at the petitioner shall convey to the City in form to
he late a nro�red by the City Attorney a per*nanent easement for
egress nd ingress over the following described �roperty:
Th � s uth 20 .00 feet of Lots 11 and 12 , Block 8 , A SJance
Br s Subdivisioiz of "Stinson, Brown & Ramsey 's Addition
to 'iSa nt Paul ,
All hat part of Block 38 , Stinson, Brown�, and Ramsey's
Ad it on to S� , Paul lying southerly o_f the followin�
del r bed line ; beginning on the west line of said Block 38 ,
20j 0 feet north of the northwest corner of Dawson' s
Su ' i ision of B1oc"� 38 , Stinson , Brown and Rar.i.sey's Addi-
ti o St . Paul ; thence on a straight line to a paint on
th w st line of Lot 11 , Block 8 , A. Vance Brown 's Subdivision
of 'S inson, Srown & Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul , 20 . 00
fe I rth of the soutr.west corner of said Lot 11 and there
_ _ . _ _ _ � ._..,.._....
. � ._ _. . _ _
. . .__. _�. _ .---
__.�.,.,,�__,_,._�_,,..,.. ,.,�.<.
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....':ARY —.DEF4RT:jEN vllrY ll� V� ( •� 1 loALTL File----NO. d �~/ � �
� .'i,c — NAYOR I
. � - - '�,'� Co ncil R sol��-�io� � ���
. � > � �
F'resented By '
. ii
. , I�eferred Committee: Date
Out of Co itt e By Date
s� i line terminates , and lying north of the north line of
s i Dawson's Subdivision of Block 33 , "Stinson, Brown & "
ms y`s" Addition to St. Paul � Ramsey County, Minn.
S bj ct to Clifton Street.
or anylot er similar legal description that can be agreed upon be-
tween he parties . Said easement shall be jointly used by the City
oi St. !�Pa 1 for access into the Pleasant Avenue Maintenance Yard
and by � th petitioner for access to their railroad ri�ht-of-way and
that a o August 1 , 1984, the access road shall be restricted from
the ge er 1 public by the installation of a secured gate at the
Victor a treet entrance . -
7 'i hat in consideration of the easements and dedication to
the Ci y here shall be no compensation required ior this vacation.
8 �i hat the petitioner , its successors , or assigns by accept-
ance o t e terms and conditions of this vacation , agrees to in-
de�.if , efend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its ofricers
and e o ees from all suits , actions , or claims of any character,
includ g but not limited to ; a claim brought because of any in-
�uries 'io dama�es received or sustained by any person, persons or
proper - account of this vacation.
9 ,I'� at the City of Saint Paul hereby releases the Railroad
Compan if m and agrees to indemnify it against all loss , damage
or inj y, caused by or resulting from any act or omission of the
City, ' s mployees or agents , to the person or property of the
parties�, h eto and their employees , and to the person or property
of any t r person or corporation while on or about said premises
and if n claim or liability shall arise from the joint or con-
curringlne li;ence of both hereto , it shall be borne by them
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na
Fletcher I; �
Drew I
Masanz I In Favor
: scneibe� � Against BY
Tedesco I'�
��� � � i�$4 Form Ap roved by City Attorne
Adopted by Council: lil� D e • ,
Certified a•se Cou�� il cr y BY
C�^�/1 � �-��g�
Approv Mavor. Da'I 19�4 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
.�- v '�--, By
��uBl HED APR? 1 1984
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